MTL - Unique Legend-v15 Chapter 2 Tragic beginning

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Location: atlantis Time: 9.30am

Welcome to the big playground. Today is the triennial college festival. I ’m Lucia, the broadcaster of the games. See you in a long time! The games officially opened at nine o'clock. When a few people and me and me arrived at the playground, many classes had arrived. Almost all the playgrounds looked like red se and white se, all mixed together, but at a glance, the teammates were quite clear.

After the opening, the broadcaster I saw during the Grand Tournament reappeared on a clear sky, and the energetic start began: this game will adopt a completely different system from the previous one, imitating the original double-group rivalry in the east of the world. In the event, we divided into two teams, namely, the red and white teams, that is, the sports clothes worn by the students. The same ones are the same group ... If you are unfortunately blind, please treat our staff. After a pause, she flapped her wings happily and re-opened: the events of the sports conference are divided into eight categories, single races, tug-of-war, obstacle relay races, obstacle water races, mixed horse riding battles, dress-up tasks, Jedi crisis and hunter game. Because the high school is divided into two groups, there are a large number of them. Several of them will be opened at the same time. The first game: single-handed race and obstacle relay race will be held at the same time in different regions at the same time. Tug of war and obstacle water race Held at the same time, the Jedi Crisis Race and the Hunter Race are held at the same time; then we have lunch breaks and dinner time, and start mixed riding battles in the afternoon. Finally, this is the most noticeable event, which can be attended by non-public colleges and even other college friends. The large-scale dress up task is the biggest finale of the Games, so please stay tuned! I do n’t know why, after listening to these events, my whole body is dizzy.

In addition to racing and tug of war. What other ghosts are there! What is the obstacle water game? Swim halfway and suddenly there are a lot of water ghosts pulling people and the like! Yang Yang, the side where the big games win Reward. I do n’t know where to take out the game schedule meow meow happily crowded next to me, and show me the list on her hand: using the points system, the winner of each game will add a lot of points, the other single People's performance will also be deducted points, the final score will win the most.

After receiving the list, I really saw a word on the top, which means that the winners will have gifts from the school today, because the gifts are many (single group of students are large), so they will be randomly selected, which is also mixed with rare magic tools .

I looked up. Sure enough, I saw the classmates on the playground because of rare equipment as prizes. This is the most interesting time. The gentle laughter came from the side Fu, and Aurora, wearing white se sportswear, didn't know when she was standing behind us. Her long hair was rarely tied up, tied into a pony tail behind her head. It's different, and it's also lively: I still heard a few gifts when I was in the student union, like rare magic fruits and drugs. This time the school spent a lot of silver and courage. Seeing that the monitor was also in the same group with us, I felt relieved, that is, I noticed another thing Student Union? I don't seem to notice this thing coming from school.

Yes, Eurolo is the president of the Student Union. Meow Meow fluttered to the monitor and said happily. Uh, should I say that people are not looks?

Can the first grade be the student council president here? I also want to say that it seems that I originally had only the third grade in the world. Even the first grade can recruit an important cadre even if it is very powerful.

Oh. Because the chairman is so useless, I want him to give up his position. Speaking in a terrifying tone as if talking about the kittens having two children next door, the squad shrugged his shoulders, taking it for granted: Just say that he can earn dozens of times with his head, and he will not, except for me in this position. Who else sits after school.

I deeply believe that the monitor is really a god. Not only can you handle the big and small affairs of the class in one hand, you can also add the class guide, and finally kick the student president to do it yourself. Where is this kind of talent! The game is about to begin, what kind of day are you chatting here! Just me I also want to ask the class leader student association about other things. When a very cold voice suddenly came out from behind me, I was frightened and turned back immediately. Sure enough, when I saw the principal standing behind me, Red Se's eyes stared at me. .

When I saw the senior coming, Meow Meow was even happier: Senior, we want to defeat the Red Team!

Nonsense, the enemy can only wipe out. Looking at the man in the red sportswear next to him, the senior expressed a terrible expression. Basically ... they are still our classmates under that layer of red clothes. Can we use annihilation? Seniors turned around and Morin looked at me: either a companion or an enemy. If you lose today, just walk and see .

Don't do this! How can I win in such a place! Can you just let me be a handyman who supplies cold water! We will definitely win! Raise your hands to cheer, Meow, etc. completely ignore my pale face se , And then began to convene a white group to hold a war meeting.

The red group on the other side is also the same. I can see that Qian Dongsui is very uncomfortable following Xia Sui, who is not too close, and also started a large group of people to hold a war of resistance.

Over there, I saw Lilia ... It ’s not easy to be hostile even this way. Looking around, there are more people I do n’t know. Compared to that, I will be more relaxed in the white group. After all, they are all here.

Wait, I suddenly felt like I was missing someone.

When I was trying to think about who was missing, there was a great throbbing sound from the Red Group, and the voice was so loud that I had to turn around and see what was happening-bastard! How long will it take for this slow method to kill someone! Uncle Ben protests! Killing the talents as quickly as possible during the war is the most effective way to win!

Five-seated chicken heads that cause big throbbing appear in the enemy camp.

Yang Yang!

When the senior began to schedule candidates for the competition, because I didn't call me late, I stood a little closer than the teacher and was close to the auditorium. At the same time, I heard someone on the other side of the auditorium call me.

After turning around, I saw an unexpected person: Ran?

Bai Lingran, who had not been in contact for a long time, suddenly appeared in the auditorium, beckoning to me with a smile, and then ran over to stand on the edge of the line: Sure enough, I didn't read the wrong person, I was still wondering. He smiled at me, still feeling very kind, just like before: I came to see the sports meeting specially, I wanted to come yesterday, but was detained by the teacher, and finally managed to sneak out today.

Listening to what he said, I was a little moved.

Because of the school, I did n’t even dare to tell my mom about the sports meeting. Just like the original world, parents of many students also appeared in the auditorium. The entire playground was very lively, but there were no people in my family inside. . I came here without knowing why he gave me a feeling of filling, as if he should have appeared here.

Yang Yang seems to like the dim sum I made for you last time, so this time I also brought it, there are many, and mung bean soup, let's eat together at noon. However, a big smile was raised, and I nodded unconsciously. In fact, if I did n’t leave at noon, I would probably just eat at the restaurant. Thinking of the snacks I brought last time, I could n’t help but swallowed a bit, and I did n’t eat the mung bean soup for a long time. . Although the restaurant here can make everything and everything is delicious, it just lacks the ancient flavor that makes me miss. It just happens that the classmates have the taste that is like my mother ’s god. The first good thing before.

By the way, I have a digital camera with the original world. Can I help you take some pictures, or do you like to use the image ball here for photos? Then shake the small black bag on his hand and ask for it.

Uh, the digital camera is ready. In this way, I can also choose a few to show my mother, if you use moving pictures, she is not surprised.

no problem. The person with the camera agreed very simply.

As soon as I wanted to chat with Ran, suddenly Fu came to interrupt our communication voice: Chu! If you don't come back and give me assignments, you will give me a better performance than the whole audience! Hell came. I didn't dare to pretend I didn't hear it. I hurried to greet and ran back to the white group circle. Obviously, I also noticed the existence of it. After the senior nodded his head, he turned back to the group meeting. Now the white team is divided into two parts. The three items of solo race, tug of war, Jedi crisis, let Mianda take the lead, obstacle relay, I took the lead in the obstacle water competition and the hunter competition. Next to the senior, I blued. The one named Mianda was a third-grade school sister. Her face was very white, and it didn't seem to be a human race. All team members must support during the morning game. The rewards of this Games are definitely ours!

After scorning and speaking quickly, the other members of the white team immediately made a sound of yelling and drinking, and the whole morale was improved. Do n’t, leave the team, do, do your best. Mianda spoke in a strange way, and then began to count the candidates she would take for the second round.

The meeting was given limited time, and after Mianda had picked everyone, it was almost the time to start the first game.

Like the white group, the red team was split into two parts, and the other part was guided by the conference staff to the second venue.

I look at the Red Team ... They are dying. The team leader they stayed in was actually Xia Sui. It seems that people have the habit of pushing the robes to take the lead.

At this moment, the senior and Xia Su are equal to each other. It ’s a total confrontation! I do n’t know if I should expect or not. In short, I ’m afraid of the fear. I suddenly wanted to see how the two partners would become hostile. Ryan and Chitose, these two may not be better. Wait, think carefully, the group seems to have split the partner, and some of the more advanced ones have been split. The senior looked at me and snorted: Otherwise, if the other team is close together, wouldn't they be hopeless for the rest of their lives.

This seems to be true. If the senior and Xia Su are in the same group, today's victory or defeat is already decided.

Yang ~ This time, my grandfather will not show mercy to your men. The five-se chicken head standing in the enemy camp quickly noticed my existence, and smiled happily: we have a meeting in the mountains and rivers, and we will fight and kill in time, we can't blame my grandpa!

The sports meeting is not for you to fight and kill! Also, it must not be a meritorious exercise. Which film did you learn to talk to?

Just when the two sides were very serious about shouting, Lucia flying in the sky took a spin. Then she picked up the microphone again: the time for discussion ended, and now, our triennial high school sports conference officially begins. First of all, the first day of our first playground competition, the obstacle relay race, was ten people. We had to run five laps around our market, and we won when we reached the finish line! There was a sudden shock all around and I saw the playground A large runway appeared on the periphery. The 800-meter-long lap seemed to be very new, clean, and nothing. In fact, it didn't look too difficult.

Just what happened to that obstacle course?

There was a rumble on the ground.

The next second, something that really made me want to turn around appeared. The runway line area, which originally had nothing at all, suddenly began to grow a lot of weird plants that looked very bad at first glance, and some were as large as tropical rainforest products, which died immediately upon entry.

Is this called obstacle course! Chu, do you want to run and see? The senior standing next to me looked at the runway after the plastic surgery and asked me with interest. Don't die! I don't want to die in the mouth of a plant for a relay race.

This kind of death is dead and I don't even want to play. Lazy casually assigned a class to pick out a few people, the senior looked at me.

I'm so sorry, I think I must die when I go in.

Meow Meow is going to take the lead! From Kailuan to now, Meow Meow, which has always been in a good mood, raised his hand.

Okay, come on. The senior patted Meow Meow's head, and the eyes of the latter were about to change into a heart shape. Then several girls from the same team immediately scrambled to join the competition.

I suddenly discovered that if you continue to dispatch manpower in this mode, there must be many female students willing to die for you.

Damn! A sole flew over my face.

Don't change your feet, right?

I squatted with my face in place, and it hurt for dozens of seconds.

After the pain, I stood up and saw that basically a team of ten people had been selected. Most of them were classmates other than meow who didn't know. Oh, the first battle seemed very interesting. For a short time, the squad leader who disappeared from the crowd returned to her side. She still had drinks and popcorn in her hands. I looked up and saw the class guide who was knocked out standing outside. The two of you just won't bet on who wins and who loses! The audience around them made a sound of applause and cheer.

Because it is not like the deadly battle of the last big competition, and most of the people who came here are mostly relatives and friends, so it will not give people a tense feeling. Feeling bloody. Now that you think you want to cheer well, let me join the team!

When I was touched by the atmosphere of the scene, the senior grabbed my collar directly to push the team, and then replaced another girl.

I can feel the girl looking at me with a resentful look.

Yang Yang can run with Meow Meow! Meow Meow pounced over me, holding my arm.

No! I did n’t want to participate in this to cheer! Immediately, I wanted to protest to the senior, and the other person looked at me with very evil red eyes: Do you want a water obstacle course that will be dragged in by water ghosts? Ok?

... not on the water. I would rather be on the ground.

No! It's the same no matter on the water or on the ground. I don't want to participate at all! Yang Yang, come on. I don't know when Ryan appeared next to me, patted my shoulder, and then pumped up.

Did you participate? I noticed that Ryan was also in the team.

No, I passed by.

Ryan nodded, then whispered to me and meow: the senior said that I was going to participate in the hunter ’s game, and said that as long as I do n’t tie my hair and concentrate on playing, I win.

Senior, you are fierce enough! That is a sneak attack! And the other party has to die unconsciously.

The senior standing a distance from the team glanced at me, giving Ke a warning glare.

I immediately turned my eyes back and did not dare to look at him again.

Suya. Meow meowing her white Elvis, and let Elvis stand on the ground: Come on, let's break through the barrier.

It was almost an instant, and the kitten immediately became the huge Elvis I had seen before.

Is this a race! Did someone race to call the rider out! Meow Meow and Rice turned their heads and looked at me, stroking Elvis's chin while ignoring the gaze cast by the opponent, Meow Meow grinning: this is an obstacle Sai, did Yang Yang just not see the flow chart? Obstacle races are no matter what, they can run together and attack others, as long as the relay finally reaches the finish line successfully. This means that this is fundamentally different from the one-on-one race that I want to send a little stick! This is called a relay race! You have mistaken things from the original world, right? Please position the students. Lucia's voice came from a high place, and immediately the staff guided us to the starting point.

Ryan stayed on with us and disappeared into the air soon.

Which one of you should be the first one first? One of the staff members walked to the front of the team and took out a transparent ball about the size of a basketball. There was a small model like a fish in the ball. The model was not supported by anything. It floats in the center of the ball and looks very beautiful: as long as the relay ball touches, the same person cannot touch the second time. As long as the same person touches the second time, the team will immediately lose the qualification.

The staff told us briefly.

I stared at the ball and found that the ball was really beautiful, especially the model in the middle, although it was small, but a closer look was a glazed artwork, probably a fairy or a craft of any race.

Give it to me first. Our team came up with a guy with a long brown ponytail tied to him. It felt pretty handsome. Later, I learned that he was a senior in Section C for three years. He turned around and looked at us after receiving the ball. If there is an enemy approaching after the start of the obstacle course, let alone resolve it, otherwise it will be ourselves.

Several people in the same group immediately made a loud scream.

Take out your Huanhuan weapons. The war has begun! Aslian pulled out his magic martial arts and turned it into a saber and said loudly, there was a certain kind of momentum in the era of war.


In the next second, various Huanwu weapons appeared at the same time.

Part c student.

As we stood at the starting point and waited for the start of the war signal, Aslian holding the relay ball came over and looked at me with a smile on his face: Hello, I'm the cymbal of Part C for three years, Shire Aslian. I have heard many things about you. I wanted to know you well, but I have never had a chance. It seems that you rarely show up at school.

He held out his hand, and I quickly reached out and shook it back: eh ... sorry. Of course, I rarely show up on social occasions. I don't go to the seniors to see the tasks when I have time, or I just run around with them. Seriously, I don't even know where the school's social occasions are.

Wait, Xi Lei?

I heard a familiar last name, and in the population I knew, there was also a person very similar to this name: You are Mr. Darrow ...?

Little brother. Aslilian smiled heartily: Daizi in black robe is my elder brother, and I am Aslilian in purple robe. I have also heard Dai Luo tell you about your affairs. It really happened in the dormitory of the college. It ’s a pity that I did n’t arrive in time to stabilize the Purple Pavilion.

So their brothers are the keys to enchantment?

I suddenly felt that it was very difficult for their family.

However, in some ways, Asilien in front of me has a more irresistible demeanor than Bro Dalo, and may be a terrible character in a few years.

The thought of such a person being also part of c, I suddenly thought that his personality should be very good. By the way, what kind of race is Tatar? I can probably literally understand the fairies, elves, angels, and beastmasters that appeared in the beginning, but I really haven't heard of Hunters. qq

Asliian explained to me with a smile: The Tatars were born in the arrogant land, between the fairies and elves, a free nation, guarding the wilderness and travellers, traveling with the wind and clouds. When I have time, I can take you to the wilderness to visit the Tatar people. I believe everyone will welcome visitors.

His enthusiasm is very similar to that of Brother Dai Luo, and he is indeed a brother of the same blood.

Reaching out, Azlian shook it near my ears, and I heard something very crisp, like Ling Dang, and suddenly the whole person relaxed from the high tension: this is the voice that guides the mimic traveler, You can move on in the wilderness. He said with a smile, and then retracted his hand: no matter whether it is human or other races, choose the route in the tide of time all the time. I only guide the direction in front of the hunter and I wish you a bright return.

Maybe because of his relationship, my mood really started to settle down, although the fear and tension just now are still there, but it has mostly disappeared. Looking at Aslian, I am very grateful to bow in return.

He patted me on the head, like something of a prayer.

Yang Yang, Allie. Meow Meow ran over, and after a while I noticed that her name was Azlian's anonymity began!

Pointing at the sky, Meow said excitedly.

The next second, the sky was struck with a huge spark, and then burst into countless colorful fireworks. Among the audience's surprise cheers, Lucia's voice cut through the hustle and bustle-the relay obstacle race, officially started! 2k novel reading network

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