MTL - Unique Legend-v13 Chapter 5 Child night

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Location: taiwan Time: 1:04 pm

The senior returned to the room after about noon.

As soon as he entered the door, he saw several plates of food piled on the table, and the room was filled with a scent of smell like this: What are you two doing in the room?

Holding a bowl, the five-se chicken head sitting opposite me grinned widely: Eat! Hurry up and eat, or there will be no more.

Because it ’s really inconvenient to eat in the kitchen, so after spending more than an hour at Thomas, we came back to the room—the reason why we did n’t eat in the restaurant was afraid of being asked more by others. trouble.

Sweeping the table, I think the senior probably knew what was going on.

Secretly glanced behind him, but did not see Xia Sui.

He went back in the morning. The senior glanced at me and said, "Everywhere is busy during Spring Festival."

Oh, too.

Who went back? The head of the five-seed chicken who was biting the slice of meat looked curiously at the senior.

It's nothing. I went to the refrigerator to take a drink and sat down next to the small table. The senior pulled the drink pull ring: I just went below and Yu Yan agreed to let other people go to the resting place, but he himself would stay here. . This is for me.

Oh ... I passed the clean bowl to the senior, and I was a little stunned.

I don't know if there is any way to persuade Yuji.

The senior knocked on the chopsticks and did not speak.

I guess the senior must already know who is in the kitchen, otherwise he wo n’t watch the five-seed chicken head go there every day.

The other person gave me a glance, it was a silent default.

The things Thomas prepared for us were extremely rich-a large pot of stewed vegetables and thick beef and chicken steaks; several small dishes and snacks plus a pot of soup, and the two small leaves were ground into powder All are scattered in these dishes, so each dish looks like it's bright.

It seems that eating out on your own is the kind of sky-high price.

Viraldo heard that it was very difficult to find, especially the tree itself will only grow leaves once every ten years, and this kind of tree grows in a place staggered by time, it is really difficult for Thomas to find this kind of thing. Put the stewed vegetables in the bowl, and the senior said lightly: I heard that the leaves are good for the body.

Does it mean that it is a supplementary material?

Looking at the lighted dishes, I was very touched.

Hehe, I didn't expect the senior to be very knowledgeable. Five se chicken head swallowed a large piece of meat steak in one bite, and then said so.

I'm sorry I'm the only one here.

Is there a skill level at the robe level? Poking at the meat in the bowl, I suddenly thought of what they were saying earlier, and I thought the robes were almost like that.

The senior took a look at me: there are points, don't they have points like the medical class? Tyr is an exclusive treatment, while Jiu Lan is an analytical blue robe. Similarly, red robes, black robes, purple robes and white robes are also classified.

Seems complicated ...?

Xia Sui is between spells and combat types, while Anin is a robe class specializing in spells. I was given this roughly. The senior decomposes the vegetable rolls: Mi Kezhen is a full-time healer, and each robe class has a general classification. The combat type is specialized combat and so on. The skill is good at various non-combat different areas. It seems that they are divided into two categories in this way.

I listened a little bit, but it meant that there were still many professions in the robe class.

Then I wondered: what kind of senior is it?

... the senior didn't answer me.

Shouldn't it be combat? The senior looks like a combat type ... but then again, his other skills are also very strong, shouldn't it actually be a fake and combat version of the skill type?

I heard the third of my family say that he is universal. Five se chicken head pointed at the senior with chopsticks and came over from the middle.

Universal type?

Is it super glue?

by! A hand slammed into the back of my head and almost let me spit out my mouth.

Give me a good meal! Annoying!

After being scolded, we really ate quietly for about five minutes.

By the way, how long do we have to go back? Wu se chicken head chewing pieces of meat, suddenly raised such a question.

Uh? In the day after tomorrow, we will return to the place where we boarded. I figured it out, and the time was almost approaching. Except for the next time I bought a souvenir at the middle-distance station, I was blowing the sea breeze for almost ten days, and I was a little dizzy.

Oh oh. Nodded, he didn't say much.

I looked at the head of Wuse strangely. I didn't quite understand his attitude. Normally, he should have something to say. The response is too simple now, but it makes me feel a little weird.

Desiree. After about eating, the senior dropped the bowl and looked at the five-seed chicken head that was still clearing the plate: wait to find Thomas, and we took turns watching these two nights.

I looked up and just saw Wuse chicken head nodding while biting something.

What should I watch in turn?

I don't know what happened, I suddenly felt that my eyelids were drawn twice, and then I thought of the conversation between the senior and Xia Su during the middle of the night. Is there anything more important than Yu Yu's affairs?

There are abnormal shapes on the sea. The Principal said so, and then reminded me of things that were missing. The pair of black se turned around and glanced at me: there may be a situation these days ... if not the best, I hope the news brought by Xia Su will not happen here.

Xia Su's news?

He seems to have a lot of news. I don't know which one. But is it serious enough to have to take turns on vigil?

Can I help you, senior? Originally I wanted to say that I should be able to do the vigil, and then I suddenly thought that if something really happened at that moment, I should have no way to deal with it.

Yang ~ It's not a big deal. Throw the last piece of vegetable roll into your mouth, and the five-seed chicken head said quite clearly: Uncle Ben doesn't want to keep it. You need to know that the man at sea must use the end of the world to break through the crisis in order to be admired by all people!

I automatically skipped his nonsense.

No need, I'm still watching, I will call you when necessary. The senior told me directly.

How is it necessary? I'm curious about this.

Yang ~ You have become more active recently. Stuck the final meat into the mouth, the five-se chicken head suddenly popped out like this.

I stunned a lot: where, where! I just want to know how positive it is.

You didn't even want to know before, and fled by holding your head. The senior can't even be gentle, and spit out the words that hurt my soul sharply.

It is normal humans who see weird things and run away.

… I suddenly thought sadly, did this mean that I also started to be abnormal!

Yes indeed! Five se chicken head actually gave me the words of Ying and senior.

I was hurt, I was really hurt.

Occasionally I wonder if something is not possible, you guys, don't hit others casually!

If there is something in the boat, we will need it, whether it is a cat or a dog. The senior who answered my previous question very seriously stabbed me again and again.

It turned out that I was at the same level as Cat and Dog.

The senior stood up and cleaned up the empty plate full of the table, because it was dried by the five-seed chicken head, so there was almost no food waste. You have to make the best rest and preparation. help.


When do I need it most?

Isn't it instinct to escape ...

Yang ~ If you want to take turns, you can find Uncle Ben. Five se chicken head touched the belly and then said to me generously: Uncle Ben does not mind that you come to me to learn, I can teach the younger by the way.

I heard that I seem to be the same as you!

No thanks. I can only die faster with you.

Alas. He actually made me a pity voice.

As a result, I still don't know what they are monitoring.

Going to the bottom for the third time is in this situation.

I didn't tell anything about my senior and Wuse chicken heads. They disappeared after dusk. After having dinner with my parents and my sister-in-law, I went down the stairs by myself.

At this time, Yu Yan, they should still be?

At noon, listening to what the senior brought back made me a little worried about his condition.

After I got down the stairs, I went to the door of that room and looked around. There was nothing quiet around, and it was strangely quiet.

No one came to open the door, and nothing else burst out scary.

Shouldn't it have been removed?

After standing in front of the door for a short period of time, there was still no movement, and I couldn't open the electronic lock, so I sighed and took out the scale to take a look.

Just when I wanted to leave, the electronic lock suddenly made a slight squeak and opened it by myself.

Appearing behind the door was the boy with green eyes, and white se's hair stood straight behind his head and looked very sharp: What are you doing here? Just like when he first met, his tone was still not very polite, especially after I saw the looming sharp teeth in his mouth.

Alas ... I came to see Buda and wanted to give him a snack. Fortunately, I had been prepared for a long time, and took out the snack box that I had gathered in the kitchen and handed it over.

Lvse's eyes looked at the box a little bit complicatedly, and did not reach out to pick it up: they all left in the evening, you missed it.

Huh? I was wrong by myself.

Buda was still crying and left. I was forced to send it away. Now I am the only one left with Yu Yan. Come in if you want to come in. Then he walked back to the room.

As I walked in, the room had returned to the normal size I had seen for the first time.

The furnishings haven't changed, and there is still a big snake tail on the double bed.

There was a moment when I suddenly felt that it was cold and there was nothing left.

... do you have anything? Slowly propped up, Yu Yan poked out her long hair and looked at me. He looked a little different from the first time, and seemed to be tired: if he asked you to come over, you can rest assured, other Everyone has reached the place of rest, only me and Yuli. As I said before, I will stay here until my grievances are wiped out.

I put the snack box next to me and watched him carefully: I actually came by myself, the senior didn't know ... I heard that everyone else had left, so I wanted to see it like this. The whole room was dark and dim, so it was cold, so I bit the bullet and turned on the light.

When the room lights up, the room looks extra deserted.

Yu Yan sat up and looked at me: I don't need any help.

Uh, I know ... And I don't think I can help. This sentence is true. If you want money, you do n’t have money, you are dead. I really do n’t know where he would ask me to help him.

His Royal Highness Bingyan also noticed, right. Suddenly, Yuri, who was standing beside him, suddenly uttered such a sentence, and I said something inexplicable: that's why I was anxious to send us to the rest place.

I don't know what you are talking about. Looking at the other two people, I suddenly felt that they knew something.

Be careful under the ocean. Suddenly Yu Yu told me this way, her tone was a little bit irritable, and people could not help but feel a bit cold, those inhabitants of ancient times have begun to throb, what awakened from the deep sea will bring disaster and the gospel.

He seems to be talking about two different things, but it sounds the same.

I suddenly felt that my heartbeat was getting faster, my throat was a bit astringent, and the seniors didn't say anything. Here I can ask: What's on the ocean floor? His tone made me scared.

There are ancient inhabitants. The Yuli standing next to them said: They are much older than us, they live under the sea and sleep on the sand, and the sea creatures board and build nests on them. But the changing sea and turbulent changes started to wake them up, and the residents below the sea began to open their eyes.

What kind of residents are those? I suddenly felt very disturbed, as if something would happen soon, it was related to what they said.

There is everything, we can't tell you how, there are many changes in the sea people. As long as they wake them up, they will walk up from the deepest ocean and set off waves to sweep the land. Blinking green se eyes, the words in the feathers are still very vague, but I can understand the meaning slightly.

So Xia Sui senior said that for a long time the robe class was tired?

You say it ’s from the deep ocean, and now it ’s shallow ocean. There is no immediate danger right now, right? I think the deep sea should refer to the kind of ocean farther away. Now that we have entered the offshore area of ​​the return journey, there should be no problem.

Yu Zheng shook her head: no matter where it was, there were people living in the sea at the beginning of the formation of this world in ancient times, but there was no birth of land life. Land life came later ... from the sea.

What it means is that no matter where it is in the shallow or deep sea, what kind of ghost sea people will be there?

Suddenly the whole goosebumps got up.

Just when I wanted to continue to talk to Yu Yan about some things about the sea people, a strange shaking suddenly came from the bottom of my feet. It seemed that Ma Ma was affected by some small vibration. Then it didn't take a few seconds for the vibration to gradually expand from below the floor. It took less than half a minute for the entire room to start shaking, and some decorations hanging on the wall also made some sounds following the shaking.

It's not that the boat bumped into something, but something that leaned on it!

I immediately realized this. The whole room was shaking very badly, and even the station was unstable. When I was shaken more severely in the next wave, I fell down badly and almost did not get on the table next to me. angle.

Don't get up on your stomach! Yu Zheng shouted. I was going to get up again and immediately lay back on the ground, and then a big furry thing suddenly hit me, and I could also see a pile of white seine fur next to me.

The shock started to slow down again, and it didn't take much time to slam up and slam it. I could hear the sound of many things smashing down in the room, some broken, and a series of rolling rolling sounds falling on the ground.

This weird shock lasted for four or five minutes before stopping.

The furry thing on my body was only removed after I was completely still. I stood up and saw that the fox-like creature was shaking off the glass fragments on it, and the five big tails were also fluttering. The difference is that when I saw it before, It's small, it's big now, just like some kind of strange animal. After the shards rolled to my feet, I noticed that the room was darkened, the lights on the roof were broken, and the surrounding glass was covered with shards of glass.

Yu rubbed her shoulders and photographed some fragments that did not hurt him.

How is this going? This vibration is very similar to the day we ate hot pot.

The answer to my doubts was not Yuli them, but the whole ship broadcast that appeared half a second later--

Passengers, please don't be alarmed. The just shaking is just a big wave at sea. Our ship does not have any immediate danger. Please do not go to the deck at will to avoid accidents.

That is definitely not a wave.

This time I clearly felt that the shock was not caused by the impact, but by something.

Be careful, I'll go up and see what's going on. After dropping this sentence, I rushed out of the door and ran up to the top.

Even I can so clearly feel that it is not Langda, I believe other people must have discovered it long ago.

Climbing from the bottom to the top, I panted and stepped onto the deck--

The entire deck was soggy, the wind was strong and strong, and heavy moisture was mixed against my face. The whole was so cold that I could feel the pain of flapping.

It wasn't raining, but the waves rushed to the deck and kept pouring.

There wasn't even a tourist on it, the chairs were all cleaned up, and the storefronts on the deck were all closed, as if it had been noticed that something would have happened.

Chu, find something to grab! The fence around the deck really stood the senior. He wore a big coat with a hat, and his whole hair was put in the hat. Then he shouted at me: What are you doing up!

It was blown a little by the wind, and I quickly grabbed the things next to me. At the same time, I noticed that the whole foot was slippery. There was always a spray of water, so the deck was wet and hard to walk: just the vibration ... Not hit by waves!

The senior frowned, and didn't grasp anything, came towards me as if walking on a flat ground, grabbed my collar by one palm and dragged to the side, walked up to the lookout platform and let me grab it, then let go: there is something Wake up, every wake up will cause waves at sea.

Haimin? I scooped out the seawater sprayed into my mouth, then freed my hands and grabbed the jacket to tighten.

Who do you hear? I didn't answer, but asked directly, Xue long face se is not very good-looking.

That ... Yu bang them. At this time, it is best not to talk nonsense, especially the senior also knows what I am thinking, lying is useless.

Leng snorted, the senior stared at the boat, and then pointed at a distance.

There is something vaguely far below the sea in the dark sea. It is very dark, a faint light that will be missed without attention.

The light continued for a while before slowly disappearing.

Then, I saw a large black shadow appearing under the sea, and it was fleeting, almost as if I had misread it.

Another wake up, fortunately this is not the object to deal with. Staring at it for a long time, the senior sighed, and then wiped the sea water on his face.

Sea people are dangerous? Looking at the senior being a little cautious and afraid, I asked in doubt.

I do n’t know when those eyes have turned red, and a little silver se hair shrouded in the jumper hat is attached to his neck: most of the sea people are dangerous, just awake when they are lucky The sea people will immediately understand that the world has changed and move to a place of rest. Luck is that the sea people who are awakened will immediately attack things that are not at sea. I patted the ground with my feet, and I immediately understood that the one we were staying at was something that was not a creature of the sea.

Uh ... then he just left, meaning we will be safe now? Staring at the sea that seemed to be gradually calming down, I noticed that I did n’t know when my clothes were almost wet, and the whole shoes seemed to be filled with water.

Red se's eyes glanced at me: usually when one of the sea people in an area wakes up and appears, it means that a large number of sea people will wake up in this area next, the shortest time is three days, and the longest time is more than half a month. Situations like the one just happening can happen at any time, both slightly and violently, depending on what kind of influence the waking sea people have.

In other words, it will soon be dangerous?

I was suddenly scared.

It's not that I will be involved in fear, because everyone around me is in this boat. Dad, mom, and my elder sister who are usually fierce but bring snacks to them, they are all in this boat.

The chest seemed to be tightened suddenly, a little breathless.

You can get home the day after tomorrow.

Rest assured, there will be no problems.

Just when my whole person seemed to be shaken, there was such a sentence beside me. Although the sea breeze was still very strong, I heard it very clearly and there was no word missing: the guild's robe grade was for these things.

I turned to look at the senior, he didn't look at me, he just looked at the big ocean of black se.

Strangely, I feel relieved.

Even though I subconsciously seemed to know what would happen, I was a little relieved.

No matter what happens ... there should be a way to solve it. 2k novel reading network

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