MTL - True Marvel World-Chapter 427 After the red!

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Ron's footsteps were very light. When he came to Mr. Wonder, he didn't find it. Ron had to pat his shoulder on his own initiative:



Reed seemed startled and turned to see Ron. Then he looked excited and said:

"You came to me. Twenty minutes ago, I was still watching you online in the UN General Assembly Hall!"

"Someone used your webcast to that meeting?"

"A reporter, but not the person who surprised you, it was a small newspaper!" Reed asked, "What's wrong, don't you want more people to know about this? I'll delete the video of the meeting!"

Reed's hands worked on the keyboard and made a lot of data.

"No!" Ron laughed. "In fact, the more people know about this, the better. And Reed, the area where you can use your network shouldn't be that big?"

"This ..." Reed was a little embarrassed: "That is, in New York, and because of Ultron, there are very few people who use the Internet. They are afraid that Ultron will come out of the network and appear directly in front of them ..."

"A lot of people think that your network will also be occupied by Ultron?"

"Yes, many people think so, I want to explain, but I can't convince them ..." Reed reacted and asked, "Ron, don't you believe me?"

"You also see the strength of Ultron ..." Ron didn't lie and chose to tell the truth.


Reed instantly became a little lonely, and yes, Ultron can control the global network in one day, and complete the subversion of the earth within a week. If this kind of strength can't solve even a virus, how could Ultron be in Do these things in a week?

At this critical time, Ron naturally did not appease Reid, he said directly:

"Reed, show me your virus. I want to see if I can contact Ultron through this virus."

"If it's really possible ..." Reed shrugged and asked Ron to go to his side and use another computer to access the virus he designed.

Reed is still very confident in his scientific talent. Even at this time, he felt that his virus was not deliberately left out by Ultron, but that the virus did have the ability to resist a small part of Ultron.

Although Ron's perspective on network technology is not as good as that of biotechnology, some basic things are still known.

The full name of a virus is called a computer virus. It is a set of computer instructions or program code that a programmer inserts into a computer program to destroy computer functions or data. It can affect the use of the computer and can copy itself.

Simple viruses only destroy programs, while advanced viruses have many functions such as transmission, covertness, infectivity, latentity, and excitability.

It is like a relic virus that is truly transmitted in the human body. It can have biological virus characteristics such as self-house, mutual infection and activation regeneration!

Reed relies on viruses that are more advanced than all the high-level viruses that have appeared in the market, so that he can maintain a part of the territory in the arrogant hands of almost the Internet God.

But Ron does not believe that Reed's virus can really survive in Ultron's hands, because he has almost the same 'God ability' as Ultron, and can completely control all creatures lower in life than him!

"This is your virus? Sure enough, it's a little different ..."

Ron turned on his computer and saw the virus Reed had developed.

Viruses can actually be counted as programs, but their functions are different from other programs.

Reed's virus program does not seem difficult. Its function is to attach to normal programs, and use intrusion methods to destroy or control its attached programs.

Most viruses are like this, the only difference is how strong they can survive!

Unlike ordinary viruses, Reed's virus has an egg-laying function similar to that of the queen queen. It can split out countless small code viruses and let all these small code viruses have it. ' Queen's potential.

If the "queen queen" thrown again dies, then the rest of the small code viruses will start to compete for the "queen queen", and then grow back into a "queen queen"!

Even if all the small code viruses and the 'queen queen' are eliminated, the programs to which these small code viruses were attached will start to mutate. In the end, it became a queen, which is almost immortal!

This function is simply incredible!

Ron thought that even if it was the intelligent life Ultron, it is estimated that this level is almost ...

"This is the reproduction method I set. This is actually not very good. The best thing about it is concealment. If it is not really destroyed, then it will be resurrected forever. This is the most powerful thing ... "

When it comes to the virus he designed, Reed is very excited and has been explaining every detail with Ron.

Ron was listening carefully, but at the end, Reed's words made him slightly lost ...

Reid showed his longing and said:

"It doesn't have a name until now. I originally wanted to name it" queen queen "directly, but the name is too straightforward and I haven't used it. Now talking to you about it, I think it would be troublesome without a name. , So I thought of a very good name, called 'Red Queen'! Ron, what do you think of this name? "

"This, as long as you are happy ..." Ron didn't know what to say. Is there actually another biochemical crisis in this world under the influence of the life dimension?

"I knew the name was great, wait! Now that it's called" Red Queen ", should I design it with an image that matches the name ..."

Reid didn't know how happy he was. He said, he started a design program and started designing icons.

"Since it's called" The Queen of Red ", the main body of that color should be red. Do you want to use ants for the image? It looks like silly, spider? Bee? No, it's still stupid ..."

"By the way, I can use people as the icon of the" red Queen "! Let me see, **** young woman, pretty young girl ... Well, the image of this little girl looks very good, just you! Just don't know, this little Will the girl agree? "

"The image is there, but since it is a human being, it ca n’t be too stupid. Maybe I can raise the‘ red post ’to the level of advanced artificial intelligence, so that I may really be able to fight against Ultron ...”

Reed was immersed in his own world, and while he was manually, he kept talking to Ron about his thoughts.

After a while, he realized that Ron's face was ugly, but not angry, but similar to a very tangled state!

So, Reid asked strangely, "What's wrong with you, Ron? Why is your face so bad? Am I wrong?"

"No, just be happy, just happy ..."

Ron smiled bitterly. Well, he thought that the biochemical crisis was only a possibility. Now it seems that if he doesn't stop, this thing can almost be considered to happen!

Subsequently, Ron always wanted to contact Ultron with the ‘Red Queen’, but it never came to fruition.

Ron even thought that it was because the virus was called 'Red Queen' that she preconceived that she had nothing to do with Ultron, and she had no connection with Ultron without the thought of continuing to investigate.

But the harsh truth is that the 'red Queen' does not have anything to do with Ultron!

"I was wrong, Reed ..." Ron acknowledged a mistake and said helplessly: "Hope your 'Red Queen' won't end up causing too much disaster to the earth like Tony's Ultron. ... "

"Don't worry, as long as there's a situation, I'll tell you that absolutely nothing will happen to Ultron!" Reed replied seriously.

Although he was excited, he still knew some modest things, and Ultron's things were still happening. He wanted to develop the ‘red Queen’ into advanced artificial intelligence and even intelligent programs. Is n’t this a fool?

"I'm gone." There was no result, and Ron was not prepared to stay here with Reed any more, and chose to leave.

"Ron!" Reed stopped him at the last moment, his face struggling and said, "I want to ask you to go to where Johnny died. His ability is to turn into fire. I don't believe he will die like this. ... "

"Me too!" Ron promised directly.

Thunderbolt's ability is also ranked on the earth, and Ron also thinks that he should not die so easily.

Just like Thor, Thor, who was also bombed by a nuclear bomb, although Thor has not appeared before the public, Ron knows that Thor was actually saved by his father Odin and did not really die.

"It's better to go now ..." Thinking of what had just happened, Ron felt that, in fact, investigating Johnny's affairs could be done now.

After all, he didn't want the biochemical crisis to happen ...

"Ready, come soon ..."

Now that he has decided to control the world, of course, Ron will no longer hide his strength. The space tunnel was directly placed in Reed's laboratory, and the Gobi Desert on the other side of the space appeared.

"This, this is your true ability?" Reed was actually the first time to see Ron's ability, feeling the dry air on the other side of the space, his face was incredible!

"It's not just that, there's a lot you don't know!" Ron smiled and stepped into the space first.

Reed watched him go in, hesitated for a while, and went in.

The space tunnel disappeared and two people appeared on a Gobi Desert in the northwestern United States mainland.

It is called the Gobi Desert, in fact, many places are black and black, and the sky is refracted with unknown singular polylines, so that Reed's clothes start to burn autonomously, until he reveals the blue that he also radiated through the universe The suit stopped.

This is the power of nuclear bombs!

More than twenty nuclear bombs exploded in this place, making it a place of death!

But amazingly, these radiations did not affect Ron in the slightest, not even the corners of his clothes!

Seeing Ron's relaxed appearance, Reid smiled bitterly: "You have hidden so many things ... if it wasn't because you have been in contact with you for a longer time, knowing who you are, I guess I would really think that the US team would be Really ... "

Hearing this again, Ron shrugged and said, "I thought everything was done by me, am I behind the scenes?"

"Yeah! Has anyone told you this already?" Reed asked.

"Tony, he said the same thing as you!" Ron said: "The answer to him is that if I want to control the earth, I don't need to be so complicated, and my goal will not be the earth, then It would be ... the entire universe! "

"I believe it!" Reed said with some excitement: "The space tunnel just was so amazing that it directly allowed us to cross nearly two thousand miles from New York to the west. With it, the earth is just a small village! "

"It seems your opinion is better than Tony!" Ron praised Reed with a smile. Indeed, compared to Tony, Reed is indeed far-sighted.

Although in the comics ~ ~ many big events are made by this guy ...

The following time, Ron and Reed used their flesh to find the place on foot.

The location was very accurate. Ron's space tunnel was located to the location where the more than twenty nuclear bombs were most concentrated. If Johnny had died here, they should be able to find some clues.

Ron is actually quite clear about the changes in Thunderbolt's ability, because he has enough research on living things.

The phenomenon that fire looks glowing and glowing is a form of energy, but in fact, fire is basically a kind of gas ionization. This form is also regarded as an object in the category, but it is more special.

Johnny, as a human being, becomes a special material form of fire. If he can, he can actually regroup those separated lives, so that Johnny can be born again!

However, Ron never found a flame containing Johnny ...

"This thing is a little too incredible. It transforms into flames, the body extends indefinitely, stealth, and turns into stones ... why are there such magical abilities in the world?"

"I don't know, what will this world be made of by those of us who have strange abilities?"

Reed's hand stretched out a long way, making a circle directly, wrapping himself into a mummy, said helplessly.

"Isn't technology the same? Ultron is proof!" Ron smiled. The difference between him and Reed is that he thinks that technology will change the world, but Reed thinks that extraordinary ability will be the main change in the world in the future. The culprit.

You can't be wrong, this statement is also right, even more credible than the technology statement.

After all, aren't many changes the result of various abilities?

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