MTL - Unique Legend-v19 Chapter 5 End

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Everyone looked at them.

After seeing the Elven Armies and Wolf King Armies appearing in Huo Ran, some ghost clan apparently lost their warfare, and one or two of them disappeared.

Then I remembered that there seemed to be several races in the Elves who were very good at fighting. One of them was the Icefang, which defeated the most powerful ghost king completely thousands of years ago.

"Icetooth, Valley of Fire, Jing Luotian, and Shunayan ... Do you want to win and lose with all your opponents at once and then take off the academy?" It was still said indifferently as if he did not want to himself What he did, Director Umbrella looked at the two ghost kings surrounded by him, and evoked a kind of cold smile: "Wait for the ghost king you are about to lose."

Andy laughed suddenly.

"Okay, we failed this time, and we lost it completely, but if my king Bingfei looks like this, I don't think victory or defeat is necessary." He squatted down and said to me across the cloak: "Student Chu We still have a chance to meet. "

Seeing his serious expression from the seam, I was a little scared to be honest: "... it's better not to see you again."

"Don't worry, you'll meet again soon." Andier reached out, and gently touched the red se hair tail exposed from the cape's seam: "Yana's child will give it back to you first, and I still have something. To give you. "

"Give me?" I hesitated for a moment, and suddenly thought whether this guy was hiding something?

"You know where to find me."

Leaving a line of greetings, Huo Di stood up and asked no more, Andyel stepped back, suddenly disappeared like this, and when he reappeared, he was already standing next to King Yellow.

"I will come back again!"

According to the face that has become black se bones for eight minutes, the Yellow ghost king is as capable as the earliest appearance. The sound full of terrible pressure has not been reduced by half, which makes people still feel a heavy force.

"Everyone will pay for today!"

At the same time, different matrix methods were turned around.

Almost all the robes scattered around appeared in the water enchantment.

With blood on his face and a wounded eye, Nu Lei Li came to his feet, and he didn't have to be afraid of the ghost king, so he directly pointed out his middle finger: "It will never be possible with us, get your eggs off!"

Then there was the loudest cheering around.

As a result, the ghost clan disappeared into the water realm.

So it all ended like this.

I was holding a body that was already cold in the cloak, and suddenly there was an urge to cry.

"Senior, we won."

However, you still cannot hear.


The sounds around him were as agitated as if the ice surface were shaking.

Just when I wanted to take off the cape, the silver gun touched me lightly, "Don't lift it." The umbrella director looked at me, and Serofin and Alfadis came over from the other side, right in front of us. .

The two of them greeted the director of the umbrella, and then Serofin said, "My king and the wolf king have received our lordship. They have told us whether or not there was a temple without a contract that lived with us 1,000 years ago. How about us, Young Master? "

"Thousands of years ago, Fan accepted the contract at a price of 90% of the assets of the two races. He brought your young master to this age. Knowing that we will ensure his safety before adulthood, and please do n’t try as much as you did last time. You want Dell to leave; now that you have endured a long time, what do you think of the blink of an eye in the elves for more than ten years? "After a pause, Director Umbrella continued coldly and said," Before adulthood, you guys, The young master will be connected to the college. If you leave before the time is up, there will be inestimable consequences. Please remind the two kings about this. "

Without answering immediately, Serofin looked at the messenger of the Wolf King next to him, and then nodded: "We understand that since the college is okay, we will immediately bring back the martial arts, and the master also invited three more Bother. "

"Thanks a lot."

After Alfadis thanked him, the armed forces on both sides were as abrupt as they had just arrived, and immediately disappeared in front of everyone, without even giving them a chance to talk.

Like an illusory bubble, it disappears immediately.

After the two races left, the umbrella director pulled back Bai Se's cloak and put it on himself: "You can't let them see this scene, it will be endless."

I know he is worthy of my senior.

"That one…"

Yin se's eyes glanced at me and glared at what I wanted to ask.

The director of the umbrella reached out and took off the earrings on the silver gun, then bent down and placed it on the chest of the senior: "Quiet fire." Speaking softly, the earring suddenly disappeared into the body of the senior and disappeared completely. .

"The enchantment of your academy will affect the ghosts, and we must leave this place as soon as possible." Leslie, representing the ghost king of Shunayan, came over, squatted down and looked at the senior, then raised his head: "My lord let Whatever I bring, be sure to pay whatever it takes ... "

Stopping the other side, the umbrella director nodded his head: "Everything will calm down."

"I see." Standing up, Leslie turned away, almost disappearing into the air at the same time as the man brought with him.

Noisy all around.

I want to ask someone in front of me, but I don't think he will tell me the answer.

"Take what you think is neat."

The sudden sound made me stupid and immediately raised my head, the standing umbrella director looked down at me: "Time and God will not create a race that is completely unnecessary, as long as the mission is what you want, that's it Go ahead. "

"Uh, I ..." I actually want to ask your senior what to do!

After speaking the suspected inspirational words, the umbrella director, who had no plans what to do, withdrew the silver gun with handsome gestures, and then threw the cloak and immediately disappeared in front of everyone, including me.

Do you just run away after seeing people!

Ah rely on your ...

"Children Chu, have changed hands!" [金沙 论坛 手 打]

With a ping-pong sound, the sickle of the skull was directly next to me. As long as it is another 0.5 cm, I believe I should become one of this person's collection.

Jiulan put one hand on top of his terrible magic weapon, and the other hand stretched over to make me move.

"... what do you want to do to him!" Although he is red-haired, he is definitely a senior. I bet this guy has nine hundred percent not to save people, but to increase his collection.

"First dig out your eyes and then ... what's wrong, I'm trying to save someone!" Almost took out Jilan who was telling the truth and put spare glasses on his hair.

You just want to give people the best blow!

"Don't make a fuss!" I patted Jiulan's shoulder, and the assistant with a few wounds on his body came out from behind. At a glance, he should also support everywhere: "His Royal Highness Bingyan's condition Seriously, Linda Sinaia will return him to the medical class headquarters immediately. "

Looking at the assistant minister, I don't know if I should let go.

There was a time when I thought that the senior shake would not return.

But he is here now.

Regardless of Andy's hands and feet, his people have returned to the college.

"Changing hands."

Jiulan and the assistant director both patted me on the shoulder.

"It's all over."

"Yang ~"

After watching the assistant minister take the senior away, a country that I thought I did n’t know where to die suddenly rushed out of the corner and rammed me directly on the ice: "Have you seen it! Uncle Ben A master of ghosts! "

"... Ah?" Which shallot you killed?

I'm sorry I just didn't notice anything outside our side.

"Those robe-level movements are slow enough. Uncle Ben killed one of them and they can't finish it." The five-headed chicken head completely ignored me as a person called "severely injured" and grabbed my collar. Lift me off the ground.

"Oh, okay, I know." Picking up the five chicken heads, I quickly turned back to the net and Xia Sui, the senior, ran there.

After all four enchantments are running smoothly, should Xia Sui be all right?

Several medical classes in blue robes ran over. One of those people I did n’t know suddenly turned around and patted me when I passed by: "Oh! Hurry up and help!"

He slammed for a while, then I remembered that I was still wearing Jiulan's clothes.

Is it too busy to be dizzy?

"The demon master turned the purple robe back to the medical class headquarters first." The man dragged me to Xia Su, their senior, and ran there.


That is to say, Xia Sui's eyes have not been treated in the eyes?

Suddenly, I felt a heart beat: "Isn't it good in school or school?"

The medical class gave me a white look: "Did you just see that he was injured by the black knife? There is a high level of ghost anger in the knife. It is not bad to be cut and twisted on the spot."

After he finished speaking, he was patted by a medical class next to him and said a few words, probably telling him that I'm not a medical class, because after that he also hesitated and spoke to me Sorry to run away.

Several people snatched in the past, interrupting Yaduo's water-mingling power.

As if tired, Yaduo didn't let go of his hand, but the whole person almost collapsed for a moment, and Lei Duo stepped back and stepped back.

However, after Yaduo had been pulled away, the blood of Xia Su's senior body suddenly burst out, just as he couldn't stop raising them. Several medical classes quickly developed different spells, and the results were very low. So they didn't know where to get a few pieces of medicated cloth to quickly wrap the wound tightly, and quickly draw the array on the ground.

"Master, master ..."

Xiaoting rushed up, grasping Xia Su's clothes.

"No, the cursed body cannot enter the emergency room." One of the men in the blue robe pulled the kiosk, trying to pull her out of the circle.

Suddenly, Xiaoting opened his fangs and showed aggressive murderousness: "What do you want!"

"Wait, they're trying to save Brother Xia Sui." Holding a small pavilion, Qian Dongsui rubbed his red eyes: "You ... go back to make tea and wait for your master to drink?"

"Making tea?" Xiaoting tilted his head. Eyes were still staring at Xia Su.

"Well ... after the injury, he should be very thirsty and hungry. If you are ready, Xia Sui will be able to eat whenever he goes back." Slowly let go of his hand, Chitose sniffed his nose: "All right?"

Turning his attention to Chitose, Xiaoting was silent for a while, then smiled: "Well, Xiaoting will go back to prepare refreshments and snacks, and ask the owner to come back soon after he's done."

After speaking, she ran thousands of times and hugged Xia Su, a senior, and immediately turned around, disappearing near the water enchantment without looking back.

After watching Xiaoting leave, Qian Dongshui turned his head, took Xia Sui's hand, and then suddenly turned around like I thought: "Yang Yang ... If you see Lane ... tell him Go to the medical class headquarters. "

I can understand that Qian Dongsui should be a mess of the whole head now, because he has forgotten even the spell that he can talk by himself, and actually told me to tell Lane.

Nodded, I moved back slightly to see that it didn't interfere with the array: "Well, Xia Sui will be fine if he is a little longer."

I can only tell him that.

The medical class that had burned the **** was given no more time, and was transferred away in an instant.

The place where there were several people was empty for a moment, only Ledo and Yado remained.

After inserting both swords on the ice, Ledo helped people to let his brother sit slowly on the ground.

"Would you like to ask the medical team to come over?" I noticed that Yaduo's face was pale, and the whole person looked like a power loss, and it didn't look good.

Ledo stopped my movement: "No, because it takes a lot of mental energy to precisely control the blood of the human body, and probably just rest for a while."

"Well, it's really weak." Five se chicken hair made me startled, it turned out that he has been following me.

Have you decided to be the spirit behind?

"Xiri ~ I haven't seen you for a long time!" After seeing the dream of the colorful Sejian Mountain appearing, Ledo suddenly smiled broadly: "Which way, look at the feeling that everyone will retreat together this time, Would you like to tell me how your head is made? "

I deeply think that you should ask the hair stylist instead of the non-se chicken head. I always feel that he was not willing to say that it may be because this family has never known how to raise it. Anyway, it is used after dyeing. Hairspray stands up ...

"Get off, Uncle Ben is refreshed and not in the mood to talk nonsense with you now." Wuse chicken head refused in a very polite manner.

"Well, don't do this."

As always, Ledo jumped up, and then I had no time to rush to stop it.

With a snoring sound, Bellalay leaned against the back of Jado, who was beside him, made a sound with a strong protection against directly hitting the ice cube, and then died.

Reddore, you will die ... when your brother recovers, you will be killed.

Seeing that this meant to abuse the injured, a medical class ran over with a blanket and gave Ledo a reprimanded look. After talking, he helped Yado put a blanket on his face and showed him on the ice. Can take a good rest.

"This is a lot of drinks provided by the Elf tribe, which can restore a little spirit and strength. Please let him drink it every time." The kind-hearted medical staff looked around and thought that I was more reliable among the three, so I took a few bottles Something I know very well is on my hand: "You guys also drink a little because there are too many injuries and dead people. We are arranging medical treatment quickly, please wait a moment."

As he said, I noticed that there were many medical classes running fast in the water circle, and even the intelligence class was arrested to help deliver blankets and some supplementary supplies.

There were wounded people everywhere, and dead bodies were gradually being towed away, presumably to use resurrection spells and the like.

Even his own brother's strength was weak. After drinking the taboo elf drink, Yaduo glanced at Leiduo, closed his eyes and turned to rest without saying anything.

Lei Duo, who was standing next to him, did not dare to make any more noise, and sat down beside the twins obediently, and helped him pull the blanket.

After passing the elf drink to him, I also handed the five-seed chicken head before I started drinking my own.

After drinking that drink, I feel much better.

Then one of me got to one thing.

Just when Xia Su was sent away, I didn't see the ball fish, so it disappeared again.

I wondered if I should look around to avoid everyone being noticed when they stepped on the other side.

Everyone turned to look.


"Go back to Jing Luotian."

Anin, who had just returned with Nu Leli, frowned and looked at the messenger of the ghost king who had not left before. His tone was very bad, and he immediately wanted to give the woman in front of him a cut in two. In fact, "I can never talk to the ghost It doesn't matter! "

The black-haired ghost king's messenger showed a smile going to the United States: "However, my king is indeed directed at you, so he sent us over against Yelu ghost king."

"No one wants him to be troublesome!" Frowning, Anin pulled out his long knife: "Get out of the college right away, or you won't have to go back."

"Yoyo, it ’s so fierce, in the words of humans, it ’s really not good intentions ... even though the ghosts do n’t have good intentions, haha." The sickle foot ticked in the air, and then turned out a black se post: No matter how you feel, your school still owes my king this time, my king invited you to meet in this place ... "

Before the words were over, all the black invitations suddenly broke into pieces.

"Impossible." Interrupted the other side, Anin said firmly, "I can never have anything to do with the ghost family. Unless Jing Luotian takes his life to pay, I will one day destroy you all . "

"My king also said that you will have such a reflection. Fortunately, I have a backup copy of the invitation." I took out the same black post again, the ghost king messenger looked around, and then took two steps to pass the black post to the station. Next to the tower: "The elf shouldn't do anything to tear up other people's letters."

Saita looked at her like this: "If the letter is harmless to us, it will be intact until the original owner opens it."

"Elf really is a race that can be trusted." The ghost king messenger smiled.

"No, I mean, if the original owner never opens, this letter may be weathered directly in the strength of the academy; the cure is not necessarily weathered, and it may just fall in a corner like this until It disappeared. "Saita also paid her back with a sincere smile.

"... Okay, okay, it's up to the angel's decision anyway." With a shrug, the Ghost King's messenger hooked his tail: "We should also retreat. The enchantment of the academy is really not friendly at all. Feeling power is starting to diminish. "

"If it weren't for the ghost clan, it wouldn't have this effect." Anin smiled coldly, waiting for a strong roll.

"It looks like we are really unwelcome, so wait for your news."

After leaving the words, the messenger of the ghost king gave a kiss and then disappeared directly into the water enchantment while waiting for his men.

After the ghost clan disappeared, An Yin chopped up the long knife.

It seems that Ain may have been around for a while for the things I saw in his room last time.

The throbbing only lasted for a while. Those who were relatively okay at the robe level were called back again. I didn't know what small meeting was going on. After speaking, some people disappeared in situ. It seems that there should be another task.

"School brother."

Someone patted my shoulder from behind me and turned my head. What I saw was Azlian and Ryan appearing together in the White Garden, "It looks like you have a pretty solution here."

Wiping the blood on his face, Azlian said with a smile.

"Well ... everyone's amazing ..." I glanced into his eyes secretly, wondering where to start.

He noticed my sight, he shrugged, and made an expression that was okay: "I heard that the skills of the eyes were no longer available when they were sent to the medical class. They couldn't keep 'dead' and kept getting black gas. Pollution, I had to suppress the toxins here ... maybe think of other ways later. "


Seriously, in fact, I feel a little guilty about Aslian's eyes, if I can, I hope he can be fully cured ...

You don't need to feel responsible for this matter. "I saw what I was thinking at a glance," said Aslien, "we were prepared when we received the robe level. No matter what we lose our eyes or whatever, it will happen one day. Seriously, it was a bit uncomfortable at first, but now it has nothing to do with it. Do n’t worry, do n’t you think Luoan is like this? He is also doing his job well now. "

"This is what the canvas says, I think anyway ..."

Azlian raised his finger and shook his head, interrupting my conversation with a smile.

After the conversation came to an end, it was Ryan who had walked around in the neighborhood before he emerged from the side: "How old?"

"Ah, Qian Dongsui went to the medical class headquarters, because Xia Sui's injury was very serious." I almost forgot to help Qian Dongsui to contact Ryan.

Nodding, Ryan said he knew: "I'm going to him." After that, the man quickly ran away.

"Ah, that's the end of the fight." The five-se chicken head walking around holding his head behind his head made a pitiful voice: "The ghost clan is even more impatient than Uncle Ben thought. Ben The uncle thought he could hit it this time. "

... I think if you continue, you should be beaten by others.

"This is not easy. There are more than a dozen people in the black robes alone, not to mention the purple robes and white robes. In a short time, I think the tasks on the guild side have to be delayed." Aslilian smiled wryly, We looked around at the silence on the whole ice.

Red se's blood slowly settled to the bottom of the water enchantment, and Yan se was washed from red again.

After Dengli's nightmare improved a little, the people in the Snow Country strengthened the ice technique, let the ice kiosk display be fixed in the air, and let them figure out how to repair it.

With a snoring sound, I saw a black se under the ice on the side of my feet and stuck it to me. Azlian waved his saber, the hole that was dug, and the old man floated up from that hole.

As soon as he came up, Hei Se's body dropped out of something. It was Minas that really fell into the water. She still maintained the shape of a palm thunder, lying on the ice.

I quickly sent the old man and Minas back to the bracelet.

It's really hard for them this time, especially Minas also put so many powerful bullets, I don't know how this will affect her return.

"Yang Yang ~" Meow Meow ran towards us from a distant place. She had a large bamboo basket in her hand: "Here are some simple foods prepared by the reserve staff to help everyone. Meow Meow will be sent to everyone. "She opened the bamboo basket, which contained a lot of rice balls, biscuits, and pastries. After choosing a few to give us, she smiled.

"Ah, it's hard." Watching them want to send something for treatment, I suddenly felt that the robe-level war was over, and the medical class and intelligence class started to fight.

"No, it's not hard at all, Meow Meow is very strong." Bending his arm, Meow Meow happily said, "As long as everyone is okay, how to raise will not be hard, then Meow Meow will continue to send things. You eat something first, and Saita told them that they will release some dormitories and school buildings first, and everyone can have a rest soon. "

After speaking, she waved the bamboo basket in her hand, ran away two steps, and stopped suddenly.

Like the promised action, many people looked up at the black se sky that was originally covered.

A little light came in, and then the clouds slowly drifted by.

Someone drove the darkness away slowly, and the blue sky that we saw most afterward was not like the kind of sunny day that you would see in schools many times. The clear blue was kind of like tears a feeling of.

Meow Meow stretched out and put it on her face. The sunlight reflected from his fingers, shining brightly on her smiling face.

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