MTL - Undead Farm-Chapter 503 3 strong dragons

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The primitive spider mother sneered: "Not too stupid!"

"The aboriginal people have the highest strength like him. They want to be our existence unless the Holy Stone continent annexes other worlds, but it is a pity ..."

Primitive spider mother suddenly looked at Emperor Tianwei.

"The control of this world was robbed by someone. In order not to be chased by the upper world, this timid and mean guy even blocked all the access roads! This is why for so many years, the Holy Stone Continent The reason why no one can push the limit because, "

"The Lord of their world is gone!"

Looking at the direction in which the primitive spider mother was staring, Ye San settled down.

She is referring to the Emperor Tianwei who has been refined into an instrument soul. He is the true world master of the Holy Stone Continent.

But unfortunately, he was unlucky, and met three guys who came to the high-dimensional world at once.

Ye San thought about it a bit more. If he was unlucky and the emperor kingdom was annexed by another world, it is estimated that his end would be similar. After all, not everyone is as kind as him, so that Dalu duck and the binocular octopus monster can continue Alive with dignity.

But the question comes again. He understands that the false emperor and the primitive spider mother do not belong to this world. What about him?

where is he from?

Who is he ...?

"I haven't remembered yet? Then I'll tell you." The original spider mother was confused when she saw Ye Sangeng, so she took another heavy medicine.

She pointed to herself.

"I, a spider on the trunk of the world, fell into this wonderful world thousands of years ago to catch this **** bug,"

"The Lord of the World, called Tianwei, didn't know what to do. He was deceived by its beauty, and the two of them hurt me jointly. As a last resort, I fell asleep, that is, at that time, he moved his hands on Tianwei. . "

"And you came at that time."

"Speaking of which, you and I are still destined. When I was seriously injured thousands of years ago, I still relied on your coffin to hide to this day. If it were not for you, I would have been found out and killed by this stink guy!"


Ye Sanxian frowned.

He was recovered from a broken coffin in the mass grave post, and the original spider mother was hiding in a mysterious cave leading into the coffin.

But the fake emperor is actually a bug or a woman?

Seeing Ye San was even more suspicious, Tianwei the Emperor smiled slightly, removed the fog, and suddenly an all-out face appeared.

Clever eyes are like stars, lips are like fire, and a rosy and white cheek reveals two girls' coquettishness, not to mention the petite body that can be grasped, which makes people see a strong touch at the first sight. Desire for protection.

Looking at it this way, the appearance of the wicked woman of the original spider mother is indeed difficult to say, no wonder Tianwei the Great chose her instead of the original spider mother.

"Hello, my first meeting. My name is Zagara ..."


A strong sense of familiarity came to his face, and Ye San was even more surprised to find that he even trembled his soul when he heard the name.

"Huh! Do you want to play with men again? Unfortunately, you chose the wrong person this time! He didn't even move my two daughters, so there must be a problem in that area! Don't waste your energy!" The original spider mother hummed Laughed.

That proud tone Ye San how to listen to how piercing, I wanted to prove myself innocent on the spot.

But in the end it was bearable.

"Oh, why? I just spontaneously rejoiced when I saw the strong. There is really no such interesting guy in my gene bank!" Zagara grinned and pointed at Ye San.

"Xiaoyezi, as long as you promise to be my man and hand over the kingdom of enemies to me, I will protect the safety of all you care about and will not interfere with any of your freedom. How about this transaction?"

"Huh! The worm's tail is finally revealed! Night boy, the reason you can live to this day is the King Eater World. If you don't want to die, I advise you to join me immediately and kill her! I don't want anything, I still I can give you all my daughters! "

The primitive spider mother tore a moment, rudely peeled off a piece of Weaving Sleeve, causing Weaving to scream, but she slaps it back again!

"What's shouting! I raise you so big, what's wrong?"

"Mother ..." She bit her teeth, hugged Weaving into her arms, and pressed her head.

"Sister doesn't mean this. For mothers, we ... we want everything!"

"Oh! It's rude!" Zagara patted his palm and looked at Ye Sanchang,

"How about choosing me or her?"

Ye San changed his mind and began to roll quickly in his mind.

The primitive spider mother woke up early before reaching its heyday, so the strength must not be Zagaraqiang, so you need to join hands with her.

Won the sister flower with a spider mother, lost everyone to finish together.

And if he promised Zagara, then a cute and distressed wife would be able to walk side by side in the world. The downside is that the other party is a bit older, and he doesn't like being weaker than the woman.

If you think about it this way, it seems that neither of them is embarrassed.

"Why do you want to bite the monarchy?" Ye Sangen suddenly flashed, looking at Zagara.

"So what's the point, don't men and women get married in the suite? It's mine after all, anyway, right?" Zagara laughed.

"Well! Don't believe her ghost words!" The primitive spider mother sprayed.

"This guy wants your kingdom of jealousy, nothing more than to reopen the way to the outside world. If I didn't guess wrong, your enemies will find this place soon?"

"Want to escape? Oh, did you ask me ?!"

Zagara gave the primitive spider mother a glance: "I thought you were just ugly, I didn't expect you to be stupid! Don't you want to return to your own world?"

The primitive spider mother froze, and suddenly took a deep breath: "I don't want to see you until I die!"

Seeing the two men glaring at each other, Ye San was lost in thought.

None of him could fight, but neither of them forced him.

This proves that he has something that both people are afraid of ~ ~ This thing is likely to be a bit of a monarch.

As the lord of the world that devours the monarchy, if they were killed, they could reasonably be able to gain control by seizing them, just like themselves.

That way, there is no difference between him and him, but the two did not do so, but used a more laborious lip.

Does this mean that killing him will not capture the kingdom?

And the bite prince can let Zagara escape and let the primitive spider mother return to the original world. They do not kill or force such important things. Can it only be transferred by him voluntarily?

Are you so overbearing?

But Ye Sanjian didn't feel how stable this chip was. If the original spider mother was anxious, she would drag Zagara into the water if she could not fight back to the original world, then the best way was to kill him.

This is not fun.

Sure enough, Ye San even glanced at the primitive spider mother's look at him, seeming to be increasingly unfriendly.

Read The Duke's Passion