MTL - Unique Legend-v19 Chapter 3 Broken wings

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"You don't have to swallow it when you spit it out."

Jiulan retorted in a leisurely manner, without giving up the devil to fight his family.

"Uncle Ben swallowed the military zone to show you!"

I did n’t have time to continue watching the quarrel between the brothers who ignored the tension. I was at the end of the leader after 90 ** 19, the little girl and the atmospheric elves disappeared in front of me, and the bullet fell on my hand Then he got into Minas in second gear, and Ka hit the load.

In the end, there was the spell that was launched.

I can feel that the power of the water enchantment is full, and I can rush out almost at any time.

With Minas well, I narrowed my eyes and sang the last song engraved in my head: "The number of all, a hundred songs ..."

"Yangyang! Danger!"

Breaking the last paragraph is Chidose's voice.

A gap of black se appeared in front of me, and then a hand rushed out of it, grabbing my face and forcing Baiquge to stop.

After that hand, I saw Vance's face.

"Descendants of the demon teacher, do you think I will make you wish?"

The heavy voice struck the silence, and the huge pressure almost didn't press me to my knees. I began to tremble, looking at the face from my fingers, and the other person looked at me the same way.

Just thinking it was on the glacier, for a moment we looked up.

That second, fear took over the body, all the thoughts in his head were lost, not even a single word.

I crossed his shoulder and saw many robes that had been badly wounded by him lying on the ice with Wu Jun and Chen in the water. The blood of the red se almost stained the puddle.

One hundred songs ... I haven't finished singing yet ...

"Since it is unavailable to me, I can't stay in the world." The king of Yellow tightened his palms, and the pain came directly from my face, as if his face would be crowded like this immediately.

"Yell! Wait ..." Andy's voice came from far away.

Then, interrupted by the sound of a plastic toy office.


Reflecting the light, a round object that was completely white and completely dust-free did not know from which side it popped out. With the sound of the ball, it hit the side of the ghost of Yelu Ghost like a ball and gave his hand. Hit loose, and then in the opposite direction of the ghost king's fall, Bai Se's ball fish flew away.

After he let go, I followed and fell to the ground.

Only a few seconds.

"The number of all, one hundred songs, the elves and warlocks are combined. The power of God, the element and the world fall into the sky, and one hundred kills the magic!"

Holding Minas, I shouted the last paragraph.

Then, Minas began to shine, and several voices came out of the gun body.

A very loud sound exploded in my ear, and with a strong impact, I felt as if I was hit by a truck or ox or something by the way, stinging from the limbs and spreading in, pulling the visceral muscles Vascular.

After flying out, I seemed to overwhelm something, and the plastic voice of cymbals rolled with me several times, until I stopped when I hit the icicle.

I didn't see the next thing, because a bite of blood from black se spouted out of my mouth, all the underworld in front of me was awkward, and there was some strange circle shape, and all of them were quiet in the next second.

Minas didn't know where to be shaken, I couldn't touch it at all.

The **** breath penetrated into the nose, and the heavy breathing sounded less like mine.

I was lying on the ice, and I saw the blood of the black spreading out, and my nose was also itching to emit liquid, holding my breath, and the whole person seemed to be out of breath.

"Ahem ..."

It will die. I think it will die this time. It should be me who was the first to use a magic weapon in history.

I wonder if it would make sense to die like this?

I haven't seen anyone's marquee before, I feel a kind of power starting from under the ice, and it spreads quickly and quickly like an earthquake.

The blackness in front of me seemed to faintly see several humanoid objects disappear instantly, a kind of strong light exploded in the sky, almost covering the whole wind of the college.

I can't get up.

No more.



The cold stuff stuck to my face, plus the familiar toy sound.

Reluctantly, I opened my eyes with a slit and managed to recognize the ball fish that always appeared around me in a strange way and stuck to my face.

Soon, my vision seems to be recovering.

Next, I saw a pool of black blood next to my face, and then the ice surface of the puddle that suddenly became empty.

All low-level and middle-level ghosts disappeared.

Everyone looked in the wrong direction.

The remaining high-level ghost clan and ghost king did not seem to expect to be subjected to such an ultra-large-scale attack, and all of a sudden they did not respond.

Seeing the expressions of those nobles, I wanted to laugh this second.

"Success!" Before everyone responded, Wuse chicken head shouted with joy: "Yang ~ you!" He compared me with an oversized thumb, regardless of who swallowed it just now. Whoever vomited a question, ran to me immediately.

What should I do at this time?

Weakly gave a five-seed chicken head with a smile, I felt very sleepy and wanted to rest.

"Hey! Sleeping will die! Don't sleep!" I didn't know what a serious injured five-seed chicken squatted down and grabbed my collar and started shaking: "Uncle Ben's servant will not fall for two Die, sober me up! "

Basically, you will die if you don't die.

I really wanted to protest against him, but I couldn't say a single voice, so I could only spit it out.

This time lasted only a few seconds.

A twisted face appeared behind the head of Wuse. I didn't have time to warn. I watched Wuse's nose hit hard by Yelu ghost king.

"Damn power of the elves!"

The very angry King Yellow ghost dragged me from the ground, grabbed my neck and tightened my palm firmly: "I originally wanted to let the demon division die well, but you actually ruined my army!"

Your army is ruined too.

I really wanted to show him a smile, but gradually hypoxia made me totally dizzy and couldn't make any expressions.

The sharp nails felt through the skin of the neck and pierced into my flesh. But because my body is so painful, I'm almost out of it.

"The enemy of the ghost clan has never been a song by the elves, and I think you have come to an end." The sound of the wedge suddenly came from behind me, and the soft fur of white se rubbed my face the next second, Jumping forward: "Wait for this time!"

The hand around my neck is loose.

I fell and saw Wedge holding the poison that was handed to me on the boat.

Then he shattered the shell of the poison, and all the creatures in it fell on the face and mouth of King Yellow.

Some kind of voice came from the mouth of the King of Yellow, a terrifying and terrifying voice.

The wedge fell from the air, and the soft fur on the white se was also stained with some poison. The place where it touched soon began to turn black and rot inward. All the cotton in the blink of an eye went out, and the blood was flowing out.

"Wedge ..." I opened my mouth and wanted to make a shout, and my fingertips tried to catch a little white fur.

The wedge lying on the ice turned his head, and the red jewel eyes reflected my embarrassed shadow. "It should be his life to kill the most poisonous poison with ordinary human body." He paused, his voice Began to weaken: "Don't worry, I won't die, Grandpa. I wasn't originally a thing in this world, I just returned to the village of light and shadow."

Looking at the rabbit that started to dissolve, I had the urge to cry first.

"Get out of the car. When looking for me, just as before."

Then, the red jewel eyes lost their luster.

The rabbit toy with the soul drawn is lying on the ice broken and will not make any more sound.

One foot stepped on the last remaining cotton, and according to the face that began to corrode, the blood of the black **** began to ooze on the face of King Yellow, and the thick rancid smell continued to come.

It was significant to be dissolved by something. His face and skin dissolved like wax of a candle, then fell down, slammed on the ice and was dissolved until it disappeared.

I was lying here, and saw the white bones in his hands, and then the bones were blackened by toxins.

Not far away, Bi Shen issued a curse-like yell, flung away Jiulan, and flew over to support the King of Yelü ghost.

"What did you do!"

Ander's voice came, unlike the past, with a raging voice.

A few high-level ghosts rushed over to entangle the movement of the class guide, and Andy, who captured the gap, appeared in front of me instantly: "What did you do with the people of Guangying Village!"

His eyes were bloodshot, and he was completely in rage.

I see the light from the black needle.

The fish ball made a sound and came over, kicked away by Andel.

"Even if I try to find a way to keep you, are you still as ruthless as those in the past?" He narrowed his eyes, and Andel opened his mouth coldly: "So, sorry, it's time to say goodbye Now. "

Then, the needle dropped towards my head.

Ah, this time is really over.

The moment I closed my eyes, I heard some crisp collision sound.

The needle did not fall.

A few wind-breaking sounds avoided Andy a few steps.

"Yang Yang!"

Someone lifted me up on the ground in Western Europe, a familiar voice: "Be patient."

Frowning, Qian Dongshou, who arrived in time, dragged me back.

"You four-eyed boy, don't be a hero alone!" Five-se chicken head rushed out from the other end, wiped off the blood on his face and faced all the ghost kings in front of him: "Uncle Ben walked rivers and lakes with a knife and came to I'll kill a pair! "

"Brother Xirui, you are too bad." Hei Si's sickle came out next to Wuse's chicken head: "It's almost like a pair to kill one."

"Fart! It's more cost-effective to get a pair!"


"What the **** are you sighing! Also! The Beast Kings are not allowed to use magic weapon, or this useless killer, take down the magic weapon to this uncle!"

"It's noisy, just get what you want."

As soon as the words were over, Jiu Lan didn't continue to talk to his younger brother, and rushed out. The skull on the black scythe made a laugh, and he slashed across the ghosts.

After that, the surrounding temperature quickly dropped, and the puddle, which had almost become water, suddenly began to condense layer by layer of frost, white and red, and provided more standing. The location also strengthened the icicles of the water pavilion.

"Since the ghost army has been wiped out in large numbers, we have no reason to help." Fissil and Dengli, who were also scarred, were surrounded by the surviving people and surrounded.

I saw that the class guide and Euroloan seemed to have nothing wrong with the page. After a little relief, I coughed and looked at it. It was all black blood.

I heard that black se's blood seems to hurt the internal organs ...

Should n’t you wait for something to be coughed up by me?

"Yangyang, you bear with it a little bit." Released the magic weapon, Chitose pulled down his gloves and quickly cast healing spells on several of my severe wounds.

"Where is Xia Sui ...?" I remember that he was still playing?

"The other red robes are still facing you and His Royal Highness Bingyan." Squinting his eyes, Qian Dongshou opened the small coat outside the blue robes to check the injuries.


"A thousand winter! Don't let go of the magic weapon!"

When I was about to say something, some distance from us, Xia Suxue, who was covered with wounds everywhere, shouted at this side.

At that second, we suddenly discovered that the person who confronted Xia Su and their confrontation had disappeared, and then I remembered what the earliest task was given to him by Andy.

For a moment, the air around him seemed to condense.

I saw the blade of Hei Se protruding from Qian Dongshou's chest, and then slowly pulled towards the right shoulder.

"A thousand years old!"

Barely holding up my body, I wrapped around Qian Dongshou, who fell forward, and saw the senior who was standing two steps away. The hair of red se was floating in the air like blood, and he looked at us coldly.


I wanted to catch Minas subconsciously, and then I realized that my magic weapon had n’t been known for a long time, and almost all the rune paper was used up. Can I still have the power to launch other spells?

Holding Qian Dongshou's torn wound almost at the same time, I found another thriller.

His wound was healing quickly.

"this is…"

Pushing me away, Qian Dongsui watched the chest injury start to disappear, as if the sword had not been cut, the broken red robe still had red se blood, but there was no fatal wound.

Then, Chitose's face se all changed.

"the host…"

The scream of the kiosk came, breaking the silence of the moment of silence.

We turned our heads passively like machinery.

In fact, Xia Su, who was not standing far, looked at us, then closed his eyes.

Red se's blood spurted from his chest and cut the entire right shoulder obliquely. Then he fell to his knees, and a large amount of snow was scattered on the ice, and the other red robes next to his face were stunned by sudden changes.

Chitose was trembling all over, and he stood up and ran over.

I clenched my teeth and supported my body and followed, and by the time Chitose had already embraced Xia Sui, who was full of blood, he fell into a large pool of blood, and his face was more pale and overlapping than Xia Sui. The red robes and purple robes together were stained with deep red se, and the blood and water that could not be absorbed continued to spread throughout the ice surface.

A sound of ping-pong, the small pavilion that crashed into the light enchantment rushed over, and cried hugging Xia Su's waist, "Don't don't do it! Don't do this ... the master himself said that nothing will happen ..."

Hugging Xia Su, a senior, tightly, Qian Dongsui shivered and said weakly: "You don't hate us ... why ... your substitute ... is it me?"

I sat down on my knees next to it, trying to use Xia Sui's technique to stop bleeding with my healing, but his injury was too serious, I do n’t know it, even the high-order spells used by the red robe next to him were completely up. No effect.

Xia Su ’s hand became cold, and he opened his eyes slightly, exposing his usual smile and touching Chitose ’s face: "I hate you ... so you should hate us ... without feelings ... even if I die Then ... it should n’t hurt like a prop ... "

"What is a prop!" Qian Dongsui's voice grew louder, and he grabbed a hand on his face and widened his eyes: "I said, you are my brother, my brother! You should be Xueye family People, not people in Yakushi-ji Temple, why do you have to be a stand-in! "

With a smile, Xia Sui Xue closed his eyes: "Why ... like your mother died, you and your father were crying?"

I turned my head and saw that Qian Dongsui's face was already full of tears. Transparency tears were mixed with blood, making a trace on the face.

"I didn't!" Shouted out loudly, Chitose's panicked use of several seemingly high-level healing spells, but like stones falling into deep water, how could not get a response.

"It's okay, I've had enough ..."


Stopped talking, Chitose stopped.

Xia Su ’s hand seemed to have lost its center of gravity, slipped from his hand, and fell gently on the ice, and did not move.

Deep se's blood stopped on the ice and coagulated.


After letting go, Xiaoting screamed at the senior who came to us, and then rushed straight up.

"Don't go!" I just grabbed her and hugged the whole thing.

"Ahhh ..." The whole eyes became red face, Xiaoting kept roaring: "Kill him! Kill him!"

"You will be killed!" There should be no soul in the cursed body. I can't let Xiaoting run out and be killed by the senior.

While suppressing the kiosk, I saw a touch of red se stopped in front of us.

The senior standing next to Qian Dongsui didn't even look at Xia Sui, and after repulsing the red robe next to him, he raised the black knife in the hand towards Chi Dongsui who was completely unresponsive.

"A thousand years old!"

The moment the black sword waved down, I had no time to pounce on him.

A streamer of cold silver se passed in front of me, and suddenly opened a black knife that almost cut off the strength of Chitose, and then hooked up like a perfect arc. There was a bloodstain on his long face.

Like ghosts, someone came out of my side, and the white se cloth with rounded edges silently raised up a bit with the cold wind and then fell again, just rubbed my face and walked to all of us In front of people.

From my point of view, I don't see that person's face, probably all he knows is that he has silver hair and is **** behind his head.

I don't know why this large version makes me feel familiar.

The person who emerged waved a long gun from under the cloak of white se, which was a bit like the magic weapon before the senior, with the cold iron light of silver se. The streamer I saw came from the hair of the long gun.

It's a little different from the senior student Yun Yun's defeat. The gun gave people a kind of almost indifferent silence, like deep water, completely inaccessible.

For a second, I suddenly knew who this person was.

A long time ago ... Actually it wasn't that long. The senior told me that he was a bit like this person.

The silver se weapon exposed in the air issued a low deep humming.

"Hmm ... were you forced to give up even shooting?"

The quiet voice couldn't hear the emotional ups and downs, but at the same time as he appeared, the huge pressure caused by the ghosts was suddenly swept away, and the whole enchantment of water had only this kind of coldness, and even some suffered The military forces that cannot be acted upon by pressure are all like lifting something, and they can move freely at once.

The wind was blowing on the ice.

"Can Wudian intervene in the things in this world?" The queen Black Se, far away, made a sound, and she could hear even a needle falling around the two sides of the stable.

After this person came out, everyone stopped.

"No, we have contracts with every world. Unless the cost of money, Wudian can't take the initiative to intervene in any realm." He replied softly, and the person standing in front of the senior sighed silently: "The consequences are I assume that in this world, I taught martial arts to a person called an apprentice. Now that there is an intersection, I will come to the end for him. "

"So you don't interfere in the affairs of the college?"

I saw the man turned his head slightly, cold silver se eyes looked at us, then looked at the Xia Su, who had lost his breath, and finally turned his eyes back to the senior: "We didn't intend to take any action, even if we didn't interfere. In any war, it will still be on track. "

"It's very good!" The black wings behind Shen evil ghost king were wide open, and a lot of black se breathed out quickly: "People without a palace, in the legend, the strong men who can't be shaken from all walks of life! Just obediently Let your favorite place be ruined! "

Han Tie ’s gun was equipped with a radian, and the sound became more pronounced: "The village guardian ’s poison cannot be undone. I suggest that the ability is similar to a certain aspect. It is best to let the ghost king give up the corpse of the monster . "

The last director who appeared pointed at Andel who was helping Yalu Ghost King to slow the poison, and said indifferently.

Andel's expression seemed to change subtly.

"I know you are not a ghost."

The director only said this sentence, then drew up the spear, and flung forward the arc suddenly. The silver-cold light was fleeting, and the sharp action immediately avoided the senior from a distance.

After confronting directors, the senior's movements became significantly slower, and there was even a feeling that he could only defend himself.

Looking back, I let go of the kiosk that was no longer struggling, and supported my body to move towards the side of Chitose.

Qian Dongsui still hugged Xia Sui, and did not let any red robes approach.

He even gave up the cure.

Vaguely, I seemed to hear what songs he was singing, his voice was very low, all in Japanese, and I couldn't understand the meaning inside.

"The master's lullaby was sung to the kiosk before."

The small pavilion sat on the ground, with big eyes only looking at Xia Su, and opened his mouth slowly like a machine:

The snowflakes under the eaves slept obediently, sleeping from winter to spring.

After spring, the powder snow came out, and the blowing fine snow petals flew through the summer. I took you and walked across the beach and grassland. The big sun shone on the elementary school.

We lay under the stars until autumn, withered flowers yawning, and the soft grass was paved into a mattress.

Then you see, you see, soon we returned to winter, the fine snow of Bai Se turned into heavy snow, last year's scholars chased us across Bai Se Yamahara.

Obediently, we lie on the snow and look at the eaves. The snowflakes under the eaves sleep well. After sleeping in winter, we will return to spring.

After singing the ballad, Xiaoting lay on Xia Su's body and held his hand on his cheek, closing his eyes safely.

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