MTL - Unique Legend-v14 Chapter 9 First of three

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Location: atlantis Time: 3:21 pm

My escape journey lasted only a short time.

Didn't I tell you to stand still, why did you escape? The strange girl appeared in front of me in half a second, and the white kimono fabric floated in front of me. Even if I did n’t understand the fabric at all, I could see that the dress was absolutely advanced. Then, she Opening: Wait, wouldn't it be the stinky boy who taught you to see me escape?

Smelly, smelly kid?

For a moment I didn't know who she was talking about, but it was definitely not about me: Uh ... I think you should recognize the wrong person? After a close look, in addition to being very beautiful, this girl also has a terrible oppression and weird wickedness that makes me afraid to escape.

Who will recognize the wrong person, whatever is in this school will be printed in my head, including everyone and their names. Shaking the fan, the girl in front of her said this, there was a good person who wanted to watch next to her, and she was glared away: Chu Mingyang, a first-year child, not long ago my boy was your guide ... He didn't do anything, but when he returned to the original world, he changed his mind, and you were fine.

The kid from her house?


I took a step back and took a step back. What she said was not something I knew ...

Who are you seniors? Looking at the strange girl in front of me, I was afraid to take a step back. Senior, why are the people you know strange?

Oh, my mouth is now his master plus his nominal guardian. He used to live with us, but it ’s a pity that the child is rebellious. He just ran to the academy when he was so big. Last time Xiao Jingjing came I saw him because he didn't come back to play with us, so I came to him. She shrugged. The face behind the fan didn't know if it was my illusion. It was full of evil smirks.

Wait ... the other person in her family is a master's master?

The last time I saw the senior is Director Jing ... that is ...

You are Dong—I stared so scared that I almost shouted. Just after saying three words, the girl immediately rushed over and pounded my mouth, completely dragging me to a sparsely populated place regardless of my struggle.

Boo boo! You roar so big group to die!

As soon as no one was there, she let go: If I was recognized by you, I would n’t play today!

With big eyes, I was very scared to look at the girl in front of her. She was a little bigger than the director of the mirror. The clothes were similar, but I couldn't see the appearance of a director!

She shook off the fan, the girl shook her mystery and opened her eyes. The mysterious horror smile bent out of her mouth: I am a fan. You should respect me as a director, but you do n’t meet it because today I sneaked into the college privately to find My kid's, so you can just call me a fan.

My head was blank and I couldn't figure out how to tell.

At this time, I unexpectedly encountered one of the three directors ... Is she too full to eat? Why do you pretend to be an ordinary person and sneak into the college? If you say that all the students will be scared.

Thinking of the kind of spectacle when Director Jing came to school for the first time, I think so deeply.

You, you ... I don't even know what to say. Would you like to say hello first?

In the past, it seemed that when I met the principal, director, or supervisor at the school, I had to say hello, what should I do now?

Do n’t want to say hello to me. I ’m not the same as Xiao Jingjing. The etiquette can be saved. Help me find the kid in my house first. With that said, she took my shoulder by the side, completely ignoring my wishes, and dragged me to a crowded place.

I, I was also looking for a senior ... But I didn't find it ... Director Fan was too powerful, I was almost dragged away, there was no way to get rid of her: he seemed to dislike Winter City ... Director Fan suddenly Stopped and turned to look at me.

Winter city? Her pretty eyes were a little surprised, and then she squinted: [It turns out that it is so rare that he would take the initiative to run and look, he hates that.


Hearing this news by accident, I suddenly understood a little bit why the senior would suddenly leave midway.

But it ’s not a bad **** homicide, it ’s just ordinary Xiaofu tax. Is it necessary to hate this?

Fu Cheng is no longer true, forcing himself to see what he once knew will be disgusting.

With a slight smile, Director Fan suddenly released her hand to set me free. She shook the fan, looking at the other side.

Following her sight and looking aside, I saw a stall for goldfish fishing, but that stall was definitely not as good as the common goldfish fishing. The small pond he placed on the ground for fishing was even a swamp bubbling!

Worst of all, the people who are now looking at the booth are so familiar that it hurts my head.

Hey! Yang ~ Have you come to patronize Ben's booth?

Next to the five-seed chicken head is a laugh-loving neuropathy.

I looked at the ground, there were five small pool areas, each of which was a marsh-like magical face, but also bubbling with terrible biogas ... Did the people who originally proposed goldfish fishing figure out how to fish goldfish and fish? The difference between swamps?

Wait ... I get it. Actually this is a new way to find the goldfish corpse from the swamp!

Yang Yang, it's been a long time!

Lei Duo, who was squatting on the ground in a white robe, jumped up holding a small black water basin: Yaduo didn't come with Edo, so let me say hello.

Oh, oh, it ’s been a long time since I ’ve been there, should Ido be okay lately? Although I know it ’s very impolite, when talking to Ledo, my eyes still involuntarily go into the small black water basin in his hand. Gone.

What the **** is that!

I actually saw a Cambodian horse that looked like a sea urchin stretched out eight feet and rolled in the swamp mud, and there was actually a twisted starfish spitting the marsh water.

A lot better, he had thought of simple tasks, but was stopped by the guys in the temple.

Ledo shrugged, then looked at the fan next to me; your classmate? No, this is ... 唔 ...

I haven't spoken yet. The fan director who said he was going to find a senior student covered my mouth directly, and threw me like a large trash. He laughed and chatted with others: I am his friend. You are here What are you playing with? With that said, I shuffled my skirt and sat down on a small chair on the ground.

If I tell you now that she is one of the three directors, I bet everyone should be frightened.

Oh, fishing for goldfish. The five-seed chicken head took out a stick that was exactly the same as the paper net you would see in the night market: there was a poisonous tincture on it, and the contents inside would be paralyzed for that second. It would be a personal problem when it could be picked up. This uncle ’s highest record is the entire pool. If the guy who surpasses this uncle has a free gift that can be eaten, now only one broken coin is needed. … It's not goldfish at all!

Do goldfish need to be used for fishing?

I want to play!

The director who is said to be the largest director of the school paid very quickly: Yang Yang, sit down and play.

She even greeted me to play together.

And I'm not familiar with you, right?

Yang ~ I bet you wo n’t get it, so I will give you three more, do n’t thank me so much.

The person who is now the boss handed me three nets in a totally disdainful tone.

For a second, I really wanted to smash all the nets on his colored hairs: Thank you so much! Taking the paper net directly, I threw the change.

Five se chicken head shrugged, and drank the children next to it. Do not fish with their hands, they will be dragged away!

Holding a paper net, I was scared to look at the small swamps below. There should not be any deadly creatures in it?

Seeing Leiduo's network seems to be some small, it should not be dangerous.

Just after I thought and bravely put the paper net into the swamp, a clear click sound came out from the bottom, and I immediately pulled out the paper net ... In fact, there is no need to pump, because only the handle is left what!

Holding the handle, I raised my head and looked at the five-se chicken head with very serious eyes: Are you sure there are really goldfish in it? It's actually a shark, right? Yes, Uncle Ben's group is put in at a ratio of one to ten. Unless it is eaten, there must be goldfish in it. Five se chicken head shook his hand a bunch of sugar gourds from Ledo, grinning.

What is the ten behind you one to ten? Ledo, sitting next to him, shakes the basin in his hand, and then comes across the basin: Is the goldfish you said the tail that was eaten?

I looked into his basin and saw half of the goldfish tail on the starfish's mouth that was still spitting the swamp. ...

Can you give up and not play.

Oh, that ’s it. Goldfish do n’t seem to run away, so it ’s been eaten dozens of them by morning. Five se chicken heads spoke in a regrettable tone.

If you do n’t run away, you should n’t put him with other things!

Huh? Is this also a goldfish?

The fan who had been quietly fishing next to her suddenly made a sound. Three people and six eyes turned immediately. I saw an extremely familiar thing on her paper web. The eyes were so familiar that I thought I would have eye cramps. Admit it?

When I was unwilling to face the facts, the gadget made its own voice--

啾 ~ Why is white se ball fish here!

The fan director who used a paper net to poke a ball fish that was not too light dangled the paper net in his hand, and the white se ball fish moistened with swamp water also wobbled.

Alas, I saw the green bean-like eyes of the ball fish desperately looking over to me. I don't know where the intuition came from. I always think that this fish is the one encountered on the boat.

That's amazing!

Strange, Uncle Ben doesn't remember letting it go.

Five se chicken heads were holding the extra white se ball fish, with a doubt in his face.

The first time I saw a white se ball fish.

Lei Duo leaned over, and his eyes suddenly burst into a brilliant light: this is really a masterpiece of the **** of art ...

Is the ball fish a masterpiece?

I wondered again what was going on in the fairy eyes.

Do you know him?

Caught the ball fish and shook the muddy water, the fan director handed it directly to me: this ball fish said it knew you.

Do you understand the words of ball fish?

Sure enough, the director is indeed a director, and even non-human places are superior to others. I bet that even a senior must not understand the words of the ball fish.

Looking at the big eyes of mung beans, I don't want to ask such a question with a ball fish: shouldn't you be the one in the ship ...

Oh ~! The ball fish called joy.

Sure enough, what should we do now?

It said it could follow you for a while, what should it do?

It seemed to be fun. Director Fan dangled the ball fish, and tossed the broken net back to Wuse chicken head, caught new ones and continued fishing.

Hmm ... let it go.

I can't imagine that I have a ball fish following me while walking!


Looking at me, Director Fan pressed the ball fish toward the swamp—

Not released there!

will die!

This will surely die immediately when it goes down!

I immediately snatched the ball fish, and at the same time found that a mysterious mouth in the swamp fluttered empty, and retreated resentfully.

Director Fan shuddered, and happily continued to take out a dark thing from which he didn't know what it was.

Can this be given to me?

Lei Duo's eyes leaned forward very brightly, staring at Bai Se's ball fish as if he saw some kind of treasure.

roll! Don't grab things from Uncle Ben. Five se chicken head kicked directly on his face.

It means, who is your subordinate?

I heard a mother next to her holding a child saying don't look over there, then walked away quickly.

There are not many people at the goldfish stalls. There are a few student-like people besides us, but most of them ran away after playing. This makes me quite doubtful about what terrible Cambodian west there is.

We can discuss it, or I will help you carve the statue to change this ball fish.

Leidow, who was so entrenched in the ball fish, began to bargain.

Carving your dead bones, Uncle Ben still has to live here to carve a ghost!

Five se chicken head immediately rejected.

That is to say, the fish was given to me by the director. You should directly ask me or the ball fish opinion.

I can help you with your head--

Fu Lai ’s fist greeted me, I do n’t think I ’d better look there.

The completely silent fan director suddenly opened her eyes wide and looked at the handle of her hand and the swamp water below: Yang Yang, I seem to have caught something, and help me find a bigger pot.


A bigger pot?

Five se chicken heads have begun to repair Leiduo. I guess he should be free now. I looked around. I saw a slightly larger iron box next to it. After I dumped all the change inside, I quickly took it out .

This is not too big!

Director Fan kicked the box away: forget it, stay away!

While I did n’t understand why she wanted to say this, Director Fan had already pulled the handle up—for a second, I saw a huge black sequin that could not be placed in the fish pond at all. Ripped it out, the point is that the black se strip made me feel strangely familiar.

Desiree! Why are there people inside!

I interrupted the five-seated chicken head, who was struggling, and pointed at the black sea citizen who was two people tall and was slammed to the ground.

This kind of thing should not appear in goldfish fishing.

Oh, that was caught by Uncle Ben the first two days when he went to the sea. It seems to be a lost ghost. There is no place to put it anyway. Is n’t it nice there?

Leaving Ledo aside, the five-seed chicken head patted me on the shoulder with an ah ha ha you were too fussy.

Not good at all!

What if the people passing by accidentally catch it?

... wait, where are you going?

This is pretty cute, I think I'll find a place in the school to raise it ... Ah ...

The fan next to him squatted on the ground to observe and then became completely interested in Haimin. When he made the above speech, a foot wearing boots suddenly kicked her back with a very unwelcome momentum, and a white se kimono Black marks appeared immediately.

Why are you here! A very familiar tone of air conditioning came, and looking down the boot, I saw the person who had just made me look for a long time.

Study, senior. Holding the ball fish and jumping to the side, I was very scared to look at the senior who didn't know which side to jump out of. His face was very, very bad, and it seemed like he would be snapped off by relying on him.

Hong se's eyes gave me a cold glance, making me back a long distance on the spot.

I should remember not to squat in front of the seniors casually next time, otherwise I won't know where to go when I'm forced.

The stomped fan director stood up very slowly, then turned around at a strange speed.

They shouldn't be playing here ...

It ’s been a long time, and your guts have grown a lot.

Shake off the fan and slowly shake, the fan director evoked a weird smile, but stared at the senior with no anger.

Why are you here?

I didn't want to chat at all. The senior repeated the question just now.

Hey, you little pup, your master, just do n’t want to see me? Anyway, we do n’t live together as teenagers. Would n’t it be so rude to have such explicit aversion.

I don't think the senior's eaves look like disgust. The expression has been disgusted when I see it.

However, I did not expect that the senior will be familiar with the directors to such a degree, and it is actually embarrassing ...

Ordinary students should not dare to go on like this, if they are not destined for life?

That's right, I just don't want to see you, and you'd better close my mind and don't think about it!

The vicious red se gaze suddenly came to my side, and I didn't dare to think about it immediately.

But they really want to see you, they have all come to see Xiaojingjing, and of course I will come here too.

Director Fan put away the fan in his hand, and then suddenly posted on the senior: You are not coming, people will miss it ~

With that said, I even got my hands on it.

I heard the sound of falling chin all around.

Because the senior appears here, of course, many of his fans also secretly watch over. Now a fan director disguised as a student directly pastes it on, and many people are scared away by half soul.

Hey, don't you two in front of Uncle Ben's booth **!

Five se chicken hair show will make people completely misunderstood the driving sound: Uncle Ben to go to no one's place, you can do whatever you want at that time!

I looked at the head of Wuse chicken and began to wonder where it was learned.

It was also noticed that there were still many people humming impatiently at the onlookers who were watching, and the splitter grabbed the collar of the director and went out.

Ah, you are so rude! Then, Director Fan suddenly reached out and grabbed my clothes.

What are you doing?

So, the senior director dragged the fan director, the fan director dragged me, and we just got rid of the crowd and reached the white garden of the wind.

Because the students were concentrated at the booths during the garden tour, there were no half figures and they were very clean.

As soon as I arrived, the senior departed the fan director immediately, and then the fan director also let me go.

I mean, what the **** am I being brought here?

You little guy is rude and impolite, and really comes out the same way as your Master. I knew that I should take care of myself when I took you home at that time, and it was not a joy to teach it like this.

As she sorted out a little messy clothes, Director Fan complained.

By the way, I don't want to be guided by you.

Apparently, the senior who was very hostile to Director Fan sneered.

I looked at the seniors and director Fan. I thought it would be better for me to leave early and let them resolve their personal grievances.

When I was thinking about it and wanted to walk away, the person who heard that the director was so great suddenly rushed over and grabbed me directly: Yang Yang, you see, this little guy still hit me, if it was not his home The man paid the silver and asked us to protect him. Now he has no life to be arrogant here, not even grateful. How do you deal with him like this person!

I also want to know how I get along with him ...

Wait, protect the senior?

Turning my head, I don't know if my expression is very surprised now, anyway, I just looked at Director Fan like this, totally surprised by what she said suddenly.

Alas, I know he hates me for making his family nearly bankrupt, but it's worth the trade. His life is quite valuable.

With a smirk, Director Fan turned his head to look at the half-faced senior: Little guy, do n’t you want to be young and lose your temper ... It means that you are not too young, and you do n’t know how to respect seniors.

… Go back to me right away, or I'll just ask Master to come over.

Came to me very aggressively, and the senior stared at Director Fan coldly.

Director Fan shrugged, okay, no kidding.

Then, she took me to the place and sat down: little guy, come over and listen, this matter has a lot to do with you two.

I saw the senior frown, but he sat down beside him.

Bai Yuan was the same as when I first came here. It was clean and beautiful. I could almost hear a sound like wind singing in the air oxygen.

whats the matter?

The senior glanced at the white se ball fish in my hand and asked.

Confused, I also looked at Director Fan and couldn't understand why it suddenly related to me.

Our limitation is that we cannot interfere in everything that happens in the space, but because I have promised the people in your family, I have to tell you something anyway.

The fan director looked at the senior, then opened the fan and shook it a little: Wu Dian received the news, and the ghost clan will move in the near future. The senior's eyes narrowed: too soon, did Bi Shen think he was enough?

... wait, can I listen to this topic?

I always feel like I heard something terrible ...

Not enough, so it's small.

With a smile, Director Fan took a look at me and continued to say: their main combat power is currently not enough to compete with the senior, but I think something will happen recently, so whether it is you guys or Yang Yang It is best to have a second person as far as possible.

Why do I want to? I hurriedly asked, and then I stumbled for a moment, because I suddenly remembered something that should not be remembered.

Yuri said that I am a demon teacher.

Almost at the same time, the senior's red eyes immediately looked at me, and our two eyes met together at the same time.

So, am I really?

you are not!

The senior turned his attention. 2k novel reading network

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