MTL - Upgrade Beyond Rampage-Chapter 4425 All parties look forward to it!

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Chapter 4425 All parties look forward to it!

Hearing the report from his subordinates, the white-haired old man nodded slightly and said, "Okay, then let's go too!"

After a pause, the white-haired old man ordered: "White dragon, black dragon, green dragon, green dragon. You take a team to the lava purgatory where Ling Tianyang is. Red dragon, red dragon, purple dragon and orange dragon, you Lead a team to the Moon Forest where Lite is. And I personally lead Huanglong and Blue Dragon to lead a team to the Dark Demon Abyss where Xu Ning is."


A group of men in black took orders one after another.

Dragon Heart City, Tianlong Square.


The huge eyes in the sky opened slightly, and a ray of light shot out from the eyes, shining on the sky.

At this moment, three huge light curtains appeared in the sky, floating in the sky.

The angles of the three light curtains are so good that everyone in Tianlong Square can see the pictures on the light curtains.

At this moment, a faint image appeared on the light curtain.

But because the light curtain has just moved, the picture is still very blurry and not clear, and everyone can't see anything.

Of course, although I haven't seen anything yet, the appearance of the three light curtains also made hundreds of thousands of fighters in Tianlong Square excited, excited, and in an uproar.

"It's started, it's started!"

"The weight task has finally begun."

"I don't know which alien world the Palace Masters are going to!"

"I'm looking forward to it! I don't know how brilliant the Palace Masters will be in the face of alien races."

"I've never seen a weight task before, and I don't know if the weight task is exciting or not."

"It is said that the weight task will go to the alien world to complete the task, and will be surrounded by alien races. This is too thrilling, and I don't know how the three palace masters will respond."

"I haven't seen the world of alien races yet, what is the world of alien races like?"

"Everyone, come and place your bets. Guess which palace lord can complete all the stage tasks, and guess which palace lord can be the first to complete the first, second, or third stage tasks. Various guesses! "

"Although it is not on the battlefield, and although it is not a large-scale battle, the three palace masters brought their supporters into the world of alien races, which can be regarded as a head-on confrontation between us humans and alien races. Since it is a head-on confrontation, there will naturally be winners and losers I don’t know whether it is the strong of us humans or the strong of foreign races.”

[Player]: Tang Yi

[Title]: Lord of the Galaxy

[Level]: Stellar Realm Peak

[Stellar Passive Special Effects]: Galaxy Barrier

[Star Points]: 1,697,961 billion/unlimited points

【Stellar lumens】: 20986.3 billion

【Angel Coin】:


[Power of the universe]: 40.892856970 universes.

[Galaxy Technology]:

Supreme Divine Skill 1: Slaughter God Slash

Supreme Divine Skill 2: Faxiang Tiandi

Supreme Divine Skill Three: Lingyu

Supreme Divine Skill Four: Ice Soul King Butterfly

Supreme Divine Skill Five: Eternal Slash

【Agility】: Dragon Shadow Flying Immortal

[Finishing Skill]: Eye of the Universe

[Sub-profession]: star-level alchemy, star-level blacksmithing, star-level puppetry, star-level formation spell...

[Special column]: Jiuyou Endless Boundless Fire, Tianmu Zifeng Bottle, Tianquan Yuye.

[Special parts]:

Eyes: Eyes of the Galaxy

Body: legendary body

Hands: Hand of Apotheosis

[Halo]: Galaxy Halo

[Special Item Bar 5/5]:

Special prop column 1: Heaven and Earth Promise hand card

Special item column 2: fairy ball

Special item column three: universal amulet

Special item bar 4: Rat King Talisman

Special props column five: Qinglong Talisman

[Forging Column]: Divine Gong Tianzheng Hammer, Yehuo Burning Heaven Furnace

[Vehicle]: Black Demon Battleship

[Weapon bar]:

Main Weapon: Tai Ah Black Biter

Secondary Weapon: Qinghong Sword

【Armor column】:

Helm: Prestige Helmet

Mask: Chiyou Mask

Inner Armor: Source of Darkness

Outer Armor: Exclusive black robe for high-level shadow guards

Cloak: Divine Guardian Cloak

Gauntlets: Qianying Gauntlet Nine Star Beads

Armguards: Zijin Dragon King Armguards

Gloves: Rebel Gloves

Belt: Giant's Belt

Ornament: Jade Pendant of Ultimate Power

Pants: Kowloon trousers

Leggings: Dragonhead Leggings

Shoes: Boots of Myriad Miles

【Accessories column】

Necklace: pure heart necklace

Ring 1: Fish Ring 2: Star Ring

Ring Three: The Ring of the Heavens

Ring Four: Diamond of Eternity

Ring Five: The Ring of the Black Knight

Ring Six: Ring of Shadows

[Flag 3/3]:

Banner 1: Five Elements Heavenly Palace Flag

Banner II: Banner of Truth

Banner Three: Fengshen Banner


Special Items: Earth Spirit Orb, Wind Spirit Orb, Water Spirit Orb, Zijin Dragon King Egg

Materials: One hundred and eighty kinds of star-enhancing stones...

Temporary items: Battlefield Coin x, Dark Soul Stone x, Shadow Soul Stone x, Abyss Soul Stone x, Ice Soul Stone x, Bird Soul Stone x...Decree of the Dark Alliance Special Envoy. Shadow Guard High Level Token, Shadow Guard Communication Jade Pendant.

[Player]: Tang Yi

[Title]: Lord of the Galaxy

[Level]: Stellar Realm Peak

[Stellar Passive Special Effects]: Galaxy Barrier

[Star Points]: 1,697,961 billion/unlimited points

【Stellar lumens】: 20986.3 billion

【Angel Coin】:


[Power of the universe]: 40.892856970 universes.

[Galaxy Technology]:

Supreme Divine Skill 1: Slaughter God Slash

Supreme Divine Skill 2: Faxiang Tiandi

Supreme Divine Skill Three: Lingyu

Supreme Divine Skill Four: Ice Soul King Butterfly

Supreme Divine Skill Five: Eternal Slash

【Agility】: Dragon Shadow Flying Immortal

[Finishing Skill]: Eye of the Universe

[Sub-profession]: star-level alchemy, star-level blacksmithing, star-level puppetry, star-level formation spell...

[Special Column]: Nine Nether Endless Boundless Fire