MTL - Undead Farm-Chapter 432 Duck, choose one way to die!

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In addition, once a large spell has been brewing for so long, the mage will have a large gap before the next recharge. The orcs will definitely take advantage of this gap to let the elite troops launch a comprehensive attack.

If they do not evacuate in time, it is very likely that the entire army will be overwhelmed and they will face unscrupulous attacks from the strong!

I thought about the three orc men who rushed to the front a few days ago, and almost stopped their cavalry legion, and one of them even killed her.

If it was n’t for the three disciples sent by Emperor Tianwei, it is estimated that now she uses Ye Sangen to say that the ashes are cold ...

But if you pierce it three more times, the formation of the orcs will be extremely chaotic. At that time, the elite troops will also be bad for the mage's strike. In this case, the human garrison troops may still have a battle ...

According to reason, Tang Xiaowan should choose Tang Laimei's opinion, but the uneasy feeling made her unable to make a decision.

"Xiao Yezi, if it were you, what would you choose?"

Uh ...

Ebara Northland, somewhere.

The howling wind howling with snowflakes kept blowing across the empty island, and then reduced under the action of the windshield, but the cold chill could not be blocked.

Wukong Island flew forward for two days, and half of the island was covered by fine snow.


Wu Xiuyan rubbed his little red nose and looked dissatisfied at Goblin who was cutting trees to make a house.

Although these guys are different from those dirty Goblins in the past, they are quite clean, but suddenly there are a group of strange guys on their site. Anyone will be more or less uncomfortable.

What's worse is that they should now avoid the cold in the warm southern country, but they have to run to this place where the cold wind is piercing. It is simply a crime!

"Patriarch, we have all entered China for so many days, why haven't we found the Heiwu **** ?!"

Wu Xiuyan asked Zhou Hong as he wiped a slender green feather sword.

Zhou Zhouhong was holding a cup of wheat tea, staring at the entrance of the crack in the corner.


"Hmm? What's wrong?"

Wu Xiuyan poked her mouth: "It's okay, I'll go to the platform to see if I can find the traces of Heiwu, but in this snowstorm weather, I won't go out if I change it, I hope it should be slim?

He said, the embroidered words wobbled slowly in the green skirt, while Zhou Hong continued to look at the cracks in the dimension.

It was just a moment, and a burst of white light suddenly appeared from the crack in that dimension, and then a familiar figure jumped out.

"Hahaha! It took me so much effort, I see where you guys are going!"

The person who talked about it was Ye Sanchang. At this moment, he was carrying a white duck with a slender neck and frowning. He seemed very happy.

啧啧 "Oh, fat and tender, making duck is absolutely delicious!"

Ye Yesan even broke his mouth and suddenly smelled a slight scorching smell in the air. Looking down, he was shocked to find that his pants were on fire!

Suddenly his back was suddenly cold, and he felt a pair of dangerous red eyes staring at him.

Ye Yesan looked up at Zhou Hong again, and then looked down at the great white duck who had given up his resistance.

"No, listen to me ..."

"I, no, listen!"


Uh ...

I finally managed to put out the flame on my body, and Ye Sanchang finally explained to Zhou Hong the origin of the fat duck.

"So, this is just a creature from another dimension, definitely not a fellow of your feathers, you see it can speak, right?"

The big white duck took a look at Ye San, followed by a big mouth:

"Ga ..."

"I 艹! You just scolded me for being so happy, now you are loading ordinary ducks? Sliced ​​duck, beer duck, roast duck, perilla duck, you choose a way to die!" Ye Sanxian cursed.


"Oh my temper!"

Uh ...

Zhou Hong turned his head and cleared his throat: "Okay, I believe you, it really doesn't have the unique flavor of our feathers."

Ye Yesan was relieved, and gave the duck a hard look at him: "That's right, the world in which this guy lives is only a matter of great effort."

"Don't say that, although they look like ducks, they are really good. Once they feel the danger, they will swell into a muscle duck. They can carry and fight, and they run fast!"

"Unfortunately, they don't seem to fly, but I thought it would be good to use them as mounts, so bring them out for you to see."

"You can't fly! We Karu ducks are the strongest Royal Wind fighters! They have not been transformed before!"

鸭子 The duck suddenly kicked his feet against Ye Sangen's knee suddenly, but unfortunately he couldn't succeed because his legs were too short!

"Asshole! What have you done to me, why can't I transform ?!"

"Yo, can you really speak?"

Zhou Hong suddenly squatted down and looked at the guy who had no difference from the ordinary duck. Then the duck realized that he actually made a noise, covered his mouth with wings, and blinked:


"How to make roast duck, is that so?"

Zhou Hong burst into flames with his fingertips, and gradually leaned against the big white duck, but in the duck's frightened eyes, a figure suddenly rushed over.

"Let go of that duck!"

"Bad? What are you doing?"

Yan Yesan looked at Ah Wade biting his wrist with a bite ~ ~ a black line.

It seems that this succubus maid is not as loyal to him as a duck ...

Bed looked at the duck who was relieved and patted his chest constantly and pointed out:

"Talking ducks can still be transformed. Wouldn't it be a waste of you to leave me to study this strange species? Rest assured, I'm quick and won't affect you as a skinny duck!"

Duck Duckling: "Ah?"

I sent away the elated Bed and the sorrowful Kalu duck, and Ye San shrugged.

当然 Of course, the biggest gain of his retreat this time was not these ducks, but he could finally try to control the dimension flagells that roam the monarchy.

Although it was laborious, he managed to capture this duck-filled Caru planet.

After the integration of puppets, his strength and speed have been improved accordingly, and the kingdom of engulfing has expanded again by 20 kilometers. Although the area is not large, it is at least a step away.

Next, as long as he continues to work, the kingdom of enlightenment will be able to capture a larger and larger world, and he will become stronger and stronger until he can compete with the Holy Stone Continent, and then ...

话 "Say, are you two feeling good?"

While the third night of YY, a cold voice suddenly came over his head, but Zhou Hong was full of flames, and a wave of his hand was a fan of flames toward the sky!


:. :

Read The Duke's Passion