MTL - Unique Legend-v2 Chapter 2 classmate

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taiwanam6: 50

Yeah, the senior gave you the magic weapon.

Meow Meow was quickly attracted to the second thing, the blue se soy in my hand. It looks like this should be water-based. It is difficult to find such a pure face.

I looked at the soybeans in doubt. Is this something that seniors don't need?

It wo n’t be stingy. The price of pure magic weapons is very high. I know that there are four se weapons in the school, but I have only seen him use ice magic weapons. Meow Meow explained to me that basically using magic weapon is very mental and physical, so not everyone can use it, and when using magic weapon, you must first sign a contract weapon with the attribute's sprite. Forming, since the senior will give you this, it means that this weapon has not been used, because after the contract is signed, it can not be used by a second person.

Meowing something, I'm a little dizzy.

Anyway, the conclusion is that this soybean is brand new and unopened, and then he may be a rhinestone ... Correction, water weapon, you must sign a warranty before use.

How do I use it? I played with blue se soybeans and was a little curious.

like this. Meow Meow removed a bean-like bead from the necklace on her neck, yellow and green se silk, a beautiful face like the watercolor falling water, and a contract with me. Please let the learners see yours soul. There is also an incomprehensible text in the double se beads, and then it slowly glows.

I saw the light spun up like a ball from the beads.

Then the wings like soft cloth came out, and a small man with a big slap stood on the palm of Meow Meow. This is all the elves of Xifei Claw of my prairie attribute. Then the elf snorted again in the air and changed back to that bean bead. Before you can summon the magic weapon, you must first set a shape for him, and then contract him with blood, so that the elf will communicate with him. You reply to sign the contract.

Set shape?

How to set it? I looked at blue se soybeans and couldn't figure out how to use them.

Meow Meow spoke very clearly, and I heard it vaguely.

Set him with your heart.

Well you **** like a rotten answer.

But when it comes to weapons, it reminds me of the long guns used by the seniors, with some transparent white and red se text on them. Sure enough, it is something that the seniors will use. Even the weapons look sharp and delicate. .

Think of me, even the explosion symbol will become a black ball bomb.

I decided not to use magic weapon for the time being.

If, just in case, if I came up with a big water blue bomb, I think the senior will definitely kill me a hundred times this time.

Yang Yang, our class also has masters of using magic martial arts weapons. I will introduce you when he comes. Meow meow seems to be unwilling to use it, and patted my shoulder with a grinning smile. The magic weapon is much harder to learn than the explosive charm.

I know she is comforting me.

I understand, thanks. Needless to say, magic martial arts weapons, I even use explosives badly.

As the two of us knew each other about the beans, a gurgling sound came from the classroom door.

Come in a four eyed pheasant.



Four-eyed pheasant speaks first.

It was a four-eyed pheasant with black-rimmed glasses. Like me, the black hair and black eyes were nothing special. The fringe in front of me was about to cover half of the glasses. It looked a little dark and felt like a legend. That kind of shrewd nerd.

Chitose is early. Meow Meow apparently knew the eyeglasses and beckoned him happily. This is Yang Yang, a new classmate who didn't report on that day.

After putting down his schoolbag in his seat, the eyeglasses slowly walked over and then stood beside us and started to look up and down me. His guide is the freshman in black robe? Behind the thick glasses, a little surprised **** was exposed. I thought it should be a very powerful guy, and it didn't look very good.

Sorry, I don't look good at all.

Hello classmates, this is Chu Mingyang, please give me a lot of advice. In order not to destroy my popularity in the class, I still say hello first, I am the first time I entered the school, I have never been to it before ... er, this world, there may be many places in the future to trouble you Already.

Yang Yang is a complete newcomer, and he didn't know about us when he was in school. Meow Meow helps me to note, by the way, what time is Lane's car? The senior gave Yang Yang the magic weapon, I originally wanted to ask Ryan to teach Yang Yang to use it.

Lane has a late meeting today. After answering to Meow Meow, the spectacle man turned back to me again. This time his interest has obviously improved a little. Hello, my names are Qian Dongsui and Xue Ye Qian Dongsui.

What a long name, Yukino? At first I thought he should be a fellow with me.

Chitosuke's ancestor came from Japan, so the surname has been used, but the place where he lives now is ten thousand miles away. Meow Meow is not very happy, their family has recently started to work in the same way as us, Chitose is the fourth period.

It turned out that he was also a family member.

Suddenly, I felt like I was out of step, because everyone knew the school very early, so I was a rookie looking for death and rushed in for some reason.

Don't worry, all the basic courses in the school are taught from scratch. If you have the potential to be picked by the school, you will definitely learn these things. Qian Dongsui told me like this, the tone is a bit flat, but generally it is quite mild, probably a good person, wait for you to see Lane, Lane started school from elementary school, he was like you He doesn't understand anything, but now he is the one who is most likely to use the magic weapon in the freshman. Many seniors or teachers will ask him questions about this.

Let him say that, I feel a little relieved.

After all, taking my senior so strong will always scare me.

Now I heard that someone, like me, suddenly entered the school and then became strong. I do n’t know why I was a little more relieved. I do n’t understand the school yet ...

You don't have to worry about dying. Meow Meow immediately saw my concerns, haven't you met Assistant Tyre? Even if you die in this school, the medical class will immediately revive you.


Speaking, I seem to have heard the senior say the same thing.

The school has a high mortality rate but there are no real deaths. I took out a notebook, and turned over a few pages, and I heard that when the school was founded, the directors had signed contracts with all walks of life. Anyone who died at the school can be fully resurrected, but only in the school; Say, if you step out of school and die, there is no way.

Yay? So the long line of corridors I saw was ... waiting to be resurrected?

Chitose lent his notebook to me. All current medical classes are staffed by the Phoenix family. They have the ability to resurrect from death. I heard that such a powerful person as Assistant Governor Tyre calculated that the school was not under contract protection. As long as you don't die too far, you can still let you in a certain period of time.

I flipped through my notebook, and it turned out that part of it was documenting the health room.

The fluffy soil was so strong that there was no way to put people together with ability.

Meow Meow is also a member of the medical class! One side of the meow suddenly raised his hand to interject, Yang Yang, I can help you quickly.

Medical class?

It ’s not Phoenix.

Are you a medical class ... Phoenix? I looked at her suspiciously. The latter nodded strongly. Is your family a big cat? Meow Meow nodded again.

I did not continue to say this.

I want to tell Meow, is your family the Elvis Preserve?

The bird is actually kept with the cat! ?

I can tell you why. Spectacles shoved his glasses, giving off a flash of light. Because Elvis Presley had eaten Phoenix people a thousand years ago, he was cursed by the Phoenix. Now you will see the cat running with the bird.

That's it!

This is the end of cheap talk.

I and Su Ya are good friends! Meow meow chasing glasses.

Just when the two were having a fight, I didn't know why I suddenly felt the cold behind, so cold that it felt like ice cubes smashed into my back.

Of course, if there are ice cubes going to hit you, will you hide?

My answer is: If I must hide!

So I immediately reflected and ducked my head, regardless of whether there was any ice cube in the back.

Then, I saw a hand, which is not a human hand, a claw of a wild animal, which is almost bigger than my head.

Wow! !!

Hearing my cry, the meow meow that had been making noises stopped at the same time as Qian Dongsui, Yang Yang! Meow Meow came first and pulled me away.

Looking back, I saw that beast claw was not a beast, but a person.

A person who should be about the same age as me, wearing a student uniform, but it feels like a bad boy, wearing a uniform and casually slipping on flip-flops.

I suspect he is a Taiwanese who will wear that Hawaiian shirt.


Classmates are early.

The person wearing flip-flops opened his mouth, his accent was flowing, and he was chewing something suspected of chewing gum. His short hair was erected with hair spray and sprayed with the strange and colorful se color of five colors and six se.

It looks like ... indescribable.

The beast claw stuck to his hand.

He is not human! ?

This is the only perception in my confused mind.

He is a beast.

... as if adjectives are cursing.

School jumble. Obviously, Qian Dongsui didn't have a good impression on this chicken head with five faces and six faces. To be honest, me too.

Then I fully realized that the senior said that Part C was the last class.

Nerd, are you looking for death! The colorful chicken's hair was angry, and I saw his beastly hand shake for a long while, throbbing like a twisted muscle, and then shrinking the gren-like arm after a few seconds.

For starters, I have every reason to return. Looking at him from the left and right, Qian Dongsui is obviously provocative, and he is not as good-looking and calm as the appearance of glasses.

I now want to escape outside the classroom.

Come whenever you want!

Who is afraid of you.

In my life, I feel that I am the boldest now.

do not hit! I rushed into the middle of the two people who would pick up the frame at any time and closed my eyes hard.

If you fight, what if the unhappy classroom caught us out?

I would rather be resurrected by being bombarded to death by two people than by being crushed and resurrected by the classroom.

Spectacles and colorful chicken heads saw me rushing in for a moment, and neither of them moved.

Even a person who does n’t know how to fight knows that classrooms ca n’t fight .... If you want to fight, go out and fight, at most, the guards will treat it as an intruder. The long voice came from the other side.

I don't know when a fifth person appeared in the classroom.

It's a girl with long hair straight to the thighs.

Her hair is brown and she has beautiful brown eyes. She looks very quiet. Her hair is straight and thin. When she moves, she will turn out a wave. If you want to continue to fight, as I should not sit back and watch.

Squad leader?

It seems that even the cadres were selected on the day I did not report to the freshman.

Good morning. Meow meowed the long girl.

Wuse chicken head snorted heavily and walked back to his seat obediently. I think he should be afraid of the squad leader in some way, so he didn't even dare to put a fart.

Good morning, meow, thousand winter, and Yang Yang. The girl known as Aurora has a beautiful and elegant smile, which makes people feel very comfortable. I do n’t know if Yangyang did n’t come that day. I ’m the class leader of the c department, Auror Su Kaiwen, if you happen in the class Come on, come to me.

Okay, thank you. I quickly wrote down the monitor's name.

Yang Yang has a cell phone. Eurolo thumped her finger, and instantly I saw a mobile phone appear in her hand. I don't know why, mobile phones are very familiar.

Isn't it my phone!

Meow Meow also enter! Jumping over to Europa, Meow Meow was trying to enter my number into my mobile phone.

Well, what should I say ...

It seems my classmates are all independent.

It's helpful for you to write me down with Lane by the way. Qian Dongsui said so, and sat back to his place. His position is a few rows away from the colorful chicken head, and the two will stare at each other from time to time.

Let me help you all to remember. If there is something, Yang Yang can directly find us, we will try to help you in the past. Euroloid smiled at me again and felt very comfortable.

Actually that phone is not mine ...

And he hasn't been charged for a long time.

Having said that, I remembered that if the senior was to lend it to me all the time, I should first buy a charger, otherwise one day, when life and death were suddenly out of power, wouldn't it be bad?

This is very likely to happen in the light of my previous years of decline.

After several people played there for a while, Aurora snapped his fingers again, and then the phone disappeared.

I touched my pocket and the phone came back to me automatically.

This trick is also very useful, I think I would really like to learn.

After seven o'clock, the classmates came one after another, but they were not as enthusiastic as Qian Dongsui and Meow Meow. Most of them were quietly doing their own things in their seats without saying hello. I'm not good at bothering others, and Meow Meow also returned to her seat after saying hello.

I noticed that there was a white cat in the meowing position.

Hmm ... shouldn't it be the one I think?

There are not many people in our class, at least less than the junior high school class I used to study. There were 55 people in my previous class, and this class has less than 20 so far, and there are many more The seats are empty. It seems that there are still many people who are either late or die outside ...

The class is quiet.

In fact, it has been so quiet that there is something called terror.

Moreover, I found that there seemed to be some kind of murderous feeling in the class. To put it more simply, I felt that this class didn't seem to get along well in imagination. Many people glared in private. This situation is not just happening to Qian Dongsui and colorful chicken heads.

Especially the colorful chicken head, he was obviously nailed by many people, and everyone was staring at him all around.

You are the classmate who did not arrive that day. The classmate in front of my seat turned around and was about the same age as me. He was a short-haired foreigner. He had linen hair and blue eyes. He had a little round face with a little hemp, but it seemed to be easy to get along with. It feels that you have better deal with him who has a furry color, he has a bad reputation on our side.

Poor wind rating?

I suddenly thought that he had just the beast paw, was it a bad boy?

The voice of both of us was very low, only to hear each other.

Worse than that. The boy with a round face said that his family was assassinated, and as long as he had money, he would betray his skills to kill people, so many people looked down on him.


What I thought in that second was the weird look of a five-seed chicken head wearing a Japanese ninja suit and flying eaves.

It should look a lot like colored se **** that glow in the dark, I think.


A gurgling door was opened.

Come in alone.

Someone I think should not be a student.

Everyone, everyone.

It looks like a teacher. The classmates in front of me turned back quickly, and then everyone who was doing everything in the four weeks looked up.

That's a tall man. I guess it must have been 200 centimeters. The ceiling is not far from his head. The length is the height that makes a good shot when playing basketball.

It seems that many people are late today. The teacher sighed as she looked at one-third of the available seats.

He is a bit rough, and also a foreigner, a bit strong, and should look very athletic. Then, he was bald, with a strange black se totem pierced on his reflective head. He wore punk-style clothes and felt like an underground expert of some kind. When he called it, he would die a ticket. Kind of senior thug.

Also, he is black.

I finally found something wrong.

If the senior and meow meow speak Chinese to me, I still understand it, but the words that Euroloan and Yuanyuanlian, who I did n’t even know, just understand what I understand. It ’s weird.

I looked carefully at the teacher's mouth shape.

Sure enough, he didn't speak Chinese, but I understood it.

I believe that everyone has seen me on the first day. I am the class tutor you will meet until graduation. We will meet each morning in the morning for self-study. Some students who have a bad record in the helicopter should pay attention. Teacher and I will I pay attention to you guys; if you want to make a fuss, just go outside the school and get killed. No one will care about you. Fighting in class or campus is a waste of medical class resources! The daring class tutor took such hard words on the first day of school. Do n’t try to find a teacher to challenge, you should all know that the teacher is not the object of challenge, but after you all have a black robe qualification or graduated with long hair, The teacher welcomes you to come back and cover my bag at any time to take revenge.

Whoa ... he's a strange teacher.

Not only was he bald, but he also wanted the students to come back and flatten him.

That's it if there is no problem. The class guide clapped his hands, and a very loud voice echoed in the classroom. By the way, your teacher and I are also part of xenophobia. Even if you are selected, if you are lucky, give me more attention if you do n’t. Teacher I dare not choose a class, so I'll tighten my skin!

I'm hairy.

Because I didn't write that course on the elective list.

How does the name of that course look like a weird course studying aliens? Who wants to choose it!

teacher. Meow Meow raised her hand, then stood up under the class guide, I'm sorry I didn't choose your class.

Meow meow! You are too honest! ?

The class guide narrowed its eyes and looked at Meow Meow for a long while. You are a member of the medical class. The medical class will additionally teach xenophobia. The teacher will let you go.

Thank you, teacher. Meow Meow sat down happily.

Then I changed my hands and raised my hand.

Now I suspect these guys are looking for a teacher because they just said so badly.

I did not take electives. It was very clean and clean. The spectacles pushed his glasses to give out the light, and a bang, the alienation class and the spell class rushed to the classroom. I think now we should start from the basics of the spell class, and it is not too late to wait for the second class.

Obviously, Chitose was completely at odds with the teacher.

The spectacles looked prone to irritation, but his expression remained unchanged.

You are the fourth generation of the Snowfield Family, right? The strange thing is that the class guide didn't get angry, but grinned and grinned. The Xueye family made a strange horn with the brain instead of the body.

Now it is the teacher and the student who provoke each other.

I want to hold my head and scream.

What is this choppy atmosphere!

Since the first generation of the Xueye family, the people who went to the Xueye family have inquired about the number of students in the school. I hope that the teacher will not be useful to the Xueye family for a day. Soon Qian Dongsui pushed her eyes back, then sat down very leisurely.

The teacher shrugged.

However, from their conversation, I felt that Chitose's house should be similar to a library, because many people would go to his house to ask questions.

Well, we very much welcome Xueye, who is known as Kuixing, in our class. In the future, if you have any questions, you can ask Xueye. He will give you an answer. The teacher clapped his hands, and the students below applauded.

Xueye's house is nothing big, and it hasn't been lost in the hands of our Royea. Five se chicken head snorted from the nose.

Oh, they turned out to be feuds, and I fully understand why the two of them would look down on each other.

OK for two. The teacher gave a high-five, and his voice overwhelmed two people. Part C has always been the most difficult class in the school. Now your teacher and I think so, but rest assured, the teacher and I will not show weakness to you. Let everyone play your youthful vitality together! Yay! He shook his fist and waved strongly toward the ceiling, only to run towards the sunset.

Yeah you big head.

This teacher has a neurosis. 2k novel reading network