MTL - Undead Farm-Chapter 8 Skull in the tent

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Seeing the companion's tragic death, the remaining Goblins nervously surrounded, and the one-armed brother Brin even pushed the leading brother Brin to the front as a shield.

"See clearly? No, how many people?!"

"Boss, it seems... just one person?"

"A person?"

Another arrow was shot, but this time the Goblins were prepared, and the one-armed brother Brin was directly attacked by the arrows and stood up.

"Hey! The kid is very fat? Are you coming to save the grandfather?"

It refers to not others, it is the night that has been exposed.

At night, I looked at the bow in my hand and sighed and changed into a long sword and walked out.

Goblin’s homemade bows and arrows are simple, only killing and quasi-heading within ten meters, and the slow speed of the opponent’s preparation is difficult to pose a threat.

The reason for standing out is naturally not to save the old bones, but to understand one thing more deeply at night.

To live, he must be strong.

Now, don’t take the few Goblin exercises in front of me, what should I do if he encounters a more powerful enemy in the future?

Waiting to die?

That is not the style of his night.

Only the control in your own hands is called fate, counting on the system?

Something that is inexplicable is likely to be inexplicable. He can use it, but he can't rely on it.

Moreover, he will not lose.

"A person dares to come to Laozi's site. You can rest assured that I will give you a happy!"

The one-armed Goblin waved the short knife in his hand and kicked the companion in front of him.

"What are you doing, go together!"

On the night of the night, I wore an ordinary leather armor. This is not a concern. The average human soldier has a dozen hits on the top of Goblin, but they now have six people, although they are only old and weak, but also enough.

It is more concerned about the sword in the other hand, the swaying look does not look like the standard equipment, but it does not matter, let its stupid companions first as cannon fodder, it will then fill the knife.

I don't know if it was forced by the one-armed Boblin's accumulation, or the desire for food to overcome their reason. Those Goblin really rushed toward the night, and even the old man of crutches followed. Behind.

Awkwardly, a Goblin cast a wooden spear in his hand, and sneaked away in the night, then pulled up the wooden spear next to him and opened another spear. With a wave of his right hand, a broken arm holding a stone axe fell to the ground.

Before waiting for the other party to scream, he slammed the wooden spear in his hand into the mouth of the other party.


On the night of the night, I kicked off the unbalanced gripping spear, and then I stole it. I passed two flying axes and made a smooth stroke. The two Goblin were instantly opened and smashed. The intestines fell down.


At this time, the Goblin who had been stunned had just returned to God, but before he could see the situation, a silver flashed over and a head flew high.


Seeing this terrible scene, Brin, who was rushed to the old man, turned around and turned away, but the night did not pay attention to it, but suddenly turned forward.


The night was even more sullen, and I glanced at my left arm, and a black and red blood leaked out from the edge of the leather armor.

"Hey! Let's die!"

When the companion sneaked, the one-armed Goblin sneaked up again, and with a short knife, he went to the night that had not yet stood up.

The human beings lying on the ground, whether they are hiding or not, are absolutely unable to smash its chain!

This is to suppress!

The one-armed brother Brin's mouth curled up, and it seemed to have heard the sound of the fat from the other's white arm on the campfire.

Seeing that the night was more **** on the spot, but he did not hide, he turned his body and lifted his sword, and he only heard two voices. The one-armed brother Brin squinted and squatted.


At night, I glanced at the short knife that was cut into the shoulder and frowned.

The pain sensation has been greatly reduced by the body of the undead. He is not worried about this. He is jealous that only six Goblin, which are even worse than the peasants, can cause him to suffer such a serious injury.

This shows that he is not strong enough!

"Don't kill me, don't kill me! I am old and sour and stinky, it's not good!"

Looking up at the night, the old bones had already returned to the escaped brother Brin with a sword. Now it is asking for a tear in tears.

The old man is better than the old man, of course, the sword.

The arrow shoots one, the spear is inserted one, the two are opened, the first one, the one heart, and the seven captured, just kill the old brother Brin, the soul of today can reach 11 It will take another day to safely disband the old bones before dawn tomorrow.

But the night did not do this, he first let the old bones make up the knife for the two brothers Brin, who have not yet died. This is the sword compared to the old brother Brin.

"Take me to your camp."

"Camp? I... we don't have a camp."

The old brother Brin looked at the night three more in horror.

On the third night, she shrugged and moved the sword between the old legs.

"No! I will take you to I to take you there, but you have to promise me a way to live!"

Shake his head even more at night.

"I can only guarantee that you won't become like this."

After that, he let the old bones fade away from the disguise a white tragic embarrassment appeared in front of his brother Brin.

Seeing this scene, the old brother Brin almost fainted when he turned his eyelids. He just wanted to fight with people. This is the undead of his mother!

But it seems to have some terrible consequences, it bites the trembled teeth, and his face paled towards the depths of the woods.

It is afraid of death, but it is even more afraid that its soul and body will be controlled and played after death. It is said that some metamorphosis of the Necromancer will also detain the soul of the deceased, and enjoy it every day.

Comparing the two, the old brother Brin instantly recognized his life.

In case, if the other party will be willing to let it go?

And two hours later, what it expected was not coming...

At night, I wiped the blood stain on the long sword and nodded with satisfaction.

As he expected, the creatures of Goblin formed a community at all times, even those who were eliminated.

The timid but violent two contradictory characters make them only have a group to live with the capital.

The group just outside should belong to the only warriors in this small community, and most of them in the camp are collectors and women and children.

A total of eighteen Goblin, male and female, old and young, lack of weapons and hungry, they did not spend more than three nights.

They even escaped from escape.

Psychological burden?

The human children's skulls in the little brother's tent are played as balls. Even if there is no such thing, there is no need to pity this extra emotion in the night.

He just needs to be alive.

"Well? It seems that I found something good."

In the night, he even picked up a dilapidated tent and licked his pale lips.

Read The Duke's Passion