MTL - True Marvel World-Chapter 481 Strange, I'm here to talk about conditions

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Time loop.

I don't know when, Strange started this time magic that he had persuaded Domham to cover him and Ron.

In fact, due to the special reasons of the dark dimension itself, Domam is not limited by the magic of time.

But because Domam is not affected by the magic of time, he knows that he is in an infinite time loop and will finally helplessly agree to Doctor Strange and give up devouring the earth.

If Domam could be affected by the magic of time, he would not remember being stuck in the loop of time and fighting Stranger indefinitely.

Now, what happens when the main goal of this time cycle is on Ron?

As a result, Ron forgot that he had actually killed Strange once, and once again blasted out with his own cosmic energy.

Strange was blasted into nothingness, then jumped out of the side and said:

"You can escape under the master?"


There was another burst of color energy, and Strange continued to be nothing.

The fourth resurrection, Strange finally changed his word:

"Give up, you can't stop the dark invasion!"

Why did Strange say so?

Because he was not affected by the magic of time, he was blasted into nothingness again and again, which made him feel very irritable!

He wanted to end the cycle sooner, let Ron's spirit collapse, and end everything earlier.

The result is……


Strange no longer knew how many times he had become nothing, but Ron rushed towards him again and again.

"Damn's time loop, does Ron have no idea that he is in the loop, can he only defeat him by consuming energy?"

The magic of time cycling doesn't actually cycle time indefinitely.

It just cuts out this short period of time, forming a loop of magic alone, allowing Strinch to restart this time and resurrect himself.

But this does not mean that everything is back to the origin.

Strange has all the memory and also needs a lot of energy to maintain the magic of the time cycle.

Because of the blessing of the dark dimension, Strange does not need much energy to cast magic, so he can always stay intact.

And Ron also consumes energy and energy during the time cycle, just because he was cycled by time, so he forgot this.

The solution Strangch thought of was to use the time cycle to consume Ron's experience and energy, thereby defeating him.

This is not much different from the original timeline defeating Domham.

It's just one that consumes energy and one that consumes patience.

Even though he became a servant of Domham, Strange did not lose his wisdom.

On the contrary, he thinks more now than before, so he prepares the magic of time loop at the beginning to guarantee his death.

But Strange did not expect that, because of this, Ron also began to realize that he was actually in a loop of time.

Once again, he shot directly, prepared to use his own cosmic energy to bomb Strang, and suddenly stopped.

Why is everything so familiar as if it happened?

The point is, he remembers that although he has provided a lot of energy to Jasmine, he should not have reached this point yet?

Looking at the universe that has begun to shrink into a point, no, at this time it can no longer be called the universe, but it should be all singularities.

He actually went back to when he had just been able!

Is it because of time?

Ron finally realized that he was likely to be trapped in the loop of Strange's time.

What should I do?

He remembered that, in fact, he did not know that he had little influence in the time cycle.

The energy consumed will still be consumed.

The only difference is that he knows he is in the cycle of time.

Although patient, Ron didn't think he would be afraid.

But the current situation does not allow him to work hard.

He may lose his ability to become an ordinary person at any time.

"You seem to know your situation, Ron."

After realizing that he was a little different from the previous performance, Strange also roughly guessed the reason, said.

"Yeah, time is really powerful ..."

Ron stopped and sighed.

"Being defeated by time, even you, shouldn't you feel embarrassed?"

Strange was so confident that he had noticed that Ron's energy was getting weaker and weaker, and it wouldn't take long for him to lose all power.

By that time, he can easily defeat each other.

Ron didn't speak, just thinking about something in his heart.

Why hasn't he been able to master time?

He can create life and space, and he has already come into contact with time.

It's only been so long, but his understanding of time has not improved.

Originally he thought that after getting the time gem, he could really start to understand time and master it.

But what if there is no time gem? Can't he master the time?

No, it's not!

His ability was not given by the gems from the beginning. When he became the universe, he could use many abilities in his universe.

Accelerating time, creating life, realizing reality ...

Just because he is in a different universe, he cannot bring those abilities out to use here.

But what if his universe is one with this universe?

The idea is crazy!

One is the super universe in the comics, and one ... now it has become a singularity ...

But it's already this time, why not give it a try?

Suddenly Ron remembered something, and instead of attacking Stranger, he flew straight down.

Then, sink into the ground and into the ground.

do you remember?

Ron wanted to explore the Marvel Universe's earth long ago, but in the end he was blocked by a layer of things that prevented him from moving forward.

He felt that it was the heart of the earth, so when he made his own cosmic earth, he contributed his heart to successfully complete the construction of the earth.

Since then, Ron has not explored the depths of the earth, because he knows that there is something to do with the entire universe.

Because the heart of this earth is the eternal heart of the five great creation gods incarnate in the legend!

‘I ’ll give it a try. If you explode your heart, I ca n’t help it ...’

Ron continued down, and finally, he saw the huge heart.

But unlike the heart he saw before, this heart's beating now is getting slower and slower, and it seems to be dying.

‘Next, I should kill you, right? ’

Ron looked at the heart, some wondering where to start.

After all, he was doing this for the first time and could only do what he expected.

‘Yes, my own heart is still fake, can you use this? ’

Ron's eyes began to look greedy.

Indeed, since he gave his heart to the earth of his universe, he has created a heart for himself.

But the heart he made was certainly not as good as the original one, so he always felt awkward and felt a little uncomfortable.

Although the heart in front of him is not his, it can certainly be no worse than its own heart as the heart of the earth.

Without further hesitation, Ron could not care about offending any of the creation gods, and living from the current predicament was the most important thing for him to consider.

But there is one last question, that is, how can he become the heart of the earth now?

The heart in front of me is at least thousands of kilometers in size, and now he is only a person less than two meters ...

Just forget it?

Ron felt that only by merging the singularities can he find a way to gain this heart.

No longer frustrated, Ron began to sense the singularity he had become, ready to bring it out of his consciousness.

This step is not as difficult as he imagined. In the case that it has become a singularity, its influence has become very small, and it will not be so difficult to connect the universe as before.

A point invisible to the naked eye emerged from Ron's body, and then began to fly towards that beating heart.

Ron, who brought out his singularity, lost all his ability, fell from the air, and fell on his heart.

But the fusion of the singularity and the heart of the earth has already begun.

The singularity is like a powerful stimulant, and under its fusion, the heart begins to rejuvenate.

At the same moment, without knowing how far away, a pair of eyes suddenly opened and looked in the direction of the earth.

This is a pair of eyes without any color. I don't know how big it is and why it exists.

Gradually, a human-like body began to appear under the eyes, but at least in shape, the body was composed of all kinds of starry sky. Looking at him was like looking at the universe itself.

"That's ... my heart?"

His eyes saw the human unconscious on the heart, and the little singularity that was integrating with the heart!

"At the beginning of the universe?"

He understood what it was, then thought for a while, then suddenly laughed.

"Perhaps this is hope ..."

He closed his eyes and began to disappear.

If anyone else is here, you can see countless gaps in his strange body ...


Ron didn't know what he had experienced, but when he woke up, he felt that everything had started to change.

He seems to be able to see anywhere in the world, whether it is the three empires of the galaxy, or only the dark dimension, or those corners that are unknown at all.

It's just a bit fuzzy.

Ron tried it, could he go directly to these places, and found that it actually didn't work.

However, if it is only around the earth, there is no problem.

For example, if he wants to look at the sun, he can go to the sun in an instant.

And here, he could still clearly see what was happening on Earth, including Stranger, who had brought the power of darkness to the Atlantic.


Ron returned to the heart of the earth, looked at the rosy and shiny heart, and touched his heart again.

He found that his heart was gone again ...

And this heart is his own.

Every beat of it can be clearly felt by him.

"It seems that I'm really one with the earth, it's strange, no one stops me?"

Ron tried his various abilities and found that apart from being much smoother, he was not much different from when he had his own universe.

But he can no longer sense his original universe ...

Everything he senses now is related to the real universe.

"Capacity hasn't changed much. Although I can use this universe as my energy source, I have lost my own God's right to control everything. Can this be weakened?"

"Also, the next time the Planet Devourer comes to me and wants to compete for my universe, what shall I say? Am I already integrated with the Earth?"

Ron feels a bit loss, after all, that's a whole universe!

And, ‘none’?

As the incarnation of the universe, although he is also a part of himself, Ron does not know if ‘no’ can exist ...

Forget it, thinking of these didn't help.

The most important thing now is to defeat the darkened Stranger!

Ron appeared again in front of Strange, and said calmly:

"Strange, maybe we can talk about a condition ..."

Strange was curious about Ron's appearance, and heard that, and felt very strange ~ ~ Aren't they gone? Why are you back again?

"You probably forgot, in fact you are still in my time loop?"

Strange started to use magic again, and a huge fireball appeared and hit Ron.

And Ron, as before, a huge burst of energy, strangling into slag.

"You can master your master ..."

Once again, Strange began and spoke the first sentence after countless time cycles.

But this time, he was interrupted by Ron.

"Strange, maybe we can talk about a condition ..."

"what happened?"

Dr. Blackened Strange was stunned at this moment, why Ron would say such words at this time, shouldn't he just blast him into **** with a burst of energy, and then loop indefinitely?

He didn't know what was going on, he could only go out again with a fireball, and then he was blasted by Ron.

But after another cycle, Ron said calmly again:

"Strange, maybe we can talk about a condition ..."

"This is impossible!"

Dr. Kiwi fired another fireball and was slagged.

"Strange, maybe ..."


"Strinch ..."





Dr. Blackened Strange finally found out, Ron actually remembered everything, and every repetition was actually intentional!

The purpose is to exhaust his patience!

Although he was under the control of Dom, he still had thought.

Especially in the case of an order ordered by Domam, the blackened Dr. Strange Patience is simply not as good as the previous one.

So, after a certain cycle, Dr. Strange finally couldn't help asking:

"What are your conditions ..." 2kRead

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