MTL - Unique Legend-v18 Chapter 10 Hate Returns

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Location: atlantis Time: 6.51am

\ "So, this is Minas? \"

I picked up the gun carefully, in fact, it was not as heavy as I expected, and it could even be said that it was almost the same as a palm thunder, with no burden at all, which was really intimate.

\ "Very good. \" Qian Dongshou patted my shoulder: \ "You and the magic martial arts weapons sync quickly, and some people will have to switch for several years. \"

Looking at the gun in my hand, I think it actually doesn't seem to be because of synchronization, but Minas helped me. \ "But I think her impact is too great, if you are not ready, you will be seriously injured as soon as you use it, so I think it is better for you to not switch to this type for the time being. \" Thinking For a long while, Chitose told me another thing that is more practical: \ "After all, not every time the intestine is broken, someone will be there, and there is no guarantee which side will break next time. \"

This classmate, what you said is really terrible.

Looking at Minas after the second change in my hand, I began to doubt her practicability.

\ "Don't talk about that, I think the atmosphere is a bit weird from the beginning. \" The topic of magic weapons was stopped, Chitose turned back to watch the entire frozen water pond: \ "Qingyuan freezes After that, all the ghost's breath suddenly disappeared. \ "


When he said that, I noticed that the strange feeling when I first arrived was gone.

Couldn't all the ghosts be frozen?

\ "The sound is gone too. \" Wedge looked around to tell us.

At the same time as the three of us felt inexplicable, a small light spot suddenly appeared in the left front of Chitose, and it took no half a second to suddenly draw a rectangular line like a TV screen in the volley. .

\ "This is the message from Dengli. They asked us to hurry up and gather under the water pavilion. \" After reading it, Chitose waved his hands and all those light lines disappeared at the same time: \ " Can you stand up? \ "

I tried to move it, and my body was not too painful. It can be seen that during the three minutes I passed out, they worked very hard to help me recover from the injury, and now there is only a small abrasion: \ "No problem. \" OK After it was all right, I got up from the ice and turned around to let them take a look.

\ "Then hurry up and gather. \" Wedge crawled on Chitose's shoulders and urged.

I nodded, and I took another step to find another terrible thing-it was almost difficult to stand on the ice, not to mention the need to hurry up to gather, whether or not to walk past is still a problem.

The completely accessible Chitose turned back to look at me: \ "What's wrong? \"

\ "It's too slippery and he can't move. \" Be one step ahead of me, and wedge tells me directly my predicament.

\ "Too slippery ... \" Qian Dongsui hesitated for a moment before he said: "Uh, in fact, you can use the wind spell to cooperate very conveniently."

Under the quick guidance of Qian Dongsui, I used a relatively basic wind technique to stick under the feet. After stepping out, I really couldn't feel the smoothness of the ice surface.

\ "Well, let's go!" Wedge urged again.

After overcoming the obstacles, Qian Dongsui and I quickly moved to the water pavilion, which had fallen to half stuck.

In fact, it ’s not too far away, but there are so many ice-shaped obstacles. It ’s very troublesome to flash around.

However, during the movement, some military forces in Qingyuan were encountered, but they did not encounter any East two who could be called the enemy.

It's getting weird ...

There are many column-shaped icicles under the water pavilion. Ninety percent of them support the water pavilion. The other achievement is too short to know what to do.

As soon as we approached, we saw that Deng Li, Xia Su, and other people were also there.

"Yang Yang!" The meow, who accidentally appeared in Qingyuan, ran over, grabbing me and Chitose ’s arms directly: \ "Great, everyone is still healthy. \"

Basically, I just finished breaking my gut ...

\ "What's going on? \" Glancing at Xia Sui, Qian Dongshui turned a little unnaturally and asked Deng Li.

\ "We do n’t know either. The ghosts disappeared at the moment when the pond was frozen, and we do n’t know why, now we are investigating their whereabouts. \" Deng Li shrugged and turned to me: \ " However, not even the fairy of the Snow Country did such a beautiful job. \ "

She smiled and praised me.

\ "Yang Yang has gotten worse! \" Ficer said happily, and then patted my shoulder: "Hey, come on boy."

\"…Thank you.\"

Looking around a bit, I saw Nile standing on the other side, standing next to Randall who seemed to be all wounded, but it seemed to have been treated by the medical class, and there were no particularly serious wounds.

At the same time, Luo'an, a black robe, came over here: \ "I think the other party should use the space spell to enter the gap while the ice is freezing. If there is a quick way to force them out, now Not many warlocks in space spells ... \ "

\ "Uh, what is a space spell? \" I was a bit scared to ask a question.

Isn't it something like teleportation?

Luo An and Deng Li turned around to see me, and then Luo An said: \ "In fact, space spell is a kind of spell that violates time. With reasonable use and understanding of the **** of time, we can use it. A small part of space spells, such as moving arrays. However, because the ghosts are a distorted existence, they can move freely in space. Generally, if we have to do this behavior without violating The nature of time requires a person who is proficient in space spells. \ "Suddenly, he seems to be trying to describe it in a relatively simple way. \" Because he must balance time and space, he will use absolute space. Not many people have spells, but they are effective against ghosts. \ "

\ "There are only two or three people who will use space spells in the guild, but they are currently carrying out large tasks and cannot get back in time. \" Deng Li sighed and said helplessly: \ "If there is one Now, as long as there is one, you can immediately let the ghosts get out of hiding. \ "

Space Spell ...

I mean, how do I find similar things familiar ...?

\ "What? \" Rabbit asked.

I turned my head and looked at the rabbit on Qian Dongshou's shoulder. When I was about to speak, I saw Chi Dongshui and the magic weapon in his hand. The whole man immediately realized that I remembered where I heard it.

\ "Isn't the thousand-year-old magical weapon capable of cutting space? \"

Everyone froze.

I remember when I first met Lane, he was on a mission.

Then, the task was ended by Chitose.

Chitose is a rare weapon that can cut space.

\ "It's true, the broken bow should be able to do what you need. \" Raising the long bow on your hand, Chi Dongshou seems to have noticed it, not surprised at all: \ "but can't guarantee the absolute , After all, the magic weapon is not a warlock. \ "

\ "This is enough, as long as the ghosts are forced out of the space. \" Luo An came over and stopped in front of Chitose: \ "Can this be done? \"

\ "Yes. \" Answered quickly, Chitose clenched his bow.

\"no problem?\"

Unexpectedly, Xia Sui senior asked suddenly, the subject was Qian Dongshui with a rabbit on his shoulder.

I didn't expect that the other party would directly talk to himself, or a question that seemed to be a little concerned, and after a moment's fuss, Qian Dongsui nodded immediately.

\ "Well, just say something if you have something, why? ..."

\ "Wedge, can you bother you?"

If the rabbit was not interrupted directly, Xia Su smirked. Although it is a smile, it looks like a bit of a black se smile that keeps you talking.

So hairy!

However, wedge didn't respond at all this time, really shut up obediently.

\ "It's not too late, try it now. \" After a glance at Xia Sui senior, Chi Dongshou first squatted down and released a few of the predictions I had watched at Onizuzu, then got up, in Immediately after the results of the tracking operation, he bent his bow and arrow and released it towards the right.

A thin slit of black se was cut open in the air, tearing to the sides like a wound.

In the uncertain dark air, unnatural air was slowly drawn out, and a subtle voice came out, much like someone whispering there.

The opening was stopped only halfway, and the way of stopping was a bit unnatural, much like a hard termination. Turning around, Qian Dongsui quickly released arrows in several directions, and several black mouths hung in the air, and then connected the lines at a strange speed. Several small mouths were immediately twisted and twisted together. Tone pulled out huge black se space.

After the normal scene was covered by black se, several people in Luo'an immediately put forward the action of preparing for attack.

Then, we saw the most undesired ghosts appear in the space among the black se-

The first master of the Yellow ghost, Andyil.

At that time, the glacier exploded like that, and he was standing here without any injuries.

Based on a little fear of him, I swallowed my mouthwater and suppressed the urge to turn around and run away. \ "Should I compliment you? \" I didn't care if my space spell was broken, Andy walked happily out of the black se space, and after he came down, another one was wearing a black se cloak, Can't see the person.

The feeling of incongruity came from this person.

But why does he look familiar?

Without giving me much time to think about it, there were a few faces of those middle-level ghosts starting to appear in Andel, but it is speculated that they should also be masters of the ghost king.

\ "By the way, I should remind you." Andy, who was still very relaxed, took the person next to him and stretched his arms lazily: \ "I know the enchantments in your college very well, so These obstructed enchantments are basically useless to me. After all, I have been here for a short time ... If you are still alive after the fight, you should change the enchantment again. This is due to my personal goodwill. Reminder. \ "

\ "Basically, as long as you solve all of them, the enchantment here will not be a problem even if you put it for a few hundred years." "Deng Li shook her palm expressionlessly, and the snow began to snow around the ice pond. : "With the reputation of the Snow Country Fairy, we will be glorified and fully implement our faith."

\ "Since ancient times, good and evil can never exist." "Luo An took off the box on his back and took out an ancient sword from it. There was no shape on it. The whole was made of black iron and looked quite Plain; but you can feel the sharp quiet breath from the inside: \ "For justice and justice, I have to ask you to follow the sky. \"

For a second, I suddenly felt that this should be a line of five se chicken heads!

"Yang ~" Just when I thought of someone, someone suddenly emerged from behind me: "It turned out that you all lived here, causing Uncle Ben to run around this ghost place! \"

Did you run around the ice lake because no one told you to come to the center!

I sighed deeply for the fate of the five-seed chicken head.

After speaking the complaint, Wuse chicken head suddenly stared at the man in the cloak beside Andy: \ "Strange, is that a ghost clan? \"

\ "It should be. \" There should be all ghosts in the ghost clan, won't there be other things?

\ "There is a weird feeling, it seems that the beast prince is right." "Pin eyes, five se chicken heads moving faster than the head, suddenly flashed out from behind me, and appeared in Andel in a blink of an eye. front.

This operation amounts to a direct war.

There was no chance for the head of Wuse to meet Andel, and the person standing next to him suddenly pulled the black knife from under the cloak to block the beast's claw. The crisp voice was wiped away in the air, and Wuse The chicken head was bounced for several steps, and it turned around to stand firm.

This little movement immediately made us realize that this person must be a full and powerful opponent.

\ "Minas, first change back to the original look. \" After about two seconds, the big gun in my hand immediately returned to the original thunder.

The slight changes also made Andyil turn his eyes to me.

\ "Oh, what a coincidence. I met with Chu again. Is there any interest in sitting down and chatting after the war? \" As before, he smiled, as if all the things happened in the ghost king grave Forgotten is the same.

\ "No interest. \" A shot was fired directly at him, but it was completely invalid as expected.

\ "That's a pity. \"

After the end, he was about to be the master of the ghost king and rushed towards us at the same time. The two things seemed to be the same series, the long ones were the heads and horns of goats, and the lower body was similar to that of Western dragon This kind of body, about the size of a floor, is a white se and a black se, with different patterns on it.

\ "This is not a master of the ghost king, it is a kind of monster, called Libya. This thing is two twins of a unit. \" Wedge quickly analyzed to me on the other side: \ "The latter is more than The Master of Shen's Ghost King! \ "

After he talked like this, I noticed that there was a girl behind the suspected black goat. It was a bit like the one that Nile had just killed, but she was older. She had four faces, and each face had Different expressions are extremely distorted.

\ "Ha! The same series of things have appeared again! \" Wuse chicken head rushed forward happily, and immediately met the girl, it felt a bit like the girl at the door in the black hall at that time.

\ "Small bit. \" Pulling the collar and letting Nile help him groom his appearance, Randall stepped out steppingly, while facing the two monsters, all around him just scattered what I had just seen A large group of black bats, all of which were affixed to the monster's body as if they were fatal, as long as there were gaps, they bite fiercely and suddenly drove the two monsters to attack.

In addition to the five-seed chicken head, in addition to Andel and the person wearing a cloak next to it, there are two people who are also masters of the ghost king. They have faced Dengli and Xia Su, and the other military forces Began to deal with middle-level ghosts.

All of a sudden the situation became more unfavorable to us.

Although the guild has come to help, but the staff is still far less than the ghost clan, plus there is an Andean who is familiar with it ...

\ "Offended. \" Luo An suddenly took out his long sword and directly confronted Andy. The icy sword gas cut the ice surface while leaving the sheath, leaving a sharp and profound mark.

The whole scene became more chaotic after the second conflict.

Meow Meow's eyes pulled me back quickly, and then we all found that Qian Dongsui was still watching the tracking method.

\ "Qian Dongsui ~ Don't be dazed. \" Meow Meow pulled me over and wanted to pull back Qian Dongsui together.

\ "Wait, there is another thing hidden in it. \" After turning the technique a little, Chi Dongzui looked around anxiously: \ "I don't know why the position cannot be detected, it must be very big ... \"

We all froze.

Now that we know where Andy is, we ca n’t find out—

\ "There is a ghost king! \" The thousand-year-old **** se suddenly became very nervous, and shouted to the nearest senior Xia Sui without any consideration: \ "Brother! There is a ghost king near here! \"

\ "Go get rid of that red robe with space spell ability. \"

While dealing with Luo'an, Andy narrowed Lan Jinse's eyes and gave instructions to the people next to him: "" He will hinder our actions. "

That person's speed is very fast, almost immediately before our eyes, even Chitose is too late to respond immediately.

\ "Xiaoting! Go and protect them! \" Freeing his hands and catching Xiaoting, Senior Xia Sui directly tossed the girl in his hand, meanwhile, the curse of black se sprang out of the little puppet and turned into a big monocular black The bird rushed towards the man, forcing him a step away.

At that moment, I seemed to see the flames rushing past my eyes.

\ "Departing flying claws! \" Meow Meow turned over to protect Chitose, waving his big claws into the air, the green light ball fell open on the ice pool, and it didn't take a few seconds for the ice to come out. A large block of green vines entangled that person: \ "Yang Yang! Chitose, run away! \" Saying, hold us one by one and run away to the other end.

Subconsciously, I know that we cannot deal with this person.


He gave me a sense of familiarity that was absolutely impossible to deal with.

Only being restrained by vines for less than two seconds, those green vines suddenly caught fire, and in the blink of an eye were burned into a large mass of ashes, and that person immediately came to our eyes like a ghost.

Blackbird also chased quickly, desperately trying to block the person in front of him. However, the other party didn't seem to be too afraid of her. She didn't put the attacking bird in her eyes at all. She almost cut off the wings of the kiosk as soon as she turned the black knife in her hand. Fortunately, the kiosk hid faster and the sharp blade only She brushed her side and cut off a few feathers.

Seizing a short time, I also fired several shots at that person.

I don't know if it is because he doesn't have the feeling of a ghost clan, so it doesn't give people a lot of pressure. There is only a terrible killing intention that can't be explained, but it can't be impossible.

All the shots were knocked out of him, and the bullets converted into ice did not hurt him much.

\ "I found it! \" While stepping back, Chitose's eyes were always on that tracking spell. After determining his target position, he looked at me and Meow and gave the arrow at a fast speed. Hooked up, and then flung to the side and pulled out the full bow and shot arrows.

Things seem to happen in an instant.

Hei Se's rift was quickly ripped apart, and several intermediate-level ghosts in the vicinity were fluctuated, and suddenly they were pulled into those dark areas, and there was a lot of ghosts in the uncontrolled space.

Then something appeared inside.

A speechless, almost choking sensation came from inside.

I turned the old man to let him strengthen his enchantment, otherwise it felt like I would be crushed by this pressure in the next second.

The most familiar face appeared in that.

In the memory of the past, the young face that had run together with the third prince of the elves.

\ "Sure enough! \" Two arrows were released continuously towards the person in the space, Qian Dongsui flashed down neatly, flashing the black knife that slashed at him.

However, the opponent's response was very fast. After not hitting, he just retracted the blade in the air, turned his wrist and quickly changed the direction of the blade. He stroked directly from Qian Dongsui's chest and pulled out a shallow wound.

The black bird made a sharp scream, and rushed towards it as a violent attack, constantly pulling the man's cape, desperately holding his face underneath.

\ "Thousands of years old! \" Meow Meow ran over to help the person who poke back, summoning the healing spell.

It is too late to consider being injured.

\ "Minas, change it! \"

With a few subtle sounds, I grabbed the long gun body and let her load it on her own, and pulled the trigger when the other side opened the kiosk and raised a knife to attack us again.

The huge impact and a big bang came almost immediately.

I saw Meow Meow and Qian Dongshou rushed to catch me, and then wedged behind them, and we were smashed out by huge power at once, all four fell into a ball under the icicle not far away.

It appeared that Minas was not an ice bomb this time, because the opponent was also knocked out. The bursting water column rushed over half of the middle-ranked ghosts to the opposite side, and the crooked ones fell on the ice.

Maybe the impact was dispersed this time. Although my whole body seemed to be sore as if my bones were scattered, but this time there was no feeling of broken intestines or broken stomach, only the skin was sore.

When I looked up, I saw other people's opponents closing their hands at the same time, turned around and went back to both sides of Andel.

Then the face appeared behind Andy.

‘This is the world ...’

The heavy and familiar sound came in a way that almost tore into the eardrum.

\ "Yes, this academy is the interface that I have reported to you that connects the two worlds. \" With an elegant smile, Andy slowly took a step away and let the people behind step on from the dark space. Out of step.

Black se's eyes stared straight at us all.

‘I have been suppressed by these creatures for a long time ...’ In a slow tone, the temperature around suddenly started to be hot and cold, as if all the space rules had been disrupted, ‘all except the demon master, killed. ‘

The sound of ping-pong, the ice surface over the ghost tribe had sunk huge marks.

\ "Leave the dark-haired human with a gun, it's okay to kill everything else." "Andy gave a happy order and rushed directly to my side.

His movements were too fast and I had no time to react.

No, it should be said that \ "that person \" appeared, the intense pressure made me almost unable to breathe, as if I was about to suffocate, and the fear swept through my body instantly, unable to move.


It was exactly the same as when he was at Onizuka.

Several armies that could not withstand the tremendous pressure of the Ghost King were instantly killed by Ghost King masters, and even Dengli had no time to rescue them.

Meow Meow's face was full of scared tears, but still desperately trying to save those people.

‘Where in this world, **** world, are the elves who have pushed our people into despair! 'The voice of hate pierced the air, the ice surface of the entire water pool was quickly cracked, and water sprays exploded in several places, and the ice surface became extremely unstable.' Any inch of land should belong to my people, kill Right! Kill them all, let this world not even leave a bit of hateful sunshine! ‘

As if motivated, the attack power of those middle-level ghosts began to increase.

I was standing over there, wondering what to do.

Thousands of years ago, was the senior's father standing in such a place?

The figure of black se stood in front of me.

\ "Where do you come or not this time?" Andy smiled and stretched out his hand to me: \ "The demon masters will get the supreme status, we can also give you what you want, come, Don't come? \ "

\ "I want something ... \" A mechanical response, I don't understand why Andyel said this.

Andy flicked his hand, and the man in the cape appeared almost immediately behind him.

\ "I haven't introduced it to you yet, my new partner is also one of the seven masters of Yell. \"

The man slowly took off the cap of his cloak after nodded by Andy, the long hair like red flames scattered over the entire waterfall, like the fierce burning face se can't be ignored.

I narrowed my eyes and couldn't move at all.

A pair of blood-red eyes looked at me without emotion.

The air condensed in this second.

\ "… Senior?" 2k novel reading network