MTL - True Marvel World-Chapter 447 Fight against the silver surfer

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"Are you ready to start!"

On the top of an unknown hill in New York, Reid held a controller in his hand and said to the others.

They had a coffin-like machine around them, which was made by Tony and Reed, and it was the one that could attract the silver surfer.

As for why move to the top of the mountain?

That's because a few people were afraid that waiting for the battle with the silver surfer would spread to the surrounding buildings and cause unnecessary injuries and deaths, so Ron had room to move things to the top of this unmanned hill.

In order to make the machine run successfully, Ron also brought a large generator and a lot of equipment to assist or stabilize the machine, turning this mountaintop into a large laboratory in the wild, which can be used directly to study other technologies. Already.

"let's start!"

Several of Ron stood far away, including Tony, who was a participant in the machine, because he was afraid that something would go wrong with the machine.

Although few of them are not afraid, they don't want to be too embarrassed.

Reed rolled his eyes when he saw Ron's response. Instead of starting a new machine, he has done countless times in this kind of thing!

Without hesitation, Reed pressed the start button of the hand controller directly.

The program receives the order and starts to control the operation of the machine. Electricity and work orders are sent to the machine that attracts the silver surfer.



A huge explosion sounded, directly covering the booming sound of the generator, like a thunderous thunder on a clear day.

Ron, who stood far away, covered his ears and felt that their ears were a little buzzing. Although they would not be harmed by their physical qualities, they also felt a little uncomfortable.

Reed, who was standing next to the machine, was miserable. His body was blown up directly. He flew out of the distance before hitting a stone and stopping, turning into a puddle of mud.

This is not an adjective, but Reed has really become almost muddy, just paralyzed on the ground and looks very disgusting.

But Ron and Tony weren't worried at all, because knowing Reed's ability, he wouldn't matter if he got worse.

Gu Yi was a little worried, but she didn't step forward to check, because she knew Ron, saw that he didn't move, and knew that everything was fine.

Looking at a pile of muddy Reed, Gu Yi lamented: "It seems that moving here is indeed the right choice!"

Ron and Tony nodded in approval before coming to Reid and waiting for his recovery.

Soon, the mud-like Reed turned out to be like a thriving grass, standing up a little bit of success.

Reed, who stood up again, shook his head so hard that he didn't feel dizzy. Then he smiled at Ron and said:

"I know it may look terrible, but I succeeded. The silver surfer will be here soon. We need to be prepared!"

"Without you, we all feel it!"

Ron finished with a smile and set his eyes to the distant sky, waiting quietly.

At this time, at three or four o'clock in the afternoon, the sky was covered with white clouds, which blocked the sun. It was cloudy.

But strange things happened. The naked eye could see that the white clouds on the distant sky seemed to be cut by a large knife, and all began to spread to both sides, exposing the original blue sky.

Soon, the sun showed a special figure, but it did not make people feel warm, but it became colder.

You know, although it's not summer yet, it's close to May. Even if the weather is abnormal, it shouldn't make people feel cold!

But the strange thing didn't stop. As the separated white clouds got closer and closer to Ron, white feathers began to float on the sky.

It was about to come to May when it snowed ...

"It looks worse than we expected ..."

Gu Yi's face has become cautious. Even if she hasn't met yet, the unusual weather changes have made her rating of the silver surfer even higher.

"Here he is!" Tony pointed at the white shadow appearing in the sky, his body was wrapped in a layer of nano-structure, and soon he became Iron Man, ready to fight.

The white shadow is like a bullet, but at first sight, it has reached you in the next moment.

After arriving at the destination, the silver surfer stopped, only a few meters away from Ron, and looked straight at them with no expression.

Several Ron were also watching the silver surfer, and the scene entered a brief silence.

But soon, the silence was broken.

The first to speak was Reed, who was thinking of countering the silver surfer, and said immediately:

"This is our planet, why are you destroying it, and what is your reason?"

The silver surfer was staring at Ron and Gu, and when he heard Reed's words, he turned his eyes and answered indifferently:

"No reason, I have to do this!"

Reed got even more excited when he heard the silver surfer answering him, and using English on earth.

As long as you can communicate, everything is easy to say.

What he was most afraid of was what Ron had said before, saying nothing and doing it, so that even if he wasn't an enemy, he would become an enemy.

As for why the silver surfer speaks English, this is just a trivial matter.

Maybe he was so intelligent that he learned it soon after he came to earth?

Reid continued: "There are many choices in a person's life. You don't have to do this, do you?"

"Perhaps, you can choose to live on the earth, and we will arrange a good place for you. With your ability, maybe you can also be the most famous superhero on the earth. Doesn't it feel good?"

Reid now looks like a strange uncle who tricked the children. Sure enough, the silver surfer didn't eat this set. He shook his head and refused directly: "Sometimes there are not many choices!"

After that, the silver surfer was about to leave on the surfboard.

He came here just before because he felt that this is a core of the earth. If he destroys it, it will make the earth ‘delicious’.

But when he came here, he only saw four humans. Although he could feel the extraordinaryness of these four humans, the silver surfer didn't think too much.

His purpose is only for his host to better ‘eat’ the planet, there is no need to conflict with the people here.

Anyway, as soon as the host arrives, everything here will become the host's food ...

Of course, a few of Ron would not let the silver surfer leave like this, relying on the speed of several times the speed of sound that can fly directly and the armor. Tony immediately caught up with the silver surfer, and then blasted off directly with a Jerich missile.

Feeling the missile coming from behind, the silver surfer turned, his expressionless expression became indifferent, his body tilted upward, and the silver surfboard under his foot resisted the Jerich missile.

Amazing things happened. The Jerich missile, which would explode as soon as it hit something, was absorbed directly by the silver surfer's skateboard and disappeared.

Tony saw this with a few more black lines on his face.

What kind of ghost is this, can actually eat the missile directly?

Tony didn't believe in evil, and several Jerich missiles were launched, flying towards the silver surfer.

But as before, the Jerich missile was directly absorbed by the surfboard under the feet of the silver surfer, let alone an explosion, not even a spark.

There are more black lines on Tony's face, lord, how should this be hit?

Instead of attacking, Tony turned his head to look at Ron and Gu Yi behind him.

The meaning is obvious, I can't fight, come and help me!

Although far apart, Tony knew that these two capable guys would definitely be able to see.

Soon, Ron and Guy appeared directly from the air next to Tony, and faced the silver surfer with him.

"You have good abilities, but this doesn't help much, everything will be food in front of the host ..."

The silver surfer looked at Ron and Gu Yi. When he came here, he felt that the two earth's life had extraordinary strength, so he has been paying attention to it, fearing that there will be fighting after a while, affecting the arrival of his master. .

But now it seems that fighting is inevitable!

The Silver Surfer no longer hesitated, and Cosmic Energy shot at Ron and Gu Yi.

The source of the strength of the silver surfer comes from his surfboard. This piece of equipment given by the planet devourer can connect the energy of the entire universe for the owner of the surfboard.

The invisible energy is like a laser, destroying everything it passes, the difference is that the silver surfer has countless times more energy than the laser.

Facing this majestic energy, Ron and Gu Yi reacted differently.

Gu Yi is a conventional magic condensed into a magic shield to resist energy.

Ron appeared directly in front of himself in a space tunnel, absorbing all the energy emitted by the silver surfer.

It's the same period that Silver Surfers did before.

The enlightenment Ron learned from this, since the silver surfer can absorb the missile, why can't his space absorb it?

Of course, Ron absorbed this energy, of course, not in space, but in his own universe.

Isn't the silver surfer's surfboard directly connected to the energy of this universe? Then Ron directly took away these energies, absorbed them into his universe, and used it to expand his universe.

Gu Yi's magic color shield seemed extremely relaxed and would not absorb the energy of the silver surfer before, but soon, the power of the energy was increased several times, and it exploded to the two again.

If it is an ordinary person, I am afraid that this energy will be blasted into ashes instantly, and nothing will be left.

But with the capabilities of Ron and Guy, encountering this situation was just a waste of energy.

But as time passed, the energy became more horrible, and Gu Yi's magic shield became thicker and thicker, but his face became a little weaker.

Gu Yi couldn't stand it.

Ron frowned slightly and stood in front of Gu Yi, blocking the steady flow of energy for her.

"Thank you." Gu Yi, who had always been strong, did not refuse Ron's kindness this time, but thanked him, hiding in silence, and said nothing.

Ron didn't say anything, but he noticed a certain black smell on Gu Yi, knowing that Gu Yi was running out of time.

Gu Yi is being eroded by the darkness step by step. If she is not helped to get rid of these erosion, she will soon leave the world!

Ron will help Gu Yi try his best to get rid of this situation, but before that, they have two powerful enemies, Planet Devourer and Silver Surfer, to deal with!

More energy was launched by the silver surfer, all rushed to Ron, but was absorbed without exception, leaving nothing and causing no harm.

The silver surfer had felt that something was wrong. He looked at the space in front of Ron and realized that the constant use of energy could not pose any threat to Ron.

Unless he emits all the energy of the entire universe, he will be absorbed by that space!

The silver surfer can feel this.

But although the silver surfer's surfboard can be connected to the cosmic energy for his use, it is simply impossible to evacuate the entire cosmic energy.

Not to mention him, not even his master Planet Devourer can do this.

The silver surfer who knows that the energy attack is useless may not know what to do. The most powerful thing is that he can use cosmic energy ~ ~ no matter what he encounters, as long as his energy is there Nothing will be his opponent.

The silver surfer hasn't even thought about it, what would happen if one day the energy ran out?

After stopping the attack, the Silver Surfer no longer intended to continue the attack, but began to escape with all his heart.

He had already played the role of outpost, and soon his master would come here, so he didn't need to die with Ron.

As long as the master comes, it will be irresistible!

As for whether it seems very persuasive?

The Silver Surfer never felt that way, as long as his hometown and his wife and daughter were safe, he could persuade him as many times as possible!

The speed of the silver surfer has reached its limit. It has reached 16.7 kilometers per second in the three-universe speed. There is still much more. It takes only a few minutes to orbit the earth!

How could Ron let the silver surfer escape, the space tunnel appeared instantly, and he went directly to the place where the silver surfer hadn't arrived yet and started waiting for him.

Relatively speaking, the silver surfer's strength is because he has countless energy and a strong body.

Otherwise, it's hard to say if the Silver Surfer has a little spider Peter Parker!

However, Ron can absorb energy directly because he has a universe. Although it is small, it is enough!

Ron was really a little worried. If the silver surfer never gave up and attacked with energy, he was really afraid that his little universe could not stand up and exploded.

After all, his universe is not as big or even small as this world. Although the energy just expanded the little universe a little bit, it is not enough.

Suddenly Ron had a new idea, that is, grab the silver surfer's surfboard and use it as a large charge for his universe!

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