MTL - Ultimate Martial Divine King-Chapter 1717 9th Emperor

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"Engulfed, Emperor ..."

Emperor Wu Xingchen frowned deeply, his face was incredibly thick.

Several other emperors were shocked and puzzled.

"how come?"

"Engulf the emperor?"

Uh ...


I wonder!

Hesitations and unspeakable anxieties surfaced on the faces of the Alliance Conqueror.

Suddenly, the Emperor Honghuang and the Emperor Dragon Blood already showed a playful smile.

"Rumble ..."

The devouring force tears the sky.

In the vortex of swallowing like a black grinding disc, a powerful figure exuding the breath of the abyss overlord Ling Ao Ling Xiaofeng over the Zen Emperor's platform.

Staring at the familiar face and figure, the Star Emperor's fists both rattled.

"It's really surprising ..." Jiuyou Emperor said slightly mockingly, looking at the Star Emperor, "You're wrong!"

Emperor Wu Xingchen frowned even deeper, looking at the figure in the void, saying incredulously, "Did you even be bought?"

The expression of cricket devouring the emperor is a bit complicated.

He paused and said, "No, and I'm the last person to stand here and face you ..."

"Then why?"

"For the human race!" Answered the devouring emperor.

"But the person standing behind you is the culprit leading to the war in the human race ..." The Star Emperor yelled angrily.

A bit of strange light flashed in the eye of devouring the emperor, and his gaze glanced at the increasingly fierce and fierce battle of Tiandao City.

Phantom sword light phantom, blood dance sky.

The howling smoke quickly spread inside and outside the sky.

I have to admit that the originators of the saintly melee at this moment are the reincarnation, the flood, and the dragon blood.

Of course, swallowing the emperor shook his head and sighed, "No one in the entire human race is more suitable to take over the 'Tiandi Ling' than the reincarnation emperor. The main reason for this situation today is the lack of a real leader in the human race ... If you say, I am on your side today, even if I overcome the saint saint side, it will not be long before the contradictions of various races will still occur ... "

"Is this your reason?" The Star Emperor shook his fist.


"Do you really think that those who killed Demon King Bai and Baidi by despicable means are eligible to replace Tiandi?"

Puppet King Xingchen asked.

"I don't think he can replace Tiandi ..."

"Why are you?"

"But he is better than any of us to replace Tiandi."

This is the reason to devour the emperor.

Its reason to appear here today.

Although the reincarnation emperor is the culprit of the whole thing, no one has denied his ability.

As the Devouring Emperor said.

Emperor Reincarnation may not be able to become the second emperor.

But he is the most promising one.

In the view of devouring the emperor, the conflicts between the various races are always there, and there is no real person in power in the human race.

Like the former emperor, He suppressed the ambitions and desires of all ethnic groups.

Uh ...

"You look at him too high, just because of these shameless people, you can never become the ruler of the human race." The star emperor shook his head gently, showing his loss in the eyes. He had vowed before that, even if he swallowed Participating in it will never stand on the side of saint saints.

It's not just as simple as being beaten.

I also brought a lot of blows to the morale of the Alliance conscripts.

The most serious point.

The number of emperors on both sides came directly to four to four.


Anxious turned straight.

I swallowed the emperor and shook his head slightly. "No matter what reason I am here today, but I don't want to be your enemy, I'm really sorry ..."

"If you're sorry, just wait until you regret it!" Jiuyou Emperor's beautiful eyes are already full of rich frost cold, she glanced at the Star Emperor and said, "Since you don't want to fight with him, just Come by me. "

He said that Jiuyou Emperor directly turned into an illusive aftermath and devoured the Emperor.

既然 "Since you are determined to fight for the tiger, put away your offensive attitude. You have an excuse for being here, and we have a reason to fight."

The strong and energetic Jiuyou Sen Luo's air permeated.

The crescent-shaped imprint at the heart of Yan Jiuyou's eyebrow glowed with holy soft dreamy white light.

五 She flipped her five fingers out of thin air, and a ruler sword flashing the ancient rune secret pattern fell into her hand.

When the powerful broke into the dark vortex surrounding the emperor, the emperor Jiuyou erupted again and again.

Together with the rhythm of strange powers, the engulfing space surrounding the emperor has a dreamlike twist.

Xi then attacked the emperor's avatars with a dozen swords in different postures.

Every avatar exudes a strong sword.

Feng Fengyue danced, the sword was shocked.

He swallowed the emperor's brow slightly, with a solemn expression on his face, and then the majestic swallowing of the sky began to meet.

"bring it on!"

The majestic force of devouring is like a dark planet spinning fast.

The avatars transformed by Jiuyou Emperor dragged the extraordinary sword horns into full-scale spurs, and the sharp blade swayed the transparent beam to cut the huge engulfing sphere. Each avatar attacked like an aurora with an ice-breaking attack. To devour the Great.

Suddenly, when the sharp blade reached less than ten meters in front of him, the Devouring Emperor's momentum rose sharply, and his arms suddenly lifted outward.

"Broken ..."

Suddenly, the huge dark sphere blasted out of it.

The surging darkness of devouring power is like the iris nebula that excites everywhere. The space is instantly crushed, and the fierce and domineering black ring-shaped shock wave bursts into bloom. All the avatars of Nine You Emperor are shattered into dust.

The only offense left by the Nine You Emperor, the sharp sword in his hand, was directed at the throat that devoured the Emperor.

While the latter sideways to avoid, he raised his palm to welcome him.

The palm force lingering on the back of the powerful devouring force fell on the back of the sword. The ruler sword in the hand of Emperor Jiuyou was not shaken, but was firmly absorbed in the palm of the devouring emperor.

"Hmm ..." Jiuyou Emperor gave a cold hum, and the crescent moon imprinted a flash of Saint Mang, and his wrist turned with it. The ruler sword burst into strong sword energy, and then swallowed the palm of the Emperor.

Uh ...

Looking at the Jiuyou Emperor who was fighting with the Devouring Emperor, Mu Fei, the lord of the Heavenly Palace, was surging with unspeakable complexity.

This way.

The ten strongest saints are all here.

Reincarnation, dragon blood, flood, devour.

Xing Xingchen, Jiuyou, Dahuang, Burning Sky, God's Eye, and Demon Pupil.

There is no one absent in the civil war with the strongest Eucharist boundaries.

Uh ...

Shifang Saints!

Eight Emperors!

The Xingchen Emperor stood alone in front of the reincarnation emperor at this moment.

"Hehe ..." At this moment, the reincarnation emperor provoked a slight smile, and he said calmly, "You have the courage to face me ..."

With the sound of the words falling down, the reincarnation emperor's eyes were lifted, and an invisible majestic trend fell down like a mountain.

Puppet Xingchen's complexion changed slightly, and the second he came into contact with the reincarnation emperor's eyes, his heart was a kind of unexplainable uneasiness.

For example, confrontation between monarch and minister.


"Feel it?" The reincarnation emperor said lightly, "This is the breath of‘ fear ’...”

Breath of fear!

It's just a look!

Emperor Wu Xingchen's face changed again and again, his hands clenched into fists, and Shen Sheng said, "Yu Shen Gu Ji, you can never replace that man ..."

Let ’s just say, the Star Emperor is full of flowing star-shaped irises, his eyes are like Chen, and the whole person is like a shooting star.

He immediately set foot on Lingxiaofeng Zentai, and the distance between the two was drastically shortened.

The reincarnation emperor slightly replied, "No need to replace it!"

"Om ..."

At the moment of the utterance, the powerful momentum, like the undercurrent of the deep ocean, was vented towards the eight parties.

"Ghost Road ..."

Along with the mighty forest cold air, a withered nether bone palm suddenly protruded from the countertop, and the withered giant palm with powerful destruction power was photographed facing the star emperor.

"Boom ..."

The heavy violent explosion suddenly burst the Emperor Xiaoxiao's countertop, together with the splendid splashes of light and the sharply cracked countertop, the raindrop-like extractive energy bodies directly broke through the dead palm.

The rapid air flow was cut through.

The raindrop-shaped light spots are like a meteor across the sky, dragging the shining light to the rear of the reincarnation emperor.

Uh ...

"It is worthy of being the Star Emperor, so strong!"

Yan Fushu in the distance, marveled from Wushou and others.

The raindrop-like streamer swept through the sky, carrying a peerless power that penetrated the meteorite.

Suddenly, just when these lasers were about to hit the reincarnation emperor, a circle of water-like transparent light curtains appeared in front of each other.

"Bang, bang ..."

A series of water droplets struck the water pattern light curtain as if they were diamonds smashing on the iron wall of the copper wall. At the same time, a dull and loud explosion broke out, all of them burst into countless chip fragments.

The layer after layer of optical swirling aftershocks spread out in front of the reincarnation emperor.

But the layer of water-like transparent light curtain was only shaking slightly, and the reincarnation emperor sitting on the throne was not hurt at all.


Xun Ke was in the next second, the afterglow in the air lingering, the star emperor suddenly flashed like a phantom to the reincarnation emperor.

Then, his right hand was clenched into a fist, and countless stars flowing shadows gathered and flowed up and down the fist arm. His entire arm seemed to be soaked in Shenghui's gods. .

"嗵 ..."

The huge sensation once again scattered and cracked on the table.

The Xingchen Emperor's fist came out, venting the terrifying force that broke through the galaxy, and the sky's light curtain burst into the sky, and the water-like transparent light curtain in front of the reincarnation emperor burst and shattered.

The surging starbursts, like surging waves, poured down both sides of the reincarnation emperor.

Suddenly, the star that blew through the heavens and earth continued to attack the opponent.

别 "Don't forget, I am also one of the ten strongest Holy Communities."

Puppet Star Emperor roared.

The reincarnation emperor still sitting on the throne did not change his expression at all, and his eyelids were light, "Really?"

A violent blast of "Boom ..." sloshed inside and outside the table, and the space around the reincarnation emperor shattered into pieces.

Along with the collapsed platform and the void, a horrible repulsive force swept through the body of the reincarnation emperor.

亮 A bright ring of stars spread out obliquely. Under countless pairs of unbelievable eyes, the Star Emperor was shaken all the way back.

Suddenly, the Star Emperor had just stabilized his body, and the surrounding space was agitated.

A mysterious rune quietly emerged from the ground beneath his feet.

Each secret line of the Puppet Rune appears bright red like blood.

Cross-and-horizontal interspersed, such as interspersed with scarlet vines.

There is a sword-shaped pattern in the center of the array of hearts.

"Sura Road, the Blade of Death!"

"Om ..."

Bafang's space is distorted, and the sudden howling wind flutters the sky.

The dark, red afterimage was like dust drifting away, and among them, eight sharp dark red giant blades were chopped back towards the star emperor in the center of the rune.

Every sharp blade exudes the power of Shura that has ruined everything.

The Star Emperor, who is in the rune, is like a marked target.

His face remained unchanged, his eyes sank, and he said, "Well, you can't kill me with this ..."

The words fell, the stars of the Emperor's palms were facing outward, and an incomparable bright starburst erupted under his feet.

"Astral Shield!"

"Om ..."

Enclosed by the endless star light, an imaginary figure of dozens of meters high actually emerged from the body of the star emperor.

The figure was wearing a shiny armor, and then his arms were raised high, and he stiffly ground.

"嗵 ..."

圈 A circle of bright spherical light source shield suddenly expanded out in all directions.

The circular light shield that spreads rapidly and is full of strong impact. With the inch-thick crushed table, the eight dark red Shura shadow blades that attacked the Star Emperor were crushed by the impact.

Uh ...

The sacred saints all relieved slightly.

幸 "Fortunately!" Yan Fushu said in a deep voice. "Fortunately, there is the Aegis of the Star, otherwise the consequences of being hit by the" Sura array "will be disastrous ..."

Mu Fei, the lord of the heavenly palace, frowned, staring at the mysterious scarlet array that had not disappeared at the feet of the Great Star.

He followed, and Mu Fei's eyes flew sharply.

"No, there is a sword ..."


Uh ...

话 The voice didn't fall, and the ninth Shura's desperate blade appeared without any warning above the head of the star emperor.

The crimson sword-sword ran across the sky, carrying a thunderous slashing potential.

This sword ~ ​​ ~ It ’s like punishment!


Everyone's face changed drastically.

The Xingchen Emperor was also shocked.

What a mess!

In the face of the reincarnation emperor, even the slightest intention will be fatal.

The horrible sword of the ninth desperate blade fell sharply, and the illusory figure outside the Star Emperor was instantly split.

The pupil of Xingchen Emperor shrank sharply to the size of the needle tip.

"Except for the weak, you really have nothing ..." The calm and indifferent voice of the reincarnation emperor invaded-into each other's ears.

"哐 当 ..."

Suddenly, at this moment, a shocking purple thunder storm suddenly swept away on Ling Xiaofeng's Zen platform.

The heavens and earth changed color, and the heavens and earth shivered.

The reincarnation emperor's eyes lightly stunned, showing a little surprise.

"Bang ..." Under the crushing purple storm, the ninth desperate blade was destroyed and fragmented when it was less than a few meters above the Star Emperor.

Looking at this scene, the hearts of countless people were tense.

I saw a third figure on the Lingxiao platform.

This figure is much younger than any emperor.

Shifang Holy Tribe.

之外 The eighth emperor, the ninth emperor!

Chu Chu marks!

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