MTL - Unscrupulous Enchantress: The Young Miss Has Arrived!-Chapter 708

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Now she can't wait to test the effect of this gun.

"All done, according to the theory, the effect should not be bad." Then he took out a black pistol-type automatic pistol cast from steel, compressing magic power, unlimited bursts, no need to sing, no need to save power. After the tempering of the creation of the fire, this pistol has a mysterious appearance, but the power is also amazing. "This is just a kind of hot weapon. When I equip the soldiers, I can know how powerful it is. Maybe I can give the Chaos a big surprise."

When Wei Mo saw the gun, he couldn't put it down. This thing is small and exquisite, but it can feel that it is launched. It must be powerful and can't help but want it.

Lu Yiqian saw his face filled with eagerness, smiled slightly, and took out a golden pistol from the space bracelet. It was even more luxurious, the gun seat was designed with a flying eagle, and there was a small ink word underneath. Tailored.

"I rarely give you gifts, this gift is not a gift, I hope you can like it." Lu Yiqian sent guns to Wei ink, some embarrassed.

Wei Mo's heart is ups and downs, gently stroking the gun. From the exquisite degree of this gun, it is a special intention. The "ink" word on the base also makes him excited. He touches the name with his hand. He suddenly feels that the scorpion has some Dumb, some can't speak.

Lu Yiqian was a little anxious. He saw Wei Mo did not speak for a long time, thinking that he did not like it, and some lost: "You don't like it."

Anyone who deliberately makes a gift for the lover is not accepted, and her heart will be somewhat uncomfortable. Her Lu Qianqian is also a woman. It is normal to have such an idea.

"No, no, no." Wei Mo quickly shook his head, and he was afraid that Lu Yiqian would misunderstand him. He didn't like it, but he liked it too much: "A thousand, I really like it, I like it very much." He couldn't put it down.

Lu Yiqian smiled: "Like it, come, I will teach you how to use it."

If she does not demonstrate, Wei Mo will never know that there is so many famous temples in a small pistol, and the idea of ​​making a mechanical beast is incorporated into it. This pistol not only has five lines of attack, but can even become Sixty-four types, such as single-round cannons, multiple rounds of cannons, etc., are jaw-dropping. It is really made with special thoughts. This is much stronger than other weapons with single performance.

When Wei Mo was playing the pistol, the door was pushed open, and a group of eleven people came in. Everyone looked at the gun, and the **** of death was the most pitiful, like a big dog who wanted to discuss buns.

Yes, yes, yes, she really can't refuse them, but fortunately she builds a weapon for everyone... although these few guys simply can't use it.

The white one is a slap, only the size of the palm, called "storm pear flower", the whole looks very luxurious, it seems that the moon is cast, can be hidden in the sleeve, can make tens of thousands of attacks at any time, the entire usage There are more than one hundred kinds and there are more than two hundred shapes.

White took over the weapon, and the scorpion lighted up and became deeper. The reason was not how strong the weapon attack was. This kind of attack was not as easy as he waved. What made him move was the engraved "Dear White". The word and the defensive array contained in the shackles, his little idiot, this is to protect him, this is hurting him. He is self-sufficient, but he does not want to love his favorite people.

"White, you are my strongest backing, but I occasionally hope that you can rely on me. This is my waywardness. White, this weapon attack power may be like a drizzle for you, but I really did it with great care. I hope you like it." Lu Yiqian really revealed his thoughts, white for her, and she would love him forever.

"Hey, little fool, the ability is high, there are a lot of bad, giving gifts can make people look down. Also, you rarely give me a gift, isn't it?" It has always been as profound as night, with thousands of wisdom Yu Xin, there are countless army, strong white, strong performance has always been open-minded, but now it is proud.

Lu Yiqian is a bit embarrassed. Does this really like it, or does it dislike it? Mo Feibai is complaining that she sent too little gift, but it is heaven... As he said, he stood too high, I really don’t know what to send.

"I like it very much, but I like you more." White locked her deeply. He wanted to give gifts, so he liked everything he sent.

To the **** of death is a black bracelet, called "black temptation", can also become a variety of weapons, but its greatest function is to help the **** of death to control the power more precisely, its power is too strong, whether it is Caution is the feat of defeating the plane, and this is not known under the temperance. After he followed Lu Yiqian, he used his power very little. Every time he used it, he tried to suppress his strength to be small. It was like other people’s efforts to improve their strength. He felt that his power was small. It’s difficult for people to sigh, and the power of people is too small. He did not encounter Lu Yiqian, he must not worry about this, but he met Lu Yuqian, he would not want to synchronize with her, wherever it is commensurate. He often fears that he will lose his hand. This face is gone. Although this kind of mistake has never been seen before, it is always good to prevent it.

The key is that when he and his master are close together, they are more and more unable to control their bodies. More and more desires, more and more desires, and so much power are not equal. He is afraid that he will be hurt by his master. Now there is This chain can be more free-spirited, he is happy to open the flowers, the owner is too considerate.

Without waiting for Lu Yiqian to speak, he said: "Master, I, I like it very much." The key is, Master, I want to be with you today. He has never been given a gift, stroking the word "death" on the chain, his face is red, his heart is like a deer.

Everything about him is master, his body, his strength, his people, let her use.

But occasionally a small interest rate is acceptable.

He wants to hug his master now.

It is the light sword that is given to Qinglong. It is called "hot dance". The sword looks like two. In fact, it can be divided into 10,000. Each one has different changes, and it is self-contained and powerful. This sword exists in a scabbard style.

Read The Duke's Passion