MTL - Unique Legend-v17 Chapter 6 Continuation spell

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Location: Onizuka Time: Unknown

I watched the powder of memory gradually take away those faces, and the long-lost one lived up in front of me and played in my memory.

Those people seem to be alive just now.

But it wasn't those people or those things that shocked me. What shocked me most ...

Yang Yang! Suddenly grabbing my wrist, I looked down, and An Inlan se's eyes were full of worry and looked at me: those are not yours. He said weakly, watching and listening to everything just like me.

Hesitated, I looked at Anin.

Yes, these are not my memories ... the memories of those who lived a long, long time ago. Just like in the past, it's just a past that is too clear.

I looked up, and the only person in my memory was still in front of us, supporting my jaw, so I could rest assured: yes, that's not your memory. Andy narrowed his eyes and looked at the beads that rolled down beside me. It was just a powder but now it has turned back into a bead. It quietly exuded a little sheen, waiting to be read again. Teacher, that memory should be back to you, and the beads will be absorbed and disappeared, but just after you just watched the memory, you are not a complete successor of the demon teacher, just a blood relationship person.

... I'm not a demon teacher?

For a moment, I suddenly relaxed.

Therefore, the senior did not lie to me.

Senior ...

Anna ... What is the relationship between the three elves and the senior? Opening my mouth, I heard my own voice faintly come out of my mouth.

I was still surprised by what I had just seen.

The origin of the ancient battle is surprising, but what surprised me more is the appearance of the Three Princes.

The portrait that Lilia could not find was completely reproduced in her memory.

Yanathen Imuro, the legendary three prince of the Icefang tribe who fought against the ghosts, has almost the same face as the senior, and is almost exactly the same.

Silver se's long hair, fair to almost transparent beautiful face, if it is not because the senior has a bunch of red hair, their similarity will be higher.

Strangers don't have such coincidental faces.

So ... the seniors are descendants of the elves?

But compared to Sai Tower, he is not like an elven clan, even the weak light on his body ... No, he does. Only once, but I did see it, only then I thought it was an illusion, and that light was only for a moment.

What's the matter ... On the third day that Vance went out that day, after the clash of the ghosts and the elves clashed, he returned again. I thought he brought back the method to relieve the curse, but Vance died after the battle on the lake, Yana The curse on him was not released.

Without answering my question directly, Andean's eyes seemed to be looking at the other end of the space: after that, Ana left the elven clan and his wife due to the influence of darkness, and then no news came out. .

The prince who left the elves ...

I instantly thought of the other one, which should be to say that several connected together became true.

After bad luck, the dark-cursed prince left Snow Country and entered the area of ​​the Black King. His wife chased and the whole family lived in a place no one could find until the prince's death.

Snow Country ... Is it about the Fangya? No wonder Dengli would say that it was not from the Snow Country, nor was it from other races. The oldest source is actually the Elven Race?

Why did the elves deliberately spread this thing in various ways?

What happened after that?

The princess and prince entered the area of ​​the Black King ... and finally greeted death ... after that ...

Leaving a child!

Your senior is the only child of the third prince of Ana and Bingya.

My head seemed to be bombed, and there was no way to think about it.

The senior is ...

So why did he help me with the blood of the demon teacher ...

No ... this is not in line with historical facts ... I grabbed my hand, Anin barely supported his body:

If he was the son of the third prince ... then it shouldn't be ... only in his teens ...

As Anin said, I immediately responded.

That's right, this happened at least a thousand years ago. If the senior is a man of that era, then he should already be more than a thousand years old. That was already the so-called demon level. Why would he go to high school? One year older than me?

However, I quickly remembered another thing.

I remembered that the director Fan had told me that the people in the senior's family had been severely blackmailed by her ...

Yes, why is it only in his tenth year? At this point, I do n’t know what the unmanned man moved. I originally thought he and his mother died together. After all, the elves no longer have new children. The Lord rumored that no one knew about the third prince's widow. So I did n’t recognize it when I was in the shrine venue for the first time. Ringing his hands, Andy's expression suddenly became a little complicated, and at the same time it seemed to be anxious, but only that momentary change, the next second changed to the fixed smile almost engraved on his face: except his Except for the deceased son, who can have such similar faces and the same blood relationship is very incredible.

Anin was stunned, it seems that as long as the so-called no hall is involved, everything they think is possible.

OK, so far, now we should do something serious. Taking a step, Andy's eyes sharply met our side.

Almost at the same moment, An Yin, who was still halfway by my side, suddenly pulled me behind him. The already weak body didn't know where to get strength again, forcing him to stand up.

You better not disturb now, the soul has just returned to you, I don't want to absorb it again immediately, so my agreement with Chu will be invalid. In a blink of an eye, it appeared next to us, and Andel suddenly shot and held Anin's head, pressed him to the ground, and then stared straight at me: whether you are a monster or not, now you have a monster Even if you are unlucky, we need two things to complete Yell, one of which is the blood of the demon teacher.

Yangyang, run away!

Suddenly pushed me hard, Anin broke the opponent's hand and turned up, and took out the transparent long blade from the air: anyway ... the ghost king cannot be resurrected.

I was pushed backwards, and I saw a lot of blood drops falling in front of me.

Taking a step back a bit, Andy looked at his opponent with an unstable stand in front of him with a happy expression: Since this is the case, I'm sorry. Talking, he pulled out the long needle of black se.

and many more! I hurriedly pulled An Yin's clothes in front of the ghost and aristocracy in front of you: you said that if I come, he will return to our side.

Pointing at the black needle in his hand, Andy tilted his head: it happened, but I did return the person to you, only the second time it was out of my promise.

Even in the face of death ... the power given by God ... doesn't allow the ghost king to appear ... shaking his hand and clenching the long knife, Anin is unmoved, guarding in front of me trying to make Andy inaccessible.

It's a pity that even gods will be killed by ghosts.

I just have to hear that.

The next second, my eyes suddenly became empty, and then I heard a loud sound from the right side. After a few seconds, I realized that I turned around and then turned around. I saw Anin hitting the rock wall beside him, and Andel pressed Holding his neck, the long needle of silver se quickly fell into his shoulders and palms, and then penetrated the nail on the wall.

I let you go, this is the thing I promised Chu Mingyang, you just obediently wait until everything is over ... Oh, maybe after all the destruction, you can stay in the world as the rest Witness it. Gently patted Ain's cheek, Andy said happily.

Looking at this scene, I couldn't do anything.

Without Minas, without an old man, no amulet and everything else given to me, I can do nothing like an ordinary person.

It was just like when I was watching my classmates get hurt.

Why should I enter the college?

That's because I want everything to change.

But what did I change?

The dark red blood of almost black se made a mark on the rock wall, as shocking as the paw print of red se.

Andy then appeared before me.

What can I do?

Chu Mingyang, I didn't kill him. Grabbing my shoulder, Andy pulled me up from where it was with little effort. All I could feel was the terrible pressure from him, so I remembered that when I and the senior met the person for the first time, even the senior would avoid it. He smiled: it was time to do business. Without the blood of the demon division, what I did was not perfect.

At that moment, a red se law array appeared under our feet. In the next second, Andyel and I appeared directly above the glacier not far away, and my feet were all volleyed. The law circle slowly rotated, like the ground, so that we could not step on it.

Through the circle, I saw the corpse of the ghost king below.

It ’s different from the first time, probably after the seal of the seniors, the whole body is more broken than the last time I saw it, and the head is seriously damaged.

Beside the ghost king, I saw another person.

If he hadn't just seen it in memory and knew he was dead, seeing this person right now would only think he was sleeping peacefully.

The closed eyes and pale cheeks, and even the complete body with short black hair drifting along the water, make people look completely like a person who has not died for thousands of years.

Surprised, I went to find it. After the lakeside conflict, his body was hidden by Ana with an elf sarcophagus. Later, the lakeside was built as a town. I do n’t know how to find it. If you did n’t accidentally find it with Jing Luotian ’s people, In that place, I also couldn't use his body to reshape the complete demon master's body. Andy's voice came from beside me. It was pleasant and very good.

What I see is that lying beside the ghost king is Vance who should die for thousands of years.

The man who was the leader of the demon division.

…we? I opened my mouth passively, and my whole head was buzzing, as if someone had lost firecrackers.

By the lake ...

Ancient battlefield?

Lilia once said that there were two wars in the record, and the lost ancient battlefield on the lakeside was not recorded. Now I know that because the friends of the three princes of the elves died in that war, the war was hidden because of the relationship between the demon division Already.

Therefore, it is not recorded above.

After that, there were races by the lake, and then the towns started to be built, because the towns were not complete because of the geographical relationship; at night, the water began to flood, covering the traces of the ancient battlefield, and because it would flood, it was not enough. Time digs down again, and people can only live in the water world.

After Jing Luotian's messenger arrived, some people began to disappear in the town, and the people inside asked for help.

Then the start of a competition, where it was used as the final venue for the mission.

I've been there, I came back from there and left from there.

Lake Town, the submerged ancient battlefield by the lake.

Where the last remains of the leader of the monster are buried--


You know, what I took from the medical class was Vance's body.

Andy pointed to the sleeping corpse in the water and told me: It took a lot of work to make him look like he was.

Why make him come back ... I looked at the corpse whose eyes were almost open, and suddenly trembled. He was lying next to the ghost king, making me think of terrible things, but I hoped that it was just that I thought wrong.

Because Yellen needed a new body. Andy leaned against my ear and said softly: Don't you think that the demon master is the best container?

Suddenly two steps back, I want to escape from this place.

But retreating to the front line of the French front, there is no way for me to leave.

I heard a loud heartbeat. It was my own. The person in front of me was terrible. I was afraid of him. It seemed as if I couldn't even breathe. The whole person began to feel pain. The body seemed to be squashed. .

Andiel's figure became huge.

Like an ant, I can't resist him at all.

Chu Mingyang, you do n’t have to be a real demon master. As long as you have the blood of the demon master, it's enough. Give your blood out, inject it into Vance's body, and let his body come back to life. Yelu can recover again. Already. Andy reached out to me like a palm of death.

Even with the terrible tasks of following the senior, there is nothing more frightening than now.

I regret that I should not come to this place.

I'm really scared.

The warm liquid dropped from my cheeks, drop by drop, and I realized that my entire face was full of tears.


I can't think.

There are many things I want to do, I also want to apologize to the seniors, and I want to hang out with other people. I have n’t honestly admitted to my mother that I ’m not an ordinary school. I also want to say thank you to Mingyu, because you really do n’t like it. Dessert but they all brought it back to me, and I want to tell Wuse chicken head that you are not that difficult to get along with, just a little nervous ... I also want to tell Ledo that he won't be stabbed anymore because it will be so much pain…

I still have a lot of things to do.

Death is not terrible, because I have wiped myself many times, but it really scares me when I'm right there. After closing my eyes, I can't do anything else.

Don't worry, it will soon pass. Andy came over with a smile, and took out the long black needle with his hand.

Like what happened instantly.

I just felt a pain in my neck, and my whole body seemed to be drained and fell to the front of the magic circle, and I saw Andy crouching beside me with a smile, with a black needle on my wrist. Gently drew a line.

The blood immediately blew from there, dripping down through the formation method, and the glacier below began to turn into a blood-red face, and then the blood was gradually absorbed by the corpse of the demon teacher.

I can see it, I can feel it, but I can't even make the most scared voice. I watched my wrist keep bleeding and was sucked away by the monster's body.

I think, this should really be quietly listening to life disappearing, something keeps flowing out of my wrist, and my head is getting more and more stingy ...

Finally, let me tell you something. It would be pitiful for you to go to the resting place unknowingly. Ander, who was squatting beside, gently stroked my arm with his fingers, and his tone was very gentle: just mentioned, Vance died without releasing the curse at the end. When he arrived, the elf Wujun Already in a fierce battle, he was accidentally killed by a master of the ghost king in order to protect Anna, and even the curse was too late to be undone; therefore, Anna finally ended in such a miserable way. The master of the ghost king to which Yalu belongs was later firefly Mori's samurai shot him. I remember the man named Xin Ya ... but it wasn't the point. The fun thing was behind him.

I couldn't help turning my attention to Ander's increasingly blurred face, not knowing what he wanted to say.

Wait ... the curse is not lifted?

Something emerged from the dim head.

What did the leader of the monster division say? ——

You won't die too quickly. You should be painful until the end. The lover and grandchildren must bear the hatred of the demon master.


Since your senior is a child of Anna, then there must be a curse of Vance on him. After being millennium-thousanded by a man without a temple, do you think he can really hide? Andy tilted his head and narrowed his eyes: it's difficult, but you can't see how he ends, so don't worry about it anymore.

So Chu Mingyang, you don't have to be afraid, because soon the child of Yana will accompany you to leave the world like his father.

An, Di, Er! Exhausting my last strength in the whole body, I snarled and then only moved one of my right hands and grabbed the hand of the ghost and noble who was too late to retract.

Then I couldn't say anything.

Why can he talk so easily about seniors!

Why can he talk about Vance and Anna so unrelated.

Why can he laugh like this!

Take my hand away easily, Andy stood up: At this point, you should hate the person under the curse, it has nothing to do with me. He turned around, jumped out of the array, and stood on the shore to the other end: yes, I really sincerely hope to be able to sit down with you for a drink and talk, but it seems Chances are up. I can still live a long time, if only next time, you can appreciate the face.

Looking at his back, I can't do anything.

Did everything end like this?


A loud noise came from outside.

I saw a lot of things coming in through Andyel's shoulders. It was a bunch of ghosts with missing bodies everywhere. Everyone was bleeding black se, and one of them was half-baked. .

What are you doing Andy took two steps and stepped on the half-headed ghost.

The surrounding air was full of thick stench, and the ghosts rolling in the blood of black se were struggling to get up, but most of them couldn't move even one step because they were seriously injured.

Yes, something ran in. The only ghost who was stepped on the half of his face screamed and said,


The answer instead of the ghost clan was a loud roar.

A giant object like a beast rushed in, stepped on the other ghosts still blocked at the door, and made a loud roar again.

That thing is almost as big as the whole door, one floor high, and all of them are black se. At first glance, it looks like a large black wolf, with wings with the same deep face on both sides, and the body on the right has me. I don't understand the totem symbol, there is a gold se eye on his forehead, it looks very vicious and terrible.

Andyel, who was standing in front of the flying wolf, narrowed his eyes: a cavalier?

The black flying wolf with golden eyes found the Andean standing in front in a few seconds, and at the same time opened his mouth full of sharp teeth and snarled at Andy.

A few ghosts who have not been killed do not know why they are afraid of flying wolves, and they scurry around like a bunch of little worms. Soon, there are ghosts who can't leave the entire entrance and Andean who is still standing. .

In the blink of an eye, the place where Andean was supposed to stand was banging, the ground was blown out of a huge cave, and the unlucky ghosts who had too little time to escape were beaten up on the spot and disappeared into a pile of ash.

The flying wolf who hit the hole didn't stay for a while. He kicked his back and turned it up. He caught up with Andel who receded backward, and his fierce grin was about to bite.

so troublesome. Andy frowned, and threw out several black needles to go out, but the flying wolf seemed to have known that there would be black needles left and right to dodge quickly, without even being scratched.

When they were fighting, I found that I seemed to be regaining strength, and that the blood didn't seem to flow so fast. Although my head was groggy, but my consciousness was clear. I struggled twice while Andy did not have time to deal with me. And want to get up.

However, the whole body is still weak and weak.

The body of the monster below seemed to be a little more rosy than I just saw. }

If you let the ghost king Yelu use the body of the demon master, I don't know what it will look like, I bet it will never be a good thing.

Help ... I want to leave here, I want to leave this place with Anin, no matter who it is, please come and save us ...

There was a mournful sound at the exit, and the flying wolf was beaten to the other end by Andy, smashing the entire stone platform into pieces, and falling with all the large and small stones, shivering and unable to get up.

Guys with Muguangjin, it's better to let you disappear here before you cause obstacles. Withdrawing the black needle, Andy stared at the flying wolf with a smile, and threw it towards its golden eyes—

Several broken sounds were particularly noticeable, with metal collisions in between.

The black needle was hit to the ground by something.

With a gurgling sound, the streamer cut through the air, and one of the most familiar things stuck in front of the flying wolf. Transparent long guns kept their distance firmly. 2k novel reading network

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