MTL - Unscrupulous Enchantress: The Young Miss Has Arrived!-Chapter 6

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Lu Yiqian looked at Lu Caiyun with a glance, as if looking at the ants, but it was a plain look, but like a sharp knife that pierced the heart. "Second sister, don't think I don't know what you did in secret, what you did, I know very well!"

Lu Caiyun was shocked and looked at Lu Yiqian incredulously. It was impossible. She and her father were doing nothing...

Xu Jun stared at her daughter sternly, really can't help but do something big? ! At the same time, he looked at the road and was a bit more gloomy.

"Do you admit that you are wrong?" Lu Ningxiang asked with anger.

"I am right." Lu Yiqian calmly answered.

"Come to, drag this disobedient woman down, stick 50, and ban for a month!" Lu Ningxiang ordered.

"Condensed, don't be angry... Thousands of children, you will recognize a mistake!" Zhang Jun is heartbroken and scared, what is going on here, one is to punish, one does not admit mistakes!

Lu Ningxiang stood still and wanted to be punished. She was not afraid.

"You, don't hurt the big sister!" A small wind blows, the eight-year-old Lu Xianghui rushed out to protect her sister, her sister is weak on weekdays, today's performance is the most suitable for his appetite, he wants to protect her sister, whether it is her or today This for her.

Lu Ningxiang blinked at the younger son. The movement was so fast. Did the breakthrough martial arts have reached the realm of the second-level warrior? This little guy is really a genius. I thought that three years ago, he was still a meat group, and he was very good. Lu family was hopeful.

"Hui, you let go, I just taught her!" Lu Ningxiang said softly.

"No, I know, you want to hit her, you want to hit her first to hit me!" Xiao Xianghui's **** and white eyes, seriously.

Lu Ningxiang tried to bear with him and saw the little devil's unconsidered appearance. He had to say: "Take this barrier for two months to be closed! Come and take her!"

Lu Yiqian was spared a fight, or because of the fifth son, which made Xu Jun’s heart sound the alarm, this kid... is a trouble!

Zhang Jun saw her daughter okay, let go, he took his wife's hand, they haven't seen each other for a long time, so you can take a good look at her.

The little guy took Lu Qiqian’s hand, fearing that the mother would repent, and the hen guarded her like a scorpion, and she saw that Lu Hao was so funny and moved. In her memory, only this little guy will be tired of her, will defend her wholeheartedly, will fight for her, will fight for her, the purest person in the land of the land, is also the most unrequited in the heart of the land Concerned.

There is always a voice in my heart, flapping wings like a bird: protect him, protect him, protect him...

The warrior of this continent, the first level is the martial artist, just touched the martial arts doorway. The second level is the military, lays down the physical foundation, and the third to fourth grades are warriors. They have already graduated and can be recruited. They are already very popular with the aristocracy and other institutions. Grades 5 to 6 are big martial artists. They are generally well-known. There is a certain understanding of martial arts. Lu Ningxiang is at this stage. Such people are often valued by the state, and the right to fame is not to mention. The seven-level Wu Zong can be opened in the mountains and has a detached status. The eight-level Dawuzong is generally above the secular rights. The nine-level Wusheng, a rare phoenix, is treated like a national treasure.

And Lu Yiqian’s body is weak, and the most urgent task is to exercise the body well.

What she is looking at now is "Stunning World", it looks like this martial arts book!

The opening of the book is the world of the hegemony, who is who I am! Introducing the natural style, the power of nature, the trick of nature, the change of nature to the sword, a total of one hundred and twenty-eight strokes. Every trick and every style contains the arrogance of the heavens, and it is very clean and tidy.

The first type is called the wind and the water, pay attention to the implication of the form to achieve endless, endless force!

To learn this book, you need to sink your heart and feel the nature, and lead the world to temper the body.

According to the book, Lu Qianqian closed her eyes and meditated. After a while, she felt that there was a variety of airflows rushing towards her, rushing into her body, and she spurred those airflows as described in the book. Hovering around the body, it was refreshing. Lu Yiqian is very happy. If he practices this way, he will be able to get rid of this weak body and guide the airflow to a hundred and ten reincarnations. The body gradually became hot, the pores of the body opened, and black sputum was discharged.

After practicing and practicing, the body became more comfortable and happy. Lu Yiqian also circled into the subconscious state with the airflow. After the mists dissipated, she came to an empty place.

"Where is this?" Lu Yiqian guilty, this book is too evil.

Just finished, a butterfly appeared in front of her, fluttering up and down.

"Child, grab the butterfly." In the space, there was a kind voice to her.

Lu Hao was born with anti-bone, but she was an obedient child, especially listening to the old man's words, so she began to catch butterflies.

This butterfly is extremely strange, watching it fly slowly down and down, but to catch it, it moves very fast! And often it is thought that it will be caught, it will always miraculously escape. After dozens of failures, the butterfly fell on the tip of Lu’s nose, as if laughing at her.

Lu Yiqian calmed down. It is not simple here. If you don't take it seriously, maybe what will happen.

She began to carefully observe the butterfly, looking for the trajectory of its flight, intercepting the direction in which the butterfly would be escaping as quickly as lightning, and the sly butterfly was finally taken down by her.

"Children, congratulations on your breakthrough test, I will officially teach you the inheritance of the stars." An old man with a white hair appeared in front of Lu Yiqian. The old man was dressed in white, and his body was like a bath under the colorful light.

Looking at the old man, Lu Yiqian suddenly had a familiar feeling, but the feeling came too fast.

"I can see me, you have already begun to practice "Stunning World", but it is useless to practice it. There is no star inheritance. "Stunning World" is just an empty shell. Explosion and death is crazy, child, you come here, indicating that we have a fate." The old man said with awkwardness.

Read The Duke's Passion