MTL - Ultimate Martial Divine King-Chapter 1660 Reincarnation saints, stop

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"You reincarnate saints, stop here ... remember my name, Chu Hen ..."

High momentum, dominate the audience posture.

All of a sudden, the whole world of the Grand Canyon Division seemed to be shaking.

I was shocked together, and there were countless minds in the audience.

After thousands of years of stormy journey, the demon pupil saint returned to the finals!

I won the glory of the nine cities, reincarnation saints to win the championship!

With the power of six reincarnations, Yu Shenyin stood at the top of the canyon with the domineering power of the ruler.

Burn the sky, the stars, devour, and be frustrated!

圣 The major saints have witnessed the power of samsara saints. Who would have thought that at the last moment when Yu Shenyin was about to reach the summit, the most unexpected demon saints came out.

Chu Chu marks!

Remember my name!

No doubt, after today, the whole world will remember this name.

Uh ...

Tong Yan Han Yu and Chen Ying Feng looked at each other, both of which were shocked when they read each other's eyes.

I guessed wrong!

之前 Before the competition started, the two had a "gamble".

辰 璟 风 站 Ushen Yin won the championship.

But Yan Hanyu was optimistic about Mo Nanquan and Sen Yuan.

With Ke Moquan's one move defeated, almost everyone in the audience tended to Yu Shenyin.

Reincarnation six, amazing.

Even though it is an eight-star demon pupil, it is difficult to compete with it.

But, the advent of the chaotic body, the end is rock-shaking.

Uh ...

Shifang emperor seat.

The great emperors have long been so calm and calm before.

"Like, it's like ..." Emperor Tiantian muttered in a deep voice.

In the eyes of Emperor Xingchen, Devouring Emperor, Emperor Huang, Emperor Honghuang, etc., they were also touched.

Who is he like?

Chu Churan?

Suddenly, from their unusual look, it seems that this is not the case.

At that time, Chu Rantian was like him!

This is a feeling that is unforgettable for countless years.

"It's really nostalgic breath ..." said the star emperor profoundly.

The faces of several others were also complicated.

"It looks like we have to wait for the next time ..." The Emperor of the Burning Heaven calmed down, and there was a slight slyness in the eyebrows.

Emperor Dragon Blood, Emperor Honghuang and others subconsciously glanced at the reincarnation emperor sitting in the middle position.

With the defeat of Yu Shenyin.

The goal of the samsara saints competing for the tenth crown was declared broken.

This also means that the reincarnation emperor needs to wait for the next sacrament conference if he wants to take charge of the emperor's order.

Obviously, for several other emperors, they are happy to see it.

Xun, especially Emperor Tiantian and Star Emperor, already had an uncontrollable smile.

In fact, they even want to see the expression of loss and dullness on the face of the reincarnation emperor.

Suddenly, the look of the reincarnation emperor remained almost unchanged from the original time, and even the breath and movement of the exposed breath were steady and unchanged.

Quiet and silent!

The failure of Wu Yu Shenyin did not bring any mood swings to the reincarnation emperor.

"Really cruel!" Emperor Tiantian shook his head to himself, "Aren't you disappointed? But you're one step behind ..."

After all, he couldn't help asking.

The reincarnation emperor raised his eyes slightly, and his voice was as calm as an ancient well.

"Victory is a routine thing for soldiers, how can you be disappointed ..."

大 Several emperors could not help but narrow their eyes.

This is the reincarnation emperor!

No one can see through!

Uh ...

Grand Canyon Division!

The atmosphere is infinitely tense.

Twenty-four is deadly silence.

Countless people's expressions are a little embarrassing.

There are twists and turns.

The battle between Wuyu Shenyin and Chuchen created a visual feast one after another, with all kinds of hole cards being exhausted, so that the consciousness of the minds of the people had not been slowed down.

这 "This, is this the end?"


"This battle is really shocking. It is indeed the son of Chu Rantian, and he never loses his father."

Uh ...

Many noisy exclamation sounds stacked outside the field.

I watched this scene from afar, everyone's heart booed.

If the Chaos family is still alive, relying on Chu Rantian, Chu Hen, the father and son, may be able to reproduce the glory of the "chaos god".

What's more, Chu marks also has the bloodline boundary blessing of the demon pupil's body.

How can these people be mediocre?

Uh ...

Speaking of the past, everyone's eyes were unaware of the position of the Holy Eye of the Holy Tribe.

Although everyone in the world is unsure about what happened that year, the enemies of the god-eye holy tribe and the demon pupil holy tribe are well known.

The destruction of the Chaos tribe and the demon pupil tribe cannot be separated from the god-eye tribe.

Now Chu Chu, who is both blood of chaos and demon pupils, ruled the audience with stone-shattering trends. I don't know what the hearts of the saints in God's eyes are.

Uh ...

之中 In the Grand Canyon.

It turned upside down.

Originally, the Grand Canyon site from the audience seats around the same level, has sunk more than a hundred feet deep.

The deep source length of faults is more than thousands of feet.

Nothing is more shocking than the giant urn that Yu Shenyin lay on.

Is directly across the canyon area.

The faults in it cut the division in half.

I remembered that black storm light swirl, everyone's back was faintly cold.

The power of the avenue directly shakes the reincarnation heaven and tears Jiuxiao.

The injury on Wu Yu Shenyin was shocking.

Almost all his chest was cut through.

Can clearly see the internal bones and internal organs.

Even though he has a strong unwillingness in his eyes, he can only watch the young figure of the king returning above his head.

By the way, samsara samsara, stop here!

He shattered all the glory rays of Yu Shenyin.

By the way, remember my name.

It's murderous!

Wu Yu Shenyin eclipsed to the extreme.

所有人 At this moment, all the people in the field are reduced to Chu Chen's foil.

Nearly invincible Yu Shenyin, defeated!

Wu Yu's vision was gradually blurred, and only the sound of howling wind blew in his ears.

Uh ...

"In this battle, the winner is the saint of the demon pupil, Chu Hen!"

The Lord of the Souls, the Lord of the Peaks, had no way to pause, and finally announced the result.

I can see that Shangguan's helpless face is obviously not natural.

The voice of the yell was also a bit vague.

When the words fell, a jubilant applause erupted off the court.

"it is good!"

"Ha ha ha ha, beautiful job!"

On the side of the demon pupil Tong Sheng, all the members stood up and applauded. Sirius Wei Rao Feiyu shouted exultantly regardless of his status.

"Win, ha ha ha ha."

"Our demon pupil tribe finally won the championship again ~ ~ Four elders, did you see that? Chu Chen won the championship."

Uh ...

Every excitement is in everyone's eyes.

Tears flashed in the murky old eyes of Elder Twenty-four.

"Win the championship? Ha ha ..." 蓦 Di, also at this moment, a sneer with a little disdain came suddenly into everyone's ears.

At the moment when the words of fell, a heavy blast of "嗵 ......" suddenly exploded on the ground in the canyon.

With each passing rushing into the Tianhe River, the magma plumes exuding endless torrential floods overturned the sky.

A domineering young figure appeared in the arena.

The chaotic rocks collapsed and the cyclone vented.

The hearts of everyone in the market trembled suddenly.

I saw the man exuding arrogance and arrogance.

This person is no one else.

"Sorry, it's a bit early for you ..."

Han Senyuan stood in the air, staring at the Chu mark in the void in front of him with a playful gesture.

Then, the violent atmosphere of rock red was gushing from his pupils, and then, a terrible power far ahead of him swept in all directions.

"What's this breath?"

"Emperor, Emperor Realm?"

"Sen Yuan ... has he entered the realm of emperor?"