MTL - Unscrupulous Enchantress: The Young Miss Has Arrived!-Chapter 740

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Obviously, the 4th is deeply aware of this and can be used reasonably.

Confrontation, it can make a variety of delicate and charming movements.

However, it is a small look at it.

A person with a heart full of lover, how can he have any interest in this kind of uninviting thing? !

Therefore, my eyes are cold and cold. When I look at the 4th, it is like watching a dead object. He only thinks that she is an adversary. She is thinking hard about **** it. How can she have any slightest move to the enemy in front of her, even if the other person is like a flower, in him It seems that it is just loess.

Perhaps because the image is biased towards women, or because of other reasons, the number four reincarnation is obviously more emotional than its companion, and the confrontation is not on the road, it is thundering.

The petals are untied, forming a flywheel and sliding towards the raft!

殇 low and low drink, look like a tiger, **** magic sword in the hands, open the beautiful track in the air.

This **** magic sword, once did not know how many enemies have been boiled, but now it is waving for dignity, love and protection.

His movements are fast, his superb sword skills and his rich experience in combat make him not spend a lot of effort. Every time he swings his sword, he is stuck at the best point, no more than one point, and a lot of points. Such a sturdy sword technique made his control of the sword reach a terrible height. He was able to exert a great power with one point of strength.

But the reincarnation is, after all, the existence of the apex, the speed of the move is a must, and the next move will be nothing, no one knows.

Hey is really powerful. He only blocks most of the attacks with his sword skills, but there are still a few attacks that scratch the body and bring some minor wounds.

On the 4th, it seems that there is no rush to kill cockroaches. It is easy to see that the buddha is struggling like this. It seems that he still wants to know how long he can persist under intensive attacks.

It has a hand, and a large piece of petals appears immediately under the foot. When the petals are unfolded, it is a big mouth.

Connected to thousands of flowers, the blood basin is everywhere.

I slammed on the spot and escaped very eagerly.

The three blood-colored swords attacked the No. 4, one stronger than the other.

On the 4th, I was shocked. I couldn’t think of it. In this case, I could counterattack... This is his first counterattack.

However, just like his personality, his attack is also the same, no sound is already, blockbuster, not attacking, attack is fatal!

The three swords, but his nephew, his subsequent tricks, rushing to the sea, followed.

"Crash * Devil screams!" The red sword shadow, like a knife, like a sword, has been swaying, and swaying to the 4th in a rotating way. After a silent explosion, the power is amazing!

In an instant, nearly a thousand miles of space was illuminated by dazzling red.

But this is only the beginning!

"Calm smiles long days!" Like a giant sword, within the scope of its cover, the soul will not be able to resist, the atmosphere of lore, pervading!

"Cracking Luo Luo!" is the **** of killing that is not born, go forward, thousands of Jianguang, force the enemy!

The Mozu and the Shura’s moves are powerful. Both families are militant, have more sentiments about swords and strength!

As one of the best, the sword of the scorpion is even more fierce. When you meet God, you will kill the gods, you will kill the devil, you will not move, but you will be tempted!

Successive killings, even into a line, simply do not give the fourth reaction opportunity.

Rao was born in the presence of No. 4, and was also smashed with an arm under a series of powerful attacks.

... is just an arm!

But this is also enough for the fourth anger!

According to its cognition, being hurt by swearing is its shameful shame!

Therefore, it is crazy, it has gone!

The petals of the body are scattered, and the pieces fall to the ground. They grow into a strange plant with a mouth full of teeth, and the group will surround it.

This is one of its abilities, these weird plants are its separation!

Anyone who is bitten by this body will be eaten and divided.

Once these targets are locked, they will persevere and never stop.

This is not the most terrible. The most terrible thing is that even if they are defeated, they will grow up indefinitely with a trace of debris.

Splits are not dead, there is only one way to kill them, and that is to kill the mother.

Otherwise, they will continue to attack until the other party has died or is swallowed up by them.

It seems that the fourth is really moving.

Escape, can not escape, let alone 殇 did not think about to escape.

The crimson blood sword shook, and the whole body was amazingly growing.

The Devil and the Shura are powerful and well known. They have a fighting form in addition to the ontology.

The aggression of the advantages of the two races is also strong.

However, he never showed such a shape.

The long red hair grows longer and longer, dragging over the heel, the roots of the long hair are raised, it is a weapon, the black eyes are darker, the red eyes are redder, the nails are black, the length is like claws, and a pair of wings are behind him. Expanded, one is black, one is red, the face is attached to the magic mask, dressed in magical armor, lip color red, two pointed teeth, slightly exposed outside the lips.

Demon dance magic, he is powerful and powerful at this moment!

There is a huge magical array at the foot. This array is composed of the demon, and it has the highest morality of the Mozu. Each demon is a rule.

Every kind of demon is the dream of the Mozu, but it is paved into a circle of five miles. It cannot be said that it is a big deal!

The devil can be so extravagantly laid out, except for this adult, no one else.

With the devil's coming out, it is a huge and real magic shadow, swept out with the power of Hell's nine-headed dragon!

殇 Swing your claws and greet the number four reincarnation!

At this moment, he is a demon god!

In this situation, his strongest weapon is not a sword, but himself!

At that moment, the number four reincarnation was actually scared.

It desperately accumulates the whole body strength, the petals of the body gather together, and condense into a huge petal scorpion, indeed, facing the terrible embarrassment, it is fearful.

Read The Duke's Passion