MTL - True Marvel World-Chapter 441 Silver figure

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A month later, the earth was almost back to its original orbit.

All the affected people have lived in the decent house again. Of course, it is not completely free, and they will have to charge various fees related to the house.

Not many, just a few years of work for ordinary people to do it.

However, some people have complained that their homes have been bombed by Ultron, and it is too much for the World Commission to send me a new house for free.

But this part of people is only a few people. After all, most people are easy to meet. In fact, it is very good to be able to compensate for a good house. You ca n’t ask for too much.

For some people who did not have anything before, the Ultron incident actually helped them, and some people on the committee felt that this was fair. But before Ron appeared, these calls were suppressed.

Because the most important thing now is to maintain social stability, these small things cannot all be made so meticulous.

With all kinds of comfort and welfare work going on, the World Commission can be regarded as a good impression in people's hearts. Although the organization still feels awkward, at least there is no conflict.

At least, this organization is not an organization that oppresses humans, but an organization that can really do things for people ...

In addition to the World Commission, there is another thing that has been being discussed during this period of time, and the topic has quickly become very big, rising to the point where it affects the stability of society.

It is serious to say, but in fact, this result is already minimal.

Because the theme of this matter is about who created Ultron!

In the early days of the disaster, Ultron was thought to be moving too fast and had almost controlled the global network in only one day, so basically most of them didn't know what was going on.

Soon, Ultron directly launched a nuclear bomb attack and a robot army. At this time, people's word of mouth spread, and everyone finally knew that it was all made by an advanced artificial intelligence called Ultron.

But there are not many people who know who made Ultron and why Ultron did it.

It was not until after the society had stabilized that this matter was brought up again, and people began to look for clues everywhere and investigate who the initiator of the matter was.

This matter is not a very secretive thing. It was only because the network was controlled by Ultron that this matter did not spread.

Soon, Tony Stark's Ultron plan was discovered, and everyone knew that Ultron was actually a 'masterpiece' of the superhero Iron Man!

This time everyone exploded, not only because Ultron was actually made by a superhero who saved everyone, but also because Tony Stark was also one of the important members of the world committee.

Recalling that Tony Stark and Ron, the current president of the World Commission, are close friends, even at this time a conspiracy theory was spread.

That is, in fact, all this is planned by Ron, the purpose is to control the world and so on ...

This statement is like dropping a stone on a calm lake surface, which instantly stirs up ripples.

But because it was just the stones that were dropped, they soon sank into the bottom of the lake.

Not because people believe in Ron, but because those countries are now inseparable from Ron!

In this month, Ron didn't know how much technology was surrendered, including what he picked up in the Milky Way before, as well as what he wrote down in the future world that Ultron crossed.

For more than ten years in that future world, Ron was not only studying the “Material Shielder”, he also did not let go of the rest of the technology, he wrote it down, but he did not take the “Material Shielder” so seriously. .

Most of these technologies are some convenient technologies and aerospace technologies, excluding weapons.

But this alone has made those countries treat Ron as if they were treating their own biological son, filial piety.

For this reason, these countries actively suppressed this topic and did not let it develop again.

Of course, how secretly these countries treat this matter, then not many people know.

After guiding, basically all the blame was directed at Tony Stark, asking the World Commission to give a statement.

On the third day after a full month, this event finally led the World Commission to launch its third meeting.

The theme of the meeting was, what exactly is to do with Tony Stark?

Ron didn't show up at this meeting at first. He just made a final announcement and announced the final verdict.

The verdict did not contain such a term as life imprisonment, but was tailored specifically for Tony Stark.

The first one is to pay Tony Stark a fine of up to 12 digits!

The second is to have Tony Stark sign an agreement to never engage in research on artificial intelligence.

After that, let Tony provide free social services and hand over the contents of Stark's industrial technology.

It can be said that if these penalties are gone, Stark Industries will be able to get rid of it even if it does not fail.

But for these punishments, Tony seems indifferent, anyway, as long as others are still, it is only a matter of time to earn back those money.

Instead, Tony has been pestering Ron lately, asking where the technologies he has come from and if there are any more.

Ron also answered that it was all he got from the galaxy, which stirred Tony's heart to explore the universe.

Time passed like this, and half a year passed quickly.

During this time, the earth has entered a stage of rapid development.

Every day, new defensive weapons are manufactured and placed in various parts of the world. Every day, new technology flows out, and products that can be used by civilians appear on the market.

It is possible that you just fancy a car that can run for 10,000 kilometers without refueling. Tomorrow it will be announced that the suspension-powered car has begun production, and it will not be long before it will be available to people.

Beyond that, change is more about science and technology in space.

Previously, most people's space technology was the technology that reached the first cosmic velocity, approached the second cosmic velocity, and could at most hop in the solar system.

But now with Ron ’s aerospace technology and space technology, people ’s aerospace technology is almost a second cosmic speed, and they can travel nicely and quickly, officially heading outside the solar system.

Moreover, this speed is still increasing. It is believed that it is only a matter of time before people's aerospace technology reaches the third cosmic speed and can formally travel to the galaxy.

In these days, waves of spaceships are heading towards space, constantly exploring, establishing space stations through Ron ’s technology, forming defense networks, and so on.

In the interstellar era, of course, people's defensive power cannot stop on the earth, the place outside the earth is the most important.

The defensive forces deployed on the earth are just people's last line of defense, or to solve the disaster that comes from the earth itself.


Eight months after the Ultron event, the Earth calendar officially entered 2016 in the 21st century.

At this time, the earth has completely changed its appearance. If there is a person before the Ultron event who sees the situation of the earth after eight months, he will definitely think that he has passed through decades, not just Just a few months later.

On the road, from time to time, you will encounter some cars flying in the air, flying quickly over the city, making people think that this is some kind of car-like aircraft.

Back at home, by calling the artificial intelligence "Miraculous Kid" made by Mr. Wonder, you can directly enjoy the life of God. You can open your mouth with food and reach out with your clothes. You don't have to do anything.

Yes, although people were very resistant to artificial intelligence eight months ago, I think this is a hidden scourge that will cause disaster to the earth at any time.

But I have to say-‘True Incense’!

Since entering the new era, people have almost been inseparable from artificial intelligence. Whether it is applied to advanced space technology or in people's daily life, artificial intelligence has a strong influence and is indispensable.

Under these extremely comfortable treatments, people have almost forgotten the pain caused by Ultron and gradually adapted to the new intelligent technology life.

To this end, Fantastic Four made a great contribution.

This group closest to the masses announced that all their information was announced, and they usually used the ordinary mode of transportation such as cars and planes to walk with ordinary humans.

Although it caused a lot of embarrassment, it is precisely because of these actions that the Fantastic Four have become the most popular superhero team in the world. Not to mention the Avengers, even the founder of the Guardian, the World Commission President, Skywalker Ron, who brings many changes to the earth, is not comparable.

This shows that the popularity of Fantastic Four in the hearts of people.

It's just a pity that the Fantastic Four are actually a bit of a misnomer, because after the Ultron event, Thunderbolt Johnny never appeared again, making the Fantastic Four from three to three.

Many people don't think that Thunderbolt Johnny really died in the nuclear bomb launched by Ultron. Because of the popularity of Fantastic Four, many people even spontaneously formed a hunting team and have been searching for the whereabouts of Thunderbolt Johnny.

As for another superhero Thor who has also been chased by Ultron for a long time with nuclear bombs, it appeared in people's eyes intact not long after the Ultron incident. Not only was it more popular, but because he came back alone After getting a lot of accusations, ask him why he didn't.

In this regard, Thor Thor can only be aggressive and can't answer anything.

But despite this, Thunderbolt Johnny still had no whereabouts, and even the Four Magicians themselves had almost given up searching.

Days passed, and it has been a year since the Ultron event passed.

This is an ordinary afternoon in April 2016. Ron is studying in his universe how to realize the ability of some items with rules and observe the "monsters" who have developed rough social rules in his universe. Suddenly a moment, then suddenly withdrew from his universe, returned to Earth and looked directly at the sky.

Ron's gaze penetrated the glass and clouds, leap over the moon and space, and finally stopped at a far place, stopping to look into the distance.

It was a decent planet, just like the earth, full of blue.

But something dazzling is that there is a silver figure in the blue-filled planet, which is constantly leaping.

From these silvery afterimages, Ron could vaguely see that the other party seemed to be standing on an aircraft similar to a moon surfboard.

Seeing this feature, Ron frowned and muttered.

‘Silver glider? finally coming? ... ’

Yes, finally here!

After the earth has been silent for a whole year, the planet and himself will finally be attacked again by those powerful beings!

If nothing has changed, the Silver Glider should be the Planet Devourer, one of the five creation gods of the universe!

This is a higher-level existence than the Tenjin group. Although Ron knows that the planet devourer is the weakest of the five creation gods, this does not prevent his own strength.

Because even the weakest one, the Devourer of the Planet can directly sweep the Tenjin group, not to mention Ron who has not yet reached the Tenjin level?

Ron's heart is a bit bitter. This is a tough battle, and it is also the moment he came to this world ~ ~ he encountered the most powerful enemy!

The life court is not counted, Ron has never even seen this guy before, but just learned from the symbiote **** that this existence is targeting himself.

But the Planet Devourer is a super existence that will directly descend on Earth. Without any accident, Ron will definitely meet the Planet Devourer!

Ron knows that he has almost no possibility of living peacefully with the Planet Devourers, and what waits for them is nothing more than confrontation!

Ron couldn't help lamenting that he had called himself invincible before, but it took only a long time before the star swallowed up ...

In any case, you have to face up anyway, it is better to think about how to deal with the planet devourer.

Prior to this, Ron didn't think about it, but there was no good way.

Even if it is called an ancient mage, the knight king Arthur, and this superhero on the earth is called, it is impossible to be a star swallowing opponent.

The only possibility is that, according to the original timeline, digging the silver glider to himself, and then fighting the star swallow together, may be able to drive the opponent back.

After all, as one of the messengers of the planet devourer, the silver glider is very powerful, above the Tenjin group.

And the silver glider also has a very powerful force in the body. If it explodes, even the planet devourer must avoid its edge!

But is this possible?

Under the influence of the life court, even Ultron can travel through time. How can the subsequent timeline not change?

Don't say it's facing the Devourer of the Planet, Ron feels that even if the Star Devourer calls for another five creation gods to come over!


Ron shook his head with a bitter smile, and maybe he could only take one step at a time!

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