MTL - Unique Legend-~ Fanwai: Night Moon

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Location: Unknown Time: Unknown

He heard the sound of the wind.

He heard a similar sound a long time ago.

The radon index is too high, and as expected by the guild, it is already occupied by the ghost clan. Someone around is re-entering the new geographical record into the new record, because the fear of being detected by the target, so the recorder that temporarily stored the message on the body did not send out: Mr. Anin, shall we investigate further?

Turning his head, what he saw was a red robe wearing a black se mask.

What was he thinking just now?

Mr. Anin?

Seeing that he did not respond, the red robe asked again with a low voice.

After returning to God, he smiled slightly: they have already come here, and they do n’t know what ’s going on just by looking outside. None of the people who came to investigate before and where the base is located have gone. Look, you will return to the guild for the time being, and I will meet here after I come out.

To understanding.

Lifting their heads, they saw that the whole sky was very dark, as dark as ink se.

By the way, it's time for the prom in the college.

Please forgive me. Although you are a black robe, is there really no problem in such a person going in? After confirming the surrounding environment again, the following red robe asked a little worried.

No problem, I just went in and didn't try to break through the enemy fortress. This trivial matter didn't bother me. She patted the shoulder of the carry-information class, and Anin showed an inertial appeasing smile.

It's not a question of whether you can break it ...

While thinking that this black robe is a well-known ghost-type bizarre person, the intelligence staff was a bit uneasy, but still nodded: if there is an accident, please contact us immediately.

I know.

After explaining the affairs, the agile red robe disappeared in front of his eyes like an illusion.

Ye se is very dark, like thick ink.

If you were in the college this time, you should see the beautiful moon with fog.

In front of his eyes was a whole piece of wasteland, with no sprigs of grass on it, bare and lifeless.

Perhaps thousands of years ago, this was once a beautiful place for elves.

But now, it's not, it's just a cemetery that lost all its past. The guardians of the guild should be here, but they are not here.

They all lost their voices, and there were no other robes to explore before they arrived.

After thinking about it for a while, I gathered all my breath and found the buried passage buried in the ground from the map given by the guild.

That night se was dark.

He walked into the secret passage in the dark by himself, there was nothing there, but for a moment he overlapped here with the road in his memory.

The bumpy road full of **** atmosphere, the deep black se seems to be transformed into inorganic substances to cling to the feet.

Turning his wrist, a small knife with a silver ray of light shot down from his hand and nailed the double-headed poisonous snake crawling on his feet to the ground. The attacker was immediately blocked and acted with a hissing anger, But soon was left behind.

Time and memory are intertwined.

The twisted flames and deep black air, he heard the sound of water not far away, and even the walls of the road began to follow the cold.

Gently exhaled, took out the guild's proprietary memory spar and nailed it to the wall. As long as a few seconds later, the spar and spar would be connected to each other, and the latest map would be completely returned to the guild intelligence class.

As long as he takes one more step, he can feel some abomination, and the general intelligence class is hardly able to cope with this amount at once without being experienced. Yes, even he was not sure.

How many enemies are there?

Dozens ... More than just branches, at least hundreds of them, this kind of number is not a general cluster of lairs, but a fairly large market.

But what are they doing to attack the guild people to come to this cemetery?

This secret passage is not long, and soon you can see a little light at the end.

He remembered that if he was in the academy at this time, he should have seen the misty moon with a glimmer of light.

Day after day, as usual.


The moon has disappeared?

Looking up, the man standing outside the prom said.

The lively atmosphere is a little far away, and it seems to be smeared with blurry faces every other generation. Some people feel unreal.

moon? With his head raised, people who had no intention of attending the prom looked at the dark black sky above his head in doubt, not even a star, as dark as ink staining: Strange, the college should usually see the moon at this time, rare Will not be today, I do not know if it is caused by the weak part of the enchantment.

He blinked, and sadly looked at the night without a moon in the sky with the silk eyes of Cui Se: The turbulent air wandered around me, asking the atmospheric elves to bring my hope to the Lord God to pray for everyone ...

Listening to the prayer that the elf was doing, Luo, who had just returned from a long-term mission, quietly filled the tea cups of both people. The air tonight is really not very quiet. Except for the part covered by the prom, the wind is moving around uneasily.

After a few minutes, the tower turned back, like a still relaxed expression: the night without the moon reminds me of the day when Xin Ya decided to participate in the war. No peace of mind. After a pause, he held the cup and looked at the calm water above, where his face that has been no longer undulating is reflected: I have lost a lot of friends ... the time is too long, their appearance gradually disappeared in my memory, this It's sad that I don't want to continue.

Seeing that friends who have known him for a long time will have such a shaken performance, Luo An patted his shoulder: Angels are a strong race, but also a long-lived race. As long as they don't encounter any major disasters, they are usually very durable ... Well, they live longer than the elves can.

Looking up at a friend who has also known me for a long time, Saita reluctantly bends an unshaped smile: May the Lord God listen to my prayers, and make everyone I know safe.

How do you continue to perform the tasks you stayed in? Looking at the expression like an elf who was about to cry, Luo An suddenly felt that he had stayed in this mixed world for too long. When he knew the elf in the elf family, he didn't wave for anything at that time, like It's like a quiet waterhole.

Elves are easily affected by long-lasting things.

Different people, different breaths and different emotions in the college have begun to shake the original quiet pool.

The eternal elf will die because of sadness. I've seen Xin Ya's lover cry for him until his life is gone, but I think I should be able to continue to finish what I should do. Exhaling deeply, Saita lowered the cup on her hand: I just hope that all my friends I know can return.

Maybe he will only waver tonight.

The elf is forgetful and teaches him that he must forget quickly.

This evening, please accompany me to listen to the news of the wind. After thinking about this night, tomorrow will be all right. With a faint smile, Saita looked at the hair blown by the friendly wind elf, and heard the sound of comfort from all around.

As long as today, he can forget the restlessness.

Just like when she sent away Xin Ya and many people many years ago.

Ah, the moon has come out.


If this is the time, the college's month se should still be beautiful as usual.

Leaning gently at the end of the road, he opened his eyes wide in surprise at what he saw.

If it hadn't been for the first time, no one would believe that such a thing had been passed back to the guild. There are many ghosts at the end. They are busy doing all kinds of things, and they are busy building new plots.

He saw that one of the four major ghost kings walked on the other side after the exit, without even noticing his invasion.

This matter needs to be immediately alerted to the guild, this is the most dangerous situation.

Thinking of this, he immediately stepped back and wanted to leave the place from the same way.

The **** breath overlaps with the black air.

Before he could look back, he bumped into something that should not be behind him.

Oh, I didn't expect this boring place to be hit by something interesting.

The cold words made him immediately alert, jump back a distance, and did not care whether it would be found by the ghosts outside. He lit all the dark passages, and those bright lights also illuminated one. Faces placed by them in the highest warrant.

It's you! Wielding his weapon immediately, he thought about how to get out of here before the biggest conflict and return everything he saw to the guild.

Someone has to say this, otherwise it will be too late.

Aren't you the angel of the black robe in that college. With a smile, I did not expect that I could just walk around and find that the small game of Andy leaned against the wall, ignoring the frozen man uploaded from the wall: Is an angel running to a place full of ghosts and trying to find death?

This is the cemetery, what do you want to do to open the sleeping cemetery! Squinting his eyes, he looked at the ghost master who could be called one of the best in front of him. For a moment, he was not sure if he could not leave here smoothly.

Do whatever you want, it's not me who decides. Seems to be very interesting, Andy carefully looked at him for a while, and then pointed to his shoulder: you have the breath of Jing Luotian, it seems that he should be the angel named to enter the ghost clan. Hmm ... I happen to be in a good mood today. I don't know if I want to sell Jing Luotian.

Not waiting for the master of the ghost king to have more actions, he instantly waved his weapon to force the other side away, but at the same time, he suddenly found that his hand was suddenly caught by something coming from behind.

One by one, there is no temperature that any creature should have.

He didn't even have to look back, and he immediately smelled a hateful taste.

There are intruders ...

An intruder came in ...

Kill him, kill him ...

Countless ghost races kept coming in from the exit, and cold hands grabbed his hands, one after another, emitting strange odors, and the godless eyes all stared at him, as if intending to break him down into Like countless fragments.

Like what switch was touched in his heart, he suddenly waved his weapon, and in the blink of an eye, he killed many alien ghosts who stretched out his hands. The blood of the black and gray blood even dropped the organs that were moving. One place, not even the ground on which he stepped, could survive.

Kill him ...

As if he couldn't finish killing, he waved the weapon, and then waved the weapon, piled the ghost's body into a hill-like number in front of his eyes, but they did not decrease at all.

Memory is overlapping.

The stones and walls in the tunnel were stained with black blood.

stop. A sudden voice made him turn his head immediately, and he wanted to cut the other ghost and anti-clan who was blocking the way in half, but the weapon that followed him for a long time split on the opponent's head and stopped. Now, he could n’t move an inch forward even if he applied force. He saw that it was only two long black needles that blocked the weapon. The other side was relaxed as if he could n’t feel the force of pressure at all: back to me, this angel. It's my prey.

The ghosts who were originally low and screaming began to step back, but their eyes were still on them.

He turned over and said without having to ask the other party: I changed my mind and just remembered a fun thing. It happened that I also recently had a shortcoming to go to the college to find what I want. It seems my luck is also It's pretty good, the administrative staff in the college automatically sent me to the door so that I don't have to think of another way.

For a moment, he immediately remembered how the master of the ghost king in the past once mixed into the arena: you will not have a chance. Fiddled with the palm, a white bird rushed out of his palm, and thundered out of the tunnel, bringing all the news he saw.

Obviously, Andy did not stop the meaning, and looked at the black robe in front of him happily, and then took out the black needle: I heard that Jing Luotian wanted the people to be very difficult, but it didn't seem to be so difficult to deal with Chu ... he I also respect your wishes too much. After being plundered and locked you in prison, an angel will soon become a ghost clan. Is there anything difficult to do?

But maybe, this is just the new game of the ghost king.


His memories are overlapping.

It was just that the person who stood before the ghost king now became himself.

From the past to the present, he has always believed that his strength has never surpassed the original partner, even if he obtained the qualification of black robe.

At that time, what the guild needed would not be a powerful black robe.

And the purple robe that makes spells and mastery is not the only one.

He may be a master of the ghost king long before he is eligible to become the ghost king, with a thousand years of time that makes him more powerful than any ghost family.

What he saw was his weapon split into two halves shortly after, and it fell to the ground suddenly.

It only took a short blink of an eye and he knew he was defeated.

Rest assured, I don't want to have a holiday with Jing Luotian, just let you take a short break. The smiling ghosts approached him step by step, reaching out and pulling back the black needle that was stuck on his shoulder.

His left hand was completely paralyzed, and his body could not be used freely.

Keep in mind that no matter how difficult it is, as long as you are sure that you cannot escape, the first necessity is to destroy everything that can provide the ghost family news, including yourself.

The memories overlap, and at that time, he saw his partner turn to ashes.

Raising the only right hand that can move, he can't wait to cover his ears to let out the last technique, and if he is lucky to ship, he can also die with the ghosts in front.

Really, you guilds are totally obedient. Once in the guild, Andy grabbed his hand and easily destroyed the large lethal spells. He saw his happy smile in the other's incredible blue eyes: this It doesn't make much sense to make a small move.

The grasped right wrist lost all its strength.

He felt that something was gradually draining from his body. The whole force was hollowed out and fell to the ground. The ghosts standing in front of him grasped his hands so that he would not fall into the pool of blood of those corpses.

Vision began to blur, and even the stench could no longer smell.

Vaguely, he saw Jin Se's hair, the same face as himself.

Good boy, just go to sleep like this, your memory, your strength, and everything about you will let me receive it. Let ’s take a look at some interesting information first. Right, your name is Anin, it ’s an elegant name ...

Finally, he never heard again.

If it was the college at this time, you should be able to see the moon with the misty golden face.

As usual, people who watch the moon in the courtyard beckon him.

If it was a little later, he could hear others tell him how unfortunate it would have been if he had not participated in the dance, and what interesting things happened during the dance.

If it was a little later, he could see the friend who had returned from a long-term mission and, at the invitation of the elves, was admiring the beautiful full moon.

As usual all the time.

If he goes back, there will be a moon in the dark.


A broken voice.

what happened?

Looking at the elf sitting in front of the bun for most of the night, Luo An, who had been a little sleepy, was awoken by that voice.

Silently watching the pieces of tea cups falling on the ground, Saita smiled and shook her head: accidentally slipping her hands.

Alas, be careful.

The shape of the atmospheric elves and the wind elves loomed in the dark, and the debris from one place was cleared into the tugui land in the garden, which was slowly absorbed by the earth elves.

Green eyes looked into the sky.

As usual, there is a pale gold moon in the dark sky, surrounded by misty halo.

If time goes backwards, they will soon be able to see the return of their companions.

As usual.

Silently praying in her heart, Saita closed her eyes.

Listening to the sound of the wind, let the wind spirit take away the disturbing breath.

I don't know if I can see such a moon anywhere?

If the people who left have returned, can they see the same moonlight?

You are too tired today. Go back to rest first. Standing up, Luo An said so.

Ok. After leaving the seat, Sai Tower had no objection to the evening ceremony with him, then turned quietly and walked back to the crystal tower that reflected everything.

He heard the sigh of the Wind Spirit.

Like memories that were almost forgotten a long time ago, after Xin Ya left, the atmospheric elves regretted them.

He knew almost what archery meant.

If time continues to move forward until the life of the elves has come to an end, can he still see these months after the embrace of the Lord God?

And in the last kingdom that other races believe in, can they still be seen?

If the departing people return, there will still be moon in the night.

As usual.

There is a beautiful full moon with fog and gold in the sky.

Special Legend 107 Lost Important Things

Time goes back thousands of years.

Three people, three different spaces.

The truth told from Andy's mouth and memory.

More than a thousand years ago, there was an elf prince, a demon division leader, and a ghost king aristocracy.

From the beginning to the end, a war against the elves of the ghost clan emerged.

If the heart can speak, it is a mantra.

Before you meet, after you separate.

Everything started to change. 2k novel reading network

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