MTL - Unique Legend-v17 Chapter 4 The beginning of the war

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Location: Elven Land Time: more than a thousand years ago

Then they really became friends.

After that, Andy would have a little time to think so.

In the aftermath of the flood, the elves helped the disturbed races to resume farming, using the language that could communicate with everything to help them the most. In a short time, all the surroundings had returned to their previous state.

Joy and peace.

The Elves are also idle, and the chance of appearing in Ana has increased. Sometimes they are playing nearby, and sometimes three people go far away to play. They have seen mermaids walk through the leaf path of Jin Se, and then went further into the aliens and were almost caught and eaten.

They all thought that this time could last forever.

At least, the elves among them think so, and there seems to be no such separation in the eyes of eternal elves.

He always said that they could go to more places and have more time. Occasionally Andy also noticed that there seemed to be an impatient face in the eyes of the demon master, but he hid well and never was The elf noticed.

In fact, this game is not the only one playing.

Why do you become friends?

At the secret base, Andy asked the demon master who was adjusting the medicine.

Don't you feel bored asking this question too many times? Not very polite to answer him, Vance dropped the skull of the beast and knocked it into powder.

Shrugging, Andyel, who had been fully restored a long time ago, lay comfortably in a small bed by the side: that's because you didn't really answer it, so I asked.

Turning his head, the youth narrowed his eyes and looked at him: you are not seriously asking me, why should I answer you too much.

... too.

What they see is the same space, but what they see in space is not the same time.

He closed his eyes and heard the sound of the medicine pestle knocking regularly.

The cave often has a faint smell of medicine, and the voices of the elves and the wind are often heard.

Yana was suddenly interested in the land of the demon teacher recently. The youth's voice seemed to be melting into the wind: never asked before, did you tell him something?

I didn't tell him anything. With his eyes still closed, Andy heard that the voice of the pharmacy stopped and he knew that the young man had come to ask for it, otherwise he would not usually take the initiative to talk to him: Do you not trust your friends?

… I don't have anyone to trust. The young man snorted coldly: The demon teacher did not deal with people originally.

Isn't the elf? With a smile, Andy opened his eyes suddenly.

Even if I don't trust you completely. Frowning, Vance turned back, feeling vaguely that something was wrong.

Your alertness is really strong. I heard that the demon division is a group that does not intersect with any race. It looks really right. Do n’t cry for others or be happy for others. Is it special?

Doesn't matter to you.

Andy stared at him: but you did laugh when you were with the elves.

There was a sudden silence all around.

The youth suddenly said nothing.

How long they knew each other and when he started to build this secret base, he still remembers.

However, the demon division family has been fighting with various ethnic groups all year round and even fled. He just happened to know a traveling elf on one way.

He remembered that they only met by chance, and it would only be a later matter that they would become friends with that elf.

Because the elf didn't quite understand that everything in this world was not as simple as he imagined, there was no face blended between black and white.

So he thought they could be friends.

Endless time friends before time comes.

Would you tell the land of the Yana demon family? Andy smiled. Vance and Yana no longer met so often. Although the youth pretended that nothing was happening, the moment when the elf saw the demon class, the mistakes at that moment seemed to make a mark and lay in front of him.

Andy, am I doing something wrong?

Looking at the empty secret base, Yana opened Yin Se's eyes and looked at the people who were still lying inside, the smell of the drug disappeared, and it was light, so that the spirit of the wind did not dare to blow it hard.

He still thought that as long as he stepped into the secret base, he would see his dark-haired friends adjust the medicine as usual, and the short, cut hair would occasionally be stained with medicine.

You are afraid of the power of the demon master, so he doesn't want to let you see it anymore. Rolling over, Andier said with a smile.

But I'm not afraid. Yes, he did have that momentary mistake, but he was not like everyone else: I was just scared, I thought the things in the book and the singing were just exaggerated, you know I was just scared ... I do n’t want to let Vance is in a dilemma, we are still friends, as before.

The elf didn't understand. He didn't know what was still in the hearts of his friends.

He thought that Vance could know.

Maybe next time Vance comes, I can talk to him. He saw the elf staring at him with a dependent gaze, and the desire in his heart was written on his face.

So he said that this elf was too young.

I want to see him ...

Then the elf left.

The singing of the secret base also disappeared.

After the winter, the Ice Elves were busy.

I heard that the three princes became a powerful assistant to the elven king, and soon many people were willing to follow him.

The big princes are smart and smart, and the three princes are brave and fierce. They have reclaimed many ancient lands occupied by the ghosts, and taught the weak races to cultivate and live in those places.

People will grow.

Andy received news from many ghosts that they were defeated by the Three Princes.

He has seen the elves several times since then, and he has begun to grow differently, becoming cautious and careful, but in front of him, nothing is hidden.

When the snow was falling, Andy returned to the secret base, and when there were no elves, he met the young man who had not been here for a long time.

You rarely come recently?

After photographing Shirayuki on his shoulder, Andy asked the friend who was trying to raise the fire.

There is something about the demon division family recently. I'm about to inherit my father's position, and I will come less frequently in the future. The youth with short hair seemed a little longer still spoke indifferently.

Ana's rumors have grown, and the name will soon become widely known under the tales of recorders and minstrels. Some ghosts have begun to target him.

That's fine, he can't always be like that. Watching the flames burst out of the firewood, the young man moved his lips: There are many things in this world that must be understood. Soon the demon division will soon move, and it will be difficult to meet later.

He wants me to tell you that he is not afraid.

In just a few words, Andy knew that the other party fully understood what he was about to say.

Vance laughed.

He is not afraid, but I am afraid that sooner or later he will be swallowed up by the power of the demon division. We cannot always be friends. After a pause, he looked into the flames, remembering the happy life of the secret base in the past: you can no longer be friends with him, Andy, I know what you really damn.

The firewood made a crackling noise.

Mars beating.

Well, I ’m a ghost. He bluntly said: How long do you know?

The young man gave him a cold look: from the beginning, I was a demon teacher. What are you, and will you still know if you have been diagnosed? He's just too lazy to pierce through it. If the ghosts in front of him have any action, it's only an instant thing to kill the other party, so he is not worried.

I am the first master of the Yellow ghost king. It is us who need the demon master in this world. Would you like to come over? Honestly, Andy did not plan to continue to be stupid.

Not willing.

Standing up, the youth threw the last firewood into the flames.

Don't appear before us again.

So, after the winter, the secret base was sealed by ice and snow.

Three people, three different spaces.

Until the young people took over the leadership of the demon division, they moved to their places of residence, which was far away to dilute past memories.

But those memories still exist, so one day he accidentally returned to the secret base and explained the affairs. It took several days to clean up there.

They went further and further.

He heard rumors that the Elves had gone everywhere with the Wind Elves.

On the fourth day, he heard a sound outside the secret base, not the sound of animal footsteps.

The heavy noise made him think of Andy, but when he stepped out of the cave, he saw his former friends.

The elf in a light armor was covered with blood all over his body, and the hands of Red Se had a strong fear in his eyes.

... Vance?

When the secret base friend came out, the elf froze all over.

At that moment, the youth really forgot their intersection that had been interrupted, and rushed forward: What happened? Do you come here directly from the battlefield!

He could even feel that the blood was hot and hot.

I don't know, I don't know ... I don't know where it is ... you run away ... tears roll down in the eyes of the elven silver se, along with the blood red se on the face, slide down from the beautiful chin and drip on the armor.

Uneasiness suddenly appeared in the youth.

You tell me! Where is your battlefield! Holding the elf's shoulders, the young man shook it vigorously.

I don't know ... you run away ... tears keep falling and the elf shook his head desperately.

The action suddenly froze. The young man smelled the familiar smell in the blood. He was clamoring all over the body, and the blood was connected with him.

... you attacked the demon division?

The surrounding temperature suddenly became cold.

I didn't ... I really didn't ... Nishi nooka's brothers asked us to help in the past ... I don't know where ... Looking at the youth's moment of strange and indignant eyes, Ana quickly grabbed his wrist: they want you Hurry up and run away ...

Why do you want to escape. A feeling of hatred filled the atrium, and Vance grabbed the young man in front of him: those who attacked the demon class must know what will happen!

He grabbed past friends, thinking nothing in his head.

The surrounding elves fled, and the blood red se's formation appeared at their feet.

The smoke drifted before his eyes.

There was no sound around.

There is blood flow of red se on the ground of black se.

He saw the elven army's flags everywhere, and the beautiful totem embroidered with silver sequins tore the black air flying. The corpse was too late to lie on the ground.

Adults, children, elders with open eyes, the same dead elves.

A corpse was lying at his feet, a white arrow passed through his heart, and the blood of black and red se had begun to dry out.

No sound.

No sound was heard even from the elves.

With his palms tightened, he could feel the captured elves trying to get those people back.

so what?

He didn't care.

Are you ready to pay the price to attack the demon division? Throwing the elves heavily on the ground, he looked at the beautiful face that became strange, but he did not expect that one day he would be attacked by the most familiar friends. His volume is very high, and everyone hears: West Hills, Fangs of Ice, this price you can never pay.

I curse you, darkness will be shrouded, life will die, the land of the West Hills will have no vitality, and the people in front of me will die, this is all you should give!

Almost after the words had fallen, he saw the faces of the elven troops begin to twist.

Many people fell to the ground alone.

The corpse of the demon division and the corpse of the elves were all lying together.

No sound was heard around.

The elven banner inserted on the body of the demon division was broken and dropped aside.

He squatted down and saw that the only surviving elf had widened his eyes, and tears could never come down: As for you, Yanathion Imuro, you would pay me more. The arrows of the corpse were drawn out, and the sharp arrows fell into the back of the elves' hands on the ground little by little: you will not die too quickly. You should be painful until the end. The lover and descendants must bear the hatred of the demon master. , Three princes who are brave and warlike, I curse you.

Suddenly withdrawing his arrows, he stood up, left White Arrow and turned away.

The road between them got farther and farther.

The blood of red se devoured them.

No sound.

He stepped over a **** corpse.

Will you come?

The man standing in the dark asked him this way, as usual, as if nothing had happened.

In this world, only the ghosts can become your shelter.

They no longer have any escape route.

…I go.

The flames of war began to spread.

The bards brought terrible and terrible news to all parts of the world. The beauty of the West Hills was no longer, and the breath of death began to pervade like smoke.

Every day new sacrifice spreads everywhere.

Andy looked at everything that interested him, and never felt bored again.

The demon youths who turned to the ghost clan were ruthless and ruthless, and many obstacles were easily removed for them. He and the ghost king generally had the black army of the ghost clan. Everywhere they saw, they were fleeing weak races.

On the first day he entered, the bishop evil ghost king who attacked the elves with the ghost king yel looked at him with a gorgeous and nasty smile: it's time to declare war, what do you say?

The young man sighed coldly.

What we are borrowing is your power. You and we are generally exiled to eternal darkness. What do you say? She reached out her hand, and her long nails crossed the youth's face, so that the nearby King Yellow ghost also narrowed his eyes: The three princes of the Icefang tribe are your friends. After the war, you met him.

Does he still have friends?

Wearing armor, the whole body is covered with the blood of the clan.

When did the person who started singing become a murderer?

I cursed him. Without sound, he couldn't hear crying or seeing tears, all those things were gone: the war had no friends ... the heat blocked our way, I cursed him, thinking of being spirit, letting him disappear before us, washing with his blood Our land. So I curse him if he wants to hinder us.

The places they used to go by are gone.

He really had that little bit of time to think they could be friends.

Fine ... ha ha ha ha ... fine, then you can watch this war well. Bishin's voice echoed in his ear, laughing wildly.

He couldn't hear any sound.

Including captive elves crying, the breath of Nishigaoka is extinct, and there is no vitality.

Only then did he know that Yellus had a great deal of trust in Andy, and whatever it was, he would let Andy do it by himself, without restraining his actions.

That's because Yell knew he couldn't restrain me.

Supporting his jaw, Andyel smiled as usual. In front of them was the village Jingse, which was attacked. Many ghosts were pulling out ordinary humans from the inside and killing them one by one.

It's too arrogant to be a ghost king. He still doesn't talk much.

Even Bishen didn't dare to touch me easily, because they had feared this power after swallowing too many souls. Lazily, Andy shrugged: They were afraid of losing a great helper.

That's because someone who can devour the soul has no second person except you.

Andy smiled.

After occupying Xiqiu, the Elves of Icefang have begun to arm. Playing with the crystal stone in his hand, he let the black army of the ghost tribe burn the village skeletons: the most powerful among the elves are the icetooth tribe and the flame pupil tribe. What do you think of the big ghost clan?

... Is Hitomi involved?

According to the news back, the main battle is the three princes of the ice tooth elves. The ice tooth elven king advocates the next generation. He led the elves and the clans to form a joint army. Mori, and the major races of the Beast King and Leprechauns also fully support. After a pause, Andy narrowed his eyes when he saw a friend next to him: Yell would have a hard time fighting this battle.

With a cold snoring, the youth stood up: as long as the demon master was present, the ghost clan would never lose. No matter what comes, the place where the demon master stands represents victory.

He cursed those races.

Black se is spreading, darkness is coming, and the sky stained with blood se and smoke is only suitable for this world.

Looking up at the **** dusk, he couldn't feel his temperature: Where was the next place that Yell wanted us to go? No need to think or be kind to anyone, the demon division should have been incompatible with any race in the world.

Only if you go with the army, I will go back to the medical class for containment, and the showdown time has arrived. Turning his head to look at him, Andier said: Yelu wants you to slow down the movement of the Elven Army, no matter what, anyway, they can't do anything if they can't enter Xiqiu.

Want me to go to the current front? Well planned.

The young man hummed in his heart, and directly letting him go to the Elven Army could reduce the loss of the ghost clan, and by the way let him compete with Yana.

The idea of ​​the Yellow Ghost King worked really well.

Are you afraid? Staring at the young man's cold face, Andy circled his hands and asked happily: Yes, the King Yellour promised me one thing, and I think you should be very interested.

Hei Se's pupils turned around and looked at him.

He said that as long as darkness covers the earth and everything is dead, the three princes of the Icefang tribe will belong to me, and I can do whatever I want. He watched the changes on the youth's face carefully, but he couldn't see anything: if we fought this war, he could survive or die.

The betrayer had to pay the price of death.

Oh, I really hope your determination will always be so firm. But he feels a little pitiful about the elf now: I have one more thing, but I want to tell you later, you should not mind.

They have endured it before, and this power is not what they are willing to have, so they can avoid it as much as possible, as long as others don't enter them, they can live safely and permanently.

But people in this world have not let them go.

As long as they have that power, they will always be the one who should be killed.

But he didn't want to continue to endure anymore. After the massacre that day, there were very few remaining clan members. He wanted to get justice for the demon class who had never done anything bad.

He had thought about it a lot, not even in his sleep. They were always afraid that other races would come in and kill them at any time, but he did not expect that when the day came, it would be him who was infected with blood from his family People who thought they could be friends.

Now that they are forcing them to live, he will destroy the world first, and let those who consider themselves noble race to fall into darkness, and pile up the path of the underworld with tears and blood.

Can you succeed?

Andy's voice floated aside, a little unreal, awkward: When Anna was standing in front of you, could you really fight him?

I will pain him until death. He opened his mouth coldly, and he could hardly recall the original appearance of the elf. He only remembered that a piece of blood shrouded him, and a murderer stood in front of him: If you want to keep someone, hide it before I kill him. Get up.

With a slight smile, Andy walked past him: if you can listen to the rumors of the ghosts, you will soon know what you missed.

He just stood by and watched the show, he would not easily interfere with the show.

What do you mean. The youth narrowed his eyes.

Nothing, try to resist the Elven Army.

The strong wind blew through, making the flames of the burning village even more fierce and fierce. The ghosts cheered and looked at the burnt corpses, one by one.

So the black army moved again. 2k novel reading network

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