MTL - Ultimate Martial Divine King-Chapter 1699 Battle 6 Realms

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The battle of the ten races is approaching, and Kyushu is in full swing.

The clans of all major clans are quietly standing in line.

Or closed the door.

The whole human race world seems to usher in a huge catastrophe.

Everyone is in danger and is about to move.


With the continuous loss of time, the hearts of the people of all ethnic groups have become increasingly severe and the owners have become more serious.

The battle is imminent.

This is a kind of urgency.

I hope that day will come sooner.

I hope that day will never come again.


The warriors of the Saints of the Stars, the Saints of the Wilderness, and the Jiuyou Saints each set off from each ethnic group and gathered in Baidi City.

In addition, there are several ordinary saints who have made good choices to join the team of the "Six Realms".

Such as the Crescent Saints, and the Five Elements Saints after some careful consideration.

The holy war in the human realm, like a huge vortex storm, is constantly expanding.

Its scope keeps growing.

Many forces are like aquatic creatures involved in it.

When the two storm vortexes collided, it was absolutely upside down and the world exploded.


In addition to the support of the various forces with which the six clan relations have established, Wu Zong, Han Yun Zong, and Ling Feng Gu over the Inland State of the Inland State convened all conquests within the Zong Men several days after the war order was issued Arrived at Baidi City.

Over Dongshengzhou, Kun Liushan, Wan Shizong, Jiuhua Palace's Ram Yang, Qiao Yong, and Xing Yi led the conquest team without any hesitation.

In fact.

When they came, Chu Hen refused for the first time.

The reason is very simple. This trip to the Six Realms was extremely dangerous. It must be accompanied by countless bloodshed and sacrifice. Chu Hen did not want to put Kun Liushan, Wu Zong and other ancestors in danger.

After all, this is an internal struggle between the ten sacred clans, and they can stay out of the matter.

But then again.

When the real turmoil is about to fall down, a few people can really watch.

For Wu Zong, Kun Liu Shan, and Man Sejong, perhaps this battle of the ten races was not enough to participate in the level, but when they arrived at the White Emperor City, they had already made the worst plans.


Maple Wing Tiangu!

"Princess Ali is back."

"What? Lord Princess is back? Where is she?"

"Take me there."


The Saint Wing Tianyan bird group, accompanied by a noisy tumult, led Qi Qi to quickly bring his men to greet him.


When seeing Mo Qingli coming back, Qi Qiao's face was full of excitement and joy, and then a little surprised.

"His Royal Highness, your eyes?"

He clearly remembered that Mo Qingli chose to persecute the Huanghuangcang of her own eyes in order to return to the demon pupil of Chuchen.

"It's cured ..." Mo Qingli nodded with a smile and said softly.

"Oh, it's ... the emperor is in the temple ..." Qi Xia said quickly, "I'll show you to him now."

"it is good!"


"Master Clan, Her Royal Highness Princess is back." Qi Xia was already eagerly shouting before entering the hall.

Cold and solemn hall.

The emperor of the Holy Wing Tianyanque family, Huangcang sits above the hall like an emperor on earth.

The father and daughter met.

The atmosphere was extraordinarily indifferent.

"Do you know how to come back?" Huang Cang glared indifferently to Mo Qingli below.

"Father Emperor ..." Mo Qingliyu held the hand lightly, then slowly released it, and then whispered softly, "I beg your forgiveness."

On the side, Qi Qiao nodded with relief.

This is what he wants to see.

"Hey ..." Huang Cang sneered sneer. "Isn't you very angry when you left last time? Why? Now come back to admit it?"

"Master Clan, Her Royal Highness Princess is confused for a moment. You can just blame me for two sentences. I don't want to go to my heart." Qi Xia hurried round the field.

"Huh ..." Huang Cang snorted coldly, "for a moment? If it wasn't for this idiot, the emperor wouldn't lose all face. Eating things inside and out, and a face coming back."

The face of Huang Cang's reprimand, Mo Qingli's eyes flashed a loneliness.

She smiled slightly hard.

"Father, I came to say goodbye to you ..."

bid farewell?

Let's hunt for a moment.

Huang Cang also took a moment.

"Her Royal Highness, are you?"

"The ten-party holy war is coming, and I would like to follow Chu Hen to the Six Realms. If the ending is good, there will be peace, if the ending is mourned, the woman will not return ... This time I came to see the Father The last side. If the woman is gone, she should resign ... "

After all, Mo Qing kneeled off his knees.

"For a moment, the emperor's upbringing."

"Second generation, unwillingness of the ethnic group."

"Mikasa, that offense that day."


Three heads were struck towards Huang Cang for a while, Mo Qingli slowly got up, and his white forehead was slightly reddish.

Huang Cang clenched his hands into fists and shouted, "If you want to leave, you will never come back again."

"His Royal Highness, the affairs of those ten clans have nothing to do with you, don't go ..." Qi Xia also persuaded.

Of course, Mo Qingli only smiled a little, looking at Huang Cang's harsh face calmly.

"Daughter, there is no complaint in life, no death, no regrets ... and hope that the Emperor will always be healthy!"

After speaking this sentence, Mo Qingli was as relieved as he was, and then turned away without hesitation.

"His Royal Highness ..." Qi Xia kept shouting behind him.

But Mo Qingli did not look back.

Huang Cang stood above the hall, watching Mo Qingli away from the slender back, could not help but feel a little lost.



It means life and death are unpredictable.

life and death!

It also means parting or not.

Sometimes it is not just etiquette to say goodbye, but to fill in the missing regrets.


The biggest regret in life is not the departure of an important person, but the inability to say goodbye to that person.

Walking too hastily, leaving you unprepared to catch a pity.



"Are you going to try 'Farewell'?"

On the magnificent picking platform, the hearts of the four great emperors, such as the stars, the great wasteland, Jiuyou, and the burning heaven, and Chu Hen, Yan Fushu, etc., are somewhat complicated.

Baidi City has already gathered multi-party holy forces.

As the day of the war is approaching, everyone's hearts are starting to say goodbye to important people while they are accumulating warfare.

Loved ones!


Or important friends!

Because no one knows what will happen after you set foot in the Six Realms.

How many people will come back.


"Told the great emperors, Lord of the Heavenly Palace, and Murphy led the rest of the Heavenly Palace!"

The thunderous, thunderous voice was an uplifting cheer from inside and outside the huge Baidi city.

"What? The heavenly palace is here?"


"With the joining of Tianji Palace, our overall strength will definitely increase greatly."


Amidst the sensation, all the great emperors also went to the front desk of the White Emperor City to meet them in person.

Heavenly Palace!

Mu Fei was greeted with a vengeance, but the powerful scenes that he radiated were not much to the emperors.

"Mophie has met the saints ...

"The Lord of the Murphy Palace must be more courteous. You can come here and suddenly let us do a lot of solidarity." The Star Emperor returned his salute with his fists.

The Waste Emperor nodded in approval. "We were still worried about it. Now that we see you here, we already feel that we have a winning ticket."

Mu Fei shook his head, "You all look down on Mo Fei, Tianji Palace just doesn't want to see the human race under the control of reincarnation saints."

"The Lord Mu Fei's generosity and generosity, I'll wait and admire!" Star Emperor said.

Have to admit.

The joining of Tianji Palace suddenly made everyone feel like they were swallowing a reassurance pill.

And Han Yu, the old Yin monkey standing behind Mu Fei, also raised his eyebrows quietly, with a little pride in his small eyes.

Chu marks understood.

It seems that the reason why Mu Fei was able to promise to help the Six Clan Alliance must be part of the "merit" of the old Yin Monkey.

"Now that the master of Mu Fei Palace is here, then we can start to discuss the specifics of the Six Realms ..." said the Star Emperor.

The other emperors nodded.

In particular, the Emperor Tiantian, in his eyes, was the most eager to wait for.


A janitor guards inside the majestic hall.

Four emperors, the masters of the Heavenly Palace, Chu Hen, Bai Qianyu, Yan Fushu, and a few high-level personnel gathered here.

Among the crowd was a virtual battlefield.

The virtual small battlefield is like the shrinking plate of the "Liudaojie". The coordinates of the mountains, rivers, canyons, and Shentai are completely outlined.

"The terrain distribution of Liudaojie is rather strange. The heavenly kingdom is located in the center, surrounded by humane, ghost, beast, Shura, and **** ..."

Star Emperor analyzed.

"The main stronghold of the reincarnation saint is located in the innermost" Tiandaojie "..."

The corners of everyone's eyes narrowed.

"Then where should we launch the attack?" Yan Fushu asked.

"I'm afraid you can't just take one line ..." said Mu Fei, the lord of the Heavenly Palace. "No matter which area you enter, you will be surrounded by ambushes from the other two areas ... Once cut, the entire line will be collapse……"

"The master of the Mu Fei Palace was right ... so I discussed with Emperor Jiuyou, we divided into five teams and directly seized the outer five realms, killing them in five different directions at the same time. "

The Star Emperor said loudly.

Divided into five teams?

The hearts of everyone were startled.

That is to say, the strength of the alliance was directly dismantled into five parts. Once the saints ’reincarnation attacked all the way, it would annihilate the entire army that way.

Similarly, if the saint saint chooses to defend all the way, the other four routes can also directly smash Huanglong and pierce into heaven and heaven.

"Because we do n’t know which realm we will attack from, we will definitely be guarded in five directions. Our power is scattered, and so are they. As long as three of our five armies overwhelm them, they will quickly occupy the heavenly realm. , Then they will suffer the enemy, and the front will collapse ... "

Emperor Jiuyou said.

"This is indeed the best plan, but in terms of staffing, how to allocate ..." Yan Fushu asked.

"I am a Saint of the Stars, and I am attacking the ghost world ..." said the Star Emperor.

"Dahuang Holy Tribe, the main attack on Xiulao ..." said the Emperor.

"Jiuyou Holy Tribe, main attack, humane world ..." Jiuyou Great Emperor said.

Everyone looked at Emperor Tiantian.

Nowadays, with less than a hundred people remaining in the Burning Heaven Holy Tribe, naturally they cannot take the heavy responsibility of attacking all the way.

Of course, there is no leader of the emperor on the side of the Holy Eyes.

So ~ ~ the two can complement each other.

"The Emperor Tiantian led the main attack of the Holy Eye Holy Tribe, the **** world ..." The Emperor Jiuyou said to the Emperor Tiantian and Bai Qianyu respectively.

"Okay!" The Emperor of Heaven had no choice but immediately agreed.

"Then, there are only 'Beasts' left ..."

The eyes of everyone looked at Chu Hen and Mu Fei.

One is the Emperor Chu Emperor.

One is the head of the fairyland domain of Nanlu.

no doubt.

The combination of these two people is definitely not worse than any other way.

Chu Hen and Mu Fei looked at each other, and then nodded.

"Okay, the beast world is left to me and the Mophie Lord ..."

Read The Duke's Passion