MTL - Ultimate Martial Divine King-Chapter 1731 Who dares to have a **** body ...

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Mark, are you married? "

Su Zhixia suddenly had such a problem, and Chu Chu was suddenly choked.

Sure enough, my mother!

Chu Chen laughed a little.

"not yet……"

"Really?" Li Zhixia answered, but did not continue to ask.

Chu Rantian on the other side smiled, "I said that Mark should not have been married, but you need to do something to help Mark, when your father is like you, you have chased your mother. ... "

With that said, Chu Rantian Jun's eyebrows were light and slightly proud.


Chu marks speechless.

The mood of the atmosphere is changing too quickly.

However, Chu Hen said again, "Although the baby hasn't gotten married yet, your elder will soon be a 'grandpa' and a 'grandma' ..."

As soon as this remark came out, Chu Rantian and Li Zhi Xia suddenly froze.

"Really?" Li Zhixia's eyes brightened.

"Huh!" Chu Hen nodded and answered, "Chu Yunyi, the name of Mengshang and me ..."

"Meng Chang? I don't know which girl?"

"Hui Nian Niang, Meng Chang is the daughter of your good sister Jiuyou Emperor ..."

The words of Chu Hen once again made the two of Chu Rantian and the couple surprised and happy.

"Is Gu Yu's daughter?" Li Zhixia looked incredulous at the same time, and was more joyful, "It is really God! It seems that Gu Yu has not missed an appointment ..."

"Lost?" Chu was puzzled, "What was the loss?"

"You didn't know yet ..." Li Zhixia smiled. "When I was pregnant with you, I had an agreement with sister Gu Yu. If I was a boy, I would treat you and her by then. The daughter is set to be 'doll kiss'. "

Chu marks smile.

It's also incredible.

I did not expect such a thing.

However, at this moment, Chu Rantian said with a puzzled expression, "Isn't the daughter of Emperor Jiuyou Emperor Bai Baiyu?"

As shallow as?

Meng Chang?

Upon hearing this, Li Zhixia was also stunned.

"Yes! Sister Gu Yu and Bai Di's daughter are indeed called Bai Qianyu ..."

Chu Chen was a little surprised. The parents knew that "Bai Qianyu" existed. You should know that the relationship between Bai Qianyu, Emperor Jiuyou and Baidi has not been disclosed before, and even Bai Qianyu himself did not know her biological mother. Who.

However, Li Zhixia knew so clearly that from this, her relationship with Emperor Jiuyou was indeed extraordinary.

It's no wonder that Jiuyou Emperor is stuck in a dilemma between the "Holy Pupil Holy Tribe" and the "God's Eye Holy Tribe".

"It turned out that you contracted me with‘ Yayo ’…” Chu Hen touched her nose a little uncomfortably, smiled a little awkwardly, and was a bit shy.

Looking at Chu Chen's unanswered appearance, Chu Rantian and Li Zhixia didn't notice a hint of "catty".

"Mark, is it you and that Bai Qianyu ..." Chu Rantian asked tentatively.

Chu Hen did not know how to answer, but nodded.

"Wow ..." Chu Rantian couldn't help but exclaimed, and then laughed again, "Ha ha ha ha ha, Mark, I take back the previous sentence, you don't have to work hard, you are much better than your dad ... ... "

Li Zhixia on the side glared at Chu Rantian fiercely, and then asked Chu Hen, saying, "Shen Er, how did sister Gu Yu not take you?"

Chu Rantian's smile converged. "Indeed, with the fierce power of Emperor Jiuyou, did she not shoot you with one palm?"

Chu Scar was suddenly speechless.

"Almost! Anyway, when I met for the first time, I was quite scared of her ... maybe it was on your father and mother's face that I didn't kill me ..."

"Bash!" Li Zhixia was also teased.

Chu Rantian laughed even more heartily, "Ha ha ha ha ha ha, come and tell your father and mother how you are together ..."

After all, Chu Rantian sat down on the ground with his nearly transparent palm pulling Chu Scar's wrist.

Although both are "sacred souls divided into bodies", there is no substantial touch, but Chuchen can still feel a warm current in his heart.

Such a picture has long been expected countless times in Chu Hen's heart.

At this moment, he was willing to temporarily put down everything outside, and be with the two people who gave him life in front of him.

"Meng Chang and I met in a small country of the celestial dynasty ..."

As the beginning of many stories.

In life, I always feel that the world is small.

Two people who thought they didn't know each other later found out that they had quite a relationship.

Maybe a good destiny!

Maybe it's a sin!

People call this very magical connection "destiny".


Chaos Abyss.

The ancient city is like a god's ruin left over by ancient gods.

From the empty city platform, there were bursts of cheerful laughter from time to time.


Of course, at this moment outside, the smoke of war has already flowed inside and outside the entire Six Realms.

The battle between the ten saints.

Fierce battle between demon domain and saints.

Killing of demons and human races.

The full-scale battlefield erupted, turning the huge Liudaojie into a Shura field.

Blood was flying like rain.

The bones piled up like a fort.

The stump was broken, and it was rolling in a pool of blood.

The blood of the strong human race is splashed, and the green liquid of the evil spirits is poisonous.





All negative emotions make people devote themselves to the killing of selflessness.

The drifting clouds and giant boats hang in the sky, like a meteorite in the sky suspended below the sky.

Countless strange monsters and monsters flew up and down the giant boat one after another, and it seemed that there was a locust rainstorm, and the dense shadows jumped up and down.


Under the pouring of blood and killing, the crowd vented their murderous anger, releasing a monstrous momentum.

Liudaojie inside and outside.

A series of horrible forces collided with each other in the canyon, the bottom of the creek, the top of the giant peak, the ridge, and the heavenly city, setting off a torrential and violent hurricane.

In the main battlefield of heaven and earth.

The confrontation between the great emperors has turned Qiankun upside down, and the sky is cracking.

The collision caused by the power of the bloodline of the Shifang Holy Tribe is called the earth burst. The thick land is like blooming petals, expanding and expanding in the eight directions.



In comparison, the chaos abyss at this moment seems extraordinarily quiet.

"Ha ha ha ha ha, I didn't expect so many funny things to happen to you over the years."

Chu Rantian's hearty laughter made Chu Hen's heart warm beyond words.

As if everything has gone through these years, it is especially worthwhile.

Chu Rantian smiled.

However, her mother felt distressed in the eyebrows from Zhixia.

Although Chu Hen will share the "happy things" that happened to him, Chu Hen can reach this stage today. The "bitterness" he has eaten must be more than the "sweet" he has obtained.

It seems that the hearts of the three people thought of it together.

The cheerful atmosphere calmed down gradually.

Chu Mark's eyes were reddish, and she smiled and said to her parents, "Although I can't bear both of you, I'm going out ... my friend, my brother, my loved ones, and the people I love, still at this moment Life and death battle in the six realms ... "

Chu Rantian and Li Zhixia also smiled.

They didn't show much dissatisfaction and sadness, because they knew that the more arrogant, the harder it would be to let go of Chu marks.

"Mark, before I go out, I have something for you ..." Chu Rantian said.

Chu Hen's heart understood, and his gaze turned to the "main monument of the avenue god" standing in the center of the platform.

"Come on!" Chu Rantian said.

Chu Hen looked back at his parents, then nodded.

Then the three stood up.

Accompanied by Chu Rantian and Li Zhixia, Chu Hen slowly walked towards the center of Daotai.

Immediately, Chu Rantian's eyes flickered, his right finger flicked, and a "咻 ......" sound, a star-like fluorescent light flew from his fingertips.

Star-like fluorescent light draws a bright arc in the air towards the monument in the center of the platform.

"Om ..."

Suddenly, the icy stone monument, which was still dead, suddenly looked like an activated ancient prohibition, and I saw a mysterious and vague light veins flowing on and off the monument.

The streamer becomes brighter.

Gradually gorgeous.

As the space rhythm became stronger and stronger, the ground under Chu Scardun's feet began to shake uneasily.

"Click ..."

Centered on the black stone stele in front, I saw the ground quickly extended and crisscrossed the ancient rune secrets.


Immediately, a huge gorgeous optical network spread out from the center of the platform.

Straight rays of light shuttled through each other, "Booming ..." A series of heavy crackling crackles, and the internal platform of the tower began to crack.


Large and small stones broke away from gravity and levitated.

The abrupt air flow forms a spiraling wind column around the sky.

The large tower seems to be at the center of the cosmic vortex, and the chaotic area above and above the head is showing a shocking picture of "star-moving".

"Well ..."

The dazzling beams of light interweave on the main body of the boulevard **** stone. At this time, the Zhenyuan Zifu of Chuchen was also shocked by a shock of force.

Chu Hen's body trembled violently. A dazzling light burst from his body, and Chu Hen felt only a large amount of energy rushing out of his body.

Then, another huge black stele emerged from the light.

It is the boulevard **** stone fragment!

Chu marks his eyes lifted, a lot of dignity gushing on his face.


The fragment of the boulevard stone that flew out of Chuchen Zhenyuan and Purple House seemed to be the monument to which the invisible gravitation fell.

The edges and corners of the two are actually fit together.

"Well ..."

A stream of streamers moved, and thousands of beams quickly flowed into all the cracks on the avenue **** stone.

Even more peculiar is that the tiny fragments scattered in every corner of the world are like summoned, and they have turned into countless star-point rainstorms and gathered here in all directions.

"Buzz ..."

As the power wave became stronger and stronger, the city platform at the foot of Chu Hen began to disintegrate.

Under the scary eyes of Chu Chen, the complete boulevard **** stone gradually formed.


In a blink of an eye, an ancient monument as tall as a giant pillar stands in front of Chu Hen, Chu Rantian and Li Zhixia.

Mysterious ancient runes staggered.

Chu Chen's pupils shrank, and the bright rune secrets were intertwined into a golden "six star" pattern.

Inside the Astral Star, Shenmang swims.

Above and below the whole boulevard **** stone, there is a thick golden aura floating on it.

The mysterious aura is like the origin of all things, the lingering spiritual essence, and the condensed collection of the sun, moon, and stars, making people feel excited.

"That's ... Emperor of Chaos?"

Chu Hen's hands clenched into fists, her heartbeat accelerated sharply.

Chaos Emperor Power!

Activate the power of the Chaos Deity.

Chu Hen looked back at her parents, her expression was extremely complicated.

However, Chu Rantian just nodded with a smile.


This "go" also means the upcoming "parting."

Chu marks clenched his teeth, his eyes turned red.

"See you later?"

Chu Rantian laughed, "Of course ..." He and his wife looked at each other again, and continued, "Mark, the fate between our father and son is not over."

"I see." Chu Hen was relieved.

"Mark, you must take good care of it ..." Li Zhi Xia Rou said with a choke of tone, "We look forward to seeing you again!"

Chu Hen's tears came out, but she smiled.

"it is good!"

"Go! Many people are still waiting for you outside," Chu Rantian said.


Chu Hen nodded firmly, and immediately, he turned and stepped up into the air, turning into a stream of light toward the top of the avenue **** stone.

In the process of movement, the endless golden chaos emperor's power is entangled in Chu marks like a burning flame.

In that room, Chu marks are like bathing under the holy gods, surrounded by the gorgeous wings of light and shadow.

When the Chaos Emperor Power entered the body, Chu Hen felt that the blood in his body boiled. Every inch of veins, every flesh, seemed to be hit by an overwhelming electric current. The power of the chaotic blood vessels could not help running, The body of the mark is really like a cistern, and it began to greedily accept this supreme ancient source.

"Om ..."

The golden dragon surrounding the circle of dragons traced back to the top of the avenue **** stone behind Chu Hen.

Especially spectacular picture sense, such as a dazzling pillar of heaven in the endless galaxy.

Looking at Chu Chen's back, Li Zhixia and Chu Rantian have unspeakable feelings and gratification on the illusory faces.

"I can't regret being able to see Ener grow up in my own eyes," Li Zhi Xia Moan whispered.

Chu Rantian's mouth slightly picked, but he smiled.

At that time, he came to the chaos abyss. Although he successfully found the "source of Chaos Emperor", Chu Rantian did not return to Chu Hen to rescue the seriously injured Li Zhixia.

This is the regret of the couple.

But Chu Rantian didn't regret it, because he believed from the beginning to the end that his son would not be mediocre.

"I really want to stay a little longer ..." Li Zhixia said softly.

Chu Rantian shook his head with a smile, "Relax! See you again, just as we believed we could meet again."


Surrounded by thousands of golden circles of light, Chu marks stepped directly on the top of the avenue **** stone like an emperor.

Immediately, the top of his Lingao **** stone overlooks the chaotic world.

Stars in all directions.

The endless galaxy's light spins like a cosmic storm shrouding Chu Chu.

"Boom ..."

The majestic and chaotic Emperor's source of power chased into Chuchen's body frantically along the avenue **** stones, and countless bright wings spread out from Chuchen's body.

"Dangdang ..."

The thunderstorm tore the sky above the chaotic abyss, and hundreds of millions of golden lightnings gathered on Chu Chen with the tendency to return to the ancestors.

Chaos sky, sharp collapse!

The power of terror is torn apart.

Every inch of lightning, which contains powerful power, continuously strengthens Chuchen's body and flesh.

The ancient witch spirit Chu Churuo stands under the sky punishment, devouring the mighty power of Chaos Emperor.



The time passed by one minute and one second, I don't know how long, together with a heavy and loud sound, the top of the avenue **** stone burst open endless flames, the vast ring of light and shadow spread in all directions, crushing the chaotic void.

The Chu marks standing on the Optimal God Stone gathered in the center of the hundreds of millions of golden thunderbolts, and the opening of their eyes opened, and a supreme divine power in charge of the heavens came out.

"Om ..." The strong spatial rhythms are stacked, and behind Chu Hen, a black figure with a huge figure is like a **** and a demon ~ ~ Ling Ao is under chaos.

This is a powerful breath!

Unparalleled power!

The Chu mark standing on the top of the boulevard **** stone looked down, the city platform has long disappeared, and the vast chaos abyss, only this boulevard **** stone is lonely suspended in the void ... and the parents Chu Rantian And Li Zhixia did not know when he disappeared.

Shortly sentimental and lonely, Chu Hen's eyes flashed, his one hand and five fingers holding.

"Boom ..." A fierce blizzard over the storm nebula shattered a huge black hole, and chaotic powers swayed open like a bursting star.

Breaking the sky with one hand, pointing at troubled times!

Top 10 most powerful Eucharist dominates!

Who dares to fight with its deity?

Chaos Deity!

Come back! 5

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