MTL - Unique Legend-v13 Chapter 2 Late Night Promise

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Location: taiwan

Time: 7.20pm

Please don't panic!

The vibration lasted only a few seconds, and the staff holding the broadcaster began to move around quickly. According to the report, it was just a big wave. Please do n’t be nervous, and reiterate-this time, it ’s just a big wave. Please do n’t panic. Nothing happens now. If there is soup in the place, please tell the nearest service staff to help you deal with-

I was holding the bowl in my hand and it just shook a bit and even the sand tea on our side was overturned. The whole table was drawn in a circle. Fortunately, the five-seed chicken heads eat quickly, and the soup is left to half a pot. So it didn't spray out.

The waiter quickly came over to help people sort out the mess on the table, and all of a sudden the table was clean again, as if the throbbing just didn't exist at all.

Alas, it's a terrible wave. Fortunately, it's not to eat on the deck, otherwise you have to play. My mother patted a sleeve or two sprayed on the sleeve by the sauce department, and said fortunately.

Keep going. The five-seed chicken head, which was not disturbed by appetite at all, turned over a pile of ingredients in a blink of an eye, the whole soup pot began to roll up, and the dumplings and hot pot materials were rolling everywhere.

I glanced at the senior next to him. He put down his chopsticks and seemed to be thinking about something, his expression became serious.

Isn't it just the waves just now?

The legendary iceberg and the beautiful Titanic surfaced in my head.

Do you think there are so many icebergs hitting ships in the world? Black eyes crossed coldly and made me shiver.

Than, metaphors, don't take it too seriously ... I mean, it's better to be a little easier.

Yang ~ Do you want to hit the iceberg? Five se chicken head leaned over and asked with a grin.

No, thank you.

If I said I thought, you are going to get an iceberg and hit the boat, right?

What iceberg are you talking about? If you don't eat the food quickly, it will soon boil. Mom took out a lot of pieces of meat from the pot and put them on a small plate next to her.

The time passed very quickly, probably when the food provided in the self-service area gradually ran out, it was almost almost eleven.

I looked at my watch and was anxious to leave.

The agreement with the half-snakeman is coming soon. I hope it is better not to exceed the time.

Just when I was full and my head was empty, a red se thing appeared in front of me.

When I looked up, I saw my mother's big eyelid: Yang Yang, Happy New Year.

I stared at the red envelope in front of me, and suddenly I was moved by a beating. I did not expect that I could still get a red envelope alive after coming out of college ...

Otherwise, you really want to get a white bag, don't you? The senior's cold words came from the side.

Ahaha ... Of course it is a red envelope. I immediately received the big red envelope from my mom and dad, and happily put it in my pocket, thank you mom and dad. I took a peek at it, and my elder sister was just receiving the New Year's red envelope she just got.

To save a little, don't mess around. Mother said.

I immediately nodded desperately. Rest assured, Mom and Dad, even if I want to spend money, I have to spend all the money in the post office to spend the money to spend this money!

The senior sitting next to him gave a disapproving sneer.

I'm really sorry, compared to your super vault, I just need a little bit like this. Too much money is actually scared to death, and how much I use is enough.

Yang Yang's seniors and Desiree, this is yours. My dad took out two other red envelopes and handed them over. Maybe I didn't expect my dad would even prepare them. The senior seemed to be wrong for a moment.

The head of Wuse chicken head lit up: Is this the red envelope that is said to sleep under the pillow? He was happy to pick it up immediately, watching the red se bag bloom on the head.

In fact, you don't care if you have money in it, just ask for that bag ... just put a fake note for you, right?

Thank you. After considering it, the senior took the red bag and thanked him very politely.

Originally, I wanted to say that it will be given to you after twelve o'clock, but everyone has their own activities, so we will advance in advance.

My mother blinked and explained with a smile.

The red envelope is good. Thanks to Enze today, this uncle must repay in Japan! Looking at the left and right-there will be several red envelope bags of twenty yuan, and the five-seated chicken head grinned and said inexplicably.

You want to repay for a red envelope, right?

The activities on the stage came to an end, and I noticed that it was not just us. Parents at several tables issued red envelopes to their children in public. There were cheers and happy New Years.

So, for the best night tonight, the host on the stage took out a large bamboo frame and suddenly sprayed it, and hundreds of specially prepared large red envelopes scattered around. The people in front of the stage immediately rushed into a ball, and after they grabbed it, it was another exclaim.

I heard that the biggest prize seems to be a seven-day cruise. Watching the red envelopes flying in the sky, my elder sister who was not interested in picking it up bit her chopsticks, and then watched a flying red envelope slowly fall to her table, what a ghost?

The red envelope in hand could not be dismantled or justified, she pulled the scotch tape on it and turned the bag upside down—

With a bang, a beautiful silver se necklace fell off.

It turns out that red envelopes can be so packed!

I suddenly realized that the next time the five-headed chicken head came crazy and wanted to play the red envelope game, he would definitely stay away from him. If he lumps the gold and called the no-death gold medal, he may be beaten with blood.

Yeah in sterling silver! You're so lucky Xiaoyan! After seeing an original guarantee sign falling down inside, my mother was happy to rub her daughter's eyelids.

… My sister is really lucky.

After the whole fun, someone started to leave.

The senior sitting next to me was the first one to stand up: Sorry, I'm going out for a walk. Speaking, it was polite to recline the chair, and then left.

We also have to go up to the deck to watch the fireworks. Yangyang and Xirui, you should be careful when you walk inside the boat, don't go to places you shouldn't go, and don't just leave with strangers. The second one who stood up was my parents, telling us this way before leaving.

If the five-seed chicken head is gone with a stranger, I think it should be the stranger who is worried at all!

After my mom and dad left, I also hurried to greet my sister and my sister in a hurry, and walked out of the crowd.

It's almost eleven o'clock, and there are fireworks on the deck of the ship, so many people have to leave the restaurant heading upstairs, it's not easy to dodge.

Fortunately, the fewer people go down.

Until walking to the cabin area below, the entire staircase and corridor were completely half human.

It's quiet underneath.

The lights in the hallway were still a little wobbly, and the cabin of the half-snake man still gave me a bad feeling as usual.

After releasing the old man to make a simple enchantment on the stairs to prevent people from accidentally running in, I took a deep breath and stubbornly went to the room where I met the senior last time when I met them.

It was quiet around.

I stood in front of that room, stretched out my hand, and was just about to get the most courage to knock on the door--

The door opened.

coming! Here comes the guest!

Before entering the door, I have already prepared 300 kinds of preparations. For example, if I have a mouth and fangs coming over when I open the door, I will give him a shot first. If I go in to divide the corpses, I will use the uncontrollable explosive symbol to deal with them directly-although my end should be very miserable.

But what I couldn't reach was that when the door opened, there was a ball of cannonballs that slammed into my face and tangled together and rolled to the ground.

What the hell!

As soon as the door opened, it wasn't the small room in my memory that caught my eyes, but the weirdness became a super large room that had been expanded several times. There was a large bed in the room that could hold several people. The half-snake youth Lying on it, half-closed eyes are like sleeping, the long snake tail crosses the entire bed space.

Yuzhen, here it is! The little dog-eared child who came to me before took the empty cannon in one hand and then jumped to the bed, hopping a few times to awaken the young snake body.

I really have the urge to take a step back and turn my head to escape.

Shouldn't this really be the legendary grand banquet?

Opening my narrow eyes slightly, before I could escape, the young snake-like man named Yu Yan had looked at me. For so-seconds, I can really feel what the frog stared at the snake is. It is miserable to have a cold head full of heads and not be able to escape.

Hmm ... invite him in. The snake youth whispered softly, then fell back to bed.

Oh, good. The dog-eared child ran over and grabbed my sleeve: come in quickly.

May I stand here just fine!

I had no choice at all, the child's brute force was unexpectedly large, and it pulled me into it immediately, and almost fell forward.

The sound of bang, I don't need to look back, I know the door behind is closed.

There are a lot of people in the enlarged room ... No, there should be a lot of things. Some strange people I saw last time, dog-eared cats or something, and some looked like animals, like a big mouse running by my feet that I did n’t know was a guinea pig or something.

and many more! It might not be a vole!

I always felt that when I came to the boat, I saw a lot of wonderful things.

Uh ... Is there anything you can do for me? Seeing the house full of products like pet gardens and fantasy worlds, I dared to ask questions.

Snake body youth lay on the bed, narrowed his eyes and looked at me lazily: let's cook hot pot.

what? For two seconds, I thought I might have cramps in my ears.

He reached out and pointed at the dog-eared child who was bouncing around: the little ghosts wanted hot pot and asked if I could find a human to cook it.

... meaning you guys come to me to cook hot pot?

I have a feeling that it seems to be a joke with the senior and come true.

Don't you hate humans! What is it like to cook a hot pot for a person!

It's okay if you don't want to. I originally planned that if you didn't come, I would randomly grab someone on the road and come in here, and finish cooking and erase his memory. The serpent said something terrible in a very smooth tone.

Don't just ignore personal safety!

Me and I are not very good, but does the restaurant have ready-made soup and pot? It seems like you can put the material on yourself.

Just after I said that, the dog-eared child and the big sister with cat ears looked at me with a large pot still hot, and there was a gas stove next to it, a whole bunch of do n’t think and knew it should be stolen from the kitchen Coming hot pot ingredients.

So complete, you should cook it yourself soon!

I have a feeling that I don't know why I was called here.

Everything is there, come again? The snake lying on the bed ... No, the snake still asked in a very lazy tone.

The other thing is to throw it and cook it, then eat it. Does this have to be taught?

Uh, boil the soup on fire, then cook the food you want to eat until it's hot. I used very euphemism to tell the dog kid who opened the safety stove.

Why should I run hot pot twice on New Year's Eve?

Come and cook. The dog-eared child dragged me away from the bed and ran to the other side of the room. Then Sister Cat moved the hot pot to the table on the other side, and a bunch of cute country pets came around: Yes, my name is Buda.

Oh ... hello. Looking at the pets and all kinds of weird things around, I greeted me bit by bit.

Aka Liss. Sister Cat Ear said so.

Hello there.

... wait, Akka?

Do you know an Aka? How do I remember that someone who manages a library is similar to this?

Sister Mao Er glanced at me: we are from the same place, and we have relatives, do you know?

Oh, I have met in school before, she is the administrator of our library. In fact, I have only seen it once or twice. The administrative staff in the school will walk around okay, so they will meet by chance.

Administrator ... Sister Cat seemed to mumble to herself, and then suddenly evoked a smile: That's good.

I always feel that its expression is relieved to some extent.

The dog-eared Buda threw everything into the hot pot, and after boiling it began to smell, and a bunch of weird creatures next to it also moved. The voles I saw just now held a small bowl on their nose Lean over the table.

Um ... can't you come? Secretly glanced at the big bed, and the half-snake man lying on it didn't seem to be coming over to participate in the hot pot. I had to whisper Buda.

The dog child looked up at me: Yu Yan has n’t eaten for a long time.

Not eating?

What does it mean?

Yu Zheng's time is running out. He has been here longer than any of us, and this is the last time. That ’s why I asked Buda to cook hot pot together here. Sister Cat looked at me like this and then said: Do n’t you guys all have to eat hot pot for New Year's Eve, for that reason.

Eating hot pot on New Year's Eve is because of reunion ...

I think I presumably added why I was called here.

Soda is here!

When the hot pot was boiling so that I had to make the safety stove smaller, Buda suddenly shouted with joy, and I noticed that I did n’t know when a full case of Family Soda appeared at ten miles away from me. -At five o'clock in the direction, several small animals rushed over, biting and holding paper boxes. The box that couldn't bear the attack turned into broken garbage after a few seconds. The soda bottle inside was ping-pong-ping. A place.

Hey! Don't drink soda like this! Just before a fox rushed over to bite the soda bottle, I lifted it all up: please use your cup, OK, soda cup!

The animal, which looks like a fox with five tails, opened its eyes with green eyes and narrowed me for a long while before twisting to break free and jumping to the ground; but this time it didn't pounce on soda, but a few animals didn't From which side roll out a bunch of plastic cups.

I suddenly thought that if you asked me to come here, wouldn't you call me a temporary zoo volunteer ... No, it wasn't, and there was no basic hourly salary!

Looking at the closed room door, I crouched down and disassembled the bunch of plastic cups, then poured a glass of soda-cup full and placed it on the ground. After a few seconds, a lot of strangeness appeared on the ground. The spectacle of animals drinking soda in cups, I bet if this picture is uploaded to the Internet, it will soon break the highest pet click.

Buda and Sister Cat rolled all the ingredients from the hot pot for a long time and put them on a large plate. I originally wanted to tell them to pinch them when they want to eat, but as soon as they were put on the table, they would be several People who are not humans have divided up, which makes me think that it ’s not bad to get it out first ...

I had already eaten a little earlier, and I stepped back a little from the table area surrounded by groups ... when you saw a pig and a mouse rushing over to the table, it was not good to leave.

Hey you!

When I was seriously considering that there was no place for me, and it was better to escape early, someone suddenly patted my shoulder.

Turning my head back, I saw a pair of green eyes.

It's a big boy. Maybe it looks a little older than me. The whole body is covered with white se flowers with blue se flower patterns. He held me a cup filled with soda and handed it to me: it's yours. When I took the soda, he suddenly took out an extra-large bowl, filled with hot pot ingredients.

It ’s really not what I want to say. The whole bowl looks messy. If it was n’t for hot smoke, for a second I would have thought that he had given me the kitchen waste.

Uh, thank you. I took the big hot bowl, and it was a bit strange how the kitchen on board had such a super sea bowl. It's gray and gray, and the bottom is smooth and looks special ...

…and many more!

I suddenly realized that this didn't seem to be a bowl.

The gray and gray semi-circular contents also have textures on them, which feel like they have been polished. On the whole, the stuff and the materials seem to remind me of something.

No ... don't tell me it's the thing I want ...

My heart can't handle it.

May I ask. I swallowed the saliva, and now it is not a question of hot pot materials piled up like kitchen waste, but a safety issue that will matter whether I will be cursed by unknowns in the second half of my life: Is this a bowl? After a little glance, I also noticed that there were animals and creatures eating in the house. In addition to plastic bowls and ceramic bowls, a few also had the same bowls as my hands.

Semi-circular, gray-white.

This is my special bowl, can't you eat it? The boy with green eyes suddenly opened his mouth, and I saw in Liqu that his teeth were like close relatives of the wolf.

No, no, you misunderstood, thank you for your bowl. The other side was full of dissatisfaction. I quickly lowered my head and put a taro in my mouth to express that I had no opinion on the bowl.

Is that why your special bowl is so amazing ...

This is a symbol of defeating the mountain demon. You have to know that the bones of the mountain demon's head must be ground into a **** hard to wear!

Alas—I sprayed the soup I just entered.

You give me a skull as a bowl!

At that moment, I really wanted to throw the bowl out, but I did n’t do it when I was afraid of the person sitting next to the bowl. This, this is the head ... I felt like I was drinking sulfuric acid.

Isn't it popular over your side? Defeating a strong opponent can grind his head into a bowl. The green-eyed boy blinked the pair of beast eyes and spoke in a tone that seemed to be fussing me.

Basically, we don't use human skulls as a bowl!

That, that, since the bowl is so important, I'll just use a bowl like it. Looking at the skull bowl in my hand, I felt a total loss of appetite.

I guess I can pretend to think too much, but after being confirmed, I will feel a curse if I drink more.

Do you look down on the demon head? Those green se eyes narrowed and stared at me.

No, it is great to defeat the mountain demon ... but my stomach and gallbladder cannot be used by ordinary people.

Then give me food!

I looked at the skull bowl on my hand and felt like I was being forced to jump off a cliff. However, rather than eating with a person's head, I think I would rather go to the cliff jump than it should be.

This is a pretty fish bowl. Hearing that we were discussing the bowl of human heads, a little girl with rabbit ears ran over immediately and held up the bowl of Xianbao.

This is the bowl of the demon in the water! Buda jumped over and squeezed the second head bone into my eyes.

This is King Wang's ...

I'm Assisi ...

Instantly, I saw a large number of skull bowls crowded over here.

What is this!

Don't hold your human skull at me!

I had the urge to run away with tears tonight.

Mom, your son ate for the first time in his life ...

Okay, you guys go and eat, the meat will be cooked through. When I was about to be buried by the pile of skull bowls, Sister Cat came over and sent those who carried the horror bowl to relieve me of the dilemma: Yuli, you go eat first. She patted the green-eyed boy, who nodded and stood up.

And the moment he turned around and left, I seemed to see five tails dart past my eyes,

Sorry to scare you. Sister Cat gave me a smile and smiled: When she met friendly guests, they would take out their best bowl to entertain the guests.

Your best bowl is the head bowl ...

I suddenly felt like being a guest was not a good thing.

I, I just don't get used to this. No one should get used to the head bowl, I think.

The elder cat smiled again, and then took the end plate moved by a few kittens from the side. There was a medium-sized bowl on it. The texture of white se was like the texture of jade, and it had a light green se texture on it. Very elegant and beautiful. There are small plates, chopsticks and spoons next to the bowl, which are all in the same series. The neat rows of hot pot ingredients and soup inside the bowl were ten thousand miles away from the bowl-like stuff I received.

Could you please give this to Yu Yan? Sister Cat looked at me with an end plate.

Huh? I? You called a passerby?

I think I will take care of it here for the time being. Just after we finished speaking, we immediately heard the scream from the stove. A kitten did n’t know how to be blown into the air by a large white smoke. It almost fell into a hot pot and became a cat meat pot. The green-eyed boy moved quickly and intercepted immediately.

Ok. After receiving the end game, I looked on the other side, there was still very quiet, no one was noisy in the past, only the snake body lay on the bed to sleep, it felt like two different worlds.

Thank you then. Sister Cat smiled brightly and beautifully.

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