MTL - Tyrant Dragon Emperor-Chapter 7352 ten thousand zhang demon snake

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Chapter 7352 Demon Snake

"Sword Domain!"


With a wave of Jiang Tian's hand, the Star Sword Field circled down, pointing directly at the giant snake's head!


The two silver horns on the giant snake's forehead flickered, and two dazzling silver lights tore apart the sword field.


Jiang Tian pinched the formula and urged it fiercely!

The Star Sword Field closed instantly, and shrunk to a size of ten feet before violently crashing down, forcibly cutting off a silver horn.

Kacha... Boom!


The giant snake screamed and began to go berserk!

The huge demon body suddenly bowed, and then popped out like lightning.


The void pierced through, causing ripples!

The giant snake attacked at a terrifying speed, opened its mouth wide and swallowed Jiang Tian into its belly.

Bang, bang!

There were bursts of chewing sounds, accompanied by a violent roar.

The next moment, the giant snake's vertical pupils shrank suddenly, and the snake's belly shook violently!


Accompanied by a violent bang, a red and white blade suddenly pierced its body!

Jiang Tian escaped from it!

"Xuanjian, cut it for me!"

Chi Chi Chi!

Chixue's sword marrow frantically showed its power, swirling around the monster snake's body, cutting it in two abruptly!


Half of the snake's body fell into the air, but a strange scene followed!

Another snake head squirmed at the fracture, turning into a monster snake hundreds of feet in size.

Although the strength has dropped, it is still at the level of the god-making realm!

He rushed towards Jiang Tian without any explanation!

Jiang Tian slapped his right palm and knocked him back!

But this palm print of spiritual power made the aura of the five-hundred-foot monster snake rise instead of drop!

At the same time, the first half of the giant snake's body was healed, but it didn't continue to attack Jiang Tian.

Instead, he roared and fled towards the beast tide above!

Realizing that the spiritual attack was useless, Jiang Tian urged Chi Xue's sword marrow to cut it down again.


The thousand-foot sword rainbow slashed down in the air, splitting the five-hundred-foot monster snake in half from head to tail!

The next moment, they turned into two five-hundred-foot monster snakes, but they were only half smaller than before!

Jiang Tian's face darkened slightly, knowing that this is not the way!

This monster snake couldn't be killed by ordinary means.

With this in mind, he decisively sacrificed the Xuanbing Forbidden Fire!



The strangely cold flame swept across the void, freezing the two monster snakes in an instant.

Jiang Tian teleported over immediately and crushed it with two punches!


The real fire of the incinerator spread out, completely incinerating their fragments!

This time, the two monster snakes did not come back to life again!

Seeing this scene, a trace of fear and joy flashed in the vertical pupils of the five-hundred-foot giant snake that retreated into the beast tide.

Then he made a move that surprised Jiang Tian!

It didn't attack again, nor did it summon other demon snakes to attack.

Instead, look up to the depths of the beast tide!

From the moment it condensed into a thousand-foot snake body, the beast tide fell into silence.

At this time, the frenzy resumed again!

The beast tide rolled rapidly, like a huge red wave!

But the body of the five-hundred-foot giant snake began to tremble.

Looking up at the surging beast tide, the two giant pupils revealed excitement, awe, uneasiness and madness!


Jiang Tian's eyes narrowed slightly!

The wildly tumbling tide of beasts began to spread downwards, submerging the 500-foot giant snake in an instant.

Roar... woohoo!

A painful howl followed, followed by another terrifying noise that made the scalp tingle.

The giant snake's body was pierced by countless thin snakes, and it was completely melted in the beast tide!

Jiang Tian was quite surprised!

When the giant snake was thousands of feet long, it was no match for him, so how effective would it be to use half of the snake body to feed back these less powerful ones?

The next moment, something unexpected happened!

A deep roar suddenly came from the depths of the beast tide, and then, the snake tide that swallowed the five-hundred-foot giant snake suddenly began to roll upwards!

Boom... Boom!

Crack bang bang!

Then there was a terrifying noise!

That was the sound of countless snake bodies exploding!

A terrifying suction force is devouring these thin snakes, like a trap hanging upside down in the air!

"I see!"

The corners of Jiang Tian's eyes narrowed sharply, and he saw a shocking scene!

After countless red snakes were devoured, a gigantic giant snake appeared!

The aura it exudes is several times stronger than that of the thousand-foot giant snake just now, and it has gone far beyond the initial level of the god-making realm!

"What a demon snake!"

Jiang Tian took a deep breath, his eyes shining brightly!

The thousand-foot demon snake just now is no longer easy to deal with.

The current Wanzhang Monster Snake must be stronger than him in hard power!

The strength of the physical body is obviously useless to the other party!

As for the spiritual power attack, not only is it ineffective, but it will also boost the opponent's strength and accelerate its own consumption.

Even the Chixue Sword Essence couldn't kill it directly.

"Mysterious Ice Forbidden Fire!"

Bark... Boom!

With a wave of Jiang Tian's big hand, the extremely cold flames rushed towards the giant snake.


With a roar, the giant snake suddenly swallowed the Xuanbing Forbidden Fire into its belly!


A violent roar followed, and the giant snake's belly twisted and squirmed crazily.

A stream of violent blood flames sprayed out from its nostrils, causing the temperature of the surrounding void to skyrocket!

"So strong?"

Although Jiang Tian was surprised, he was not very surprised.

He didn't expect the Xuanbing Forbidden Fire to suppress the opponent, he just wanted to test the strength of the demon snake.

I didn't expect the opponent to be so strong, swallowing the Xuanbing forbidden fire like nothing!

In the belly of the giant snake, there is obviously some kind of powerful fire spirit!

It may also be its bloodline talent!

But no matter what, it was a rare opportunity for him!

"bring it on!"

Jiang Tian provoked the giant snake and drew a sword intent from the air.


This sword intent, which was enough to injure a strong man in the god-making realm, slashed on the scales of the giant snake, but it didn't even leave a faint trace.

"Stupid human warrior, die!"

The giant snake has extremely high intelligence and can already speak human language.

Open the huge mouth and go straight to devour Jiang Tian!

"very good!"

Jiang Tian didn't retreat but advanced, and went straight to meet him, as if sending him to the door to be devoured by the other party.

But the next moment, the giant snake's snake letter popped up like lightning, hitting Jiang Tian directly!

Jiang Tian wanted to use his plan to enter the giant snake's belly and kill it back.

He just used such a method!

Perhaps with the lessons learned, the giant snake was not fooled!


The snake letters spit out by the giant snake are thousands of feet long, hitting Jiang Tian directly like a **** rainbow.

"Sword Domain!"


The Baizhang Sword Field was blown up in an instant!

Jiang Tian didn't bat an eyelid!

Take advantage of the momentum and teleport, appearing on the head of the giant snake!

Compared with his relatively small body, the two golden horns on the top of the giant snake's head are as huge as a giant tree!

"Cut me!"

Jiang Tian commanded out.

What responded to him was a maniacal laugh!

"Stupid human warrior, do you think... ah no... **** it!"

The giant snake dismissed Jiang Tian's actions and decided that he could cut off two golden horns.

Before he finished speaking, it turned into violent roars and painful screams!

What Jiang Tian used was not Chixue Sword Essence, let alone Purple Sword Intent.

It's the Void Dominion!

The powerful force of the void cut off two golden horns instantly like a knife cutting tofu!