MTL - Unscrupulous Enchantress: The Young Miss Has Arrived!-Chapter 696

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Through satellite shooting, they can clearly see the motorcycle, but for some reason, it is impossible to squeeze into a person within ten meters. It seems that there is a strong force to hit people.

Global leaders immediately connected to discuss, lest they waste a minute and a second, and they did not see them as active in major international affairs.

“This is an ability?” The representative of the P country first raised questions.

"I don't think that you can make a lot of people in your country. Every year, the abilities of the abilities are endless!" The president of the P country is looking at the S country. It is very embarrassing. This emerging big country has a large number of talents. The development momentum is unstoppable. If it is not, I believe that Soon, all aspects will catch up with his P country, and at this time, don’t forget to run.

"This is indeed an ability, with a range of ten meters in diameter, indicating that this person's power is powerful. Any machine can't detect its energy source, indicating that he may use the power that our current technology can't detect. This is a category of variability. Everyone should be cautious!" The representative of S country does not pay attention to the provocation of the P country.

"I see the S country, you are exaggerating the facts!" said the representative of the R country: "How can they be more powerful than the mystery of our country? Retreat 10,000 steps, they can resist the pressure exerted by the world? Joke!"

The representative of S country secretly swears an idiot. The information that Li Chang brings is very clear. Lu Haoqian’s strength is far from simple, although he also wonders how a girl who is innocent and has no friends can have such a big behind her in the blink of an eye. Power, but he had to be cautious, seeing the idiot look proud, he seized the opportunity to say: "If this is the case, then the troubles of your country's gods will be sent out first, and you will make a big contribution."

The representative of the R country is a stagnation, but the association will be beneficial, let go of the big words: "You are waiting for China's triumph, a few fleas, a powerful blow?"

The representatives of other countries face each other. Whoever has no hidden power is taken by the R country. They are not willing to do it. They have regrets, and they have their own minds. They secretly order all their strengths to enter the H city, but there are also Two or three people, ready to take a look at the soldiers.

Hang up the global video, the representative of the S country called his own secretary, contact the talented genius boy, no matter what the cost, he must fight for him.

The secretary was a little surprised: "I have heard of the child. It is said that the talent is amazingly high, and even the appearance has become a bit strange."

"Take what he becomes, as long as he can be my help."

"Yes, I will do it right away."

The sky is clear, and the disputes of the world have nothing to do with it. For thousands of years, it has maintained its own pace.

Today, the weather is really good.

But no one on the ground pays attention to this.

Except one person.

The man was a painter. He faithfully used his pen to record the world's grass and trees. One flower and one bird, his brush really presented people's joy, sorrow, pain, and hatred. Today, under his brush, there will be another expression, crazy.

He supported the easel, and on the top floor of the 30th floor, he was able to see the crowds rushing under his feet, chasing a red motorcycle.

They are like crazy, and they are driven by the devil.

He painted quickly and completed a thrilling painting in a short time. These paintings will prove how crazy people have been in the future!

He only felt that this time he played never before, the kind of mood, just like someone is calling him.

Since the news was aired, his mood has become more and more urgent.

His gaze has been chasing the fabulous beauty. After finishing the final stroke, he dropped the brush and ran downstairs.

The wind blew his corn-colored hair, faintly seeing a very tempting face, this face was very ordinary at first sight, but in the next second, it would be deeply confused.

Turning to the full-open painting, the tall buildings are painted, the perspective is subtle and precise, and countless people driven by desire are chasing a woman. Compared with the crazy people, the woman’s calmness is calm and calm. So touching, and the man behind the woman, although not seeing the face, but the feeling of heart and soul, but paved. This painting is extremely realistic, and every one of them is worthy of something. It is not like a work that can be completed in a short time. Until many years later, people still can't break their techniques, but as a realist masterpiece, it has an incomparably high status, because it uses art to show high-end actions in that crazy age. See the painter, don't return to introspection.

Lu Yiqian drove the motorbike to the area designated by White.

The entire S city was divided into twenty-seven districts, five of which had carefully prepared gifts.

Lu Yiqian just entered the G25 area in the suburbs, and at this time, the so-called Shenyin of the R country also came down from the air!

The Shenyin of the R country was chosen in the country and was known as the top master of the power. For this reason, the country of R has also been bold, and the gods of the R country are invincible!

Although this speech has been scorned by many countries, these gods do have some extraordinary things.

This force is the strategic power of the R country.

The future is definitely going to evolve. As for what kind of evolutionary path to choose and what it will evolve into, each country has a small number of newcomers, such as the abilities of the S country, the superpowers of the P country, and the R countries. Shenyin, the Holy Messenger of the F country... It is necessary to underestimate the few people, which will directly affect the distribution of national interests.

At the moment when God’s hidden air came down, tanks and military vehicles quickly opened on the streets, and a large number of armed men flooded in.

When the military and the government acted, there was basically no matter what the people did. A large number of armed men flocked to the G25 area. They did not wear badges and had various skin colors, but they did not have any national mark on clothing and weapons.

This is a joint action of premeditated world ambitions!

But this is undoubtedly more irritating to people's madness. How many people are crowded, shouting, crying, screaming and wanting to go in at the intersection, but how can their powers rival these armed men and kill more than a dozen? After entering the people, people finally began to fear, but this is a real shot to kill, no sloppy! These people will kill the people!

Read The Duke's Passion