MTL - Unique Legend-v17 Chapter 9 Bloodkin's Purple Robe

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Location: Unknown Time: Unknown

Maybe because the world is different now.

I never thought about one thing well.

If I had never met a senior, where would I be now?

Is that me, or am I the same now?

Meow Meow, Lane, Chitose ... There are not many, many people, where are they now?

I didn't notice until I found it.

It's easier to lose than to get it.

Yang Yang!

Hey, I seem to see meow running towards me, and I can't say anything, hug me hard:

... Meow Meow thought you were dead ... Ryan they couldn't go ... Wh ... I thought you were dead ... Big eyes burst into tears, Meow Meow hugged me hard, and my whole body was shaking.

Behind her, I saw the familiar health room scene se, there were more blue robes behind it, and Jiu Lan was there.

Why is it only us?

What about him? It seems that Xia Sui, who has been waiting here for a long time, saw the class guide as soon as he came over and grabbed the class guide and asked: others? Beat your partner and say what's coming back ... people! Almost angry, Xia Su lost his usual calmness.

The class guide looked at him and shook his head.

We have indeed destroyed the body of the black robe. Still cold and undulating, Huudi reported this to another person, because the person was facing away and had a distance. I didn't see who he was reporting to, I only knew it was a female purple robe, but That back is very familiar: Patrol Division, please record to the Guild like this.

The female purple robe nodded and disappeared in place.

Xia Su, who also heard this sentence, opened his eyes wide: Impossible ... He took two steps backwards, as if it was a big blow.

Brother ... Chitose, standing next to him, was worried and wanted to say something, but he didn't dare to say anything.

... don't worry about me, let me calm down. If he refused to let the class guide out, Xia Su stopped talking to anyone at all and really walked out of the health room: a few people wanted to catch up, but they just stopped.

Until now, I still don't think that what happened to the corpse just now is talking about the senior.

Obviously, he was so strong that he could see the ghost, and in the next second, the senior would suddenly appear in the back like before, and he would slap me at any time and tell me not to mess around.

I don't know ... I always feel that compared to seniors, short-lived people are more like me.

Yang Yang? are you OK? When I let go of my hand, the cute face of Meow Meow enlarged directly in front of my eyes, staring at me very seriously, and the tears in my eyes glowed slightly: did it hurt? Meow Meow will heal you right away?

Looking at her, I couldn't say anything.

What should I say now?

Yang Yang? I don't know when Ryan who was next to me looked at me puzzled.

Through them, I saw that everyone was rescuing An In and Azlian. Their injuries were very serious, and even the prince of Qiou could not help but catch someone to be happy.

I think they will be fine after returning here ...

But what about those who didn't return here?

Meow meow seems to call me several times in a row, but I really do n’t know how to respond to her. After noticing the small movement from here, Jiulan came over.

You go first and help the others. He pulled the meow up and sent her and Lane in this way.

The meow who looked uneasy only walked around, and kept looking here.

I do n’t know where to take a can of orange juice and put it in my hand. Jiulan took me into a space without people. The surrounding area was quiet immediately. sit down.

very quiet.

After the noise is isolated from the outside, it is very quiet and empty.

I took the jar in my hand and turned it twice, and found that there was no ice in the drink.

What I found in the sarcophagus is in line with you and His Highness Bingyan. The other is Bai Lingran, but those who have nothing to do with you are left by people with the same relationship. Jiulan's voice sounded in the room, and it was also very quiet.

I know those are from Ana and Vance.

The senior and I are their descendants. It will not be a strange thing to find out the information and information related to us.

But ... then ...?

There was another person who had asked me to keep it secret because I was afraid that it would hurt some people, including you, but the situation has now become unnecessary. Jiulan shrugged, and then opened the door of the health room again.

Outside the door, I saw the female purple robe just now. The sound of high heels stopped in front of me and stood in front of my eyes.

The most familiar person.

In fact, at that time, I just had to think about it. Four people were found in the elves' sarcophagus.

Senior, I, Ran.

In fact, the fourth person will also be a blood relative.

The person standing in front of me has been with me for more than ten years, and I always thought that I had concealed the whole family and no one knew about things in another world.

Yang Yang.

Chu Mingxi, wearing a purple robe, hugged her hand and smiled.


I looked at her.

I do n’t know why. I ’m not surprised at all. It may be that I have experienced too many things recently. I may have thought that this might have happened some time ago, but I did n’t expect that Mingxue would appear in front of me at this time .

Jiulan, let me talk to him. Ming Yan nodded to Jiulan, Jiulan shrugged and walked out of the room, then closed the door, and was quiet again.

The sound of high heels sounded a few times and stopped beside me.

I'm still thinking that if it was you before, I don't know if I would hold my head and scream something. My sister would be a purple robe, impossible or impossible. Mingyu patted my shoulder and sat down on the edge of the bed.

Looking at the person I know best, I pulled the corner of my mouth helplessly, but couldn't laugh.

Now I already think that everything is possible. If my mother came in a black robe, I should not be scared.

… Mom knows. I thought it was terrible for me to run to another world. I didn't expect my sister and sister to play the purple robes directly here.

She shrugged her shoulders, of course, I do n’t know. If she knew, how could she recognize that you would come to a place where you would die if you walked. Please, my mother is very worried about you.

Hmm ... now that I think about it, I probably know that there should be a puppet at the other side of the house to help me, otherwise I would rarely contact the house, my mother would probably leave it alone.

Your senior came to ask about my demon master family, and also said that because the director directly orders, I will listen to your voice, and based on the security stance, I agreed, but I heard that it was all nourishing. Holding my chin, I mumbled in a chat-like tone and told me like this: It's pitiful. I'm going to listen to your messy thoughts like noise. I just feel annoyed at imagination.

I looked at Mingyu and sighed. Fortunately, I never thought about such a thing as blowing up the school.

He asked me who the real demon master is today.

… When they were chased by Andel, I always thought it was me. Because they all said I was a demon teacher.

You really are right. With a smile on his face, Ming Ling lost a shock bomb to me.

I immediately jumped out of the chair and stared at her with wide eyes.

Let's put it this way, in fact, it is not the same as what the outside world imagines. The ability of the monster division is not so strong, and even some people can only be regarded as ordinary people. There will only be a fully capable person in the contemporary era, and that person will become the leader. In fact, all races are most afraid of this person. The others are just ordinary people. Otherwise, when the Elven Tribes came in, why would there be no way to resist. As usual, Ming Yan recounted what she hadn't told me: after the last survivor of the demon division escaped, she changed her surname to Bailing and claimed to be Bai.

... so, mom is a member of the demon class? Unbelievable, that mother who looks like an ordinary person?

It is an ordinary person of the demon division family. After leaving the house, his memory is changed. Because of something, in order to protect the mother, all her related and memory are blocked, including you. Mingyu stood up and cut my forehead.

Memory blocked ...

I remembered an old house with a pair of feet hanging from the sky.

I was too busy at school and those things were long forgotten.

But ... you just said that there is only one contemporary ability ... that person is the leader ... like Vance, who is the leader of the demon division.

It was originally one. Ming Xun looked at me: there is only one in the contemporary era, but he was buried during the elf war because someone robbed the memory and even wanted to take the soul and merge: the elf prince who was afraid of these things was too late to wait for everything to be natural Force to destroy, divide all the monster division into three and seal it.

Three slender fingers stretched out in front of me and closed them little by little.

Memory, innate ability, acquired power. After some caring arrangements, with his children appearing in this world together, there are three demon masters in this contemporary age, one of which is you who inherits Vance's innate ability as a demon master. Then, he pointed his finger at me: the second one was me with acquired abilities.

I think, without her, I should already know who the last person was.

The third is Bai Lingran, who inherits all memories and is the leader of the contemporary demon division.

Now, everything is clear.

From the beginning, I felt very strange. It was true that he came to me automatically, but we should have no intersection at all. He had no reason to treat me so well.

At the beginning, I asked them to participate in the big competition. Because of some things, you guy who can't figure out the situation needs to exercise quickly, otherwise there is no way to accept the future. Ming Yan looked at me with great momentum to hold everything out: why I used to be away from home before, because I was studying in the class of Qiling College.

… I can probably guess now.

I should have guessed a long time ago. I walked the street with Mingyin and a girl named Cynthia. The girl was a classmate of her university and the girlfriend of my cousin.

My cousin, of course. Then everything makes sense.

Yeah, he said he wanted to come to you for shopping. You used to be entangled with him when you were a kid. He said with a smile.

Cynthia ...

She is a descendant of Xin Ya. At first we were surprised, but now they are very good. Don't deliberately destroy the feelings of others, otherwise you will be kicked by pigs on the road.

I don't. Suddenly, I wanted to laugh.

As a result, the demon division still walked with the elves.

I talked to the seniors, Ana and Vance, Ran and Cynthia ...

Everything is so natural-

Why did such a thing not work in ancient times?

As a friend, you should n’t have so many restrictions, so many misunderstandings ... and you wo n’t end up like this ...

Yang Yang.

After a while, Mingxuan called me: if you want to cry, just cry out.


About half an hour later, I walked out of the ward with Ming Zhi.

Yang Yang, are you okay? Suddenly, Ryan, who came out of the door, grabbed me and dragged me back. He was very alert and looked at Ming Yan: The inspector of the union ... he should be irrelevant to you! Even if he is a descendant of the ancient tribe, it will not be your turn!

It seems that the Tour Division is really hot and disgusting.

But when I heard Ryan seemed to know what I was and still helped me like this, I was a bit moved.

Lai, Ryan, she is my sister. Pulling Lalain's hem carefully, I coughed twice, and I didn't dare to say too loud. Fortunately, no one in the medical class took care of us.

Ryan turned around and looked at me with a miserly expression. I haven't seen Ryan to have such an expression for so long. Except for a meal, he ran away with half of his rice ball.

Is your sister the legendary evil patrol officer in the purple robe? The one who loves to look for and keeps a lot of black robes away and then he does not continue to go up to test the patrol officer who used purple robes to oppress others?

Sister, what have you done in the guild!

Ha, thank you very much for your compliments. The landscape always meets. The white robe Ryan of the master of martial arts weapons. Would you like me to read how many mistakes and key records you have in the guild today? Flicking his fingers, a book appeared on Ming's hand.

Ryan's momentum was gone.

I really want to know what my sister usually does to others.

Don't bully Lane. Suddenly came over and stood in front of us, Chitose pushed his glasses a bit, and told my sister on the bar: Is it fun to bully a disappearing person!

I seemed to hear the sound of Ryan being hit.

Oh, it's not fun, is that going to turn you? Ming Ye closed the book and stared at Qian Dongshui evilly.

Qian Dongsui took a step back.

My eyes seem to be staged with snakes and frogs.

Stop playing with my classmates. I've known her for almost a lifetime, and of course I know what idea Ming Ming is working on.

With a shrug, Ning Min gave up the idea of ​​continuing to bully others.

What happens after Yang Yang? Still in front of us, Qian Dongshou frowned and asked: Since you are his sister, that means that the guild should not do anything to the blood of the demon teacher?

It's hard to say, sometimes I do n’t know what the guild will do, and the abilities inherited by each of the demon division bloodline are different. I do n’t have the innate ability of the demon division so the guild didn't stare at me. Ming Yan glanced at me, as if deliberately saying: Although the contemporary leader is in the Sanling area of ​​Qiling College, the guild still pays attention to his every move, and now Yang Yang's events are exposed, I do n’t know They will decide what to do.

In this case, we will not let you take it away.

Immediately withdrew the magic weapon, Lane and Qian Dongsui separated me and Hades from each other.

To be honest, I have been with Mingyue for so many years, and she can never do anything to me ... except to oppress and run errands. Even though she is a purple robe now, I think it should be as usual.

The big action of drawing out the magic weapon in the room soon attracted everyone's attention. Almost everyone stopped the action and looked at us.

Don't fight inside. Meow Meow ran over and grabbed Qian Dongshou's hand.

She is the enemy. Ryan said directly.

enemy? After a moment of stinging, Meow Meow looked at Ming Mi for a while, and suddenly understood the situation: if Yang Yang was to be taken away, Meow Meow would not stand idly by!

That's right! Kill her! -

I saw the three people standing in front of me, and suddenly felt that I really had many good friends ... They knew that I was a demon teacher bloodline and said nothing, and stood by me without hesitation.

Enough, a few of you, get out of the health room for me!

Before the incident, the assistant minister had come over and bombed us all, of course, including the supposedly terrible purple robe tour director and my sister-in-law who was also my elder sister.

After being kicked out, Chitose still maintained a tense atmosphere.

Ignored the few people in front of me, stared at me, and evoked a faint smile: When you are free, you should take your classmates back to see Mom, she has hardly ever seen you too many classmates, and always thought that you would follow It used to be almost everywhere, crowded out.

Looking at my closest family, I nodded: eh.

That ’s it. I ’ll go back to the guild to report the ghost king's grave incident. Be careful in the near future. I ’m afraid that people on the ghost king ’s side will come to trouble again. If there is something, use my mobile phone to find me. With a wave of his hand, Hajime turned around and disappeared in front of us almost in a second.

Come and go quickly, as if I just saw an illusion.

Unexpectedly, she returned quickly and neatly, a few people in the Qian Dongsui stunned, determined to really go away before recovering weapons.

Ryan, you send Yang Yang back to the black hall.

I thought they would ask me what happened next, but I didn't expect Chitose to say something unexpected: Too many things, let Yang Yang have a good night's sleep, and talk about the later things later.

Indeed, if I were to ask me now, I could not say anything.

Onizuka, Andyil, and the senior ...

I can't say anything.


Ryan sent me back in front of the Black Pavilion, and left without any extra stay.

I stood in a familiar building and looked at the black glass door. I didn't know why I suddenly felt that the building gave me a strange feeling. There was nothing on the glass door. Sometimes there were people with heads occasionally, which forced me to use my feet. kick.

Now it's quiet, almost silent.

Looking at it so close, I suddenly felt the weird sense of oppression.

Speaking of footsteps, I slowly walked into the black hall. I do n’t know why there is nothing in the whole black hall today. Even the portrait of the screaming female ghost is almost unchanged. I guess it is because the residents in the black hall are almost back. So, so far I dare not act rashly.

Instead of rushing up as usual, I slowly climbed the stairs, and I felt that this side seemed to be different from the usual one, and it was a little too uncoordinated.

I walked back to the floor where I lived and walked to the front of my room.

Then I went into my own room. On the table, Minas, the old man, and those with and without amulets were placed quietly. Andyel really kept his word and passed everything back to me.

As usual, I put things in order, and put them back wherever I should. Minas and the old man put it back on the wrist, feeling cold with a little peace of mind.

Then I sorted my clothes and toilets, and saw the keys still on my desk.

I did n’t know why it was still here.

My bathroom is unusable and there is something in it.

So I took the key and went out of the corridor as usual, went to the door of the next room, and opened the room with that key.

The whole room was empty, the air was clean and cold, there was nothing extra, not even a little sound, and there were probably a few books that were too late to be stolen on the seat beside the balcony, and some medicine was lost on the table. Something like medicated cloth.

By the way, I remember he kept pressing his left hand before going out, but he didn't catch up with him at the end.

If it is normal, I should have been hyped by Haiba for a long time.

The room was a bit dim, and I noticed that the lights in it seemed to have not been used for a long time. It is estimated that the light and shadow village was used to save energy.

There is bright powder in the corner of the small hall, I do not know what it is used for.

Putting down the toilet, I sat down on the floor near the balcony. The books beside me were completely illegible, and probably not useful when I read them.

So I took something out of my pocket, and after reading Black History with Lilia, I was torn off by hand, and I went to the paper page of Onizuka.

Originally there was a portrait on it, but the drawing had been tilted a little, and I was torn off the whole.

After opening, there is an ancient paper folded into a small quadrangle.

In fact, the moment I saw it, I probably already knew what was in it. Through the memory of the demon teacher long ago, he once gave this thing to the people of his clan, and then he was taken away by the elf clan.

So with the memory, buried in the black history.

Just like I had dreamed of that overlapping dream.

There was such a person who had a foreseen dream during the war. Then he drew a pattern in the middle of the war according to his dream, completed the picture when no one knew, and then disappeared into the tide.

Open the first fold and then the second fold.

That piece of paper was not large, and no one had the mood to draw an extra-large picture in times of turbulence. It was only a little bigger than a slap, yellowed and worn, and it was a small family painting.

There are only three of them.

A silver-haired father, a red-haired mother, and then a very small child, about a few years old, with a handful of silver-haired hair.

He didn't really see the woman, the child, but a glance in his dream.

There are a few vague fonts behind the drawing, with the date and a line of things that should be names.

After folding the painting gently again, I clipped it into the book aside, because this thing does not belong to me, but belongs to the person that the demon master wanted to send back.

The room was empty and there was nothing.


At this time, I actually saw something in the senior room.

There was a person in white clothes who was very transparent sitting on the cabinet directly opposite me. The clothes flowing gently with the wind and the transparent hair, the beautiful face was silent to me.

There was a clean, cold breath on his body.

It's a bit imaginative to follow the white garden of the wind, but there is only one here, and then I understand why the room of the senior is always cold, because there is a roommate of the ice spirit atmospheric spirit here.

We looked at each other and were speechless.

I looked at him, the empty room, the books on the ground, and the place that seemed empty and undecorated.

From today on, nothing more will be added here.

So I realized that the senior was gone.

I do n’t hit people, I do n’t scold people, I do n’t feel bad, I get upset, and that ’s all.

Never again.

Hot tears fell from the eyes, and I sat up and sat by the balcony without making any noise.

The atmospheric elf quietly walked down from the cabinet, passed by my side, and sat down behind me. It was cold and did not make any noise.

I think he knows too.

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