MTL - Unscrupulous Enchantress: The Young Miss Has Arrived!-Chapter 699

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Lu Hao did not hesitate to drive and left, and the **** of death was firmly in the back of the car, holding on to the owner, and he was only mad at the season to follow the lightning.

The superpowers of all countries have just landed, and the explosions in one field have completely overwhelmed them.

Lu Yiqian chased the smoke from the explosion and headed for the white area of ​​G26.

This explosion is the first gift for them!

Everyone in the country monitors the room, and everyone’s face is pale. Naturally, no one has ever thought of chasing Lu Yiqian’s will pay such a big price. But that is the superpower who has cultivated huge financial and material resources in each country. Two sounds, nothing!

They don't even know when the area has put so many bombs!

This is undoubtedly a powerful counterattack against them!

Within ten years, they would like to train the same number of superpowers!

They have some regrets, and it is good to know that they are cautious!

But for a long time, it is always the dream that they pursue in their hearts, stimulating their desires to keep rising!

No matter what, now it is even more difficult to give up, and at all costs, we must get the blood of this woman. Anyway, even if we want to be buried, there are these countries to accompany us!

Crazy emotions are once again filled, and who wants to quit is no longer possible.

The armaments of various countries started, the helicopters flew to the sky, the tanks and armored vehicles came in one after another, the armed forces launched, and all kinds of anti-personnel weapons were in place. This is the scale of the national war, but now it is only used to deal with several people. This has to be said to be ironic.

However, under the command of Bai, even if it is far below the other's human and material resources, he is used to the maximum extent.

The explosion of the G twenty-sixth district and a variety of compound traps have made everyone horrified and at the same time pay a heavy price!

They only know that their opponents are far better than them, and the means of display are terrible.

Arms are constantly being consumed, and the losses in various countries are staggering. I believe that no one dares to fight in 20 years!

To play such a result, I have to say that it is a miracle!

After many years of researching history, this section of the extraordinary battle has drawn a conclusion. It is not the people who lead this battle, it is God! Every material has played its role of maximizing the maximum. The precise use of the terrain can reach a point, and the use of manpower can play a hundred times more value!

This is a thrilling battle, not in the size of the scale, but in an enemy, the battle that will weaken the winning rate is raised to a terrible level. If it is not because of the last thing, they still Really maybe I won.

"The loss is too heavy. I lost millions of soldiers in a short time. God, are they devils?!"

"These people are our country's elite, elite, Mom next door!"

"How can I explain this to my people!"

The entire monitoring room was in a mess, some people were loud and screaming, and some people were crying.

"Hey!" S representative of the country slammed the table and sneered and said: "Why, now regret it, distressed? Who was the son of the grandson who had to squeeze into this matter, who cried and shouted Longevity?!" Seeing people being stunned by him, he went on and said: "And, haven't you noticed, why are their strengths so strong? What does this have to do with longevity? Think about it, then Hang your head around your neck and think of a way!"

His voice fell, they were all in vain, yes, they thought about longevity, but they didn't think of that power... Not to mention the mighty black man, he said that Lu Qianqian was too much beyond ordinary people.

Is this all related to longevity? !

When the brain is alive, the desire is turned up, and the temptation is sweeter!

"Let the people fill the vacancies, do they want blood?" S country representative said quietly.

After he said this, all the people couldn’t help but suffocate, but they were dispelled by crazy desires.

With the release of the army, everyone gathered in the H city frantically followed the army to pursue Lu Yiqian.

In the face of crazy desires, human beings are so consistent!

This day, the whole world is insane!

The bomb exploded, the traps were all in one, intertwined with blood and fire!

"Humans are like this?" Double as the moon squinted.

"The little fool is not." White looked at the screen for a while, and the scorpion like the night sky could not see any emotions.

Double saw him half a ring, and finally asked: "If you did not meet the woman, would you be extremely sad?"

White stunned his eyes and said: "You should probably ask him about this question. I believe his answer is the same as mine." The man is smarter than him because he knows how to let himself be with her to the maximum, he and that. People, playing different roles around her, well, although eating a loss, he is firmly occupying the most important position in the heart of the little fool, who is better, maybe.

But one thing is completely certain that he can't do without her. I believe that the person can't leave her. The double is at least the same as this month. He has been very sad because he didn't meet her.

Double as the moon cut, when he asked this sentence, he also had the same deep feelings, the world of thousands of females, how do they have to ask her?

No way, he just wants her!

A line of several beautiful men, white, Qinglong, double as the moon, Wei Mo, Qin Xingluo, and a beautiful woman left the country, suddenly disappeared in the monitoring room.

All the materials have been used up, now they have to go to Lu Yiqian and fight side by side with her!

At the same time, the demon red and the sly, will soon come to Lu Haoqian.

After a huge loss, the national army will encircle Lu Yi.

The battle will start again, and this time, how will it shock the world? !

Lang Lang Sun Moon, Zhao Zhao Qian Kun.

In the face of the encirclement of a million troops, Lu Yiqian did not panic, compared to the chaos, these are drizzling.

However, this is a short day, she feels a lot, these people are similar to the chaos, the difference is only the size of individual strength.

Read The Duke's Passion