MTL - True Marvel World-Chapter 474 New York Temple

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"So where will Casillas hide?"

Although it was determined that the next goal was to find Casillas to get back the torn two pages, Stranger did not know where to find them.

Casillas is a traitor to Kama Taj. She must have been hidden deeply, and went blindly, maybe she could not find it for a year.

"Yes, there should be some clues about the two pages torn!"

Stranger reopened the Book of Time, watching the tearing of the two pages that had been ripped off, but he didn't do it for the first time, his face hesitant.

The weird lens that seemed to be able to block everything almost made him faint. If it is not necessary, it is better not to release the magic time to force the restoration of two pages.

"Let me think about it, but I have the ability to remember it. I should still remember something ..."

Strange closed the book of time and began to think hard.

"Domam? The two torn pages seemed to summon a horror named Domam, so what is the method of summoning ...

By the way, there are three temples mentioned in the book page. Remember that Wang Zeng told me that the Supreme Master set the three temples on three sides of the earth, namely Hong Kong, London, New York ...

And Casillas must destroy these three temples in order to summon Domam. I may go to the three temples and wait for a good idea! "

Strinch determined his current position, found that it was very close to the London Temple, and immediately began to open the space door with magic to London.

For London, Strance is very familiar with it, he doesn't know why, he always felt that he should actually be born in London, not New York.

London, a city with a British style, is more suitable for him!

The magical space door appeared in the open space, and Strance walked in and appeared directly in the corner of a street in London.

After appearing in London, Stranger immediately began to run quickly on the streets of London, looking for the building with the mage's special sign.

After searching several streets, Strinch found nothing.

"Damn, why should I use the run? Isn't there any flying magic in the magic of Karma Taj? Or is it in the more than one hundred magic books I grabbed?"

Feeling a bit numb to his feet, Strange yelled and began to complain.

He thought of flying heroes like Iron Man, Thor, Jumbo Girl, and he was very envious.

And being questioned by Captain America, the world's largest hypocrisy, Skywalker Ron!

This is Gu Yi's good friend, knowing that he destroyed Cama Taj, he will definitely come to find himself. If he ca n’t even fly, even if the magic is strong, what good can he do to hurt Ron?

Stranger, who grew more and more uncomfortable, made up his mind and waited to find the temple. Be sure to find some books about flying magic in it and grab it to learn flying magic.

Even if you do n’t have one, you can fly!

Strinch continued to find, and finally, he found a clue on a street corner.

It was an ancient building decorated with a strange sign. This circle with a few inscriptions looked simple but mysterious. It was the magic guardian circle made by the previous Supreme Mage Agomo.

"Finally found!"

Strinch took a deep breath, and hurried towards the building.

Strange was expectant, thinking he could find something good in it.

But when he arrived, what he saw was the ruins of a place inside, everything was destroyed, and even many precious instruments were not let go!

"Who did this exactly ?!"

Strange roar, who is it, dare to move even what he sees?

Stranger followed the trail of destruction and saw the man at the highest level of the temple.

This is a guy wearing a brown mage robe with pigtails, eyes and even half a face are extremely dark.

Next to this man were two people whose faces were also darkened, and seemed to be his men.

"You are Casillas?"

Although he had never seen it before, Strance felt at first glance that this man was the traitor of Karma Taj, who tore away the two pages of time.

"You are the doctor apprentice Gu Yixin received? I have heard of you!"

Casillas turned his head, not surprised to see Strange.

The mage who had just defected from Kama Taj told him that Gu Yi forcibly brought a doctor back and taught magic every day, but the doctor did not learn at all.

So Casillas was always curious about this doctor, and it was really good for Gu Yi to lose his face and forcibly bring it back.

"My name is Strange ..."

Strange just wanted to introduce himself, but thought the name was a bit too common.

Like Gu Yi, she has the title of Supreme Master and Supreme Master. Maybe he should also pick one for himself?

But what is it called?

After thinking about it for a while, and with his MD degree, Strinch finally thought of a good one!

"Call me Dr. Strange, this name fits my temperament!"

"Doctor Strange?"

Casillas frowned slightly. He thought the doctor looked very new. Didn't want to be so stinky, Dr. Strange?

"It's weird, but what about me?"

Casillas shrugged, gave the next two men a look, turned and took a magic gesture, opened the magic space door and went to the next place.

Seeing that Casillas wanted to run, Stranger immediately wanted to stop.

But at this time, two of Casillas's men rushed in front of him very professionally, trying to kill Strange.

In their eyes, Strange is just a magical fool who wants to kill easily.

Strange did not want to deal with these two tadpoles and deal directly with Casillas, but the weapons of the two tadpoles allowed him to give up the main goal to deal with the two tadpoles.

Because the weapons in the hands of these two puppets are actually the lenses that made him very headache when he used the magic of time to restore the book of time!

Seeing that two chancrees were about to fall on himself, Strangsy quickly picked up the magic handprints and exhibited a kind of space magic that could make the length of the object shorter, even larger and smaller.

Soon, the scenery on both sides began to recede quickly. The two little magpies were almost in touch with Strange, but found that the more they ran, the farther they went.

Two people were shocked, but this kind of magic can only be enhanced by the dark dimension of Casillas or Gu Yi, this magical idiot also?

The two wanted to escape and followed Casillas, only to find that their boss had already closed the space door and left.

The two were desperate immediately, and Strange did not stay, and used magic to make a magic rope and tied the two crickets together.

"Come on, where has Casillas gone?"

After easily resolving the two small crickets, Strangy appeared two fireballs with a large basketball, and I threw them over to burn you without saying a word.

"New York Temple, Casillas' next goal is New York Temple!"

One of them said without hesitation.

It's not that he betrayed his boss, but this little magpie felt that only Casillas could defeat Stranger and take revenge for them!

"Where is the location?"

"177a Brick Street, Manhattan, New York."

"Very good and honest!"

Strange nodded with satisfaction, but the two fireballs were still thrown out, and landed precisely on the two magpies.

The flame on the fireball was not a simple fire, but a special flame with magical effects, which was thrown on the two little tadpoles, which soon burned them all.

The two little crickets had only one time to scream, and they had lost all consciousness without even exposing the abuse.

In just ten seconds, the two living people had only a few traces of burning on the ground, which can prove that they died here.

Strangi, who killed two people, did not have any guilt. When he robbed Kama Taj, he did not kill any mage, but just injured them.

But now this is Casillas's men, and also killed the guardian mage of the London Temple, there is no problem in killing them!

"Is it the New York Temple?"

Strangy thought about it, and was ready to return to New York.

The reason why he didn't return to New York for the first time was because Ron was also in New York. If he went back and found out, it would be a bit difficult!

But now, Strange is not worried about meeting Ron when he returns to New York.

Although he can't fly yet, he has mastered the magic of time, which is enough to affect the rules of the universe!

Even if he can't hurt Ron because he can't fly, he won't be afraid!

Isn't Ron known as the incarnation of God?

Then take a look, is it true that the strange doctor who masters the rules of time is great, or the incarnation of God who can create life!

The space gate to New York appeared, and with a specific location, Strange immediately found the temple in New York and pushed open the door and walked in.

As soon as he entered the door, he saw Casillas fighting with the black wizard who was guarding the New York Temple with a huge long lens.

I don't know if the arrival of Strange affected the black mage, or if the black mage could not hold it.

Just at the moment when Strange opened the door, Casillas' long lens blade was inserted directly into the heart position of the black mage's chest and instantly killed the black mage.

"Dr. Strange? How come you chase it so fast?"

Casillas killed the black mage and turned his head to see Stranger. Although he didn't want to call this guy a bad name, there was nothing to call it.

And since he can solve his two men so quickly from London in Europe to New York in North America, it really deserves the bizarre word!

"Casillas, hand in those two pages of the time book you ripped off, and I might be able to spare you!"

The golden magic trail emerged from Strange's hand, beating vigorously, eager to try.

The Temple of London has been destroyed by Casillas, he must not let the Temple of New York be destroyed too ~ ~ Otherwise, will not all the tools he saw when he came in all be gone!

Are there any ingredients in this that want to help Kama Taj guard the place?

Strange also couldn't say clearly. After learning that he had been abandoned by Gu Yi and could not learn any magic, he was already occupied by anger.

So he immediately returned to Kama Taj secretly and wanted to secretly learn magic in the library.

But soon, the king who was in charge of the library found him and wanted to catch him to see Gu Yi.

Strangi didn't want to see Gu Yi again, because he knew he would be miserable to be caught by Gu Yi, so he started to fight the king with the magic he just learned, and easily defeated the king.

Then his journey was discovered by the entire Karma Taj, and Stranger had to fight all the way. After defeating everyone except Gu Yi, he immediately rushed to grab more than 100 magic books and time gems and left. Karma Taj.

He had become an enemy with Karma Taj, and was no longer qualified to say anything to guard the temple.

Strange's heart became stronger, he stopped Casillas, just for the two-page book of time on the other side and the treasure in the New York Temple!

Seeing that Casillas had rushed towards himself with the long lens of the lens, Stranger immediately began to release space magic and stretched the surrounding buildings, trying to deal with Casillas like the two chins before .

But it is clear that Casillas is not as weak as two of his men.

He saw Strange release his magic to extend the distance, and frowned, knowing that Strange was definitely not a magical idiot as rumored and needed to be taken seriously.

The long blade of the lens was put away by Casillas, and he also began to release the magic of extending the space.


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