MTL - Unique Legend-~ At the end of the story of others

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Subway stations have been around since early morning.

He took the admission documents and bought the platform ticket and went to the third on the instructions above. In the early morning, there were not many people. The big people always drove on the public road after 7 o'clock.

Commuters carrying briefcases rushed into the place at that time, like sardines stuffed into large cans of iron.

Squinting his eyes, he flipped through the college materials sent a few times.

He has seen that his family is here, because he wants to enter the college, so he desperately caught a strange uncle on the road to forcefully ask for first-hand information on admission.

Then he was about to become a freshman.

Looking at the clock at the subway station, the time above is almost up.

Ah, sorry, I accidentally lost my way.

Just when he was thinking, when he was going to climb the fence directly to jump to the subway, some jerky English appeared behind him.

Turning his head, what he saw was a very ordinary Oriental man. The man's appearance was really ordinary, so ordinary that he felt a little unreliable, and he had forgotten it.

This subway is bigger than I expected ... Hello, I am a senior in high school and will be your guide for a month.

The Orientals saluted him politely, reaching out to him with an awkward expression.

Squinting his eyes, he shook hands with the other casually.

I'm disappointed. I thought it would be a contemporary guide for his family. Why do you want to find such an unreliable guy?

Well, the school entrance is in front of this bus ... Hey! wait for me!

Before the guy explained, he was already impatient and jumped directly onto the guardrail. The entrance explained why so much. Didn't he see that the car had arrived?

After arriving at the school, he must cancel the facilitator, and then go to his family to introduce the college, and then they will live and study in the same place.

After that, he wants to get rid of that abominable red robe and become a partner of his family.

He saw that red guy was unhappy for a long time, dressed like the bull's eye, and very dazzling.

The thought of a perfect plan and the future suddenly made him feel better.

Hurry up, the school gate only opens once ...

The Easterners followed him in a panic and climbed up to the guardrail. The bold move made him think from the bottom of his heart what this guy was doing. He was clumsy and weak.

This kind of person can also enter the academy?

I really don't know what the school review policy is.



Before he thought about these things, with the shouting of the guy next door scared, he was shocked.

The two people who had already climbed over half of the guardrail were suddenly caught by their buttocks, dragging their pants back and dragging on. They almost did not fall back onto the platform, but could barely hang on the guardrail in a dangerous posture.

Turning his head, an old lady dressed in the English countryside stood underneath, blaming them in an unbelievable tone: my gosh, boys! Don't think about it at a young age, come down!

She held the guy's **** next door with one hand, and held up the flower umbrella she had just dropped to the ground and beat them hard with the other hand.

May the Lord bless you, come down and come down!

The non-stop subway whistled past in front of them, rolling up a wind pressure, and the car just ran away in front of them.

He saw the guy next door with a blue face and a look of tears.

Oh shit! Why is it so difficult to go to school last time!

In the subway station in the early morning, the voice of the old lady continued to echo in the almost unmanned subway station.

Come down!

The second part of the special legend, see you again in the first half of 2009!


It is four o'clock in the middle of the night.

At this time when almost no one was awake at home, the special last book was quietly finished in front of my eyes.

It just happened that the aesthetic song was played on a computer. This was introduced by a friend a while ago, and I didn't expect it to happen to it at the end.

The singing is gentle, and there is a long period of effort to gently draw the terminator today.

I'm not here to say the lyrics, please go find it for yourself, this song is very beautiful, and it also has the feeling of me-straight pursuit. It doesn't have to be special, but they just seem to meet in some part, and it's great to listen to it.

Thank you for holding the book, you have been able to support the special until the end, really thank you very much.

Many things have happened this year, almost all of them are great, with laughter and tears. I have met a lot of friends through books, and also listened to the readers to read the book for more people to communicate with each other. See, every month we discuss together, and many people use this to make more friends.

A lot of things were beyond my expectation, but I am very fortunate that so many people like this and are willing to take care of her together and stay with us till now.

It's an old saying, thank you, and friends and my family have been supporting me and taking care of me. I can share and accompany me when I am happy and sad.

Many things happen, but I believe these are not meaningless.

It would be great if it could be obtained by surprise or if it could make you feel more relaxed, although there should be many people who want to strangle me in the dark days before (laughs)

Since this time, I thank everyone for your care, and also thank the editor for letting me post (feed) everyone who worked hard for special labor.

There is also the painter Hong Lin, a painter who often bothers me online. Thanks for her hard work to help me with a lot of beautiful pictures. Often we all stay together for one or two points on the line. Every time I have an opinion on the picture, she is very refreshing and changes without saying a word. Thank you You endure my tortoise.

The next comic version also invites you to continue to support her. The comic version will have a lot of pictures that cannot be presented in the book. Every time I get a draft, I will personally want to continue to look down, especially the architecture. Heaven, some people try to speculate on my delusional building and then show him out, and they are all very similar.

So, Honglin is here for you now! There is a long paragraph behind, let's cover the school (unscrupulous grin)

I am about to enter the busy period of my senior year. After the summer vacation, everyone also starts a new semester. Let us cheer together, whether it is homework or work, I wish you all a smooth and safe.

The next meeting should be in new soil.

Just like our usual practice.

Then, continue to start ...

As of July 24, 2008

This is a beautiful day, because today ’s weather is so good, so the special mom ’s stepmother, stepmother, stepmother, righteous mom, and father ’s and father ’s and father ’s are gathered together to prepare a legendary tea party.

Dean: What did your forum have to do with us!

Xuan Xuan: Ah haha, it ’s just to find you. Only to think about it, think about it, you have been mentally abusing your mother for such a long time. Do n’t you come out and talk about thanking me for your parenting.

Dean: (Enler #)

Yang Yang: I have been miserable from the appearance until now ... (Is this really the kindness of parenting?)

Edo: Well, I'm still recovering.

Xiaoting: I'm going to eat everything on the table!

(The crowd hurriedly stopped the kiosk)

Xuan Xuan: So, let ’s start the first legendary 100-visit forum (pleasantly ignore other people), and introduce the visitors here (laughs)

Interviewers: Hu Xuan, Yan Li, Shang Keqing, Aya, Yaya, Wei (wait! Did you really come out ?!)

Dean: Are you too full?

So the visit began.

The moderator turned over the interview form: Please answer the questions truthfully. If you are suspected of lying, you will be sentenced to capital punishment in Aruba.

Dean: Before we get executed, you can experience it first. (Finger finger)

(The host screamed and was dragged out.)

(Change to the second host).

Moderator b: Keke, let's start.


1. The first thing a senior does when he wakes up every day?

Dean: This bird's title!

Yang Yang: I know, let me pause for five minutes.

Snapped! (Someone was beaten back)


2. What do seniors like most?

Xia Su: In addition to reading books and reading past cases, he is sleeping. As long as he is okay, he will see him sleeping.

Kiosk: (Continue to sculpt cookies)

Dean: (Black Line ~ ~ What is Yang Yang ’s most painful experience?

Yang Yang: (Infinitely sentimental) Speaking of my most painful experience, it really is about three days and three nights, and this matter will start from the time I was born ...

(Everyone starts making tea and skips it)


4. Ryan's most hated rice ball taste?

Ryan: ... I once ate bread cockroaches when I was on a mission in another world.

Chitose: Yes, he dropped the task and killed him back to ask the boss why he slandered the sacred rice ball.

Moderator b: (Khan) Then Le?

Chitose: When I finished looking for someone, I just saw the boss kneel and admit it.

Ryan: Those who dare to insult the rice ball are dead!

Chitose: So basically he doesn't have a nasty taste.


5. Does the kiosk have a taste?

Kiosk: (buying hard)

Xia Sui: I used the spirit body to set up a way to help him.

Xiaoting: (Suddenly looking up) This yam bag is delicious!

Xia Sui: But it seems to have been unknowingly.

(Automatically formed indiscriminate old man?)


6. Is Geng myopia?

Geng: No.


7. Who is the last person Ryan wants to challenge?

Ryan: Many, such as seniors, years old, Yang Yang, etc ...

Chitose: The person he least wants to challenge is the owner of the rice ball.


8. Which five types of sequins are the perfect hairstyles for chicken hair?

Five se chicken head: Basically, this uncle is perfect no matter what!

Chitose: It's not worse anyway, anyway, it looks like that.

Five se chicken head: bastard! Do you want to fight with Uncle Ben?

Chitose: Ha, why not!

Five se chicken head: Come on! Who is afraid of who! You four-eyed pheasant!

Meow Meow: Trouble going out, thank you.

(The two were immediately blasted out)


9. How many degrees of myopia is Chitose?

Ryan: Because they went out to fight, I helped him answer. No myopia at the age.

(Everyone makes a mistake)

Moderator b: Then why does he wear glasses?

Lane: Last time he was talking about wearing flash, last time was talking about wearing dust, last time was talking about wearing trachoma, and also talking about wearing glaucoma, you guess it yourself.

(Chill out all around immediately)


10. How much time does Ledo spend on making an artwork on average?

Ledo: (Excited) It's finally my turn, but your question is a bit weird. The size and time of the artwork are different.

Moderator b: Just about a moment.

Lei Duo: Well, on average you can make one in two days.

Yaduo: But the last time he did it for three months was still piled in our room.

Moderator b: You two are in the same room! ?

Yaduo: ... Go and show me the beginning of the chapter of the sword and shield three hundred times.


11. What is the maximum speed of indigenous students?

Tier: Of course, how high is open and how high, this is youth!

Dean: # (suspected to take the blue tendon)


12. How many punches does Yaduo hit his brother on average every day?

Yaduo: When you are upset, you will be stunned.

Ledo: He gets jailed almost every morning when he wakes up, but everyone has a share.

Ido: Every day at 4-5 o'clock in the morning I hear a quarrel.

(Four, four or five?)

Brother Redo, you really deserve to be captive.


13. How much medicine does Ledo and Yado take in one month?

Edo: About a dozen wounds, but this is the basic rubbing wheel.

Ledo, Yado: ...


14, the cost of Yang Yang home?

Underworld: One-third of normal expenses, such as water and electricity. Two-thirds of the medical expenses, but recently he saved a lot of money because he went to stay. Mom is planning to go abroad to play next summer.

Yang Yang: Ah ha ha ... (sweating)

(A small wealthy business family)


15. What are the limits of Ledoardo's telepathy application?

Yaduo: I can't live if I die.

Ledo: He will hang up when I die.

Moderator b: Isn't it really infinite?

Edo: ... (trouble both of you alive)


16. What is Randall's favorite quality blood?

Randall: The blood of a beautiful young girl and a beautiful boy


17, the true face of the sound of Sai Tower Elves?

Yang Yang: Ultrasonic.

Sai Tower: (the black line) is just a simple air vibration.


18. What is the most unacceptable blood of Randall?

Randall: There is blood from bird flu and aids.

Nile: I have a license for blood hygiene and safety.

Host b: How did you get it?

Nile: ... (no response)


19. Favorite animal?

Dean: Useful animals.

Host b: ...

Yang Yang: He seemed to like the rabbit the last time he gave it to the rabbit.

Senior: Because it is useful.


20. How many snacks do rabbits in Guangying Village eat every month?

Wedge: can circle the earth five times.

Moderator b: Please do not abuse the lines of an advertiser.


21. How many jerseys will the senior break in a month?

Shakas: Is it the black robe? According to his annual bill application, on average two items will be broken in a month, both of which were damaged in advanced tasks, so the guild is already researching stronger black robe clothing.

Dean: That's it.


22. What fun do the ghosts usually do when they do n’t attack?

Bichen: Playing cards and surfing the Internet.

Moderator b: (Shocked) Such normal entertainment! ?

Bishin: Otherwise, do you think it's better to beat someone?

Moderator b: Keke, let's play cards and go online.


23. Has the class leader ever won the monitor?

Class guide: Keke ...

Europa: No.


24. Andyir's favorite transformation object?

Andel: Oops, I'm the only visitor group left without a brain.

Visitors: Please do n’t use your brain!

Andel: (shrugs)


25. Which dish does Nile usually like most? (Actually I want to ask which brand of canned dogs will be pushed)

Nile: (I don't eat canned dogs) Steaks.

Randall: Count Ben will never treat his descendants.


26. What TV programs do you like most?

Five-seed chicken head: Look at everything, but still learn something at eight o'clock.

Everyone: (What do you learn !?)


27. Meow meow's daily sports?

Meow: Playing ball, swimming, shopping, cooking ... and so on.

Moderator b: It really is what the young lady will answer.

Meow: I still ride Suya everywhere.


28. Does Ryan exist in this world (escape)

Chitose: It's normal to have this suspicion when you can't find anyone.

Ryan: Absolutely!


29. Which one is more afraid of Rage Master and Andean?

Yang Yang: Senior (without hesitation)

Snapped! (Someone was beaten back)

Andre: That means that I'm not terrible 很 (very happy)

Yang Yang: No, you misunderstood, you are another kind of terrible.


30. What's the color of the chicken's four-corner underwear?

Five se chicken heads: who came out ... #

Black Se Cactus: I saw Dora X Dream last time.

Five se chicken head: Fuck! not at all!


31. What does the old man fair do in the bracelet?

Old man: ...

Yang Yang: I think it should be dazed.


32. How does Xia Su usually teach the little black snake girl?

Xia Su: Let it go.

Moderator b: That is not to teach?

Kiosk: (啃 物 啃啃 物)

Xia Sui: Will guide in due course.


33. What happens when the Big Three come together?

Dean: Do destruction, watch good shows, and clean up aftermath.

Moderator b: The senior is very experienced. You are very familiar with it.

Dean: After I met them, I became a spoiler, a good show, and a cleanup x2.


34. What music does Xia Su usually listen to?

Xia Sui: Music that can relax.

Kiosk: Then I fell asleep (biting cookies)

Dean: Before ... I saw him playing a dance song, Da Bei Manchu and Xi Tian Ji Le.

Xia Sui: That one can relax both physically and mentally.

Dean: It's too relaxing.


35. Did Sister Xun and the senior know before?

Dean: What do you say?

Xia Sui: I haven't seen them walk together.


36. What exactly is the large space in the classroom?

Tutor: Everything is there, everything is not surprising.

Moderator b: In short, just don't want to go swimming ...


37. How did Nile become a steward?

Nile: Because the host asked me to be me.

Randall: Because I only see him pleasingly.


38. How many times did Lilia chase the protagonist?

Lilia: Don't hurt him. It proves my ability.

Yang Yang: May I give you a break? (Closed eyes to death)

Lilia: Come out and let us fight the world! Who is mysterious

Yang Yang: My true ability is to be captive.

Lilia: ...


39. Who gets upset?

Yang Yang: Senior!

Senior: Xia Sui.

Kiosk: Master.

Xia Sui: I don't?

Ledo: (Raises his hands right away) Yado!

Yaduo: # (Punched down his twin brother and then he also turned black)

Geng: Xia Sui.

Xia Sui: I really don't have

Moderator: It's suspicious when more people talk about you.

Tier: Bingyan is okay, he has a stinking face. However, I thought that once I was on a mission with Xia Sui and Bing Yan, but I woke up Xia Sui and was ooooo


40. How many hours does Andyel track every day (not every day)?

Andy: If I can, I can track all day without rest. However, my personal schedule is very full, so I will follow up when I think about it.

Moderator b: What schedule! ? (Sweating)


41. When was Qian Dongsui most confused?

Ryan: When I was thinking about things, the worst time was when I walked halfway and I suddenly found that he was gone, but he rolled down the hillside and hit a tree.

Chitose: Shut me up!


42. What is the final form of Minas?

Minas: The final form is determined by the owner, so I don't know.


43. Are there normal people and things in the school? If so, what would it be?

Dean: Basically not.

Meow: Everyone is normal (sweet smile)

Xia Su: The most normal one is Chu.

Dean: He's abnormal! (Make complaints)

Yang Yang: ...

Ryan: Onigiri.


44.Has Minas regretted choosing Yang Yang as the host (slaughtered by Yang)

Minas: ... (silent sky)

Yang Yang: Is it really there! ? (Injured)

Minas: So far.


45. The final form that Minas does not want to be?

Minas: Watering device, mineral water, bubble bottle, etc.

Dean: It's all what Chu would think.

Yang Yang: (Burning sweat)


46. ​​What does Xia Su hate most?

Xia Sui: Interrupted sleep.

Dean: So I said he was upset.

Xia Sui: I really don't have (Khan)


47. Who is the school's class leader?

Yang Yang: Senior.

Xia Sui: Bing Yan, he will be upset if he has something, but he will find something because he thinks the course is too boring.

Dean: But I will go to the black robe class.

Xia Sui: You are all on the verge of passing grades.

Dean: Nonsense! Lessons have been skipped until the person being killed is an idiot! (Take it for granted)

Yang Yang: Good boy, please don't study.


48. What is the name of Qian Dongyu's favorite book?

Qian Dongsui: (Pushing glasses) General history of the world.

Ledo: That seems to be the name of the teaching manual for X Le.

Five se chicken heads: are all toilets in the world accessible?

Chitose: Let's die, you two!

Yaduo: Don't get me hurt and hear nothing! Ledo!


49. What is Edo's favorite thing to do?

Edo: Study, pray, and communicate spiritually with the mirror.

Ledo: Sometimes I go to see if Ido is bored to death ... oh! (Punched)

Yaduo: ... (Fistman)


50. How heavy is the nose ring of the cattle?

Dean: We asked Taulomi to demonstrate.

Cattle: (Take off the nose ring and throw it on the ground)

Ping! (A hole was smashed in the ground)

Dean: Please add weight by yourself.

Moderator b: Why doesn't his nose fall ...


Mo Xuan: Keke, take a break first, it's too long, let's use a snack tea first.

Xia Su: It's a bunch of strange questions. I really don't get upset. Why do everyone say yes? (Holding tea)

Dean: Because there is.

Yang Yang: What is Xia Su's wake-up mood? (Simple inquiry)

Chitose: (Collected in the past)

Xia Sui: I didn't get upset.

Dean: He will jump up and beat the person who called him, and then he has no impression afterwards. I don't know if it should be sleepwalking or getting up.

Tyre: Sympathy (People beaten)

Xiaoting: They have been beaten.

Xia Sui: I really do n’t know (愣)

Moderator b: (Sit a little further subconsciously)

Xuan Xuan: Then everyone will take a rest and then continue to ask questions. !! !! Note: The viewing conditions of this symposium are that you must have read Chapter 12 before you can fully understand it. !! !!

Moderator b: Dang Dang Dang ~ Let's move on to the next question!

Dean: You are a dead man.

Moderator b: (a little bit subconsciously)


What happened to the egg of the Beast 51?

Yang Yang: I put him in my room. It was still an egg when I went back last time. I do n’t know if it will expire.

Dean: If it expires, you will be dead!

Yang Yang: (Scared)


Where is the food for the 52 kiosks?

Xia Sui: This ... it is really difficult to answer ...

Kiosk: (Raise your hand) The kiosk can always eat!


Who is the easiest around 53?

Yang Yang: I think ... it seems to be Sai Tower. Every time I chat with him, I feel a sense of relief.

Saita: It's my pleasure to relax you (moderate smile)

Five se chicken head: In fact, you are the cure!

Yang Yang: By the way, Edo will too.

Edo: Are you there? (愣)


54 How much time do five se chicken heads spend on tidying their hair on average each day?

Five se chicken head: Hum, this is confidential. Those who want to know come to the shelf first, I won't say it!

Yang Yang: He will lie (whisper)

Lei Duo: I want to know (eyes shine)

Five se chicken head: talk nonsense! Take it out!

Yaduo: Don't hit!

Moderator b: I see ... Let's skip this question ...


55 Ran usually do what?

Ran: Meditation, meditation, and occasionally cooking.

Moderator b: It's really the ideal schedule for a new and good man.

Ran: Yes, my pets in particular like to eat the invaders' bodies, but it takes a little time to cook.

Yang Yang: What exactly are you cooking? !! (People who have eaten food)


56 Who has the strongest resistance to decline?

Yang Yang: Academic (one second)

Dean: To die (one babble passes)


57 Did Yang mother leave the kitchen when Yang returned home?

Yang Yang: Yes, when I was asked to run a leg.

Yang Mom: How long have you been home when you were still stinging (smile)

Yang Yang: That's it (cold sweat)


What kind of fruit do 58 seniors look like? → Durian (beaten)?

Dean: Who are you asking about (squinting)?

Moderator b: Sorry, for the safety of the questioner, all of them are anonymous.

Dean: It doesn't matter, I can check it.

(Suddenly cold all around)

Sai Tower: It should be like the litchi in the original world, Yan Se is very similar, superior.

Dean: ... (Qing Jin)

Everyone: (I thought: I really envy Seta for saying something and she won't be beaten)


How does 59 Geng exercise snake eyes?

G: Practice a lot on weekdays, and practice what you see.

Moderator b: Does it mean that passers-by will not be missed ... (Leng Khan)

Geng: My most proud masterpiece is that even the ant's den dares not resist (laughs)


Why did it take 60 years for An to get into the black robe?

Anin: This question, please read it yourself after the physical book comes out (smile)

Moderator b: By the way, an advertisement will be published. Special physical books are expected to be listed in July. Please tell everyone.


Where did the light guide of class 61 come from?

Class guide: I come to work from my dormitory by myself.

Moderator b: I don't think the question is about asking this ... (吧)


62 What special training has Anin been doing for a hundred years?

Anin: How to kill the dark without waste.

Moderator b: Is this a special training ...

Anin: As long as I see those things, I have a feeling of seeing the pests.


63 Who is the robe with the most tasks?

Yang Yang: Academic (one second)

Xia Sui: Bingyan.

Anin: It should be ice inflammation.

Sai Tower: Bing Yan.

Dean: Hey! (stare)

Chitose: According to my personal information, the dean has won the highest mission solver bonus of 5,000 kars this year and the jadeite products of the jade forest fairy fairy prize, and was invited to visit the Holy Land of the Fire Elves this year.

Yang Yang: 噗 (drinking beverage)

Dean: Chu, do you have a strong opinion? (Qing Jin)

Yang Yang: It's okay ... (I just think you are really rich)


64 is he short of money?

Xia Su: I personally think he is just looking for something to do.

Dean: Just pass the time.

Moderator b: ... I think so too ...


How many times have you led the class leader in class 65?

Class guide: (turning over the table) Do you have to ask this kind of question all the time!

Yang Yang: Yes, it seems that I have asked similar questions just now.

Monitor: He lost countless times (drinking tea)

(Host B hastily restored the table.)


How much does 66 lose?

Class guide: ... (Qing Jin)

Monitor: I can't finish using a computer (smile)

Yang Yang: Will you play too much ... (Khan)


Do 67 Towers usually do?

Saita: Communicate with the atmospheric elves.

Yang Yang: What is that?

Saita: (smile) is the spirit that exists in the atmosphere.

Yang Yang: ... (completely incomprehensible)


68 How to sing the Elves Baiqu Song?

Senior: Sing with your mouth! (angry)


69 What happens to Ryan's fringe if it is cut?

Chitose: You can cut and see, I think it should run away all day ... No, it should run away until his hair grows.

Ryan: The dignity of the Skell family must not be insulted! !! (Pull out the knife and insert it on the table)


How long can 70 Yaduo maintain facial cramps for a few hours?

Yado: ... (Do I have a facial cramp?)

Edo: (smile) Yado's face has always been this way.


Will the body shape of 71 water-supply beans be out of shape?

Minas: ... what do you want to do with magic weapons.


72 Will the unused magic martial arts water germinate ...

Dean: No!

Yang Yang: Oh! ? Really not? Who is God secret

Chitose: So far no examples of magic weapons have sprout


73 Is the ghost baby strangled by his sleeve?

Hitomi: No (one second)


74 The sweetest love words the senior has ever said?

Dean: Let's die! !! !!

Xia Sui: He probably won't talk about love for a lifetime.


75 Andier did the most meaningful thing?

Andel: I seriously looked at the map in the original world, and found a good cafe after trying the drink. As a result, Chu Mingyang did not like coffee, and it disappointed me.

Dean: (cold-eyed) This question asks what you have done most meaningfully, not to make you talk nonsense.

Andre: The most significant thing, let's counter-elves to let my king win (laughs)

Yang Yang: Does that really make sense ...


76 Yang Yang most played online games?

Yang Yang: Magic x Shell ...

Xuan Xuan: I'm sorry, because I'm only familiar with this.


77 Where do you like to pose in the bedroom statue of the Black Pavilion?

Yang Yang: I don't know!

Dean: That thing was not present today, and the one is a puppet and not a statue.


How long is the full name of 75 Shakas?

Chacas: You're unexpectedly long (laughs)

Saita: But it's shorter than the classroom.


76 What is Ledo's favorite craft?

Ledo: Sirui's head, that's the most perfect handicraft I've ever seen.

Five se chicken head: You go away a bit!


77. What does Yado like most?

Yaduo ~ ~ Leiduo: He likes to punch me!

Yaduo: Because you are too noisy.


78 Randall's favorite leisure sports?

Randall: Hunting (Smile)

Yang Yang: (What hunting bb)

Nile: Sometimes the owner will go out silently, and it is really troublesome and unexpected to deal with the body the next day.

Randall: Sometimes I also want to confirm the blood quality myself.


79 Edo's troubles?

Edo: As long as Yado and Ledo don't fight every day (sigh)

Ledo: Hear no, Yado!

Yaduo: ... tell him not to approach me and he won't fight.


How did the blood that 80 Randall drink?

Randall: From someone or another race (smile)

Nile: Blood sources are inconvenient to provide.

Moderator b: Please don't pick up passers-by, thank you.


81 Yang Ah, who beckoned in the cloud every time, what was her inner feeling when he saw his grandson go in and out?

Grandma: Good grandma, come to see Grandma Hei when you have time.


How many waxes are used by 82 feathers per day? Afraid of baldness?

Five se chicken head: Hum, how could this uncle be defeated by a little thing like baldness!


83 Who will destroy public property the most?

Yang Yang: It should be a senior ... Hey! (People's back was bitten)

Xia Sui: Bingyan, it is inevitable to avoid the mission.

Meow Meow: Desiree also destroys public goods!


Will the Nile turn around at the fifteenth night or howl at the moon at night?

Nile: Yes, but not now.

Randall: Hmm? I have n’t seen it (expect)

Nile: It won't be long (put aside your face)


85Yang Yang Ever wanted to increase your imagination?

Yang Yang: No ...

Dean: You better think less waste!


What kind of movies do you like to watch most?

Yang Yang: Don't be too weird.

Edo: It should be a natural landscape.

Yang Yang: (Does National Geographic Channel = Mouth =?)

Ledo: Exciting.

Yaduo: Fantasy.

Meow meow: Meow meow looks at everything, but most like adventure and art.

Chitose: Watching it all, movies are also a way to gather information (push glasses)

Ryan: ... (I don't know)

Five se chicken head: Anyone who is interested can watch it.

Yang Yang: (Which one are you interested in?)

Randall: Adventure and bloody.

Nile: I hope the host does not watch too many **** movies, he will eat directly in the cinema.

Randall: Well.

(Everyone: I'd better go to the movies with the count less often ...)

Moderator b: What about seniors?

Dean: What matters to you!

Xia Sui: The two of us often go to watch movies, thrillers and adventure movies (laughs) and will also practice what we see to the usual task.

Moderator b: What are you doing internship (sweating)


87 Please help me think about the problem?

Dean: You die!


88 Feather feathers give Leiduo a word (this person is here again)?

Five se chicken head: Get out of me! Huh! !!


89 Please ask Leiduo to give a word to Feather?

Ledo: Art ... when do you have to teach me?


What do you most want to do after so many questions from 90 to now?

Dean: Kill the person who asked the question.

Yang Yang: (Those who seem to be godfathers or godmothers are mothers ...)

Dean: (staring)


91 Xia Sui Ever wanted to be a queen?

Xia Sui: Sorry, I am personally satisfied with the current situation, I never thought of being a strange thing (smile)


Have you ever eaten a 92se chicken head?

Five se chicken head: Of course, you can't eat when you are full! Who thinks about this mentally handicapped problem? Asked such a bad question, got rid of me!


93 What is the special feeling after the chicken feathers are transformed (such as fleas?)

Five se chicken head: there is a feeling of killing is very cool, very convenient.

Moderator b: (sit away immediately)


94. What is your favorite dish?

Yang Yang: Eggplant.

Everyone: (all silent)

Yang Yang: Hey? (Cold sweat)

Meow: Probably no one wants to expose their weaknesses (smile)


The 95-year-old teacher who looks good and doesn't talk back?

Chitose: Class guide.

Class guide: Thank you so much classmates, but according to my personal memory, didn't you pass by when you started?

Chitose: But not now (push glasses)

Class guide: Is that different?

Chitose: I still talk back to other teachers.

Class guide: Thank you so much!

Chitose: Good to say.


What do you think of the carrion masters who appeared in the first episode of 96?

Selin: All this is hallucination.


What do the 97 giant cockroaches killed by pesticides think?

Host c: Now, let me, the location host, venture to visit those cockroaches (close to a whole group of cockroaches)

Host c: Ah-(issues the final scream)

Camera turns back to the studio

Moderator b: I think that through these actions, those cockroaches should be very unhappy.


98 black se cactus can really see the way?

Jiulan: Of course you can see it (laughs)


Is anyone going to come out?

Everyone: No!

Yang Yang: It sounds the same. (Surprised)


100 The last question is, please give me another question?

Dean: Who is the source of this problem?

Moderator b: Keke, that's the end of our visit (closed quickly)


Xuan: It's hard for everyone, and finally finished the interview (laugh)

Dean: Don't let me know who those brain problems are! !!

Yang Yang: (Even if you know it, you ca n’t do it ...)

Saita: But it's fun to answer questions occasionally.

Xuan Xuan: Thank you for your cooperation. Do n’t be late when you ask again.

Everyone: (Surprised at the same time)

Yang Yang: Anything else! ?

Xuan Xuan: That's it ~ let's see you next time, thank you everyone for watching this show.

Dean: You tell me clearly!

Moderator b: So, the interview ended in this pleasant atmosphere (I'm going to pretend I didn't see anything ...) Thank you for watching, let's see you next time.

< end >

Keke, in view of the enthusiastic response from the audience, the second bomb continued to be produced under the condition of human inferiority and fear of death. !! !! Note: The viewing conditions of this symposium are that you must have read Chapter 12 before you can fully understand it. !! !!

Dean: Are you guys too full?

Xuan Xuan: Well, those who can do more work, since everyone is so curious, of course, we must ask more.

Dean: Are you sure those questions are asked out of curiosity # #! Huh! !!

Xuan Xuan: Of course, otherwise what else to ask.

Yang Yang: How did I feel that a lot of problems were with the whole person last time (sweating)

Mo Xuan: Oh ha ha ha ha ha ...

Moderator b: So, let's continue from the beginning, the second interview will officially start!

Interviewers: Hu Xuan, Yan Li, Shang Keqing, Yayi, Wei, Xiaoxi


1. Ryan's favorite rice ball taste?

Ryan: Why is this a familiar question ...

Dean: Because I have asked similar questions! Which guy asked a different way! (Shooting table)

Chitose: Basically, as long as there is a word of rice ball, he likes it.

Kitchen Asan: He is really the biggest customer of our rice ball development (Hi)

Ryan: Anyway, that seems to be the case.


2. How did Yang's grandfather pass away?

Yang Yang: Is it explained in Taiwanese?

(Taiwanese passed away = passed away)

Meow Meow: When I die, my eyes won't move as soon as I close my breath.

Jiulan: This is the perfect time to make a specimen!

Yang Yang: You want to heed me!

Five-seed chicken head: What's so good about a crumpled old man with dried oranges?

Yang Yang: Please respect the dead for trouble.


3. How did Yang's grandma survive?

Yang Yang: Please refer to the second question above, thank you for your cooperation.


4. What happens when you accidentally trip over something on the road?

Yang Yang: Good danger is just a trip (<-Usually, a trip will be accompanied by an accident supporter)

Dean: Do you think I might be tripped over?

Five se chicken heads: People on rivers and lakes call me a knight who can never fall! If I can trip over me, I definitely want to assassinate the uncle, once he appears to kill him!

Lei Duo: If you die, you will be scolded if you go back!

Yaduo: (Stand up silently)

Class guide: Nothing in the world can trip me!

Saita: The environment should be organized recently (very elegant pretending not to fall)


5. What will happen to Yaduo if Redo ** is one day?

Lei Duo: First he will kill that person, second he will kill me, and then the two of us will be left alone.

Yaduo: All killed.

Ido: Please both take care of yourself (black line)


6. Is there a pattern of rice **** on Lane's underwear?

Lane: Where do you want to paint?

Chitose: Kekekekeke ...

(Please note that most westerners use briefs)


7, when the senior comes to the world, in addition to blackening his hair, what other face?

Dean: What else do you want besides black se! (fury)

Yang Yang: You can try other ... Yan se ...

Dean: Hey!


8. Does Lane have myopia?

Lane: No.


9. What are the reasons for the black cactus to make itself like that?

Jiulan: Disguise.

Yang Yang: What do you want to pretend! (shock)

Jiu Lan: When you want to get close to the body, you must let them think you are the same.

Five se chicken head: Uncle Ben looks like a human with a wig who accidentally bought too long.

Jiulan: This is the realm you don't understand.


10, the net worth of cactus?

Jiulan: The Killer Family.


11. What type of black se cactus?

Jiulan: Human Breed. Which one has been asking me questions (laughs), I am only interested in corpses and not interested in living people. If I really want to continue to inquire, I would like to exchange the corpses for trouble.


12. Which courses in Yangyang are good at school?

Yang Yang: I'm good at back subjects, because I used to read books to kill time in the hospital.

Dean: What were you nervous about during the exam?

Yang Yang: If the test can be solved with my back, I won't be nervous ...

Dean: What's different from the back? (doubt)

Yang Yang: (At least the back is only written on the paper ... There will be no corpse monsters or weird things rush out to kill you ...)


13. What does the ghost king do for a thousand years on the glacier?

Yerlu: I want to destroy the world.

Senior: Get me back and go to sleep!


14. Is the classroom jumping tired?

Classroom: (Rushing through)

Tutor: It should not be tired.


15.When will Andy marry (Hey)

Andre: Which one ... did you ask? (Extremely evil smile)

(The rest fled immediately)


16. Is there any work injury compensation if the classroom falls?

Dean: Basically, this kind of thing in the classroom is a square shape.

Assistant: After one round, the students will follow it ...

Moderator b: So should workers' compensation be students ... (Khan)


17. What are the favorite and good subjects of Xia Sui and Qian Dongsui (please give an example)?

Xia Sui: It should be fine, most of them are popular. I'm more interested in matrix and surgery, but I'm not particularly good at it.

Chitose: Nothing special, every subject is very good.

Class guide: Ha, help you to open a compulsory love credit next semester. God's secret

Chitose: ...


18. Does Andier have a lover?

Andel: Sorry, no at the moment (laughs)


19, Bishen xd

Bichen: Do you want to die?


20, I want to ask why the senior heard what Yang was thinking?

Dean: Why should I tell you (anger)


21. What do you do before bed?

Yang Yang: Will play video games.

Meow: Will play with Suya > v <

Xia Sui: Look at the book.

Five se chicken head: Watch TV.

Lane: Dazed.

Qian Dongsui ~ ~ Jiu Lan: Appreciating Specimens

Sai Tower: Stay on the balcony, the wind at night has a relaxing effect (smile)

Anin: Pray.

Dean: Do whatever you want.

G: Beauty before bed.

Assistant Chief: Hit everyone out.


22. What drink do you like to drink?

Yang Yang: Hey ... probably a bubble drink ... or juice ...

Meow: Yang Yang is an unhealthy child!

Dean: There is nothing special to drink.

Xia Sui: Don't you like honey soy milk in the original world? Every time I go to the original world for a mission ...

Dean: Hey! !!

Lane: A drink that goes well with rice balls.

Sai Tower: Elf Drink.

Randall: High-quality beautiful girl's blood and wine.


23. Has Lane tried to study how to make rice balls?

Ryan: I thought about it, but no, the mystery of rice **** is not something I can unlock.


24. Have you ever brought a worse student than Yang?

Dean: I am the first contemporary guide, what do you think?

Yang Yang: (I'm really sorry ...)


25. When will chicken feathers be willing to be handed over to Ledo?

Five se chicken head: who asked! Kill me!


26. Keep up with the question: Why are you so unconvinced and conquered him!

Redo: As long as he is willing to tell me how the head is used ... (Shame)

Moderator b: I want you to conquer him, not you to be conquered ==


27. How did Xia Su get up?

Xia Sui: I'm not getting upset (愣)

Dean: This has been the case since I met him.

Xia Sui: But I really didn't get upset ...

Moderator b: It should be born ....


28. Why does the class guide want to be a class guide?

Class guide: Because I'm cool.


29. Who is the happiest to see the kiosk?

Kiosk: Master, snack!

Xia Sui: It should be me and someone holding a snack (smile)


30. Did Anin have the biggest temper?

Anin: Actually angels cannot be angry ...

Saita: As far as I know, it should have been provoked by a war in the past. At that time, the other party came with a doll head. As a result, Anin destroyed the other army.

Anin: I cannot forgive the saboteur for entering the Holy Land and killing! They need to be sanctioned! (Immediately)

(* Note: The doll head referred to here is the head of a child.)


31. What did Yell think of his ugly appearance when he was just resurrected?

Yerlu: (I was killed before returning)


32. What is the source of the order and preference of Sanduo?

Ido: This question is a bit unclear. What is the order of eating?

Lei Duo: The source is the same as everyone eats normally. The school eats at school and the family eats at home.


33. Was Bishen disappointed to see Yelu become like this?

Bichen: I haven't seen it yet.


34. What is the interest of the assistant minister?

Assistant: Looking for something beautiful (flowering)


35. The material of the elf's coffin?

Jiulan: According to my judgment, it should be Bai Shengmu.

Yang Yang: What is that?

Jiulan: It's Bai Shengmu.

Yang Yang: ... (I wouldn't ask if I knew ...)


36. How do you spend the summer?

Senior: I've been like usual.

Meow: Water! Summer is the season for playing water! ..k

Yang Yang: blow a fan at home to avoid summer heat.

Xia Sui: As usual.

Chitose: Collect information and information when you have time.

Randall: Same as usual.

Moderator b: It seems that most people are not bothered by summer ... (Envy)


37. The assistant director must be sewing and picking flowers (not?

Assistant Chief: Oh, in fact, sometimes I feel good when I sew the body twice.

Yang Yang: (Surprised)

Dean: Then the student union came to lodge a complaint, and then he removed the piece of skin and restored it.

Xia Sui: But the victim will die.

Deputy Chief: That's the fastest way, don't protest!

Yang Yang: Then you have to sew it!


38, love the taste of ice (Is there this thing in the world)

Yang Yang: Pudding milk!

Meow Meow: Meow Meow likes strawberry milk ice > v <

Dean: ... (People who haven't eaten)

Xia Sui: Should it be three kinds of ice? Prefer beans.

Five se chicken head: Don't you guys know that eating this kind of food is more important!

Ryan: There are no particular flavors (not sticking to anything other than rice balls)

Chitose: mango ice.

Saita: Fresh fruit ice.

Anin: Clear ice.

Yang Yang: Are you serious (surprise)

Anin: Is there anything strange?

Yang Yang: No ...

Randall: Covered with ice.

Yang Yang: There is no such thing in the original world!

Leiduo: Five kinds of ice ~

Yaduo: Red bean milk.

Edo: I like everything except candied fruit, so I will go with my mood.

Xiaoting: All of them.


39. Addition: How do you spend the winter?

Dean: I did the same.

Yang Yang: Doing a good job in protecting against the cold ...

Xia Sui: Same as usual.

Ledo: Snowball fight!

Yado: ... (beating people)


40. Will the kiosk hibernate?

Xiaoting: No, Xiaoting sleeps every day, it's a good boy!


41. Will the glasses be taken off when Chitose is sleeping?

Chitose: Nonsense! Who sleeps without glasses!


42. Who opened the mouth of Xiaoting and Ghost?

Xiaoting: I don't know.

Hitomi: I'm not interested to know.


43. What happens if a student does not sleep for more than a week after taking the task?

Dean: Nothing.

Yang Yang: It will turn into a mine ... (whispering)

Dean: Chu, do you owe it?

Yang Yang: I'm sorry I was wrong.


44. What kind of food kiosk do you see the most?

Kiosk: Open as much food as you want


45. Have you ever eaten a big snake?

Kiosk: If you can eat a kiosk, you will eat it ~


46. ​​How did the student's long red hair come from (ice: what do you do)

Dean: Do your shit!


47. If you want to date ~ what place will you choose?

Everyone: ... (all silent)

Moderator b: No one seems to want to answer (cold sweat)


48. The point is who is dating whom?

Everyone: ... (still silent)

Moderator b: Keke, let's move on to the next question (I've felt murderous)


49. The safest place in the entire school?

Dean: As long as the level is sufficient, it is safe everywhere.

Yang Yang: Actually, I think ... it looks like a health room ...


50. Where did you buy chicken feather clothes?

Five se chicken head: ha! Uncle Ben buys what you like, do you have any opinions?


* Intermission break *

Senior: Sooner or later I will settle accounts with the person who has the problem (anger).

Andre: Rarely we will have a consensus (smile)

Xuan Xuan: Don't be so angry with young people, first sit down and have a cup of tea.

Yang Yang: How many questions are there ...

Xuan Xuan: Then everyone will take a rest and then continue to ask questions.

* After halftime *

Mo Xuan: Then there are fifty questions left.

Everyone: (Deadly)

Xuan Xuan: Dry hemp, dry hemp, who is going to die?

Dean: We are seriously thinking about whether the curse will kill the questioner.

Yang Yang: Not so good ... Many of them are godmothers and dads ...

Dean: Hey!

Saita: I don't know if we can ask us these questions next time (smile)

Mo Xuan: (Surprised) Then, let's hurry up with the following questions!


51. If there is a chance, will Ryan turn the whole world into a rice ball kingdom?

Ryan: Um ... if there is a chance ...

Chitose: I beg you not to think seriously!


52. Will the person cry when the bell is not cut?

Anin: As far as the structure is concerned, he is a liquid-free creature, which basically should not cry.


53. Where did the surfing version go later?

Dean: I am still waiting for someone to call for use.

Yang Yang: Hey? Which miles! ?

Senior: Wherever you get it!

Yang Yang: (Originally the surfing version lives in the soil ...)


54. Will anyone be sad if no one can watch it?

Dean: According to Zhong's answer, he will continue to show others.

Yang Yang: I don't think anyone will go to see it ... unless it is unknown, such as me.

Ledo: I have also seen ...

Five se chicken head: People will just know the action.

Yang Yang: (Wipe tears in the corner)


55, Yang Yang's impression of wearing uniforms (also see other robes)?

Yang Yang: Others are so handsome to wear!

Dean: You should ask yourself this question.

Yang Yang: I don't seem to wear it that well ...

Meow: Yang Yang is also very handsome to wear.

Yang Yang: Really, really (moved)


56. Does that mean that the clock has passed Central Standard Time? Is it accurate? ) ← Because no one has paid attention ~ 噗嗤

An Yin: According to this question, I can answer on behalf of the administrative department. That clock is basically standard time, and it will show different time in different places depending on the needs of students.

Yang Yang: There is such a god!

Senior: If you are brave enough to see it, it will be so god.

Yang Yang: ...


57. Who is hiding yellow books in the room (hello)

Dean: Who asked this garbage question! ?

Moderator b: Ahaha (dry laugh), but everyone is more curious about adolescent boys ... (cold sweat)

Meow: (raise your hand) Meow.

Everyone: (all surprised)

Meow: There are books with the cover of Huang Se, but they are not hidden ... 唔 ...

Geng: (covering Miao Miao's mouth) Please continue.


58, \ "Please ask everyone to answer their favorite type of a film \" (being beaten to death)

Everyone: ...

Moderator b: For the safety of the audience and the questioners, we quickly jump to the next question (flash far)


59. Is it as dangerous to go in as a library?

Lili: There are shortcuts when going out of the library. You can use the simple law array behind the tree of wisdom to go straight to the entrance (laugh)


60. What brand of bath milk do you use?

Ledo: Even if we said it, did anyone really understand (question)

Moderator b: Yes, this is not the same as the original world language. What is the meaning of a translation?

Yaduo: Everything is made of nature.

Europa: Luluco made by water spirit.

Moderator b: (What brand is that bb)


61. Whose leg is the longest?

Yang Yang: Seems to be a class guide, right? (Class guide is very high)

Dean: ... Till?

Assistant Director: grow up! Don't bother using such uncertain tone.

Meow: Gengeng's legs are also very long.

Bichen: You are all wrong! The longest Gylord!

Dean: What are you going to fight for?


62.Who has the shortest leg?

Kiosk: Me! (Raise hand)

Yang Yang: It seems that the ghost baby is not long ...

Hitomi: (Dead light stares over) My body is longer than you!

Dean: Isn't it wedge?

Yang Yang: Hey? Who?

Dean: The village head of Guangying Village.

Yang Yang: Ah! That is indeed. (Wedge is a rabbit)

Wedge: Don't just say bad things about others!


63. The weirdest gift a senior has received?

Dean: Do your shit!

Xia Su: He gave me a love letter about a time ago and said he couldn't understand.

Dean: Who knows the love letter! Especially there is a bundle of hemp rope inside!

Xia Sui: It says clearly that I want to love you with you, right?

Dean: Huh!

An Yin: In the end, it was found out that it was sent by a person outside the school. The other party was a married woman. She had already made up her mind that love would not be accepted by the world, so she asked him to die.

Xia Sui: Later he wrote back and attached the curse to the other side to die.

Yang Yang: (You guys are really a group of evil people


64. Do you still see colorful brushes on your head after the chicken hair turns?

Five se chicken head: can't see.


65. What kind of food do you like to eat (Western Chinese or Chinese snacks)?

Yang Yang: Ah, I like snacks. A tiramisu eaten in Taipei before, but our restaurant seems to be in Hualien.

Meow meow: Meow meow also likes snacks, but meow meow as long as it is delicious.

Ryan: Onigiri.

Chitose: Willow leaf cake, made by my mother-in-law.

Dean: I don't particularly like anything.

Xia Sui: I prefer pastries and can be served with tea.

Xiaoting: Xiaoting likes to eat everything > v <

Randall: Western food.

Lei Duo: Most of us eat more Western food, but we also like Chinese food. The last Yang Yang performance was also very good.

Yang Yang: That's not a performance ...

Yaduo: Seafood.

Edo: Western food is more preferred.

Anin: As long as the food is not wasted.

Five se chicken head: life is all about meat!


66. The most wanted person before Yang Yang's exam (help him)

Yang Yang: An Yin (tears)

Anin: It ’s really my pleasure (smile)


67. Cat feed used by Meow Meow?

Meow: Suya likes to eat outside


68. What do school administrators usually do?

Emperor: handle all matters related to the school building, such as damage, renovation and enchantment.

After: We have different positions. Like me, I specialize in external affairs (negotiation of goods in and out, school building borrowing of buildings, etc.), and ministers handle internal affairs (internal rectification, etc.).

Emperor: I am responsible for the integration of the other two.


69. How many feeds does Elvis eat in a day?

Meow: Suya eats out by herself, so Meow does n’t know much


70. How many uniforms are they wearing?

Dean: Basically, the people in the school don't wear uniforms, most of them have only one set.

Eurolo: But I need to wear it on formal occasions, like I would order two sets from the school, because I have a large amount and need to go in and out of the student union.

Yang Yang: Well, I originally received a set of summer and winter ...

Chitose: Uniforms can be re-subscribed with schools, and only pay basic salaries, which is very cheap.

Yang Yang: Really! (I plan to order a few sets as preparation)


71. Who and what are Leiduo most afraid of?

Ledo: Most afraid of Edoardo, they are angry and injured.


72.Have you ever caught a cold (except Yang)

Chitose: Probably as long as it is human.

Five se chicken head: ha ha ha ha! Uncle Ben! You broken kids! !!

Chitose: Haven't you heard that stupid person won't get sick (push glasses)

Five se chicken head: You have to show me a look!

(Everyone ignores both of them)

Ryan: Several times as a kid.

Xia Sui: I miss it so many times, but sometimes I have a cold for a short time because of physical weakness.

Assistant Chief: Drinking a cold medicine will be fine!

Dean: Are you invincible when we are! ? It's time to get sick!

Xiaoting: Can I eat a cold?

Xia Sui: No (smile)

Randall: I really haven't had a cold.

Yang Yang: (because you are not human ...)


73.Who is most afraid of ghosts (except Yang) ← Hey!

Everyone: No one is afraid.

Yang Yang: (squatting in the corner and wiping tears)


74. Who loves ghost fire most?

Jiulan: I (very simply)

Yang Yang: Oh! ?

Jiulan: This means there are dead bodies nearby waiting to be found.

Yang Yang: (cold sweat)


75. Have you ever been cyanotic?

Everyone: (Mute ...)


76. Faculty favorite?

Dean: Do your shit!


77.What to do if my pants are broken on the road (killed by everyone)

Yang Yang: Let's go home and talk ...

Dean: Find a place to buy one! stupid!

Meow: You can also cover it with a coat ~

Five se chicken head: kill the people you see!

Moderator b: Please note that this is a wrong demonstration.


78. Does Yang Yang feel peeking while bathing?

Yang Yang: It ’s a good place to borrow from the senior ...

Dean: Nonsense! Don't compare my place to a messy place!


79. What condition does Yado hate most?

Yaduo: He didn't hurt himself, but he kept spraying.

Ledo: Wait, brother, do you often do this too!

Yaduo: Huh.

Lei Duo: Huh, huh, that's what it is.


80. How did Ido feel about Ledo's temple?

Ido: It's really hard, it's beautifully built (smile)


81. What if no one has been found in the unknown place of the dead school?

Assistant Chief: Then rest in peace, classmate.

Anin: Basically the person in our administrative unit responsible for campus security will not let this happen.

Nu Lei Li: Right, as long as there is a situation, we will go to help immediately (laughs)


82. What do school administrators usually do?

Anin: All are dealing with school affairs, like I am just sorting out the daily essentials.

Nu Leli: We are in charge of security patrols. We will proceed as soon as possible.

Emperor: Handle school-related aspects.

Saita: Handle dormitory related matters, in addition to the school, there are accommodations to be arranged when foreign students come to practice.

Class guide: teach!

Shakas: Calculate the school costs. In addition, because of the cooperative relationship with the guild, I also work as a school robe staff and expenses.


83. What is the favorite corpse status of everyone?

Jiulan: Each body will have a different state of beauty ...

Yang Yang: No one except him should like the corpse state (shake)


84. What do cactuses do best?

Jiulan: Dig the beauty of every sentence.

Five se chicken head: bone picking.

Jiulan: Brother Xirui, you are really rude.


85. Has anyone committed suicide because he can't bear college life?

Anin: Usually such students will arrange for forced withdrawal.

Yang Yang: That's 啰 (trembling)

Anin: Of course it will. After all, the pressure in each school is different. We should not be the first.


86. Cactus' favorite corpse type?

Jiulan: Please scroll up to eighty-three questions.


87. What is Andy's favorite clothes?

Andre: Textured clothes.


88. Oh, is there any way to succeed in the college?

Assistant Chief: Yes, you can die without saving him.


89. Where can I buy the Qian Dongshou mask?

Chitose: This is handmade outside without pushing glasses

Yang Yang: Hey? handmade?

Chitose: Yes, because you need to join in the production process, you have to do it manually.

Yang Yang: So it is.


90. Is there any abnormality in our school?

Dean: (sneer) There are perverts everywhere!

Yang Yang: I'm not ... (tears)


91. Where do the auxiliary classes usually hide? (Or should I ask where is the classroom?)

Chitose: The auxiliary class also refers to the intelligence class. Because we support it afterwards, many people also call it the auxiliary class; the official name registered in the guild is the intelligence class. We usually live and work with ordinary people, and we will dispatch when necessary.


92. Has Xia Su been mistakenly recognized as a national technician?

Xia Sui: What is that (smile)


93. Please vote for the most abnormal person?

Dean: ... Till.

Assistant Chief: Why is it that I'm open!

Senior: Because you are abnormal.

Five se chicken head: the third child is not much better.

Jiulan: Called the third brother! Rude!

Yang Yang: (Actually, I think both of the above are abnormal)


94. What to do when I can't sleep?

Yang Yang: Let's play electric or read a book ...

Meow: Play with Suya.

Chitose: Look at the information.

G: Listen to the radio.

Lane: Dazed.

Saita: Chat with the atmospheric elves.

Anin: Do your prayers.

Senior ~ ~ Xia Sui: Go outside and take in fresh air.

Five se chicken head: Why can't you fall asleep! ?

Chitose: I really envy the stupid person.

Jiulan: Dating with corpses (laughs)

Edo: Go to the temple.

Yaduo: Go out for a walk.

Ledo: Make some art.

Randall: Hunting!

Nile: ...


95. Does anyone like to use sports equipment or are good at "normal" sports?

Yang Yang: I guess it's all track and field ... (everyone runs fast)


96. Dozing off in class will wake up after being woke up by a teacher (classmate) ... ?

Five se chicken head: kill him!

Moderator b: This is a wrong demonstration. Good boys, please don't study.


97. Has Andel considered learning to dye chicken heads?

Andel: No.


98. Teacher qualifications?

Class guide: Exam, you can pass it.


99. Please tell us what you think of your clothes?

Chitose: I don't particularly think about it, it's almost the same anyway.

Yang Yang: Don't you think it's conspicuous ... Yan se ...

Chitose: Will it?


100, please give me another hundred questions?

Dean: Let's die!


Xuan: Hard work for everyone.

Saita: We sincerely think we should ask questions next time (smile)

Questioners: (cold sweat)

Yang Yang: But it is very surprising that everyone often cannot sleep

Dean: Nonsense!

Jiulan: Really, why do I have so many questions this time? (Flipping the information book)

Yang Yang: There are a lot of students ...

Xia Sui: But I didn't answer well (laughs)

Dean: Please answer well!

Xuan Xuan: But this time is really hard for everyone, let's see you next time v v <

Dean: No next time! Huh! !!

Moderator b: So as usual ... the whole atmosphere ended in a very pleasant atmosphere ... (pretending that I didn't hear the roar and sorrow behind)

* Thank you for watching! !! Note: The viewing conditions of this symposium are that you must have read Chapter 12 before you can fully understand it. !! !!

(Flipping the table)

Sai Tower: It would be a bad sign to turn the table before the opening (smile)

Dean: I want to pinch people who have strange problems! (Qing Jin)

Yang Yang: Actually, I think the most terrible thing is that the last 50 questions are not the first 50 questions ...

(The crowd looked at the list of 100 questions very silently)

Moderator b: Welcome everyone to come to our interview tea party (cold sweat) again when the weather is so good today. The interview system is a bit different. The top 50 topics are on demand by the audience ... so please do n’t kill the audience. The last 50 questions are usually asked by relatives, godmothers, and related people.

Ming Yan: There is a list of readers for each question on the Internet (carefully insert a sentence)

Dean: Is that so?

Yang Yang: Senior! Do n’t be intimidated by the audience)

Dean: Huh.

Xia Sui: This time I brought some dim sum snacks, everyone can answer slowly.

(Host B is completely ignored).

Moderator b: So, then we will start the third interview..k. Please pay attention to friends who have on-demand questions, because this time someone has the wrong format or has asked more than two limited questions, so the excess will be cut off. Let me explain first.

Top 50 questions on-demand visitors: Xiaohonghua, Ayi, Dragon Night, Yuhan, Yushu, Amy, Gongyu, Yushu, Zhier, Xuan, Yuyang, Min, Xiaoyu, vivi, destroy Star, cause and effect, tangyue, self-will, a floating, night owl, prime butterfly, snow name, nai, xiao li, gogo, lotus mist, purple kite, purple, chelsea, joe, cloth robe, yu di Ruoyou, Xiaopang (according to the random number, no stroke)


1. I heard that the senior could hear what Yang Yang thought, and I was curious whether he could hear Yang Yang's sentence or only Yang Yang's voice ... ?

Dean: Only my voice! (Unpleasant) If everything could be heard clearly, I would rather die.

Yang Yang: I'm really sorry that my thoughts make you want to die ... I have said don't listen ... (whispering)


2. How about Xia Su's cooking? (I hope to be answered by a responder other than Xiaoting, because Xiaoting feels delicious ...)

Xiaoting: But the owner ’s stuff is really delicious (innocent)

Yang Yang: I had eaten during the barbecue meeting, it was very good! * V *!

Dean: Not bad.

Xia Sui: I have learned from the housekeeper, it should not be too strange (smile)

Assistant Chief: When he was out on a field mission, it was all he had done, because His Royal Highness Bingyan didn't want to do anything.

Dean: Huh, you ca n’t be better (sneer)

Moderator b: It seems that people who have eaten have good reviews (envy)


3. What kind of person is Yang Yang in everyone's eyes?

Dean: It's an idiot! !!

Yang Yang: Seniors, you do n’t have to answer so fast (wounded)

Meow: Yang Yang is a good person ~

Chitose: Wonderful person, but easy to get along with.

Ryan: I know rice **** are good people.

Five se chicken head: He is a good partner of this uncle walking the rivers and lakes!

Yang Yang: Didn't you say you were a knife before? Why do you want a partner?

Xia Sui: Very interesting student.

Sai Tower: A new generation of life full of hope and future.

Underworld: Sweets trash can.

Minas: Owner to be strengthened.

Class guide: students.

Moderator b: (Is this nonsense?)

Anin: A junior who is serious in school.

Lilia: It's ugly, but ... it's actually nice ... don't say I said it! !! (Rub out the answer sheet immediately)

Yang Yang: (Sorry I have heard it all)

Andel: Those who are currently waiting.

Dean: Don't use misleading words!

Andy: You too (smile)

Dean: Let's die!


4. Do the puppets in the toilets of Yangyang usually enjoy pastimes? (For example: hang out with a doll from another room?)

Yang Yang: I don't want to know what pastime it is.

Dean: Basically, the puppets cannot leave the room. There is one in each room, and there is no way to walk in.

Saita: Actually dolls are usually just ... (covered mouth)

Yang Yang: Please do n’t say it! I do not want to know! !!


5. So far, who is dissatisfied with their playing style (or not yet playing)?

Yang Yang: Me! I want to be very handsome too! !!

Dean: Impossible (half second)

Five se chicken head: This uncle should be more handsome to play! There must be a ten-member orchestra in the background to praise Uncle Ben!

Chitose: Ten people will send you out.

Five se chicken head: Do you want to fight?

Chitose: Humming

Moderator b: No one seems to be particularly dissatisfied.


6. If you get to the original world, what do you want to do most?

Assistant Chief: It doesn't matter what you want to do. Everyone usually comes and goes in the original world.

Meow: Let's go shopping

Yang Yang: Return immediately to my warm home.

Ryan: Visit all onigiri shops.

Edo: Visit the fellows in the original world.

Ledo: Find favorite artwork!

Yaduo: Stop Ledo from buying garbage.

Andy: Have a cup of coffee.

Yang Yang: You do n’t have such a sense of truth when you say this ... (fear)

Andel: Hehe.


7. How many times did the senior have been confessed after entering the school? Please state separately how many times each man and woman occupy.

Dean: Who will remember that kind of thing! (捶 table)

Xia Su: He should have forgotten it (smile)


8. Is the senior's mind reading aimed at Yang Yang alone? (Otherwise, I think the five-head chicken head should also be flattened very often)

Dean: Yes! I don't want to know what the second idiot is thinking!

Yang Yang: They all say they don't need to listen ...


9. Who likes to stay in the same place as me?

Xia Su: With Bingyan, it was a pleasure to study the technique together, after all, he knew a lot.

Yang Yang: The senior can at least guarantee the safety of life.

Dean: I like to be alone (Leng Hu)

Anin: Let's talk about the tower. It's a good time to chat and we can learn from each other.

Assistant Chief: I like pretty people as long as they are beautiful.

Ryan: Onigiri.

Chitose: Rice **** are not humans! (Push glasses)

Edo: I like my brothers to get together.

Ledo: Edo and Yado.

Yaduo: Edo ... Ledo is fine when he is not bothered.

Sai Tower: Atmospheric Elf Elemental Elf or other elf friends, it will be very pleasant to talk.

Eurolo: Teacher, he's fun.

Class guide: Little monitor, I want to win back!

Five se chicken head: Yang ~

Randall: Nile, it's easy for him to know what I want, he will prepare in advance, and it will be pleasant and not troublesome to get along.

Xiaoting: Xiaoting likes the owner most!


10, do seniors prefer Ba people or tadpoles? (Look at a lot of Taba & Aura ...)

Dean: I don't like it!

Yang Yang: But it hits me very well (tears) Who is mysterious

Dean: That's why you are under-represented.


11. What do the seniors think is the most unlucky thing so far?

Dean: Be a facilitator.

Yang Yang: I'm so sorry!


12. If one of Aldoredo's spouse is married, what is the reaction of the other? xd (If Edo is the elder brother, it is OK to answer ~~> v <)

Yaduo: Nothing special.

Lei Duo: Yeah, not to kill.

Edo: The two of them only share the same injury ... Usually they can feel the mood of each other slightly. So I think ... shouldn't be very sharp ... keke, I know all the way.


13. Please introduce the beautiful and violent Lord Anin to the angel of wood ~~

Anin: It is the angelic family of plants. (Very simple and neat answer)


14. In the fifth episode, did you sing the song, did the seniors see He Zheng and they were upset before they went to sing together? Or is it pure mood?

Dean: Pure mood.

Yang Yang: I think so too ...


15. What is the most or the most difficult to deal with in the current foreign compensation? Whose masterpiece?

Chakas: The most difficult thing to deal with is Bing Yan and the class guide. Their destroyed items can be tied for first. The guide who pays the most should be the class guide. He never particularly avoids the monuments. Bingyan will also avoid it a little (just a little!) Fortunately, the class guide is no longer out of task.

Class guide: It's not my fault to build there!

Sharcas: But you want to flash!

Class guide: He doesn't flash, why should I flash!


16. May I ask, what is the biggest trouble that you can't see with your eyes?

Emperor: Actually it won't cause trouble. I am very familiar with this world.


17. Maybe the senior ~ Do you think that Yang Yang has other advantages and disadvantages besides the serious lack of imagination?

Dean: ... (Long thought)

Yang Yang: It's not that hard to imagine!

Senior: The disadvantage is a fool, the advantage is that he is a good person.

Yang Yang: (silent)


18. What are the most incompatible things in this world?

Yang Yang: I cannot adapt to everything in this world (stomach pain)


19. Excuse me, it seems that Seita and Anin have known each other for a long time and have good feelings. Is it because they often have afternoon tea and chat together?

Anin: We knew each other when we entered the college, because they were all administrative staff.

Saita: I sincerely admire the knowledge of angels.

Anin: It's comfortable to chat with him, so I'll have tea or dinner together when I have time.

Saita: Anin is a good talking partner (smile)


20. Excuse me, the school seems to move the school gate. What places have it been easy to cause trouble?

Yang Yang: Putting on the locomotive is enough to disturb! !!

Senior: I heard that it was placed in the middle of the Grand Canyon before. When jumping, you should jump in the right direction and be careful to be swept away by the wind.

Yang Yang: (shocked)

Meow: There will be no trouble (naive)


21. Is n’t Anin genderless ... If he comes to the toilet to go to the toilet, is he going to the men ’s or women ’s toilet? Or does the angel not go to the toilet?

Anin: I won't go to the toilet in the original world.


22. How does Xuanxuan feel about the children he gave birth to?

Axuan: I want to protest! Who asked you to ask me! !!

Dean: This is called being hit by a big wave when watching a good show (<-seems very cool)

Xia Su: We also want to know (laughs)

Axuan: ... Since I have them, I usually only sleep for three or four hours a day, sometimes I have n’t slept yet, killing a group of children who are mental and healthy.

Yang Yang: It's really hard ...


23. Excuse me, in general, how do school directors set up the college? (ex. Find what's inside, where it's inside, etc.)

Mirror: Find a favorite open space and cover it. When you see something you like, move it in, probably like this (laughs)


24. Would you like to ask Minas, the godmother and godmother, what do you usually do to pass the time in martial arts soybeans?

Minas: Meditate to improve one's ability, or to connect with outside knowledge through old man to learn by the way.

Ryan: Most of the martial arts weapons will sleep and rest, but some will take the course during class.

Minas: That's almost it (laughs)


25. The first meeting between the senior and Xia Su? In fact, how did you become a partner?

Dean: Even when I met him on the road, I saw him pleasing to the eye. Later, he asked me if I wanted to be a partner.

Xia Sui: It seems that's right.

Yang Yang: It ’s really peaceful ...


26. How can everyone sing the songs of the original world? Where did you practice?

Yang Yang: No city, it seems that Edo can't sing.

Ido: I'm so sorry ...

Ledo: Occasionally I will hear some when going on missions.

Geng: Listening to Radio and Recording (<-Former World People)

Senior: I listen to it occasionally.

Xia Sui: I've remembered it.

Chitose: As an intelligence class, it is too miserable not to even know this.

Five se chicken head: This is a must-have in life! 


27. How do the seniors feel about the three founders? Can you elaborate?

Dean: Bad, trouble, respect.

Jing: Do you feel bad about me! !!

Dean: Slightly.

Jing: You only respect your master ... (Leng Hu)

Moderator b: Hmm ... sorry, please elaborate.

Dean; I have detailed enough!


28. Ledo thinks that the five-seed chicken head is a work of art. What does Edo and Yado think are art?

Edo: Naturally you can create a lot of art, usually I don't try to force it.

Yaduo: Normally beautiful things.

Ledo: Huh! You have no art taste!

Yaduo: (ignoring it)


29. In the eyes of Chu Mingyu?

Ming Yan: Really not afraid of death.

Yang Yang: Will the people mixed with me not die?


30. Did Sister Geng deliberately want to disguste everyone when playing dark dot songs in KTV?

Geng: I must clarify that everything is God's providence. I have no hobbies for the whole person.

Everyone: (very doubtful)


31. Does Bingyan have other favorite drinks besides honey soy milk?

Senior: Let's boil water, or elf drinks.


32. Has Edo tried to explode?

Ledo: He often blasts us.

Edo: (smile) As long as you don't lie or hurt yourself.


33. What is the function of the doll in the black room? (Actually want to ask if they are carnivorous?)

Saita: It is taking care of the room, not carnivorous.


34. Where did the doll in the senior's room hide?

Dean: (sneer) Hiding somewhere I can't see.

Yang Yang: (The doll also knows to save your life ...)


35. What kind of people are Bing Yan and Xia Sui in Yang Yang's eyes?

Yang Yang: Actually, the senior and Xia Su are both good people, but the seniors don't often overhear me and talk to me a little bit ... it should be better ... (whispering)


36. Would it really be cursed if I dropped out halfway? What is the specific content of the curse? (Persons other than the senior are asked to answer == the senior is incomprehensible.)

Anin: If it is not an accidental withdrawal from school, but a willful departure, it will indeed be cursed. Generally speaking, it will be a bit unlucky. If it is the original world, it will erase some important memories slightly.


37. If Nile is injured, what action will Lord Earl take?

Randall: Tell him to fight back. If he can't, I'll fight back, double (smile)


38. Who has the longest hair?

Anin: Saita or Emperor.

Saita: It seems that the college is emperor. I have trimmed it before. After all, it must not be too long to handle affairs.

After: It should be Emperor.

Yang Yang: I thought it was Anin, but Emperor is relatively long.

Dean: ...

Xia Su: As far as I know in the school, it should be Emperor.


39. "Encountered questions from people like Xuanda" Who runs the fastest?

Yang Yang: Senior!

Xia Sui: Bingyan, although it is not fast, he will refuse to answer.

Dean: What are you doing (anger)


40. The kiosk and five-seed chicken heads eat, who is the fastest in sweeping leaves?

Xiaoting: Xiaoting will not lose!

Five se chicken head: Don't compare me with an alien snake that will crack the mouth to swallow elephants!


41. If Yang Yang can remove what is in the black hall most? (You have to run 100 meters in and out every day ...)

Yang Yang: Can I just say that I just demolished and built a normal house?


42. Are seniors and assistants good friends?

Deputy Chief: It's true.

Dean: He doesn't want to be an idiot, he is a good partner.


43. Feeling forgotten by Yang Yang?

Ran: (smile)


44. Outside of the first episode, I was described as innocent (as if there were 4 times). What do you think of I & Yang?

Yang Yang: Goosebumps all over the body.

Underworld: That is an indelible fact.


45. If Yang Yang and Xi Rui are locked in a room ... what will happen?

Yang Yang: I will be noisy!

Five se chicken head: find something interesting to do ~

Yang Yang: Usually, what he finds interesting makes me want to hit a wall to commit suicide.


46. ​​How far is the effective range that seniors can hear the voices of others and how effective is it?

Dean: I can't hear anyone, so there is no answer.

Yang Yang: The senior seems to only hear me.


47. For Yang Yang, who are you currently reassuring (or someone who feels at ease when you stay nearby)?

Yang Yang: Sai Tower, it's reassuring and comfortable.

Sai: Thank you (smile)


48. What kind of face do you like?

Yang Yang: Blue se or white se.

Dean: No particular preference.

Xia Su: Hmm ... White or black.

Sai Tower: Each face has a different meaning and beauty (smile)

Five se chicken head: The man should have a shiny face!

Ryan: The appearance of rice balls.

Meow Meow: Meow Meow loves cute faces!

Anin: green se, white se.

Chitose: Bai se.

Yaduo: Red se.

Ledo: A lot of faces

Edo: Aqua blue se, or all natural face se.


49. What kind of face do you hate?

Dean: There is no particularly annoying face.

Yang Yang: disgusting face ... like vomit ...

Anin: Distorted face se!

Sai Tower: All faces have their meaning, there is no such thing as dislike.

Randall: Yan Se expired.

Five se chicken head: sissy face se.

Yaduo: A bunch of colorful se.

Lei Duo: Shameless.


50. Have you ever been in love?

Yang Yang: Sorry, no—

* Intermission break *

Xuan Xuan: Everyone is working hard, let's have a cup of tea first.

Yang Yang: I don't know if it's my illusion. Instead, I think the audience is better ...

Dean: Humming

Saita: It's a natural question (laughs)

Chitose: Does it mean we wait to answer unnatural questions (cold)

Moderator b: Because there are questions from the audience this time, the first 50 questions will be posted on the discussion board first, and then the 100 questions will be put into Hu Xuan ’s column. Please go to the next 50 Ask (laughs)

Dean: It doesn't matter if you do n’t read the following 50 questions! (Burn the question)

Moderator b: After the break, please continue to the next fifty questions of our one hundred questions.

Dean: ...

Yang Yang: I really have a feeling that I don't want to go back.

Interviewers with the next 50 questions: Hu Xuan, Yan Li, Shang Keqing, Yayi, Wei, Quiz, Hong Lin


51. Will I use skin care products?

Geng: It will be used, after all, beauty is a girl's nature.

Meow Meow: Sometimes Meow Meow will be used a little bit for missions.

Undergarment: Only for washing face.

Luo Luoyu: Never used it ...

Lilia: I don't need it!

Moderator b: It seems that fairies are born with beauty.


52. Does the senior use shampoo and bleach?

Dean: Drift Your Dead Head #

Yang Yang: I remember as if it was just ordinary shampoo ... (watched in the bathroom)


53. Well, isn't the quality of bleach water bad? Will there be some red?

Dean: Who asked this question! Get out of me (turn the table)


54. Well, does Ryan have any siblings? Then there is no sense ...

Ryan: ... I have siblings.

Chitose: His family is quite normal.


55. Will his parents forget that he gave birth to him?

Ryan: ...

Chitose: He should have never forgotten, his parents are rare people who can find people clearly.

Ryan: ...


56. Are you interested in collecting small things?

Yang Yang: I will collect more beautiful little candy models ... In fact, many of them come with cakes.

Meow: Meow will collect cats.

Geng: I like some small accessories.

Jiulan: The human body.

Yang Yang: That is no longer a small thing (cold sweat)

Ledo: Will collect beautiful art.

Yaduo: Let's draw a book ...

Kiosk: Dim Sum!

Five se chicken head: About the collection of this uncle, it was three days and three nights!

Yangyang: Then don't watch it, thank you.

Xia Sui: Will receive some skills.

Ryan: Onigiri.

Chitose: Books, if it is a small thing.


57. I would like to know what Shuangduo has done that most made Yiduo want to explode?

Lei Duo: It seems that lying or being injured is more likely to explode.

Yaduo: (nodding)

Edo: Of course it will (zheng se)


58. The type of book you read?

Xia Sui: Hmm ... it's more of a skill.

Chitose: Look at everything.

Yaduo: Picture books, there are legends and myths.

Ledo: An illustrated book on art.

Yang Yang: There are many comics.

Jiulan: Corpses.

Yang Yang: Do you have that kind of book (cold sweat)

Geng: Popular books.

Assistant Director: Medical Book.

Edo: It should be a heaven instrument.

Dean: Don't pick, what do you think?

Five se chicken head: magazine.

Sai Tower: Generally I will watch some.

Anin: Spellbooks.


59. Do you have anything to say to Ryan?

Teng Huo: I regret following you! Give me back the gem! !!

Ryan: (deaf)


60. Also, please tell Wuse how many times have been given as gifts ... (He said that feather duster was used as a gift for assassination)?

Five se chicken head: In fact, it seems only a few times, because this uncle does not like to be boxed!

Jiulan: Brother Xirui seems to have been loaded three or four times, and will grow up to resist..k

Five se chicken head: nonsense!


61. What would Ledo want to do if he could visit the feather house?

Ledo: Please benefit!

Five se chicken head: What ghost please!

Ledo: Ask the birthplace of art.

Five se chicken head: you die! (Punch open)


62. Who is the most assassinated by Feather?

Five se chicken head: That smiley neuropathy, seeing him unhappy for a long time.


63. Who is the one who wants to flatten in all corners?

Yang Yang: Five se chicken heads.


64. How did Yell feel for lying in the coffin for thousands of years?

Yerlu: ... (Actually, I have n’t felt it)


65. The senior thinks which ghost king is the most annoying (he knows everything)

Dean: Yelu, only four of him can't communicate with his head with his mouth.

Yang Yang: Oh! ? Senior, do you really know everything?

Dean: It's not what I want to know!

Bichen: Hehehe ... we have a deeper root than the sea.

Dean: Humming


66. Speaking of the resurrection of Yerü, what did Bishin see when he saw the first thing? (Called Hani? Or pulled him to take a shower?)

Bichen: Create a great cause of destruction.


67. Which question do you most want to cut?

Senior: Everyone wants to chop.

Yang Yang: As a result, each of them cannot be cut.


68. What would happen if the feathers were in the same room as Lane?

Five se chicken head: Nothing.

Ryan: (Thinking about what you eat before entering the room)


69. Who is most useful in the kitchen?

Senior: Xia Sui.

Yang Yang: Senior Xia Sui and Yiduo both cook very much, and Meow Meow seems to be the same.

Ledo: I like what Yado cooked with Ido.

Kiosk: Master! Host first!

Five-seed chicken head: Summer broken, but the alley that is called Ran is also very likely to get things when barbecue.

Xia Sui: Remember that Sai Tower seems to be very good in craftsmanship.

Class guide: The little squad leader made the last thing I do n’t know what it was ... (pot when grilling meat), but it can be eaten.

Meow Meow: Gengeng and Eurolo are also very good!

Ryan: Meow.

Chitose: Oh? why! ?

Ryan: She knows how to cook rice balls.

Chitose: ... Yes, she also made the games.

Ain: Seta, he researches some rare foods.

Randall: Nile.

Chakas: The administrative department often eats things from Sytha.

Moderator b: It seems that many of the boys and girls have good cooking skills.


70. How much does it take for Ledo to help me build an old castle?

Ledo: What building materials do you want? How big is the area? What style do you want? What kind of decoration do you want ... (reading non-stop)

Yaduo: The point is whether anyone dares to keep what he covers (cold eye)


71. At what age did you start fighting?

Yang Yang: I haven't had a fight. If it is a mission, it should be the latest thing.

Five se chicken head: three years old.

Jiulan: More than five years old, our family has been learning martial arts for a long time.

Dean: I forgot.

Xia Sui: Do not fight unless necessary, otherwise do not fight.

Chitose: Elementary school, how long have you forgotten.

Ryan: Never beaten

Meow: Meow is not fighting.

Lei Duo: Maybe more than five years old.

Yaduo: I forgot.

Edo: Never played, unless the task is calculated.

Saita: I have no experience in fighting, but is it a war?

Anin: I forgot, I live too long.

Class guide: I forgot.

Moderator b: Most people seem to have forgotten because of time (a group of elderly people)


72. I would like to ask the three masters of the school, how did the food come?

Mirror: School food? It should be provided by a specialized department, which we are not actually doing and it is not clear.


73. Will the school go bankrupt due to rice balls?

Shakas: So far, the school cafeteria has a lot of revenue and expenses. It doesn't matter if you can eat him.


74. How much time will it take for Leiduo's magnificent temple to complete?

Ledo: I didn't cover everything, but it should be done quickly.

Yaduo: No one dares to use it.

Ledo: Hey!

Yaduo: (ignoring it)


75. Ledo can sleep without hug Yado ~~~?

Yaduo: I don't understand what you want to ask.


76. If Lane saw a baby with rice balls, would he take it and chew it?

Lane: If you can eat it, you eat it.


77. Which of them is sleeping or snoring?

Yang Yang: It seems that I have never heard anyone snore.

Xia Sui: Maybe not?

Meow: Never heard of it.

Chitose: No such information.


78. Can mermaids in the fountain catch and eat?

Dean: Do you dare to eat it!


79. Everyone's meal list for school trips?

Ryan: Onigiri.

Chitose: Every time I have a mission with Lane, it must be a rice ball. Long-term tasks will make me nauseous.

Meow Meow: Meow Meow will prepare a lot of food by itself.

Senior: What to eat.

Yang Yang: Did you mean hiking ...? It should be a lot of snacks.

Xia Su: We rarely have hiking here, most of them are students who plan their own trips.

Yang Yang: Is it like this (surprise)

Kiosk: Kiosk will bring a lot of things!

Five se chicken head: with a manly wandering heart!

Yang Yang: That's not something to eat.

Anin: The most effective thing to supplement physical strength.

Randall: Nile.

Nile: ...

Moderator b: (Nile should not be a menu ...)


80. The person or thing you hate to see most after being injured?

Dean: I hate seeing Tyre while heals his wounds!

Assistant Chief: Well, that's a manifestation of love for beautiful things.

Lei Duo: I hate that Yadoo rushed over and told me not to get hurt. As a result, he himself was often injured.

Yado: I don't want to be seen by Edo.

Yang Yang: I hate it the last time ... it was ignored, and then I was sore to death.

Xia Sui: There is nothing particularly taboo.

Chitose: When I was injured, I saw the Ayasu idiot shaking around.

Five se chicken head: young people are so deceptive, hum!

Chitose: Want to fight!

Five se chicken head: Come on! I'm afraid of you!

Meow: I'm going to fight outside (Bang out)

Ryan: The doctor said that he should not eat at all.


81. What do you like to eat?

Ran: General foods are like, there is nothing particularly picky.


82. Does Ryan know anything other than rice **** since Chitose?

Chitose: In fact, he still eats other things, not much.

Ryan: Will eat something else.


83. If the blood flow does not stop, will the Geminis stop bleeding for each other or for themselves?

Yaduo: We all recognize that we stop first.

Lei Duo: Don't worsen yourself? The worse is worse.


84. "Chicken feathers, if one day you are poisonous, you must kiss a snake to live. At this time, there are only two people by your side. One is Leiduo and the other is my aunt. Who will you choose?" Face-hungry middle-aged Obasan who licked his lips 360 degrees desperately put on a lip balm and looked forward)

Five se chicken head: Can Uncle Ben kill the person who asked this question?


85. Where do you hope the school gate will be next semester? (Or where is the least desirable?)

Yang Yang: Hope in normal places (tears)

Dean: It doesn't hurt to go anywhere and don't leave.

Xia Sui: Not much impact.

Meow: All right.

Five se chicken head: at my door!


86. Did Ledo ever dream of feathers?

Lei Duo: I have dreamed of making those face se successfully!

Five se chicken head: neuropathy.


87. Will two or more dreams be connected (although I don't think so)?

Yaduo: Occasionally.

Lei Duo: It should be, I have dreamed of the same thing.


88. Can Andel and Feather become good friends?

Five se chicken head: ha! This uncle claims to walk a river and lake with a knife and not to make friends with people casually!

Andy: He's not the type I need. Who is mysterious


89. Before the senior was 10 years old, was anyone at a glance to see that he was male?

Dean: Let's die!

Sai Tower: You can see it (smile)

Anin: Where can't you see?

Yang Yang: (In fact, it should be difficult to see ...)


90. Those who mistakenly end? (Alive)

Xia Sui: Alive, he doesn't kill.

Dean: (sneer)

Xia Sui: Only repair people (supplement)


91. Can I invite a more daring host?

Moderator b: It's great to have you please! People who have long wanted to get rid of their life threat)

Axuan: We need a host who can play hard, play hard, and not be afraid of death.

Assistant Chief: Simply speaking, life is thick and thick and resistant to killing.

Yang Yang: (The nerve should also be thick ...)


92. Should seniors get up with the clock?

Senior: No.

Yang Yang: Hey? Will you get up naturally?

Xia Sui: He sleeps lightly and will wake up soon.


93. Has anyone asked where the corpses are after the blood of Earl C ...

Randall: I do n’t know either (laughs)

Nile: ... (<-this man is dealing with)


94. Will school homework be done obediently or delayed?

Dean: Is there anything to delay?

Xia Sui: It will be all done that day because we have very little homework.

Yang Yang: Can you write it or finish it early? Otherwise, I don't know if it will happen ...

Chitose: Just write when you think.

Lane: Do it that day.

Five se chicken head: do not pay and will not die.

Randall: Just finish it the day before.

Meow meow: finished that day.


95. What is Randall's entertainment?

Randall: Shopping.

Nile: Bring back the unexpected body and watch me sort it out.


96. I want to know the interest of housekeeper? Is there any interest in bathing the count? !! (Screaming)

Nile: I like to do things, but I have no interest in watching others take a shower.


97. What comic do you like to watch? (Must be stubborn) And say why!

Dean: No special look.

Xia Sui: I prefer to read Shushushu, sorry.

Yang Yang: Anyone who looks good will see it ... The reason is that it looks good ...

Jiulan: If there is a book about corpses, read it.

Chitose: No special interest, anyway, it's all part of the data.

Ryan: Make a comic for rice balls.

Geng: I read some girl comics, but I don't particularly like them.

Meow: Same as Gengeng.


98. Which is Yangyang's favorite manga?

Yang Yang: Hey? Actually, I like a lot of yeah ... like Dr. K, Kaneda and others


99, how old do they not wet the bed! !! !!

Yang Yang: Well, ask my mom about this ...

Dean: I don't know.

Chitose: I don't remember anymore, long ago.

Ryan: No one told me ...

Meow meow: Meow meow can walk but not.

Five se chicken head: This uncle never wets the bed!

Jiulan: Don't you feel guilty of lying? (laugh)


100. Who is the most ugly and how long does it take to go out?

Dean: Chu is the longest person I have ever traveled.

Yang Yang: That was because I forgot to bring winter clothes with me last time ...

Xia Sui: It should have never been encountered, unless something happened temporarily.

Chitose: Ryan, he has been preparing food for a long time.

Ryan: ...

Lei Duo: Yaduo is very curious, and he wants to ask very clearly.

Yaduo: That's because you pick strange places!

Moderator b: In fact, everyone seems to go out quickly.


101. Give me a question 101. The goddess jumps out and asks: Chicken feather, would you like to be my wife? Because your godmother, I need to have a wife or a daughter-in-law to withdraw from the arena. I cannot see you every day. Marry me!

Five se chicken head: Then you don't have to live your life, just die! ——

Yang Yang: Finally all answered (moved)

Anin: It seems that everyone is almost tired (drinking tea)

Saita: Well, I do n’t want to yell at people anymore (drinking tea)

Dean: You two have too few problems to feel tired.

Yang Yang: (sympathy)

Ran: (smile)

Xiaoting: Master, can you finish all the snacks?

Xia Sui: Well, please use it.

(The kiosk starts to clear the table)

Xuan Xuan: So this forum is basically over? Please look forward to the next periodic meeting. Whoever is the one who asks me next time, I will hit you short.

Dean: Basically you are asked if it deserves it!

Meow: Yes, they all ask us that it's not fair.

Xuan Xuan: Don't you know that your mother has immunity.

Dean: I don't know.

Xuan: Anyway, you ca n’t ask me! (Run away)

Moderator b: So, that is the end of the third round of our forum. The opening time next time is still uncertain. If you want to ask questions, please pay more attention to the discussion area. Thank you.

* Thank you for watching *

Edit this paragraph

The unlucky young man Chu Mingyang has been stricken with life since childhood and has been doomed to a miserable life forever since birth. Until his high school joint entrance exam day, his homework was obviously not bad, but on the day of the joint entrance exam, he simply encountered food poisoning and became a sad situation as long as he could fill in the school.

So he turned up the whole school data from the back, avoiding the star high school, and filled in all the schools with strange names at the bottom of the data. When I didn't expect to make a list, I found that there is no such school in this world-other people's information does not have this school, only his own!

I thought it was part of bad luck, but he didn't expect that he actually received the admission notice and a strange mobile phone.

Yang Yang came to the train station according to the route map on the notice sheet. On the train, she met the dean of such a strange school. The dean told him that the way to enter the school was to hit the train! ?

This unknown school is a school full of surreal things. From the running classroom to the freshmen's corpse in the bloodstream outside the health care room, from the first day of the freshman training, Yang Yang first knew the same age, A beautiful girl riding a big cat Meow Meike and a mature female college student Xue Geng. And the deepest student with Yang Yang is not only the black robe with the highest level in this fantasy world, but also can easily hear what Yang Yang thinks ...

From the first day of getting to know the senior, Yang Yang seems to be unable to escape the cruelty of the senior ... the education of love!

Edit this paragraph about atlantis

atlantis College, the largest academy full of resources and teachers.

According to legend, atlantis College started with the hands of three people (that is, the three directors). The school was founded about hundreds of years ago, with the most resources and a large ethnic student group.

Atlantis College was first built with four major elements. Four landscapes were set up in four directions: the white garden of wind, the clear garden of water, the flame of fire, and the last stone garden.

Use these four locations to concentrate the elements and then sign the foundations of the college with the elves, and then start expanding.

Because there is a contract with the elves and the time family, it is not valid to die on campus. As long as you don't die, you can basically resurrect the soul.

Unlike other colleges with their own specialties, atlantis College combines the characteristics of almost all colleges and teaches a variety of skills.

The college is currently divided into several college departments:

Kindergarten Department-Kindergarten equivalent to the original world.

Elementary School-Primary school equivalent to the original world.

Middle School-equivalent to the middle school of the original world.

High School-High school equivalent to the original world.

University Department-equivalent to the universities of the original world.

Joint Research Department-Do you think this is equivalent to a research institute? wrong! The full name of the Joint Research Department is the Joint Research College, where people from universities gather, including teachers. It cooperates with foreign schools every so often and is the most open college department.

There are only three classes in each college department, so there are not many in terms of numbers.

Unlike the conservative Aris College and Qi Ling College, the school style of atlantis college is based on free teaching.

In addition to the alliance with the guilds that have established various robe levels, it also actively promotes all exchanges and development between the Ability Colleges.

In addition, various robe-level teaching classrooms (such as robe-level special studies, etc.) have been set up on campus. In addition to students from their own colleges, other robe-level students from other colleges are also accepted to attend classes.

Because the robe-level special classroom must be recognized by the guild, of all the abilities colleges, only atlantis college has obtained the qualification to set up a special classroom first.

In the school environment, as long as we ignore some strange things, the school environment is quiet and relaxing.

Roughly everything on the campus is filled by people who do n’t know where to introduce it, including buildings.

The administrative department currently manages the campus.

The administrators who manage all school buildings are the emperor, the queen, and the court.

Dormitory administrators are Sai Tower and two others.

There are also some coolies and other personnel who assisted him, which have not yet appeared.

The tutors are almost all people who are full of their expertise. Most of them have robe grades, so they are scattered in the residences of various robe grades, and some live in dormitories provided by the guild.

The college has four gates: East Gate (for kindergarten, elementary school, middle school), West Gate (for high school), and North Gate (for university and joint research).

Because it was said that there were problems when the school was built, there was no South Gate on the campus. After the southern gate was destroyed, the space in the southern position became an endless large open space for classroom walks. At present, no one knows where the open space will extend.

After exiting the gate of the college, there is a space spell, so no matter which door you go to, the right side must pass to the right shopping street and the left side is the left shopping street. Generally, students who want to leave the school will go straight or use a moving array to leave.

When returning from the shopping street, the space spell will automatically identify the college badge on the student and the student's identity and pass the student to the respective campus.

Atlantis College is currently in the highest position of leadership among all faculty colleges. If there is a need in each local college or if you want to joint activities and discussions, they will habitually seek atlantis college for help or ask them to coordinate.

Special environment settings


In addition to the humans known as the original world, as far as we know, there are the Phoenix, Elves, Leprechauns, Beast Kings, Angels, Night Walkers, Ghosts, Monsters, Demons, etc. There are all kinds of monsters, mountain gods, lake gods, cursed living beings and robots.

Other schools

As far as we know, the power world does not end with the existence of atlantis college. There are many other colleges, such as Shiling College, Yaris College, Qi Ya College, Mingfeng College, Evil College, and so on.

Edit the main characters of this paragraph

Chu Mingyang

Weapon: Minas Gallia

Sex: Male

Height (cm): 168

Age: 16

Appearance: Black short hair and black eyes, just like a normal high school boy who just grabbed a lot of people outside.

Character: average teenager. A little timid, not too willing to take the initiative to interact with others.

Likes and dislikes: I like desserts, I hate things that can hurt and point people behind.

Race: Human

College / Class: Atlantis College, high school c. Heir Master Innate Heir

Identity: ordinary person

Bing Yan

Weapon: Withering Clouds

Sex: Male

Height (cm): 175

Age: 17

Appearance: Long silver hair, red hair in front of the left forehead, starting from the waist. Red eyes, white skin, oriental faces, and a very neutral visual system. I usually wear black robes for tasks, and I usually wear ordinary young people (t-shirts + jeans).

Personality: Grumpy, sharp eyes, but a good person with a tofu heart.

Likes and dislikes: likes to sleep and hates trouble.


College / Class: Atlantis College, second grade a high school

Identity: Black Robe

Chu Mingyu

Gender: Female

Height (cm): 175

Age: 18

Appearance: Black eyes, black straight hair, long hair to the waist, cold beauty, dressed in self-style will not follow the trend.

Personality: straightforward and strong.

Likes and dislikes: I like leisurely, shopping for jewelry, and dislike people coming by the roadside.

Race: Human

College / Class: A freshman in a general university. Later appearances are the chairman of the union, and also the heir to the demon's acquired ability.

Identity: The elder sister of the protagonist. The later period is the purple robe.

Bai Lingci

Gender: Female

Height (cm): 165

Age: 43

Appearance: Black-eyed and black-haired, one of the mothers who like to cook. Young is a beauty, and her sister inherited her mother's beauty (the main character does not have it).

Personality: A capable housewife, her husband has been away on business recently.

Dislikes: like kitchen and cooking, hate cockroaches and mice (standard housewives).

Race: Human

College / Class: None

Identity: lead mother

Gender: Female

Height (cm): 170

Age: 18

Appearance: Brown se long hair and black eyes, hair behind shoulders, oriental faces. Will follow the fashion, but pay attention to appearance and matching.

Personality: Gentle elder sister, but sometimes there is an unknown dark side.

Likes and dislikes: likes dressing, clothing and accessories, hates bitter gourd.

Race: Human

College / Class: Atlantis College, Part B, Grade 1.

Identity: Snake Eye

Rollins Till

Sex: Male

Height (cm): 190

Age: 210 years (appearance age 24)

Appearance: Brown se eyes, western faces, brown se dyed long hair puffed up and exploded like a lion's head, and long back hair was decorated with a few strange braids with a few weird decorations. .

Personality: Ingenious and informal, like beautiful things.

Dislikes: like beautiful things, hate ugly things.

Race: Phoenix.

College / Class: Assistant Director, Atlantis College Health Room.

Identity: Medical Class

Rawlins Lynn Sinaia

Gender: Female

Height (cm): 180

Age: 300 years (appearance age 25)

Appearance: golden red se eyes, western faces, golden se long hair with small wavy hair, long hair to the thigh, it seems to be a pretty strong sister.

Personality: It's a bit of a heroic personality. Assistant to the person who is most afraid.

Likes and dislikes: I like to watch videos and hate explanations.

Race: Phoenix.

College / Class: Blue Robe Medical Class, Phoenix Chief (No College)

Identity: Medical Class

Mikoya (Meow)

Weapon: Xi Fei Claw

Mount: Suya

Gender: Female

Height (cm): 163

Age: 16

Appearance: Gold se is slightly curly and semi-long, with hair up to the shoulders, often with hair styles tied on both sides. Dark green se eyes, western faces with a little oriental feel, cute and pleasing girls, like to wear cute clothes.

Personality: It's easy to get along with people. I like seniors, and when Yang Yang is a good friend, I like to play with a large group of people.

Dislikes: like cooking and making friends, and hate people who can't communicate.

Race: Phoenix.

College / Class: Atlantis College, high school c.

Identity: Medical Class

Cynthia Adel

Weapon: Fire Exquisite

Gender: Female

Height (cm): 173

Age: 19 years old

Appearance: Light brown long hair, slightly curly, length to waist. Blue se eyes, Western faces, because of the elven ancestry, it feels a bit illusory and fair-skinned.

Personality: Gentle big sister type.

Dislikes: I like nature and crafts, and I hate pollution.

Race: Elf.

College / Class: The first year of Shiling College.

Identity: white robe.


Sex: Male

Height (cm): 182

Age: 380 years old (appearance age 28 years old)

Appearance: Long hair with light gold se hair ends and slightly curly hair, western faces, blue se eyes and pointed ears, looks a bit like an elf but not.

Personality: It feels quite easy, but it is actually called a traitor.

Likes and dislikes: like to count money, hate no money count.


College / Class: Chief of Accounting atlantis College.

Identity: Accounting Department.

Europa, Sue, Kevin

Gender: Female

Height (cm): 170

Age: 16

Appearance: Brown se eyes and brown se long straight hair, long hair to the hips, western faces, calm girls with a sense of leadership, dressed very stylish.

Personality: Most people in the class are in awe of her.

Likes and dislikes: likes gambling with mentors, is good at business, and hates losing.

Race: Leprechaun.

College / Class: Atlantis College, the first senior high school class c monitor.

Identity: Student Union.

Class guide

Sex: Male

Height (cm): 186

age:? Age (appearance age is 30 years old)

Appearance: Black bald man with tattoos on his head. (This man's appearance has reference to Will Smith, the black actor of mib).

Personality: A teacher with a bad personality, doing things by mood.

Likes and dislikes: I like to gamble with the monitor and lose every time I hate school chores.


College / Class: Atlantis College is a high school first grade class c tutor.

Identity: Black Robe.

Yukino Chitose

Weapon: Breaking Bow

Sex: Male

Height (cm): 172

Age: 16

Appearance: Black short hair and black eyes (which will become purple gold eyes when using the turn spell), oriental faces, and wearing a pair of popular black frame glasses. However, the face after taking off the glasses is exactly the same as Xia Sui's long face.

Personality: Personality is a bit of pride. It is a small library. Born from a place of deities.

Likes and dislikes: likes, remembers things, hates hooligans and chubby, pineapple.

Race: Human

College / Class: Atlantis College, high school c.

Identity: Intelligence class.


Weapon: Winter Falcon

Sex: Male

Height (cm): 180

Age: 17

Appearance: Black long hair, purple eyes, oriental faces, hair that grows to the shoulders and then go down a little bit, usually tied up, and all wearing a white se forbidden mask. The faces are exactly the same as Qian Dongsui, but they are half-brothers.

Personality: Indifferent personality, do not like to talk to people, but is a big brother type. Chitose's brother and senior partner.

Likes and dislikes: likes tea for the elderly, studies spells, and dislikes. (But not on the face).

Race: Human.

College / Class: Atlantis College, second grade a high school.

Identity: Purple Robe.


Gender: Mother

Height (cm): 132

Age:? (Appearance is 11 years old)

Appearance: Black-haired and gold-eyed, with braids on both sides. The real identity is a golden-eyed black snake, an oriental face.

Character: It is a terrifying cursed snake. The owner is Xia Sui, and his character is straightforward and naive.

Dislikes: like food, hate no food.

Race: cursed body.

College / Class: None.

Identity: Curse.

Ryan Skell

Weapons: Boundary Knife, Ascension

Sex: Male

Height (cm): 180

Age: 16 (Appears a bit like 18 or 19 years old.)

Appearance: gray-blue se, half-length hair, blue-blue eyes, hair to shoulders. It feels like a homeless man who doesn't decorate the facade. The clothes are often not sorted like dried pickles. The only complete set of clothes is a white robe with western faces. In addition, his sense of existence is very weak, and it will only give a strong impression after being tied up.

Personality: Although much like a tramp, it is very aggressive when playing. He is known as a master of magic martial arts, because he mainly studies magic martial arts weapons and knows it well.

Dislikes: like rice balls, hate caterpillars.

Race: Human.

College / Class: Atlantis College, high school c.

Identity: white robe.

Desiree Royeah

Sex: Male

Height (cm): 173

Age: 16 (looks like 18 years old)

Appearance: Five-se short hair is erected with hairspray (Yan se often changes), gold-se eyes, Western faces, bad teenagers, dressed like Taiwanese, like Hawaiian shirts and shoes.

Personality: Personality is refreshing and self-centered. Born from an assassination family.

Likes and dislikes: I like drama, eight o'clock, and hate people with stiff faces.

Race: Beast King.

College / Class: Atlantis College, high school c.

Identity: General student.

Rok Royehia

Sex: Male

Height (cm): 175

Age: 20 years old

Appearance: Black se long hair and golden eyes, short black hair, often smiling people. Born to the same parents as Jiulan, the faces of Orientals are somewhat similar. Siray's fourth brother was only half-brother with him.

Personality: Quite hearty and easy to get along with, his mind is good, but sometimes he does not know what he is thinking.

Likes and dislikes: I like to blow hair, and there are beautiful scenes, I hate bad breath.

Race: Beast King (Mixed Phoenix).

College / Class: None.

Identity: None.



Height (cm): 178

age:? Years (appearance age 23 years).

Appearance: Light golden se with long green eyes, long hair to the waist, elven ancestry, so the skin is fair and feels a bit erratic, Western faces have a little oriental flavor.

Personality: A very familiar and steady elf who talks to him will feel relieved.

Likes and Dislikes: Likes everything, there may be nothing to hate.

Race: Elf.

College / Class: Head of dormitory administration atlantis college.

Identity: white robe.


Gender: (Angel has no sex)

Height (cm): 180

Age:? (Appears to be 23 years old).

Appearance: gold se long hair blue se eyes, hair to the thighs, Western faces.

Personality: The personality is quite polarized. One second can be a friend, and the next one is the ultimate type of enemy. Angel of wood.

Dislikes: likes to be kind, helpful, and praying, and hates being provoked.

Race: Angel tribe.

College / Class: Atlantis College administrative staff.

Identity: Black Robe.


Sex: Male

Height (cm): 135

Age:? (Appearance age is 13)

Appearance: black short hair, purple eyes, slightly vertical hair, oriental faces, eyes a bit deep and domineering, the current form is the idea of ​​a wolf god.

Personality: At present, there are children who speak old-fashioned, but in fact, they are big wolf gods, elders of the wolf tribe.

Likes and dislikes: likes to have time to drink tea and hates being asked questions.

Race: Beast King.

College / Class: None.

Identity: Wolf God.

Edo Grando

Weapon: Mirror Back Shield.

Sex: Male

Height (cm): 181

Age: 20 years old

Appearance: Dark blue short hair, long front hair and short back hair, between the faces of Eastern and Westerners. Hazel se eyes, the aristocracy of the Water Fairy tribe, dress a little more carefully, most of them wear visual clothes.

Character: Guardian of Foresight Mirror. Shen Shuqian is a noble but very approachable. Special suppression of two younger brothers.

Likes and dislikes: I like learning and nature, and I hate seeing blood.

Race: Leprechaun.

College / Class: First Grade Light Department of Aris College University.

Identity: white robe.

Aldo Grando

Weapon: Shuiming

Sex: Male

Height (cm): 183

Age: 19 years old

Appearance: dark blue short hair hazel eyes, faces between the East and the West, the twin's brother, and the twin's brother is Ledo. The aristocrats of the Water Fairy tribe are slightly more elaborately dressed, most of them are wearing visual clothes. It becomes red eye when excited.

Personality: I don't like talking, I always have a face, but it is actually a good person.

Dislikes: likes killing and **** people, hates bullying brothers.

Race: Leprechaun.

College / Class: First Grade Film Department of Aris College University.

Identity: white robe.

Ledo Grando

Weapon: Thunder King

Sex: Male

Height (cm): 183

Age: 19 years old

Appearance: Dark blue short hair hazel eyes, faces between Easterners and Westerners, twin brother, and twin brother Yaduo. The aristocrats of the Water Fairy tribe are slightly more elaborately dressed, most of them are wearing visual clothes. It becomes red eye when excited.

Personality: Like a neurosis, he laughs every day and is very adventurous. He often pulls twin brothers into trouble.

Likes and dislikes: like strange artworks (such as chicken feathers), hate crickets.

Race: Leprechaun.

College / Class: First Grade Film Department of Aris College University.

Identity: white robe.

Missia.d. Randall

Sex: Male

Height (cm): 185

Age: 19 (but looks a bit like 22)

Appearance: flaxse, short hair, blue-purple eyes, pale skin, western faces, and nobility among night walkers. When excited, the eyes will become blood red se, and short hair will instantly become bursty hair. It usually feels a bit cold and hard to approach, but it is actually a good person.

Personality: Very graceful and completely vampire aristocracy. However, it will become violent in the battle. It is an earl.

Likes and dislikes: I like the pure and natural beauty of young girls or young boys, and I hate missionaries.

Race: Nocturnal race.

College / Class: Atlantis College.

Identity: Black Robe.


Sex: Male

Height (cm): 183

Age: 24 years old

Appearance: Gold se shoulder hair and blue eyes in the sky, Western faces. They were all dressed as formal housekeepers (mostly in suits), and after being animalized, they were white werewolves with gold.

Personality: Be elegant and courteous. He knows a lot about Randall's personal butler and housekeeper. Werewolves are as beastly as Desiree.

Dislikes: likes to do things and develop things, and hates clutter.

Race: Beast King.

College / Class: None.

Identity: Explorer.


Sex: Male

Height (cm): 185

Age:? (Appearance is 25 years old)

Appearance: The dark blue se has long hair to the waist and golden blue se eyes. The appearance is a bit cold. The face between the eastern and westerners is well-dressed.

Personality: At present, it is the first master of Bi Shen's evil ghost king. Previously, the first master of Yelu ghost king, his identity is unknown.

Likes and dislikes: likes willful behavior, do whatever you think, hates being disturbed.

Race: Ghost race.

College / Class: None.

Identity: Used to be a double robe.

Bai Lingran

Sex: Male

Height (cm): 175

Age: 18 years old.

Appearance: Brown se eyes, brown se, long hair, hair behind shoulders.

Personality: Not very casual with people, only interact with people who are interested.

Dislikes: I like egg yolks and hate things.

Race: Human. Heir to the memory of the demon division.

College / Class: The first year of Shiling College.



Sex: Male

Height (cm): 180

Age: 23 years old.

Appearance: Long black hair and golden eyes, the appearance is that the fringe covers the face, and there are thick glasses on the outside to cover the hair. After finishing, the faces of the Oriental people, with slender eyes, give people a somewhat gloomy face.

Personality: Si Rui's third brother, but the two are half-same. Personality is a bit sinister.

Dislikes: like corpses, hate corpses becoming **.

Race: Beast King (Mixed Phoenix).

College / Class: None.

Identity: black robe, blue robe (double robe class).

Lilia Henderson

Gender: Female

Height (cm): 165

Age: 16 years old.

Appearance: Girl with brown hair and blue eyes tied on both sides, a little girl with a sharp head. It's a bit like a half-breed. Although she has a sense of pride, she is cute.

Personality: Take pride in your own family, because you have a good background, you have an arrogant personality, but it is not a bad person.

Likes and dislikes: I like cute trinkets and hate troublesome things.

Race: Human.

College / Class: Atlantis College High School Part B.

Identity: white robe.

Huodi Sinderson

Sex: Male

Height (cm): 186

Age: 27 years old.

Appearance: silver gray se short hair blue eyes, with a lonely and cold personality, with serious racial discrimination.

Personality: Has a high sense of honor, does not like to deal with others casually, is the long prince of Qiou fairy.

Likes and dislikes: likes noble affairs, hates ordinary race.

Race: Qiu Fairy.

College / Class: None.

Identity: Black Robe.


Gender: Female

Height (cm): 176

Age:? (Appearance at the age of 23)

Appearance: The beautiful red-haired sister, the face of the Westerners has the perfect figure with the envy of women. Behind him is a demon tail (I like it so I don't hide it, it seems that there are demon horns and black wings.)

Personality: It is a family of demons who like to play with people's hearts. It has an elusive personality and likes to understand people's fears.

Likes and dislikes: likes fear and dislikes things that are too clean.

Race: Demon race.

College / Class: Head of campus security at atlantis college administration.

Identity: Black Robe.


Sex: Male

Height (cm): 180

Age:? (Appearance at the age of 27)

Appearance: Black se hair with silver se hair, usually braided, scar on the left eye (closed eyes), black eyes. The eastern face gives the first impression of a martial art master.

Personality: Mature and stable, with a personality that landslides ahead without changing the face. After understanding, you will find that people are very easy going.

Likes and dislikes: likes to meditate and hate evil in the world.

Race: Fairy.

College / Class: Atlantis College special course instructor lecturer.

Identity: Black Robe.

Sex: Male

Height (cm): 182

Age:? (Appearance at the age of 20)

Appearance: Silver purple se eyes with straight long hair and purple se, but have been attacked so blind, have oriental faces and give a gentle and comfortable feeling.

Personality: A person who is a bit erratic in his personality, and everything is natural. The physical spirit of the Elven Stone Blade.

Likes and dislikes: likes to walk, hates noisy.

Race: Materialized Spirit (Ninety-nine Gods)

College / Class: Head of School Building, Atlantis College

Identity: None.

Gender: Female

Height (cm): 165

Age:? (Appearance is 17 at the time of appearance)

Appearance: Green se long hair, straight up and straight down, green se eyes, oriental face. Dressed in a small Gothic dress, you will look at the mood.

Personality: Although gentle in character, strong at work is not concealed at all, and communication skills are quite strong. The materialized spirit body of the elven stone.

Likes and dislikes: People who like to dress up and listen to music, hate slippery.

Race: materialized spirit (ninety-nine gods)

College / Class: Head of School Building (External Affairs Administration) of the Atlantis College Administration Department.

Identity: None.

Sex: Male

Height (cm): 160

Age:? (Appearance at the age of 15)

Appearance: brown se short hair amber se eyes, oriental face. The dress is a bit strong and neat, and most of them are wearing simple clothes, giving people a feeling like Sun Wukong in Journey to the West.

Personality: Some indifferent personality is not easy to approach, work very fast, silent do not like to speak. The physical spirit of the elven stone sheath.

Dislikes: I like clean places and tea, and I hate being disturbed.

Race: materialized spirit (ninety-nine gods)

College / Class: Head of School Building (Household Administration), atlantis College.

Identity: None.

Sheryl Dalow

Sex: Male

Height (cm): 187

Age: 26

Appearance: Brown se with short hair and brown eyes, westerners' faces, dressing is quite casual and relaxed, giving people a very sharp feel.

Personality: It is a type of big brother who is easy to get along with. It is easy to take care of people, but has a strong side in performing tasks.

Likes and dislikes: likes to taste good food and hates things that are too sour.

Race: Hunter

College / Class: Atlantis College administrative staff.

Identity: Black Robe.

Shire Aslian

Sex: Male

Height (cm): 180

Age: 17

Appearance: brown se long hair brown eyes, westerners' faces, dress style is quite free, but will pay attention to collocation.

Personality: It has the general momentum of a leader, and will take the initiative to meet interested people. It has a good reputation in all parties.

Dislikes: I like to watch books and I hate killings for no reason.

Race: Hunter

College / Class: Atlantis College, Grade 3, High School.

Identity: Purple Robe.

Bishin Goblin King

Gender: Female

Height (cm): 171

Age:? (The appearance age at the time of appearance is 18 years old).

Appearance: There are eighteen changes in appearance, but each is her true face. When she appeared, she looked like an 18-year-old beautiful oriental woman with dark red hair, long curly hair and golden red eyes.

Personality: Feeling very neurotic.

Likes and dislikes: I like blood, and I hate things that are too pure.

Race: Ghost race.

College / Class: None.

Identity: Ghost King.

Yerre Goblin King

Sex: Male

Height (cm): 250

Age:? (It is a carrion when playing, the appearance age cannot be tested).

Appearance: There are three black horns on the forehead, two are broken and one is cracked. There are six horizontal eyes under the left eye, and the western face.

Personality: At present, the appearance is still semi-rotten living corpses, which will change in the future.

Likes and dislikes: I like blood and chaos, and I hate elves.

Race: Ghost race.

College / Class: None.

Identity: Ghost King.

Jing Luotian evil spirit king (not shown)


Height (cm) :?


Appearance :?


Likes and dislikes :?

Race: Ghost race.

College / Class: None.

Identity: Ghost King.

Shuna Lun Evil King (not shown)


Height (cm) :?


Appearance :?


Likes and dislikes :?

Race: Ghost race.

College / Class: None.

Identity: Ghost King.

Aka Liri

Gender: Female

Height (cm): 128

Age: 360 years (appearance is about eight years old)

Appearance: brown se long hair golden se cat eyes, wearing a kimono oriental face (suspected cat demon), the appearance is a child around seven or eight years old.

Personality: I like to be close to others. My personality is very active.

Dislikes: like books, hate students for breaking books.

Race: Monsters

College / Class: Atlantis College General Library Director.

Identity: Administrator.

Sex: Male

Height (cm): 170

Age: 17 years old.

Appearance: short hair with black eyes, black se eyes, and a little baby-faced Chinese, it looks younger than the actual age.

Personality: A very polite student who is responsible for the liaison of the college team in the preliminary competition.

Likes and dislikes: I like to do the work of recording and passing, and the future ambition is the recorder, and I hate false advertising.

Race: Human

College / Class: Atlantis College, second grade a high school.

Identity: white robe.

Lao Zhang

Sex: Male

Height (cm): 130

age:? At the age, looks like a child of 11 or 12 years old.

Appearance: black se short hair black eyes, looks like a child but has the tone of an old man, wearing Chinese clothes.

Personality: A bit weird boss with a grocery house called a century-old shop. The interest is abduction and lifting.

Likes and dislikes: likes beauty and cute children, and hates rude guests who are not beautiful.

Race: Turtle Essence

College / Class: None.

Identity: Turtle refined incarnation, operating the storefront on the left shopping street.

Jieer (Artificial No. 3)

Gender: Female

Height (cm): 165

Age: Appearance is approximately 17 years old.

Appearance: liquid-formed Chia robot, leading model three, responsible for atlantis college. It looks exactly like other leading androids.

Personality: Mild model.

Dislikes: None.

Race: Robot.

College / Class: Chia College.

Identity: The leading robot used by Chia Academy during the game.

Deer (Artificial No. 7)

Gender: Female

Height (cm): 165

Age: Appearance is approximately 17 years old.

Appearance: liquid-formed Chia robot, leading model seven, responsible for atlantis college. It looks exactly like other leading androids.

Personality: Mild model.

Dislikes: None.

Race: Robot.

College / Class: Chia College.

Identity: The leading robot used by Chia Academy during the game.


Gender: Female

Height (cm): 168

Age: 18 years old.

Appearance: The girl with steel wings behind her is fresh and cute, a bit like an advertising star.

Character: enthusiastic, lively and cheerful.

Likes and dislikes: likes to broadcast work, hates things that get fat.

Race: Human.

College / Class: Chia College Senior Year 3.

Identity: Announcer during Chia Academy competition.


Gender: Female

Height (cm): 170

Age: Appearance age looks approximately 25 years old.

Appearance: A woman who looks very mature, with long brown hair and eyes in a beautiful kimono, she is elegant and gorgeous.

Personality: Elegant but savvy boss lady, personable, good at beautiful singing and dancing.

Likes and dislikes: I like things from the East, and I hate the bad guys.

Race: Butterfly Leprechaun.

College / Class: None.

Identity: The owner of the Butterfly Pavilion.

Lord of the Seven, Spring and Autumn

Gender: Female

Height (cm): 132

Age: Appearance looks 11 or 12 years old.

Appearance: It looks like an ordinary elementary school student. The appearance is white se uniform and blue se folded skirt, which looks very calm.

Personality: A gentle lake **** with a gentle personality and an elegant and tolerant mind.

Dislikes: like music, hate noise and mess.

Race: Lake God.

College / Class: None.

Identity: The Lost Lake God of the original world.


Gender: Female

Height (cm): 179

Age: Appearance looks about 25 or 26 years old.

Appearance: black se with long hair and black eyes, wearing black robes and streamers. The prototype is the dragon's guardian messenger.

Personality: The spirit beast of the protector in ancient times was forgotten because it was too low-key. Personality likes humans, and later the whole family goes to sleep.

Likes and dislikes: I like books, I hate mess.

Race: Guardian spirit beast.

College / Class: None.

Identity: The lost guardian spirit beast of the original world.

Lin Qi

Gender: Female

Height (cm): 168

Age: 18 years old.

Appearance: Blonde with blue eyes and special steel wings on her back, she looks kind and cute.

Personality: Hearty but attentive, with strong concentration. Occasionally a little gossip is reported.

Likes and dislikes: Likes to spread work and hates false reporting.

Race: Human.

College / Class: Atlantis College.

Identity: One of the broadcasters of the Grand Tournament.


Gender: Female

Height (cm): 170

Age: 18 years old.

Appearance: Short brown-haired blue eyes, long pointed ears and translucent wings, very sunny girl.

Personality: cheerful and sunny, loves to laugh and wins the same year.

Likes and dislikes: I like traveling and hate sadness.

Race: Leprechaun.

College / Class: Atlantis College, Part B, Grade 1.

Identity: One of the broadcasters of the Grand Tournament.

Xuan Ni

Gender: Female

Height (cm): 171

Age: 18 years old.

Appearance: The girl with dark eyes and long hair, dressed up as a flying fairy.

Personality: Oriental women with classic beauty, calm and delicate.

Dislikes: like music and hate malicious people.

Race: Flying fairy.

College / Class: Atlantis College.

Identity: One of the broadcasters of the Grand Tournament.

Ruixi Bi Xin Xin

Gender: Female

Height (cm): 170

Age: Appearance looks like around 20 years old.

Appearance: brown se short hair blue se eyes, looks a bit like college students, but there is a certain degree of maturity in dress.

Personality: Appears to be mild in appearance but is a bit treacherous and tricks.

Likes and dislikes: like bugs, hate spicy food.

Race: Beast King.

College / Class: Mentor of Mingfeng College.

Identity: Accompanying teacher of Mingfeng competition.


Gender: Female

Height (cm): 173

Age: It looks like it's about 23 years old, but it's actually thousands of years old.

Appearance: long silver hair silver eyes Western face, looks a bit elegant elegant woman.

Personality: Personality is calm and capable, not much talk on weekdays.

Likes and dislikes: likes music and listening to nature, hates evil.


College / Class: None



Sex: Male

Height (cm): 186

Age: Appearance looks like 28 years old, actually already Chitose.

Appearance: Black short hair and purple eyes, the eastern face looks a bit indifferent and a little fierce.

Personality: Indifferent personality, do not like to say a lot, do not get too friendly and close to foreigners.

Likes and dislikes: likes martial arts, dislikes being disturbed and disturbed.


College / Class: None.



Sex: Male

Height (cm): 185

Age: Appearance looks like 23 years old and actually hundreds of years old.

Appearance: The flame se has long hair straight to the waist, has an evil and serious face, and the eyes of the golden se are long. Dressed in black and black pants and silver jewelry.

Personality: Indifferent, flame aristocracy, but also messenger.

Dislikes: No particular interests or preferences.

Race: Ghost race.

College / Class: None.


Yu Yan

Sex: Male

Height (cm): 174

Age: Appearance looks like 20 years old, actually already Chitose.

Appearance: Dark green se long straight hair, dark green eyes, white and beautiful oriental face, stable temperament, but with a cold atmosphere that makes people dare not approach. The upper body is a human and the lower body is a snake.

Personality: Protects the things you care about, and is always cold and hard to get close to the outside.

Dislikes: like to sleep, dislike being disturbed.

Race: snake spirit.

College / Class: None.

Identity: The head of the guardian of the Seventy-two Village.

Edit this paragraph

【Minas Coria】

Attribute: Water

Gender: Female

Class: Royal Weapons

Style: Palm Thunder


The small thunder gun in the palm of the silver blue se, about a small palm, has a totem pattern on the dark blue se.

The statue of the temple was used as the appearance when playing, and the snake-tailed female was about 20 years old.

Used by: Chu Mingyang

[Jingyun wither]

Attributes: ice, fire

Sex: Male

Class: Royal Weapons

Style: Spear


Chinese style spear. The silver se slightly transparent gun body has a red totem pattern, and the second change is the face reversed, and the style of the gun is slightly changed.


User: Bing Yan Xue.

Note: Inverse attribute weapon.

[Xi Fei Claw]

Attribute: Grassland

Gender: Female

Class: General Weapon

Style: Claw


Closing hands with long claws, gold bronze se claw body green se totem pattern. The second change Yan se reversed and became a large giant claw.

The elves on the grassland are the size of a slap. In the rural fairy tales, they are grass-elves who bring good news in the spring and autumn.

User: Mi Ke 蕥 (Meow Meow).

[Winter Slap]

Attribute: day and night

Sex: Male

Class: Noble Weapons

Style: Iron Whip


Section iron whip, black se whip body gold bronze se pattern totem. At the second change, Yan se reverses and the style changes slightly.


Used by: Yashiji Temple.

[Breakthrough Bow] (Breaker Knife Twin Weapon)

Attribute: Space

Sex: Male

Class: Noble Weapons

Style: Bow and Arrow


Long bow, silver se bow has black se totem pattern. The second change will change the face and the style will change into a double string bow.


Used by: Xue Ye Qian Dong Sui.

Remarks: Special weapons that cut through space.

[Break the Sword] (Break the Bow Twin Arms)

Attribute: Space

Sex: Male

Class: Noble Weapons

Style: Double Sword


Long knife, Chinese style double knife, silver se knife with black totem pattern on it. When the second change, Yan se will be reversed, and the knife will be merged into one.


Used by: Ryan Skell.

Remarks: Special weapons that cut through space.


Attribute: Fire

Gender: Female

Class: Noble Weapons

Style: Double Sword


Long knife, Chinese-style double knife, blood se knife with gold red se totem pattern. When the second change, Yan se will be reversed, and the knife will be merged into one.

A woman in flames has long hair with fire se and eyes with golden red se. There are tattoo lines around the eyes. It was originally a fire aristocrat who later turned into a magic martial weapon for unknown reasons.

Used by: Ryan Skell.

Remarks: The fire beast played in the sixth episode.


Attribute: Water

Gender: Female

Class: Noble Weapons

Style: Double Sword


Long knife, Chinese style double knife, silver knife with dark blue se totem pattern. When the second change, Yan se will be reversed, and the knife will be merged into one.

Elegant oriental beauty, dressed in ancient oriental clothes, has a watery appearance and beautiful dark blue eyes, and has a special function of detection.

Used by: Ryan Skell.

Note: Special weapon with special test item function.

[Hee Mu]

Attributes: wind, fire

Sex: Male

Class: General Weapon

Style: Double Sword


Long knife, Chinese style double knife, white se knife with red totem pattern on it. When the second change, Yan se will be reversed, and the knife will be merged into one.

Naughty like a cat boy, Bai Se's long hair is braided, it seems to have some connection with Xiangshui, and it is also the style of oriental clothes.

Used by: Ryan Skell.

[Humanistic settings for Xiangshui and Ximu]

[Mirror back shield]

Attribute: Water

Sex: Male

Class: Noble Weapons

Style: Shield


A round shield, a transparent shield surface, is formed by the atmosphere that fills the water, so it is generally difficult to see the sample when no entity appears. The second change is the replacement of two half moon shields for two other brothers.


Used by: Edo Grando.

Note: Parasitic weapons.


Attribute: Water

Gender: Female

Class: Noble Weapons

Style: Sword


In the Western medieval century long sword, the silver se has the totem pattern of blue se on it. The second change was the combination of two swords to provide Edo.


Used by: Yado Glendo.

Note: Parasitic weapons.

[Thunder King]

Attribute: Ray

Sex: Male

Class: Noble Weapons

Style: Sword


The sword of the Middle Ages in the West, the body of the golden se has a totem pattern of blue se on it. The second change was the combination of two swords to provide Edo.


Used by: Redo Grando.

Note: Parasitic weapons.

【Nine Gates Shield】

Attribute: Curse

Sex: Male

Class: General Weapon

Style: Compass


The style of an oriental compass, which indicates various spells. The silver blue se compass has black totems and mantras. On the second change, the compass will show black se and the mantra will turn into gold se.


Used by: Lilia Sinderson.

Note: auxiliary weapon.

[Puda Heavy King]

Attributes: dark, fire

Gender: Female

Class: Noble Weapons

Style: Double Mallet


The huge two heavy hammers, the dark red se totem lines on the body, most people seem to be unable to pick them up. When the second change is made, the style will be changed slightly.


Used by: Nu Lili. 2k novel reading network

Read The Duke's Passion