MTL - Tyrant Dragon Emperor-Chapter 7369 Primordial Cloud Clan

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Chapter 7369 Primordial Cloud Clan

Jiang Tian waved his hand gently, and the two remnants immediately slammed into the big formation ahead, turning into two clouds of blood mist.


The blood is shining!

The originally dim pattern began to light up, bursting out with dazzling blood!

There was a slight sway in the void behind, and the two heads of Xueyuan and Xuexi were crushed by the force of space.

Jiang Tian grabbed a few storage rings and stepped into the blood-inducing formation in the void!

"Blood world, here I come!"


The spiritual power of the blood drawing formation in the void soared, and Jiang Tian's figure disappeared instantly in the formation!

The Star Ruins is vast, and there may be other great opportunities and treasures worth exploring.

But Jiang Tian was more aware of his purpose in coming to Star Market - to find clues to the Xuanyuan Dragon Clan!

But during this more than a month, he did not find any clues about Xuanyuan's lineage.

Therefore, he didn't want to wait for a moment, and went to the blood world to search for clues decisively!

blood world!

Jiang Tian is here!

At the same time that Jiang Tian activated the void blood-drawing array and was transported through the blood world.

Many warriors came to Star Market through different passages!

"There are a lot of chances and rare treasures in the Star Ruins, although most of them won't be on the table of our ancient cloud clan, but occasionally there will be some special existences, which make people's eyes shine!

Of course, the primary purpose of your coming here is to kill a few more people and hone your martial skills!

As the super geniuses of the younger generation of the ancient cloud clan, you must seize this opportunity and practice well! "

"Yes, Elder Yuntong!"

More than a dozen young evildoers entered the Star Market and began to act.

They are wearing cloud robes, with star patterns dotted on their chests, and all of them have strong auras.

The one with the worst cultivation is also in the early stage of God-making Realm!

at this time!

A woman with a cold face sped forward and fled forward, quickly throwing away a dozen of her companions.

"Hmph, without even saying hello, she left the team and acted without authorization. This sister of the Yun clan really does her own way, and she has no rules in her eyes!"

"Although she is a returning bloodline promoted by the small interface, she is really talented, otherwise she would not be so reused by the family!"

"Hehe, what's the important thing? Isn't it just because of her better looks and higher talents, she can make the elders look at her differently? I don't think she is really capable!"

The two young evildoers were whispering, and one of the young women sneered coldly without concealing her inner disdain.

"Sister Yunfei is careful! She has won the trust of the elder Mieyuan. If these words are heard by her or spread to the ears of the elders, the consequences will be very serious!"

"Hey! Yunqing, you are too timid. As a direct descendant of the ancient Yun family, don't tell me you can't even speak to an outsider? Don't say a few words about her, so what if you scold her face to face?"

"Sister Yunfei!" Yun Qing was full of fear.

"Hmph, what are you afraid of? Even if these words reach Elder Mieyuan, she doesn't dare to do anything to me. After all, the ancestors of my lineage are enshrined by the family, and what is she, Yun Mieyuan? But It’s just an elder who just squeezed into the Presbyterian Church!”

"Hiss! Sister Yunfei, you know the rules of our ancient Yun clan. You must never say these disrespectful words to the elders, otherwise the consequences will be very serious!"

"Very serious? Hehe, I don't think so!"

Yun Fei sneered coldly, her face full of disdain.

At this time, a cold scolding suddenly sounded!

"Recklessly discussing the elders, speaking rudely, according to the family rules, you should cut off your own arm, according to the family teacher's rules, you should cut off your own arms, Yun Fei, please!"

The woman who had gone far suddenly appeared in front of the two, her eyes were cold, she looked directly at Yunfei!

"Sister Yun?" Yun Qing's face changed, and he looked at the woman opposite.

"Yun Xianghan, did you do it on purpose?"

Yun Fei's eyes were cold, and her face was full of chills!

Yun Xianghan had obviously gone far away, but suddenly returned, and listened to all her words, and wanted to be held accountable according to family rules.

It was obvious that he was plotting against her!

"Yes or not is not important, the important thing is that you have to take responsibility for what you said!"

"I... I was just joking, how can you take it seriously? Besides, even if my words are slightly wrong, you have no right to do so!"

"The rules cannot be broken! Since I am a member of the family, I am naturally qualified to enforce these rules. Since you don't do anything, then I have to do it myself!"

"you dare…"


Blu-ray is here!

Yun Fei's head flew out!


"Yun Xianghan, what are you doing?"

"You are so brave, how dare you kill Yunfei?"

"Her grandfather is enshrined in the family, you are courting death!"

Everyone was stunned by Yun Xianghan's ruthless determination, and after they realized it, they all angrily reprimanded.

Yun Xianghan's eyes were cold: "I am protecting the dignity of my family teacher, and I am also enforcing the family rules. If you dare to resist, you are fighting against the family rules. If you have any opinions, go and report to the elders!"

"You..." Everyone was speechless for a moment.

Someone couldn't help scolding!

"Yun Xianghan, don't use the banner as a tiger's skin. When I return to the family, I want to see how you explain to the priest?"

Yun Xianghan sneered: "Then you have to go back with your life!"

"What did you say..."


The conversation stopped abruptly!

A blue light suddenly appeared on this person's neck, and with a slight swirl, it chopped off his head.


"Yun Xianghan, what are you doing?"

"Should we all be silenced?"

Boom... Boom!

Everyone immediately became alert, their auras soared, and they put on a siege.

Yun Xianghan sneered: "The family rules do not prohibit me from killing him. If you don't like me, you can do it now!"

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, and no one dared to make a move for a while.

Yun Xianghan's strength is not something to brag about, no one has the confidence to crush her one-on-one.

There may be some chances of winning if they join forces, but if the opponent wants to escape, it will be difficult for them to stop.

"If you don't dare, then stay away from me!"

Yun Xianghan scolded coldly, turned around and fled away.


Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, feeling a little scared in their hearts.

"This Yun Xianghan is really overbearing!"

"How dare the returning bloodline raised by a small interface be so mad at us direct descendants?"

"In the long run, will our direct descendants still have a good life?"

"Guys, I think it's better to take advantage of this trip to the Star Market to completely eliminate her so as to avoid future troubles!"

Everyone agreed with this proposal.

Yun Xianghan has seriously threatened their status and lives, and they are not willing to submit to each other's control from now on.

This trip to the Star Market is a great opportunity to deal with her!


Phoenix Yuan Realm!

On the jungle of giant trees that can't be seen at a glance, there are magnificent wooden palaces!

The ear-piercing chirping sounded suddenly!

A phantom of a white phoenix escaped from the void, heading straight for the tallest and most majestic wooden hall among them.


"what happened?"