MTL - Unlimited Machine War-Chapter 2796 Invite nameless

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Xiao Ran set the tone, no matter whether the authority can be transferred or not, the authority must be controlled in the hands of the Burning Legion.

At the same time, under the premise that it is not clear whether followers can obtain permissions, the default is that followers cannot obtain management permissions. After all, followers do not have prompts similar to participant permissions, and the followers' benefits will be calculated directly For participants, there is no need to waste this energy to promote followers to gain authority.

The people present were Xiao Ran who felt that he had the opportunity to get the authority. Shirakawa, Zenga, Xia, Youzes, Masters, Kiliam, Ingram, and of course there are other big men in the army. But compared to Xiao Ran, they felt they had more opportunities.

In particular, the three guys, Bai Hechou, Xia, and Uzes, belong to people who use their brains to gain authority. Zenga and his masters use power to gain authority. Kiliam and Ingram can only be regarded as backup supplements.

Excluding the mission authority that Xiao Ran has already obtained, if all the remaining four authorities are in the hands of the Burning Legion, then even if the core authority is not obtained at that time, Prometheus basically becomes the Burning Legion. And even though these four permissions were assigned to different people, at that time Xiao Ran would go to Prometheus to chat and discuss the core permissions.

Four powers must have at least four main powers, which are the main powers that allow them to obtain more resources and get the full support of others. Gather the powers instead of averaging them, so that it is more likely to gain powers. A few people came for insurance purposes.

The people present were totally trustworthy. If Xiao Ran did not trust them, they would not be called to their study, and those who did not call them were not distrusted, but what Xiao Ran had to consider was to get the absolute authority as soon as possible. I'm optimistic that the people who can get the permission can just call. The rest is to inform everyone to cooperate with Bai Hechou, Uzes and others.

These people coming today are also reminders of Xiao Ran, reminding them to pay attention to them, because in order to get the level of authority as soon as possible, they must start from the next task and will have to take every task in the task world. Dig it out completely.

If they can turn the sky, try to turn the sky as far as possible, and at the same time, Xiao Ran will try to arrange them to travel to a more difficult world. The more benefits the mission gets, the more the number of tasks completed, the faster the level of authority will increase.

With the mission authority, Xiao Ran can also increase their income to 10% on the basis of completing the mission, and release more missions to them under limited circumstances.

Xiao Ran opened his head, so there is no need to say too much. The people present can naturally understand that the next thing is for them to work hard and keep going. This kind of thing is still well understood.

However, these people who are present also have to make some preparations. Regrouping is inevitable. Rebuilding a stronger team is convenient to perform more difficult tasks in the mission world. The body also needs to be strengthened. , Logistics must also be arranged, at least warships and the like have to be replaced.

These things Xiao Ran did not have specific participants. After their respective teams were established, they could go to Luo to arrange for them. Part of the intention of calling Luo was to upgrade them to Luo.

Everyone sat in Xiao Ran's study and started to discuss team formation. How to discuss? Of course, it is used to grab.

Only one of these people sat on the mountain to watch the tiger fight, and drank his head gently while drinking tea.

The master is a participant in the super zone, while the others are in the real zone. In other words, all the power masters and craftsmen in the super zone can freely decide and no one can grab him, but it is different in the real zone Now, one radish is one pit, and one is taken away as one.

Uzes spearheaded: "I don't want Cruzer."

Zengga groaned: "Cruzer, Elsam."

This is a flow of strength, and the brain is not enough to make up for it.

Shirakawa smiled leisurely: "Graham, Nalo, Jaegers."

This is a balanced flow. I have enough brains to send a beater and then come to assist. I want the middle order. Jaguth plays single. Graham hits the field, Nalo assists, ad? What the **** is that?

Xia Ya smiled: "I don't need to change my team, just fill two people. You can choose me first and pick."

This is a steady stream, the team members have enough to wait until the last make up.

Uzes: "Shit, I don't want Barsac."

This is ... without a genre, why would a lonely person be home.

Killiam looked at Ingram who had no opinion: "Then I choose Barsac, Hades, Aiwa Shinno."

This is the body flow, all of them are iron men who can disassemble the mech empty-handed. .

When Killyam finished speaking, Ingram said, "Roh, Inger, Leonard."

This is the technology flow. Inge is the mascot. Luo, Renard, Ingram can form a technology triangle. In addition, it must be accompanied by incidentals.

Xiao Ran :? ? ?

Cruzer? ? ?

Luo :? ? ?

Absent Barsack: A sneeze ...

Xiao Ran stared at the people present: "You split my team like this? They are followers."

Xia Ya smiled: "It doesn't matter. Under the regimental system, your followers can also team up with other people, and the same team can also perform tasks separately, so they can all join your team."

Xiao Ran was silent for a while, and looked at Cruze and Luo, both of whom nodded bitterly.

At this moment, the phone on Xiao Ran's desk rang, and when he picked it up, he heard the sound of light: "Sir, Eich wrote back to the Anonymous Corps leader. Is there time now? Need to arrange a meeting immediately?"

"Arranged in the Legion Hall of Five."

Xiao Ran put down the phone and shook his head to the crowd and said, "You arrange it slowly, and the unnamed side agrees to meet with me and I must hurry up."

Cruzer stood up. "I'll go with you."

"It's okay." Xiao Ran nodded gently and said, "The others don't have to go. It's not clear what the situation is now, at least I can't pose for trouble in the beginning."

The crowd nodded to understand that Xiao Ran took Cruzer out of the regiment's territory and returned to Prometheus, then went all the way to the five-member conference hall of the Legion Council.

At present, only the five-member parliament hall is eligible to enter. Only Xiao Ran and the unknown two can be said. It can be said that the five-member parliament has already existed in name. Xiao Ran originally thought that the five-member parliament was basically his own. But from Prometheus Xiao Ran knew only that it wasn't him who could actually use the power in the five-member parliament, but that he had made a nameless move to retreat.

At that time, Anonymous had to sign a cooperation contract with the Burning Legion. It was a contract that was not a complete alliance but also a close alliance. At least at that time, Xiao Ran felt that Anonymous was credible and a friend. Of course, to this day, the Mythical Legion is still the Burning Legion. ally.

But if the unknown knows about the authority, then sign a contract with the Burning Legion and give the No. 1 initiative to the Burning Legion. The proper way is to use a good method to retreat. Second-level authority was not transferred to the Burning Legion at all.

However, it cannot be said that namelessness is calculating Xiao Ran. Xiao Ran can fully understand the considerations and reasons for the other party to make such a thing, so Xiao Ran has no anger in this regard.

But now that you know what permissions are, Xiao Ran can't let permissions fall into the hands of others. Every permission is very important. No permission is not important. Others will hide it and want to hold it. This is normal, but today Xiao Ran is going to take over the legion authority from the unknown.

When Xiao Ran entered the five-member parliament hall before his namelessness, Cruze stood directly outside the door and waited without any intention to enter the five-member parliament hall.

It didn't take long before the namelessness hurriedly appeared in front of Xiao Ran.

Wuming sat directly in his place and asked Xiao Ran, "You have something to do with me, what's wrong?"

Xiao Ran smiled: "Thank you for running this trip, there is something I want to discuss with the unnamed army chief."

Anonymous nodded: "Please say."

Xiao Ran also directly said: "Although a bit embarrassing, but I still hope that you can understand the name of the unknown legion. Today, the influence of the Burning Legion in the Legion Parliament is the largest. less."

"Although everyone thinks that the Burning Legion is the first in essence, you and I know that the Burning Legion is actually only sitting on the second spot, so this time I want to discuss with you the leader of the unknown legion. Legion, you can forgive me and give up the first place. "

"I mean the real first, but I do n’t want to affect the relationship between our two legions because of this incident. Our cooperation is very enjoyable. I also appreciate the large number of unnamed legions. I think you should I can understand why and why I want to do this. "

After Xiao Ran finished speaking, he looked at Wu Ming and said nothing. Wu Ming also chose to remain silent for several minutes.

After a long time, Anonymous nodded slowly: "I think I can understand, permission."

Xiao Ran smiled: "It's great that you can understand the leader of the unknown army. Yes, my goal is authority. I only have the second-level authority of the Prometheus Army in the first position."

Anonymous sighed and looked at Xiao Ran and asked: "Xiao Ran's army has already learned about the authority. I also forgive you for concealing the authority. Since Xiao Ran's army leader needs this first, he needs this That's what I give up. "

"But can you please tell me the leader of Xiao Ran Army, where do you know about this authority?"

Anonymous was decisive, and Xiao Ran did not hide anything: "Prometheus."

Anonymous nodded: "So it ’s true, can Xiao Ran's regiment tell me more about the authority. To be honest, although I have obtained the authority of the Legion because of the number one relationship, I know this is only a secondary authority. There is still one level, what is the meaning of this kind of authority. "

Xiao Ran was silent for a moment, shaking his head slightly: "Sorry for the unknown army commander, I'm afraid I can't tell you about the army's authority."

Anonymous stunned and smiled, "This is also the way it should be, as if I had concealed it from you, this must be a very important and secretive thing."

Xiao Ran said, "In fact, it is not impossible to tell you, but before that I also want to ask the leader of the unknown army, have you ever planned to completely merge your mythical legion into the burning legion, of course for the inside of the mythical legion I do n’t make any changes to the architecture, but there may be places where you need to contribute. ”

"Let ’s just say that the Burning Legion is now working on a very large plan. Once this plan is successful, it will bring very great changes to both the real universe and Prometheus. I hope that the Mythical Legion will join this plan. In the future, the power of the Mythical Legion will inevitably become an integral part of this plan. "

"But if you choose to refuse, I can only regret it."

"Join the Burning Legion." Anonymous took a deep look at Xiao Ran, and said, "The leader of the Ran Xiao Ran joked. The Mythical Legion did not have any intention to merge into other legions, and it did not mean it in any sense."

"But I'm curious about the big plan of the Burning Legion. If you can move me, Commander Xiao Ran, maybe I will change my mind."

Xiao Ran said: "Fantasy Zone."

Anonymous frowned slightly: "What do you mean?"

Xiao Ran said frankly: "If you want revenge, maybe I can give you this opportunity. I have sent forces to the fantasy zone. The goal is to collect the lost modules of Prometheus and reopen the channel. By that time, The Burning Legion will begin to attack the fantasy zone as a whole, perhaps for the purpose of clearing out threats in that universe. "

"At the same time, there is also the real universe. Today's real universe is gradually evolving towards the fantasy zone. Perhaps the real universe will evolve into a new fantasy zone after many years. In fact, my people have found you in the real universe. The towers that have been depicted, a major part of this plan is to prevent all this from happening. "

"I have experienced the fantasy zone and faced you who failed. I don't know how many comrades you lost in that war, but I think you will definitely never think about the same thing happening in the real universe, so what you lose I am afraid it will not only be your comrade-in-arms, but also your home, your loved ones, and your lover. "

Xiao Ran stared straight at the Anonymous, and Shen Sheng said, "I don't know if these things I said have made the Anonymous Corps leader interested in changing your mind and let the Mythical Army be incorporated into the Burning Legion."

Read The Duke's Passion