MTL - Undead Farm-Chapter 492 Battle of the Seas

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Ye Sangen freezes the ring on his hand,

"The third gate of the monarchy, open!"

Suddenly, a huge space crack ripped open, and the flowing light flashed, and a group of strangely armed undead flew inside.

There are dead knights riding on bone horses, iron zombies with big iron rods, skeleton shooters holding bows and crossbones, half-spoken resentment, huge stature, one hand chopper and one hook Abomination, shit-hungry hungry ghost,

In addition, there are undead empty riders riding the Crewe Duck, the new Goblin troops led by Keno, and even a team of undead construction workers wearing helmets and carrying various building materials.

In a short moment, Ye Sangeng summoned 10 million undead from the bitter kingdom and spread it in front of him.

Among them, there are many high-level undead leaders at the command and general level, which suddenly made the oncoming humans somewhat horrified and slowed down.

"This ... dimensional crack?"

The pope's face changed, and he seemed to be afraid of something, but then a greedy green light flashed in his eyes.

"Don't worry, the new Holy Light is very effective for the undead. They only have quantity and no quality. Everyone kills me!"

A light wave blasted out, and surely the first few hundred undead swordsmen were melted by the Pope, which made the human soldiers renew their courage and accelerated their pace again.

And Ye San only asked gently to Weng Ling: "I'm going to kill the war, do you blame me?"

Weng Ling looked at the human soldiers with excitement and hatred in his eyes. He couldn't bear to look over his head and shook his lips.

"You are self-defense. I don't blame you."

"Hahaha! That's the truth!" Ye Sangen waved.

"Kenor, do a good job."

Kai Nuo arched himself, then his face was sullen, and a violent chill erupted from his body, with two blue lights flashing in his eyes.

"Pikemen fight! Sword and shield cover, the undead knight has wings, the archer shoots freely! Abomination, steel corpse, ghoul attack! Resentment howl interference!"

The silent undead army clicked, just like a precision machine. Keno's order was just issued. The strong steel corpse holding a seven-meter ultra-long stinger immediately tilted the gun obliquely and faced the assaulting humans.

The spear-like formation, like a hedgehog, set a line of death, and in front of them was the undead sword shield soldier with a shield and a sword across his waist, waiting quietly.

Behind the pike array are two million undead archers, all of whom were deceased with long pectoral muscles. Beside them were bundles of fine iron arrows that were carried out of the dimensional crack.

Before their bows and arrows arrived, the speed was fast, and the drooling ghouls first came into contact. They were thin, but they were amazingly fast, and they swept at their throats.

However, after the first panic of human beings, one sword can also kill it, but the steel corpse and abomination that followed it will not work.

The two-meter-high steel corpse is covered with metallic luster. General physical attacks and even elemental attacks can't take them, but they can make a golden warrior's brain splash.

Not to mention abominations of five meters in length, width, and height. These monsters stitched together by corpses cannot stop them no matter what kind of damage they take, a chopping knife can reach the level of the sword!

And the meat hook with a chain on their hands, which can evoke an unlucky egg, and then pull it to open the belly or swallow it directly, and replenish the dead corpses.

In just an instant, humans lost nearly 50,000 soldiers!

"Spear of victory!"

For a moment, a paladin pierced the abomination that was chewing the body with a spear, but instead of falling down, he had a wound on his stomach, which wrapped him in his belly like a big mouth.

Another bishop who was chanting Holy Light was about to reach the end, and a blood-stained, grudged grudge stared at the dark pupil, suddenly appeared in front of him, and kissed with a big mouth. past……

This frowned the pope's eyebrows.

Beishan punched the two abominations into a meat sauce like a schoolboy, and his face was full of anger:

"Pope, these undead are not the same as before, their vitality and attack power are very strong!"

"Hmm! In front of the Holy Light, there are ants! Use array!"

Beishan nodded and raised his fist high:

"The light of the mountain, defense!"

"The light of water, vitality!"

"Light of Thunder, speed!"

"Yang ... the light of Yang, power!" Xu Muzhi closed his godless eyes.

"Array of Light-Holy Light Purdue!"

The four archbishops exploded the holy light on their bodies, and immediately burst out four auras, sweeping across the battlefield.

The fighting soldiers suddenly felt a shock in their bodies, and their strength began to rise quickly. Some people could even carry their bows and arrows, and the original wounds healed more quickly.

A thin soldier split a steel corpse in half with a single knife, and looked at his hands inconceivably, while a man besieged by a ghoul jumped up suddenly, and the speed-ghosting ghoul Twisted into a twist ...

The situation seemed to be reversed in an instant, and human confidence suddenly swelled.

"It is indeed the Church of the Holy Silver, this auxiliary spell is terrible!"

Ye San frowned, but Weng Ling bit his teeth and couldn't bear it:

"This array of light is a holy light spell with overdrawn vitality. How could the Pope use it ... he didn't know if it would kill those people?"

"Overdraft life?" Ye San was even more stunned, but knew it as soon as he thought about it.

Indeed, this is the only way to explain why a bronze soldier suddenly became a platinum powerhouse, and they did not open the plug-in themselves.

But in this way, the frontline fat guy + dog + woman's front was breached, and the human army soon reached the front of the long gun.

They didn't know what was going on ~ ~ Each one's eyes were full of white holy light, as if he didn't see the gun array, and howled and rushed up.

Just listening to the snoring, one human after another was hung on the head of the gun, but only three strings were strung, and the spear was bent by force, and the human rushed into the battle.

The Undead Sword Shield made up immediately, and the front was immediately in chaos.

"Shuiguang line!"

The archbishop of Xichuan took the lead and shot with one finger. In the array, he shot a five-meter-wide and two-hundred-meter-long channel, and then pierced in.

Beishan smashed a piece of space by himself, rushing towards Ye San Geng constantly, Nan Lei and Xu Muzhi were slightly behind, but also in front of the Pope.

After seeing this scene, Kano thought for a moment, then turned back suddenly and said:

"Sha Wencheng, you will solve the Archbishop of Xichuan, Dalu, you will solve the Archbishop of Beishan! Izer ..."

Ize widened his eyes and looked at Keno incredulously.