MTL - Unlimited Machine War-Chapter 2778 I am Cang and I am stable

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(New book machine fights the world, ask for collection, ask for reward, ask for recommendation ~)


When Xiao Ran knew that another fleet had appeared in the solar system, and that he was still under Cang's fleet and had been issuing announcements requesting contact, the first reaction was just a snoring.

Xiao Ran then replied to Cruzer in this way: "This is an overcast man and a stable man. He must have done this for his purpose and cannot walk at the rhythm of the other party. If he likes to send it, wait for him. Always send. "

Xiao Ran will not let people come into contact with Cang, no matter what the other party ’s purpose is, to seduce them to go out and really want to talk to them, there is no need to worry about it.

Cang is not simple, Xiao Ran has reason to believe that this time the other party sent someone to the solar system again and certainly made other preparations, and the purpose must be to find out whether a series of things happening in the solar system were not done by the burning legion. of.

As long as the Burning Legion comes forward, at least the other party has achieved one of the goals. This is Cang used himself as a bait to seduce the Burning Legion. Who knows if there are other forces behind Cang who are watching the situation inside the solar system, Not showing up is right.

Even if they came forward, it was the Burning Legion who took the lead to let the other side appear, not the other party to take the lead and let the Burning Legion show up. They only followed the rhythm of the Burning Legion, and no Burning Legion followed other rhythms.

And for Ran Cang, Xiao Ran felt that he couldn't underestimate. This is not a regular participant, but also a stable group of participants. It is not the kind of person who will throw himself into danger, so Xiao Ran has reason to believe. Cang has 100% other back-hands, and he must show up when he knows that the other side has back-hands. That's not stupid.

You see him as stable as an old dog. When the solar system found the lost fleet, he didn't even send a person to check it, and he even ignored the call for help. Can you believe that he did not come back?

With Xiao Ran's attitude, the Burning Legion in the solar system completely ignored Cang's fleet as air to the other side, but the Ghost Fleet has been expanding its search range in search of other forces in the hostile alliance.

It is worth mentioning that the new battleships of the Burning Legion are now equipped with a new navigation system, a new navigation system different from the previous jumping mode, which is also much more than thanks to those guys in the super zone today, letting the Burning Legion in the God of War King Kong This technology is available in the world, a gadget suitable for short-range navigation.

It takes only one or two minutes to reach the most marginal position of the solar system from the earth, relying on this non-jumping navigation technology. This speed is already very fast, and it can be used well in short distances. Naturally, long distances are still The original jumping technique is used, but the length is also relative.

After all, the light jumping effect of the space jumping technology is a bit too gorgeous, and it is not suitable for some special operations. Compared to the ghost warship, each time you must return to the entity and then jump, creating a door to fly through, but using this technology If you can keep sailing in a ghost state, it is very useful for reconnaissance warships.

All of the more than 40 ghost warships dispatched were enough to investigate an extremely vast area of ​​the universe. As long as the large troops behind Cang were closer, it would not be too difficult to find them.

But even if Xiao Ran is found, it will only make people wary and there will be no more action. Cang's side comes out so carelessly. The normal logic is that Cang must have a back-hand, and the back-hand may be a large army that follows. The fleet that attacked Cang must also be attacked by the opposing forces.

But turning around and thinking about it, the other party didn't even think about concealing what the big troops are following. This is normal logic after all, just like Xiao Ran now knows that he needs to find the opposite big team. Army, how could the other party not know this?

It ’s actually not a bait, and it ’s not impossible for the big army to follow. It ’s not impossible. This kind of arrangement that works the other way is also very good at the Burning Legion. What you can do is not It can't be done on behalf of others.

Although it feels a little bit of fighting with the air, let alone Cang is still an overwhelming admirer from Xiao Ran. It ’s so overcast, stay calm. After all, it ’s a big event like legion warfare. At the table war, the winner can get everything, even if he can't get everything, Xiao Ran must be arranged to the extent that he can get everything.

In this case, there is no need to be so anxious, take it slowly, anyway, now it has captured as many people as 100,000 warships across, including an unknown number of participants and s-class pilots, do not worry The advantage is already in the grasp, waiting for the other side to worry is the opportunity to burn the Legion.

But then let ’s just continue to stir, before it was Cruze and now Uzes has been launched, wait for Uzes to come up with something to watch slowly, and the Radam dimensional beast will soon be officially There is no need to let the Burning Legs roll up their sleeves and end in person.

On the other side, Cang was sitting in the flagship of his fleet at this time, and he also had a deep complexion. He felt only a short time in his heart. Looking at the huge fleet that appeared on the screen was helpless.

The composition of this legion is different from other legions. It is more like a federal system. There are several internal legion formations under the large collective of Bercia. Although Zhou is a well-deserved boss, the following Take Cang as an example, there are their own teams, these teams are not so pleasing to each other.

It is good that there is no direct conflict between these teams internally, but I think you are upset that you are dissatisfied with me. There are quite a lot of such things. Fighting for power is too common, and often Cang is the one who often gets more in fighting for power. People, this led to other internal legions have a lot of dissatisfaction with the Cang legion.

What has caused all this is the special composition of the people of Bercia.

Zhou ’s identity is very special. She was originally a princess of the universe empire. After becoming a participant, she gradually grew up with her own means and capabilities and established the Legion of Bercia. Then she changed her name to Zhou, representing The meaning of their King of civilization gods.

Only in this process, before Zhou fully grew up, some people who recommended her civilization became members of the Legion, and the people who she was able to deduce with a special reward received extremely excellent potential. It is precisely these who have The people with excellent potential are the outstanding people of each family in their civilization.

It is normal for all families to have various contradictions under an imperial civilization, but this contradiction has also spread to the Bercia Legion because of the emergence of these people, and it can be maintained when everyone has not yet grown up A certain unity, but after developing to this extent, that kind of unity becomes a veil under the glory and philosophy of the family.

As a result, many different factions appeared in Bercia, and eventually evolved into many different internal legions. This situation did not occur overnight, but it was a development that could not be stopped and changed after a long time. Into this.

Everyone is now a pilot. Everyone can return to their own family, and they can bring more things to their family. I do the same if you do it. You are not happy with me, I am not happy with you. There are also many contradictions. Of course, the first thing after having strength is to find the place.

And now Bercia is already steadily in the top five of Prometheus, and there are enlightened allies brought about by some people who cannot describe the relationship. The position is stable and there are really no enemies and no external conflicts. As a result, internal contradictions have become even greater. Even now, as the commander of the army, Zhou has actually been unable to manage these internal problems, and can only relax and try to transfer the contradictions to the outside.

Fortunately, there are Prometheus rules and restrictions. Born from the same source, these people under Zhou can't make too much noise. At least they can't fight in the end, limiting the contradiction to a certain degree. This build and steadily grow, otherwise, Bercia has long been split into several different legions.

Such a situation has actually happened many times in history, and often this situation also means that a country will reverse from the strongest, isn't it normal?

To fight against the Burning Legion, Cang himself is opposed, but it is useless to oppose it alone, and it is not the Legion of Burning Legion, which is extremely united with all kinds of pit people, and Cang ’s objection will definitely be approved by another If Cang wants to cooperate with the Burning Legion, someone will definitely destroy this cooperation, so as not to increase Cang's power again.

Such a legion can develop in Prometheus to the extent that it is today. It is also wonderful to fight inside and outside, and in places like Prometheus, it is also amazing. Thanks to the good ability of the universe, the strength is also strong enough. Can restrain the parties and Prometheus' rules of care.

Moreover, he also inspired himself as an ally, and pulled Todd into a negative and in-depth supporter, holding Bercia steadily.

However, although the structure of this legion has problems, it also has advantages. The development of an internal legion will certainly make several other internal legions keep up with it so as not to fall behind too much. It does not need to spend too much time thinking about the internal legion. It is unclear whether good competition can develop itself.

And even if one of the internal legions fell into disappointment for any reason, Zhou could forcibly make the legion strong again with his own rights, as if he didn't put all the eggs in the same basket, but those baskets would go for him Like eggs.

Cang sometimes feels helpless about the situation of the Legion, but it is also impossible to let him give up his prejudice with other people. His cousin was not killed by other people's families, and his cousin was almost scourged by other families, even if he himself has not been suppressed by other families.

It ’s just that the internal fighting also scores. When facing the Burning Legion, you still have to fight, yes, the Legion War has started and everyone is united, but this time, unity has a fart! Obviously, when you should unite, you should fight internally. You should draw the Burning Legion. Cooperation with the Burning Legion is the best solution.

The fools of you only see the benefits that can be gained by defeating the Burning Legion, each can be divided into a world, and the resources and technology of the Burning Legion can be obtained, but you of nmb have not considered that failure will be What a result! ?

Cang really wanted to surrender. He really wanted to surrender. At least he could talk to Xiao Ran about relationships and friendship. At least Xiao Ran had to give him a face. Xiao Ran owed him a face. Looking at it from the bottom, Xiao Ran is the kind of person who will definitely return his face. At least he won't be too uncomfortable at least, and at least he can maintain the current establishment of his own power.

At that time, even if Bercia is gone, at least his Cang Fleet is still there, the other internal legions and even other legions are unlucky, but at least he can not be unlucky. Without Zeus, without Bercia, isn't it just right? Later in his civilization, his country is where he has the final say. This is a good thing. It is a good thing, and he has a thick thigh, which is even better.

Although the Burning Legion hasn't really shown up yet, they unknowingly pitted a fleet of 100,000 warships, and pitted a small fortified fleet of ten s-class pilots behind the thousand battleships. What do you take and Burning Legion to play, what to play!

The distress signal that has been flashing on that big screen now feels headaches when looking at Cang, but he is not ready to rescue, he is afraid, really dare not, who knows what pits the Burning Army dug in these distress signals, just He didn't even dare to send the reconnaissance team. He admits that he was timid when facing the Burning Legion, and he was only sound when he was vicious.

Can Nima meet the monsters such as the Burning Legion that can move him to exit the mission, what can he do? Wouldn't it be nice to kneel and wait for the reception? Wouldn't it be fragrant as the Burning Legion became more powerful and able to hit others?

Up to now, Cang can be sure that everything that happened in the solar system should be related to the Burning Legion, but he doesn't know how the Burning Legion did it, but the more so, the more I feel that the Burning Legion is afraid, he really wants it. Have a good talk with Xiao Ran face to face. Most of the people in his fleet are his relatives. He doesn't want his relatives to lose their lives in this meaningless war.

Yes, he can't betray Bercia, but that doesn't mean he can't choose to surrender? As long as you surrender and be raised by the Burning Legion as a pig for a while, isn't everything all right after the Burning Legion wins?

"Surender! Surrender!"

Cangman's head is full of such thoughts.

"Can't wait like this, there will be great terror waiting. The Cuimeng Army reluctantly becomes a subsidiary of the Burning Legion. Doesn't this explain the problem, the fools really think they are invincible, and arrogance is a sign of death, You must surrender, and you must not be dragged down by those bastards. "

Less than five hours after coming here, Cang was determined to make his final fight, stood up and called out loudly: "Notify the entire army, disconnect all from the large troops, and move forward to the unmanned fleet ahead."

"The entire ship shut down its engines, throwing out all of the ship's ammunition, ejecting all the airframes and sending a surrender signal."

"Now, my mine will be announced."

"I am Cang and the Bercia Legion. Now my fleet will immediately eject all loader bodies in an unmanned manner, immediately shut down all warship energy, and throw away all ship armed ammunition. I only declare to the Burning Legion on behalf of this fleet. To surrender, I would like to personally go to the ships of the Burning Legion. I hope to meet with Xiao Ran. I hope that he can accept the surrender of the fleet in exchange for the favors owed to me and promise to keep the fleet's ownership forever.

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