MTL - Tyrant Dragon Emperor-Chapter 7356 Dragon's Blood Curse

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Chapter 7356 Dragon Blood Forbidden Curse

"Blood Realm Channel, Void Blood Leading Formation?"

Jiang Tian muttered to himself, looking forward.

The results of the soul search told him that the powerful people in the blood world came to the star market through a special passage called "Void Blood Leading Formation".

It can also be called a special formation!

If you want to go to the blood world, you have to go through that passage.

And the position of that passage is guarded by a strong man from the blood world!

"try to find!"

Now that he has clues, he will not hesitate.

Hum rumbling!

Jiang Tian activated the large array of space transformation, and fled to a place in front of which there was a faint flash of red light.

Next, his target is the blood warrior!

He wants to find the key to the blood world through these people!

Hum rumbling!

The purple light suddenly appeared!

Jiang Tian came to a void filled with purple flames.

At this time, several evildoers from the True Dragon Family were trapped in Zi Yan, unable to escape.

"It's them!"

Jiang Tian recognized these people.

The leaders are Long Zhen, Long Ji and Long Xun!

There are two other evildoers from the True Dragon Family next to them!

But behind them, there was an accompanying elder from the True Dragon Family, who was protected by these young monsters.

In terms of cultivation and combat power, it was supposed to be the elder who charged forward and protected these juniors.

But now, the elder was seriously injured, so he needed these young people to protect him.

But these young people are not the opponents of the strong blood clan opposite.

They were imprisoned in this void by the terrifying Zi Yan, and their situation was in a precarious situation!

"Dragon monster, yes, it suits my appetite!"

The one who controlled Zi Yan was a young man in a blood robe.

His eyes were very gloomy, his face was extremely ferocious, and his eyes repeatedly lingered on several dragon monsters.

"You, if you are willing to be my stove, I can spare you!"

With a sneer on his face, the blood-robed youth pointed at Long Zhen.

"Dream! Even if I blew myself up to death, I wouldn't take advantage of you!"

Long Zhen's pretty face was pale, and she was furious!

I have made up my mind to die!

The blood of the dragon clan is born noble, and as a transcendent evildoer of the real dragon family, she has incomparable arrogance, and it can even be said that her eyes are higher than the top.

But after encountering this blood-robed young man, she just understood what it means to have someone beyond others, and there is a sky beyond the sky!

The other party claimed to be from the blood world and was a blood monster!

They are about the same age, but their strength is much higher, even the accompanying elders can't hold back the opponent's palm!

If they meet this person, they may be doomed!

"This old man's life is up to you, I just hope you can let these young people go, even...even if it's just one or two of them!"

Elder Long Yi clutched his chest with a tragic expression, his words were almost begging!

"Old man, what qualifications do you have to bargain with me? She is the only one I can let go, and everyone else must die!"

"The elder didn't ask him, let's fight him!"

"It's a big deal to die together!"

"Yes, fight to the death together!"

The monsters of the Dragon Clan knew that there was no way out, and they planned to fight each other to the death.

Long Yi's face was full of despair!

"It's useless, we can't even suppress these purple flames, how can we fight hard with each other?"

These young monsters are full of enthusiasm, but they haven't figured out the real situation yet.

The reality is that they don't even have the qualifications to work hard, so what if they don't beg?

"Don't mess around, I really can't..."

Long Zhen clenched her teeth, and slowly closed her eyes.

She doesn't care about personal life and death, and she also understands that once she succumbs to the other party, life may be worse than death in the future.

But in this special situation, she had to consider the interests of the family.

There are more than two hundred people from the True Dragon Family, plus several elders.

In just over a month, the loss reached more than 90%, and now there are very few left!

Perhaps these people in front of them are all the remaining descendants of the True Dragon Family from this trip!

In desperation, she might have no choice but to give in!

"Okay! I agree to your conditions, but I also have a request. They must be let go, otherwise I will die!"

Long Zhen endured the humiliation and said.

"Conditions? Requirements? Scoff!" The blood-robed youth grinned grimly, "What qualifications do you have to ask me? I'm giving you a way to survive, not telling you conditions. If you obey, you will live, if you go against, you will die!"


The only hope was also extinguished, and Long Zhen's heart sank completely!

"The real dragon family has suffered heavy losses this time, but the younger generation of seedlings cannot perish. I will use the forbidden technique later. You can count as many as you can escape. If you can't escape... just accept your fate!"


"Dragon Blood Forbidden Curse, open!"



Long Yi yelled violently, and pointed between his eyebrows.


Blood gushes like a fountain!

Immediately afterwards, he severed the two silver horns on top of his head.

Contaminated with eyebrows, launched a forbidden spell!

Ang... Ho Ho!

With a flash of golden light, a gigantic dragon circled up, devoured Zi Yan madly, and rushed towards the blood-robed youths around Zi Yan!

"be prepared!"

Dazzling golden light erupted from Long Yi's body, and flames of dragon patterns ignited one after another.

With both hands together, it turned into a golden light that shot straight at the blood-robed youth!

Ho ho!

hold head high!

In an instant, this golden light merged with the ten thousand zhang golden dragon into one.

Long Yi's body was completely annihilated, and he rushed straight away with an indomitable momentum.

Regardless of whether this blow was successful or not, Long Yi would not be able to survive.

It could even be said that he sacrificed his life the moment he cast the forbidden spell.

"court death…"

Ho Ho Ho... Boom!

Accompanied by a loud noise that shook the sky, the dazzling golden light flooded the void ahead.

The blood-robed youth was also submerged in it.

"Go, go!"

Long Zhen shouted sharply, urging everyone to break out.

But the purple flames around did not dissipate, only violent turmoil.

Long Zhen, Long Ji, and Long Xun, as the three most powerful among these evildoers, all stimulated the potential of their bloodlines at this moment, and sacrificed treasures from the bottom of the box to hover outside their bodies.

Always ready to fight to the death!

Although Elder Longyi sacrificed his cultivation base and life, they still dare not take it lightly.

They fled frantically in the opposite direction. Dozens of dragon treasures frantically bombarded the edge of Zi Yan, and a gap was about to be torn.


Everyone seemed to see hope!

As long as this gap is torn open, they will have a chance to escape.

But at this moment, there was a shrill roar from behind!


This is Long Yi's voice, full of despair!

The blow he sacrificed his cultivation base and life failed to seriously injure the blood-robed youth.

The other party just collected Zi Yan to build a barrier, and then resolved his offensive.

The giant dragon transformed by the golden horn, carrying Long Yi's remaining will, gradually faded away while roaring desperately, unable to pose any more threats.

"Hmph! How does an ant know how powerful my blood is extremely safe, beyond my control!"

Xue Ji'an snorted coldly, and swung his hands forward suddenly!


Zi Yan, which had shrunk for a while, suddenly exploded, completely blocking the escape route of Long Zhen and others!

"Since you are stubborn, then all of you will die...huh?"

Read The Duke's Passion