MTL - Unlimited Machine War-Chapter 2786 Analysis by the Department

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Xiao Ran is very interested in the fantasy zone, but long ago he had no idea of ​​going to the fantasy zone at all. The most probable one can only go back to this kind of risk and not take it, but the whole team of the beasts of the flying eagle. Pai didn't know what was going on there now. Did the eagles encounter any danger or did they find the remains of Prometheus?

The mythology of the Mythical Legion is indeed terrifying, even in the eyes of Xiao Ran. Although the number of s-class pilots of the Burning Legion is quite large, it is completely different from the mythical legion. They have more than two hundred s-class pilots involved However, there were not so many before the Burning Legion.

With the promotion of only one legion, no one of the more than one thousand soldiers in the entire legion is a pilot below level B. It is definitely top-level to not be at top-level combat power, let alone the mythical legion has no camp territory? There are no s-class pilots in the territory?

What's more, the Mythical Legion is all the orphans of the fantasy zone. It must have inherited the resources in the hands of countless fantasy zone participants. There are real departments, super departments, and pure fantasy departments in the fantasy zone. What's worse than the Burning Legion?

The Mythical Legion is definitely the most powerful legion known to Xiao Ran. The only super legion that can truly face the Burning Legion is just like the opposite of the Burning Legion, but fortunately the people of the unknown and Mythical Legion did not want and burn. Legion hard steel idea.

After experiencing the tragic past of the Fantasy Zone, the participants of the Mythical Corps all felt a little bit of a sense of understanding. What they were pursuing was not a battle but a full-scale s-class break away from Prometheus, so they were not willing to act like Qidi and Bo In that way, Murcia provokes a Burning Legion that may be almost as good as them.

There are no direct conflicts and contradictions between the two sides. On the contrary, there are many places to cooperate. The specifics can be discussed slowly. If you can sign a cooperation contract, you will be assured of being anonymous. Xiao Ran does not have to worry about the Mythical Corps calculating itself later. Maybe one day, suddenly the wind is another legion war.

After speaking anonymously, Xiao Ran asked, "What are the towers over there? Can you tell me something more specific? I'm curious about these."

The tower refers to Prometheus, and Xiao Ran wanted to ask about the meaning and mechanism of Prometheus' existence in that world.

Anonymous silence for a while seemed to be thinking: "It is not a **** but a miracle, maybe a relic left by a higher-dimensional civilization, and a temple in the hearts of many influential civilizations."

"All towers represent network nodes that may cover the entire world. Our participants have never really explored the edge of that world, but towers exist in many places in that world."

"High towers are managed by it in a unified way, like towering monuments towering around the universe. Each tower will radiate a huge universe. If you have been exposed to the game, you will have a better understanding, just like that. The security zone of the zhouyu, the main city. "

"You can buy supplies, manufacture, and strengthen in the tower. The space inside the tower is like the concept of our real area now. It is completely figured out and can be teleported, but only the towers you have visited in person can be teleported. "

"The summoned participants will definitely appear in the initial tower, but all forces throughout the universe can also contact Prometheus, but they cannot use some of Prometheus' functions, such as attribute enhancement. , You ca n’t use the tower to travel to the mission world, but they can use other ways to strengthen themselves, and the blood circulating inside Prometheus can be used as well, and they can also take some of the missions issued by Prometheus. . "

"A legion there is not necessarily composed of participants, but it can also be composed of indigenous people and participants."

"Participants are referred to as Apostles by the Aborigines, and Aboriginals who have generally joined Prometheus, that is, Aboriginals who are qualified to take on missions from Prometheus, are called High Tower Mercenaries."

"There are many missions, either to collect certain things or to kill certain monsters, but there is also an obliteration mission in the tower to kill some individuals who appear to be a threat to Prometheus, To eliminate those forces that would be a threat to Prometheus. "

"Although there are many towers over there, now thinking carefully about where the towers appear is more like an act of declaring territory. After the participants and mercenaries eliminated a force that did not appear, then that There will soon be a new tower. "

"And since there are towers and tower mercenaries, there will naturally be opponents of towers. Some Aboriginal people think that towers are invaders, plundering their resources, slaughtering their people, and occupying their territory. Many such forces are united

...... Then we fought against the tower forces, and the final result was that both defeated us and we became the last participants to escape. "

Wu Ming said so, but broke off deliberately and then revealed a meaningful look to Xiao Ran.

Xiao Ran understood the nameless eyes. The place that was deliberately broken should be that he could not say the content, and that meaningful look always had a meaning that you understood.

So what did those forces unite? Definitely not just a war, if it is just a war, there is no need to deliberately come to that.

And those combined forces finally threatened Prometheus. Although the final result was a loss of both, they eventually pushed Prometheus out of their world, which can be said to be the failure of Prometheus.

So when those forces united, they must have done something that must have had a great impact on Prometheus and brought greater threats. What would these things be? Did you limit Prometheus 'ability, or did you find a way to pull out the tower and limit Prometheus' influence? Or is it Gotana?

These three may be all. Xiao Ran wanted to say to the unknown that I do n’t understand. Please explain clearly, but this can only be thought about, and the unknown is definitely afraid to say it.

Looking back at the moment before the namelessness, sentence break, tone, Xiao Ran's eyes flashed slowly: "Is the power of Prometheus stolen?"

"But it should not be all, maybe there are so few towers that have been disconnected from Prometheus itself, but more towers should be under the premise that Prometheus finds that his power has been stolen and then unable to defend. Active destruction. "

"Anonymous also said that many towers were destroyed, and that Prometheus must have been restricted, otherwise it would be perfectly possible to send participants in the Super Zone and Real Zone to reinforcements."

With this in mind, Xiao Ran nodded to Anonymous, "Thank you for telling me so much today."

"You're welcome." Wuming said, "But these are the last things I can tell, just listen to a story."

Xiao Ran nodded. The information now known can only be heard as a story. They are too late for the Eagles to tell them, but even if they are told, they have no meaning and will not affect their actions. .

The flying eagle is a clever ghost. If relevant information is investigated there, it will definitely add a task of investigating the tower.

But when I heard what the name said about the fantasy zone, Xiao Ran was very interesting. It is completely different from the super zone and the real zone. In game terms, it is a completely open game with tasks, props and rewards There are also large maps and copies, with professional player participants and semi-professional natives.

The two said after leaving a conversation that they left separately. The next signing of the alliance agreement naturally did not require the two of them to come in person and send their own legion to take charge of this. Or Eich, as for the mythical army who sent Xiao Ran to know, it was not him to contact anyway.

More than ten days later, another sensation occurred in the real area. Some people found that some of the top fifty legions were suddenly delisted. These legions were all legions that had failed the war with the Burning Legion. It means that this legion no longer exists.

As for the resources in the original legion, the personnel did not need to be enriched at all. In fact, they did not have to guess deliberately. This made the participants who have been watching this Burning Legion battle further confirm the huge loss of the losing side, needless to say that it was Added to other legions that suffered huge losses.

And all the remaining legions have clearly belonged to the Burning Legion's assets, which also means that the Burning Legion has been completely reorganized in a short time after defeating the enemy. The original second enlightenment and the third In Bercia, the sixth limestone still exists, but it has completely become a subsidiary of the Burning Legion.

With the addition of the current fifth Cuimeng, it goes without saying that the Burning Legion has become the real leader in the real area. More than half of the top 50 middle schools are the younger brothers of the Burning Legion.

In such a legion battle, the real area changed color, and a burning leg that suddenly appeared like a Qianlong went out to cover the entire real area, flying over the heads of all the participants and the legion, so that these people could only hide in the shadows. Shivering, or was completely integrated into the shadow of the dragon.

In fact, Xiao Ran didn't think about it in the first place. He just wanted to develop safely and securely in the fourth position. He usually kept a low profile whether it was the Legion Council or the five-member council. Speaking less and just watching the drama, such a result is really too high-profile, Xiao Ran is really unwilling.

However, since the matter has reached this stage, it will not be of any use in a low-key way. Then it is good to be the first person in the real area. Let's justify and draw more participants to join ourselves. The first thing is You can prepare for the overthrow of Prometheus in the future. Second, strengthening the control of these participants can also avoid unwillingness to see the real universe.

Finally, Cruz finally found Xiao Ran with the information he collected, and placed the equipment storing the data on Xiao Ran's table, his expression looked a little solemn.

Xiao Ran reached out and picked up a storage device on the table that was about the same size as Mahjong. He looked at Cruzer: "What's the situation?"

Cruzer pulled the chair directly and sat in front of the table: "Inside is the star map you want, but before I came to you, I took this thing to Kiliam's analysis department and made some not so good guesses."

Xiao Ran groaned, closed his eyes and nodded softly: "Say, what did you find in these star maps, what you found."

Cruzer squinted and said, "Maybe it's worse than all the imagination we had of Prometheus."

Xiao Ran said, "Stop selling Guanzi."

Cruzer said: "Yes, through star chart comparison and various tests, the result is that all participants are from the same universe. Now all members have signed a star chart confidentiality agreement, and now everyone is waiting for the next step. You need to think about the solution. "

Xiao Ran pursed his lips and nodded gently, "What about the earth?"

Cruzer said: "The other situation is that the star map you have is different from the star map we currently have through the territory. There are roughly the same places but many details are different."

Xiao Ran asked, "What do you mean?"

"For example, in our existing star map, the position of the earth is in the spiral system of the Milky Way Galaxy, but the place in your hand is a chaotic star field, and there is no specific star map to clearly indicate There is an earth there. There are two possibilities. The first is that the star maps you collect are not comprehensive because of the ability of civilization. The second is the star map data in the real universe and the star map data we know now. The difference, even if it is only 15%, is terrible. "

"So you have to go back to your earth and get back the star maps detected by your earth for comparison. At the same time, we need to make more arrangements for the s-class pilots to return to their hometown and prepare for them. Enough drones, super ai, and the special core of professional modulation, related technologies, etc., must let them completely control their civilization, and then take the time to accurately draw the star map. "

Xiao Ran nodded: "This must be arranged for the technical department to follow up, and what is the bad guess?"

Cruzer leaned a little, squinting and saying, "It's very likely that the real universe will become a second fantasy zone."

Xiao Ran stayed for a while, repeating with uncertainty: "You say it again?"

Cruzer probably understood Xiao Ran's unbelievable thoughts in his heart now, and said, "By getting the intelligence analysis of all fantasy zones from the unknown mouth, the last fantasy zone is likely to be a real universe. The greatest possibility given by the analysis department. "

"Think of us as the second generation of participants. The first generation of participants was recruited from the original fantasy zone. After the first generation of participants has reached a certain level, they can return to their world and bring back from The technology Prometheus has developed has led to a variety of civilizations. "

"And maybe many years have passed, or the first generation of participants have died, or the first generation of participants have left Prometheus, and it is more likely that the first generation of participants has become Promieus. The aboriginals of Theseus may also be the first-generation participants who supported Prometheus in the fantasy district and opposed Prometheus. After all, only participants who know Prometheus best can also limit Prometheus. "

"However, the power of Prometheus penetrated into that world, and the second generation of participants was also our generation. Of course, it was not you but the participants in the fantasy zone, and began to gradually expand Prometheus in real The influence of the universe is good for any reason. Maybe it wants to enhance the strength of the entire universe, or it may be to control that universe. "

"The civilization left by the first-generation participants in opposition and the second-generation participants in support, and even the war itself, led to the loss of the fantasy zone."

"Then, next, will you say that the homes of the second-generation participants will become a new goal for Prometheus, a new fantasy zone, and carefully cultivated so many s-class pilots, Prometheus will Let them do whatever it takes? There must always be a direction for using these s-class pilots. "

"We need to speed up, even if we're heading to the fantasy zone in person."

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