MTL - Turn on the Love System-Chapter 183 In the 1980s, marriage 14

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In the 1980s, marriage 14

Zhao Jian'an husband and wife, with Zhao Haoyu went to the major hospitals for inspection, and then returned home to wait for the results. They are eager to check them out, and the doctor immediately tells them that Zhao Haoyu has no problem at all. There is no child for the time being because the fate has not arrived, and sooner or later there will be.

During the waiting period, their hearts are very difficult, but they still deliberately insist on calming, as if they already know that the result must not be said by Zhao Xiening, and then praying in their hearts, Zhao Xiuning only deliberately deceived them to scare them. . They have already thought about it. When they get the results of the inspection, they have to go to Zhao Xiu Ning, throw the results on his face, and warn him not to scare them anymore, because no matter what he says, they will I won't believe it.

Finally, when I arrived at the hospital to get the results, they were not willing to wait at home, they all wanted to know the results in the first time, so everyone went to the hospital together to hear what the doctor said.

"Doctor, what is the result of my son's examination? Is there any problem? They don't have children yet, just because they haven't gotten right with their children?" Li Qin looked at the doctor with his eyes wide open. The doctor said it was.

When the doctor saw that the old and the young were all there, and all of them were forced to calm down, it was obviously very nervous. He took the test results and said that the old man might not accept such a thing at once, he said, " In fact, you don't have to be surrounded here, just leave two people, and the others go outside and wait."

When the doctors said this, they were even more nervous in their hearts, and no one was willing to go out and wait until they stayed to listen to the results.

The doctor is helpless and can only explain the results of the test to them. They are not very clear about the medical terminology in front of them, but the doctor’s last sentence, they listen very clearly and understand "...that is, In his case, at the current medical level, it is unlikely that there will be his own children."

After listening to Zhang Shufen, her eyes turned soft and she slipped from the chair.

"Mom!" Zhao Jianan had to go to help immediately, and Zhao’s father was soft on the ground, but he was only weak and not fainting.

The doctor immediately called the nurse and put Zhang Shufen on the cart and pushed it to the ward for examination. It was confirmed that she was only too violent to attack, and there was no big problem.

"Doctor, are you sure you haven't checked it wrong?!" After Li Qin returned, he grabbed the doctor's hand and excitedly said, "My son is very healthy from small to large. How could he have problems?" This is absolutely impossible! Are you mistaken?!"

"If you have doubts about the results of the inspection, I suggest that you can go to several hospitals for inspection." The hospital saw such a scene, it was calm and calm.

"Yes, let's go to other hospitals!" Li Qin turned and shuddered and said to Zhao Jian'an, "They must have made a mistake in their hospital. The results of other hospitals are definitely not the case. Let's go to other hospitals to see the results!!"

Zhao Haoyu and Ke Yi were like being cast with spells. They were pale and stiff, standing there motionless, without any reaction.

Zhao Jianan looked back at them and he saw that at this time, the whole family had been unable to think normally because of the big blow, so he could not panic any more, he must hold on.

"Hao Yu, Ke Yi, you stayed to take care of your grandparents, I went to other hospitals with your mother to get the results, and soon came back." Zhao Jianan finished, he took Li Qin's hand and went outside.

Zhao Haoyu and Ke Yi themselves seem to be unconscious and unable to respond. It is impossible to take care of Zhao Laozi and Zhang Shufen, but leaving them is the best choice.

After several hospitals all walked down and got all the inspection results, Li Qin was crying in the car. She was unwilling to accept such a result. She did not understand why God was so cruel to treat them. Zhao Jian'an's face was also very pale and ugly. He suddenly felt that his body was particularly uncomfortable. He felt that he was about to hold on, and he was about to fall down, but he had to hold on. He told himself in his heart that he must not fall. .

Zhao Jianan and Li Qin returned to the first hospital. Just opened the door of the ward and walked in. Zhao Haoyu immediately turned to look at them. After seeing the faces and expressions of both of them, Zhao Haoyu screamed in a very small voice. mom……."

Li Qin looked at Zhao Haoyu, and immediately came down. She went over and grabbed Zhao Haoyu’s hand and touched his face and said, “Son, don’t be afraid, don’t worry. I heard that the medical level in foreign countries is higher than that in China. We have money at home, we can go abroad to rule, and we will definitely let you have your own children. Don't worry, ah."

Ke Yi, who has been standing against the wall, has a soft legs and slips to the ground. He thought in his heart, what should he do? What should he do next? If he can't have his own children with Zhao Haoyu in this life, should he still insist on this marriage? How long can they persist without the marriage of two people together?

Father Zhao squinted in his bed, and his words echoed Zhao Xiunning over and over again. He said that you have done too many wicked things. This is your retribution. The bigger retribution is still behind. The bigger retribution is still behind.

After Zhang Shufen woke up, she turned to look at Zhao Jian'an sitting on the edge of the bed and raised his hand to "Jian'an..."

"Mom, are you awake? Do you feel uncomfortable? I will let the doctor come back for you." Zhao Jianan wants to stand up, but Zhang Shufen pulls tightly.

"Jian An, are you going to other hospitals?" Zhang Shufen's hand kept shaking.

"...goed." Zhao Jianan whispered.

"The result? Is the result the same?!"

Zhao Jianan nodded very hard.

Zhang Shufen burst into tears. "Why is this?! Why is this?! God, what is the retribution, you are retributing to me, why should you let Haoyu come to bear it!! Why!" So young, why do you want him to be so cruel!"

Li Qin, who had just stopped the tears, couldn’t help but cry again. Zhao Jian’an’s heart was really uncomfortable, and finally he couldn’t help but shed tears.

It seems as if a lot of old Zhao’s father is in a flash, he muttered his voice and said, “Oh, don’t worry, do you want people in the hospital to know?!”

"I feel bad! I feel bad!" Zhang Shufen continued to cry as she slammed into the bed. "God is too embarrassed, he is too embarrassed!!"

"We are too embarrassed!" Master Zhao clenched his fist and shivered and said, "I used to repair Xi'an to change Jian'an. It is too much for us to do things. This is retribution! It is retribution!!"

Zhang Shufen suddenly stopped her voice. After she squatted for a while, she stopped crying, but screamed and cried, because her heart was even more uncomfortable. She used to never believe in retribution. She only thought that people are not going to die. What is wrong with what she wants to do? What is wrong with her child trying to save her? But now, she really thinks that all this is the punishment that God has given them.

When they returned to the Zhao family, it was already very late. They didn't eat anything all day, but they didn't have any appetite. They went back to the room and rested, but they didn't fall asleep overnight.

Early the next morning, Zhao Jianan said that he would arrange for Zhao Haoyu to go abroad for inspection. As long as there is a little hope, they will not be able to give up.

So after half a month, Zhao Jian'an and Zhao Haoyu and Ke Yisi, went abroad to go to a hospital that had already been contacted. Business matters, they can't take care of it for the time being, they can only let go.

Originally, I thought that if I could cure it, a few people could take care of Zhao Haoyu. But after a month, the four people returned to China with disappointment. It was the same result as the country, and the same answer. The difference is They spent more money to check.

After the four returned to China, Ke Yi said that he had not seen his family for a long time, missed them very much, went home for a few days and then came back, and then went back directly to Kejia. He really doesn't know what to do, but he has not dared to make decisions easily in this life, so he needs to go home to ask the parents for advice and let his parents help him make the decision.

After Ke Jia knew that Zhao Haoyu couldn't have children, he was very shocked first, and then he was even more angry and resentful for Ke Yi's previous grievances. It was obvious that they had problems with Zhao Haoyu, but their family had always given Ke Ke's face and anger. Even if their family has a child with a child, it is better than Zhao Haoyu can not be born.

Ke Yi's parents asked him what he thought. Ke Yi said that he liked Zhao Haoyu, but Zhao Haoyu's indifference to him during this time, and Zhao's attitude towards him, made him very wronged. Although he still doesn't want to divorce in his heart, he thinks that the child born before can't be raised by him, he must not be with him, and he and Zhao Haoyu can't have children anymore. Later, he is too lonely and lonely. What's more, without a child's marriage, he doesn't know how long they can hold on, because when they live together for a long time, it is inevitable that there will be friction. If there is a child, they will all look at the child's sake, and there is no child, contradiction. It will only be more, and it will accumulate hatred when it accumulates over time.

After thinking and discussing, Keyi’s parents and brothers thought that the best way was to take the children before Keyi to Zhao’s family and let the children change their surnames Zhao. Later, they should regard this child as a child of Zhao’s family. It is.

Ke Yi worried that they would disagree, but his parents and brothers felt that if they did not agree, they would threaten them to divorce, and see if they could find Ke Yi, who would like to marry their home.

After the Ke family had discussed it, they all set off to negotiate with the Zhao family. Now it is no more than before. In order to let Keyi not divorce, they gave a lot of benefits to the Zhao family. Now they are more emboldened. Naturally, there is more momentum. 2k novel reading network