MTL - Undead Farm-Chapter 486 The system was copied!

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"Naive?" Ye San gave her a whiter look.

Isn't this big sister possessing a cat for too long and it's so arrogant that he can't figure out the situation?

Bian Mingming is being abused unilaterally by himself, how can he become the innocence of the other party?

But soon he realized that naive and himself.

Seeing that the attack was effective, Xia immediately aimed the target at the skull of the bone giant. Generally speaking, the weakness of the undead is a nucleus, either in the head or the heart. As long as the core of the undead is destroyed, no matter how powerful the enemy Have to die.

I saw her fluttering towards the bone giant's neck, and the black flame even wrapped the whole skull of the bone giant, burning blazingly, and the bone giant hissed, and turned away to escape.

I also ran away, and there was a meat city where Tang Wudi had blasted a hole in his chest and a blood city whose size was reduced by one third [Yu You Shu Yi].

But the three of them couldn't be more happy, and Xiya's face changed:

"Be careful, don't keep them close!"

The pride of the uncle had become a big idea, and when they found out, the three giants had already collided with each other fiercely, and then they suddenly melted into a ball.

"Oh, see the highest mystery of the undead art of magic!"

"Live to death: Yebaigui! Ning!"

Scarlett's eyes narrowed into a thin crescent moon, but her mouth was laughing wildly, revealing two sharp tiger teeth.

After the three-city united giant collided together, the meat was cracked and wrapped into the bone giant, and then the blood giant seemed to be absorbed by the sponge, and slipped into the newly formed giant.

I saw that giant changed from rotten black and yellow to pale, then changed to normal skin color, and then gradually shrunk to shrink, finally turned into a five-meter-sized little giant, with hair and nose and eyes, in addition to a larger size, clothes also Except for wearing, it is exactly the same as human beings, but the looks ...

Yan Yesan even widened his eyes, then quickly took out the mirror and looked up, glanced up again, and turned his head angrily to Scarlett:

"Bai Jinbao, are you deliberate! What are you doing badly, what do you make me look like ?! And can't you put a pair of pants on it? What does it look like below, you let me later What else do you do ?! "

She Scarlett glanced down at Ye Sangen, who was in a state of anger, and stretched out her hand to cover her mouth with a small smile:

"Oh, this is angry? The wonderful is still behind! Don't forget, its name is Yebaigui!"

"Yaibaigui? What kind of bird name is this?" Ye San even hesitated, looking at the guy who had just formed.

I happened to look at the other person, and after a moment of confusion in my eyes, I suddenly opened my mouth and shouted at Ye San, "Mom ..."

"Mom and sister! Find out the **** of other people, bastard!"

Ji Yesan almost wanted to be fully armed and tore up the cricket that looked exactly like himself, but in the end, reason stopped him.

Because for a second, he saw that the epic of Dirk was hammered by Yebaigui invisible ...

W (? Д?) W ...

He bowed his head to the boss · (._.)

"I don't know shame!" Xiya covered her eyes with one hand, and glanced down quickly, angrily.

Angered and angry, this time she did not dare to attack rashly.

I was able to blow Delk into a kilometer with a punch. I don't know how strong it is, and it directly contacted Delk's ice armor without being frozen, indicating that the defense was also very strong.

"Invincible, join hands!"

"Ah good!"

Tang Wudi, who had returned to God from inferiority, replied, and he squeezed his fists.

"Huh! Although I don't know why it condenses like this, but I've long wanted to hit that stinky boy once! Eat me a punch, asshole!"

Tang Wudi glared at his feet and blasted the ground. A large pit more than 50 meters deep cracked on the ground he stepped on, and he directly teleported to Yebai Ghost and smashed in one punch. To each other's chin.

But the opponent just reached out and blocked Tang Wudi ’s huge punch that could hit the city, and squeezed it tightly in his hands.

"You, bad guy,"

"Bad guy, die!"

As soon as Tang Wudi pulled hard, he couldn't pull out his fist, and then his face changed. He was thrown into the face with a slap by Ye Baigui, and then he snored, and the follower of Derek disappeared into the sky .

"Okay, so strong!"

Everyone exclaimed that the guy condensed by the undead queen even surpassed Tang Wudi in strength.

Doesn't this mean that anyone present may be struck by a punch? !!

"No, it's impossible! How could the Queen of the Undead create such a strong epic master? This is an illusion, otherwise there are some restrictions. We should be careful and we should not be afraid!" Someone shouted.

But Scarlett grinned: "idiot!"

The next night San Xinggen reacted first. He closed his eyes and felt something, then stepped back in shock:

它 "It ... it turned out to be a creature?"

哦 "Oh? Not stupid! I was the first to see you!" Scarlett smiled back.

"Yes, it is alive, a living person! The highest state of undead art is to be a living person, and I am not afraid to tell you that, except for Yebai Ghost, he looks like his soul, It ’s the same as you, how about it? Not surprised? ~ Not surprised? Meow! "

"Same as me ... including the soul?"

Ji Yesan even widened his eyes, and the first reaction wanted to say impossible, but perception told him,

This is real!

He is constantly popping up text on the interface of his system, and without exception he is warning him of the fact:

[Homologous host detected, system backup in progress ...]

[Homologous host detected, system backup in progress ...]

Uh ...


His system is backing up!

当然 Of course he understood what this means, that is, his system started to copy, and then transmitted to Yebaigui. By then, this Yebaigui really became exactly like him!

"You ... how did you know ..." Ye Sanjin suddenly closed his mouth.

斯 When Scarlett was still Bai Jinbao, that is, a cat, she spent a long time in his kingdom of bite, and at that time, the biggest secret of his body was also there.

Bai Jinbao witnessed his system building being thrown out one by one. According to these guesses, it is not impossible, but even his system can be counted. I have to say that it is indeed a cruel man who almost subverted the entire Holy Stone continent. !!

"What do you want to do? Kill me and let him replace me?" Ye San looked at Scarlett more powerlessly.

"Haha, guess?"

Read The Duke's Passion