MTL - Ultimate Scheming System-Chapter 8 Growing spree

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The system package is like the package interface of the game character. All the system items are displayed in the grid, and the various magic weapons that he previously stolen in the Tianwuzong Tibetan Pavilion are displayed in another storage space. .

Xu looked at the item that showed "growth spree" and smiled slightly.

According to the description of "Growing Gift Package", he learned the role of this gift package.

Every time you upgrade a realm, you will get a chance to open the package.

That is to say, after this opening, the next time he waits for the transition period of the foundation period, when he enters the knot period, he can open the gift package again, and then the Jindan period.

Every time you open a package, you will receive a variety of random rewards.

Xu lacks that today's luck should be pretty good, and decided to open the package immediately.

“Do you open the ‘growth spree?’” The system confirmed.

"Yes." Xu lacks a dignified response, and his heart is a little excited and nervous.

What kind of reward will it be, give a beautiful bodyguard? Still an artifact? Or come with a strong old man who is with you!

In his gaze of anticipation, the system interface flashed a few streamers, followed by a few beeps:

“Hey, congratulations to the host’s lack of new permissions and activation of the 'recycling function’!”

“Hey, congratulations to the host’s lack of 'disguise’.”

“Hey, congratulations to the host’s lack of 'the first step of the gods’.”


Xu lacked a moment, what a ghost? What kind of bodyguard do I want? What about artifacts? What about the old grandfather?

Just a little bit of something, actually a good gift called a spree?

All three wishes have fallen through.

Xu lacked disappointment, but his eyes were still on the "disguise" in the inventory.

[Disguise 傀儡]: 100% disguise the appearance of others, and imitate its realm momentum, but the real strength is not promoted, duration: one hour. (The camouflage object is only valid for infants and the following realms.)

"I rub, the typical load is a weapon!" Xu suddenly called out.

From the memory of Ma Maye, he clearly defined the realm of this world.

From the period of training, the following are: the base period, the knot period, the Jindan period, the Yuan Ying period, the infant change period, the refining period, the fit period, the robbery period, the Mahayana period.

A total of ten large realms, each of which is divided into ten small steps, divided by layers.

Therefore, the baby's change period is a very powerful strength in this boundary. For example, the emperor of the fire country is the existence of the baby's change period, and the Tianwu Zong lord is also reported to be a baby.

Now that I have this [disguise], Xu feels that if I pretend to be a strong infant, I will go out and go for it. It’s just full of force, and I’m forced to make a profit.

"Unfortunately, there is only one hour of duration. If it lasts for a year and a half, it will be fine." He shook his head with a little regret, and his eyes glanced in the system inventory.

However, in the system inventory, in addition to the newly-obtained "first-order godwalk walk" and "growth package", there is nothing else.

"Hey, I almost forgot, just the first reward is not an item, it seems to be recycling new permissions?" Xu missed his head and suddenly remembered, busy saying to the system: "Come, tell me about the new one." Permission."

“叮! 'Recycling function' can provide you with recycling service, whether it is magic weapon, elixir, exercises, etc., the system can be recycled, and converted into the corresponding classification of the best value back to you, individual precious items can be directly replaced Loaded value, the following is a detailed description..."

With the repeated explanation of the system, Xu Wei finally understood the role of this new authority.

Said to be recycling, it is better to say that it is more suitable for swallowing.

In general, just throw a flying sword to the system.

The system will analyze according to the flying sword grade, and then feedback to the corresponding essence value, stored in the refining class essence pool, which can be used to improve the quality grade of all kinds of magic weapon.

If the drug is recycled to the system, it will be returned to the refining essence and stored in the refining essence pool, which can be used to improve the quality and purity of the drug and the elixir.

If it is a recycling method, it will be returned to the essence of cultivation, which can quickly improve the progress of the martial arts, but it cannot be used at the level of the character.

That is to say, the "Long Teng Jiu Nian" that Xu lacks to cultivate can use this cultivation essence to carry out rapid improvement, but "Taiwan Five Elements" will not work, because that is a practice method, involving the level of the character's realm. .

This is the case, after Xu lacked a complete description of the function, he simply wanted to shout "Bai Ni".

Originally, he still wanted to deal with the pile of magic weapons and exercises that had been stolen from the Tianwu Zong Treasure House. After all, the amount was a bit more and he could not finish it.

Now, with this recycling function, your strength can be easily upgraded to the next level.

But at this moment, he is not in a hurry to dispose of the pile of stolen things. He has to find time to choose which useful ones to use for his own use, and then recycle some of them, and then take out the other parts for sale, in exchange for silver and two stones. .

After all, in this world, the silver two and the Lingshi are the currency, how much you have to put a little on your body, in case you need it.

"Call, no matter what, this time is a full harvest."

Xu lacked a heavy sigh, and his face overflowed with a smile.

The younger brother of the lower body has already calmed down, and Xu Xiao also untied the red little apron and washed it.

Seeing no one around, he quickly climbed ashore, smashed the water stains, and put on the light blue coarse linen clothes that Xiaorou gave him. The long black hair was also bundled with styrene.

The whole person looks fresh and handsome, and smiles with a temperament of knowing the book and being gentle and gentle.

In the end, it was the person who had been a Hummer in the Imperial Palace. In the past six years, he has been pampered, and with all kinds of elixir swallowing, a piece of rough linen can not cover the temperament of this body.

Xu Xiao is very satisfied with this new skin, placed on the earth on the previous world, this looks temperament, in the entertainment circle is also one of the best small meat.

Bring a small red apron, Xu is missing in the direction of her home.

From time to time, I encountered several villagers on the road, and they all smiled at him, and praised the brave feat he had when he beat the beast.

Xu deficiency is a smile, swinging his hand, how much can be played in moderation.

The villagers all gave him a thumbs up.

But when everyone's eyes cast on the red little apron in his hand and squinted at him, revealing a meaningful smile, Xu lacked his a bright and upright, the appearance of a gentleman, heading forward .

A bear child wiped his nose and shouted: "Brother, my mother said that the dress you held in your hand is called a dudou, a woman wears, a man can't wear it."

The villagers suddenly laughed and said: "Little brother, childish words, don't worry, we all know you."

Know your sister!

Xu lacked a corner of his mouth and fled.

Nima, this face is lost.

Fortunately, the villagers here are kind and simple, and they have not misunderstood themselves as underwear thieves, or else the world name will be over!

Xu lacked tears and returned to Xiaorou's home without tears.

"Oh," the wooden door just pushed away.

Xiaorou took the quilt that he had previously worn out and seemed to be ready to take it. After all, it was covered with ointment and it smelled bad.

When I saw Xu deficiency, Xiaorou’s face was red again. Especially when I saw that he still had the little apron in his hand, he almost turned and hid in the house.

Xu lacked the rush to run over, took over the quilt in her hand, and smiled and said: "I come to me, this kind of rough work is given to me."

After all, he quietly put the apron back into Xiaorou’s hand.

Xiaorou's face is red, Zhang Zhangkou, and wants to stop.

When Xu was missing, he was about to ask, but suddenly there was a loud noise in the direction of the village entrance, and there was a vague roar. It seemed that someone was arguing.

Xu's lack of brows suddenly wrinkled: "Well, is it that the beast is coming again, Xiaorou, you are waiting here, I will go and see."

When he finished, he rushed to the entrance of the village.

"and many more……"

Xiaorou immediately yelled, but the lack of Xu has already run away.

She bit her lip and couldn't worry, hiding her belly with her body and following the past.