MTL - True Marvel World-Chapter 423 Absorb 1 constellation

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A day later, the earth was in chaos.

Countless robots appear in all corners of the world, humans are frightened to escape, the government is in vain, and the army cannot be defeated. Even the superheroes are lamenting, looking a bit desperate.

But all of this has nothing to do with Ron, who is in an unknown corner of the galaxy.

He had no knowledge of what was happening on the earth, and was looking for the location of the old nest of the symbiote, without any intention of returning to earth.

To calculate, Ron has been searching for this month in this unknown constellation, but he just broke the little planets and turned them all upside down.

Ron even began to wonder if the news he received was true.

That was a month ago, he and Yongdu came to the three empires similar to the library, and found the news from those books that do not know how much.

That's a long time ago, and the three empires could not be regarded as the power of the Milky Way, just a few cowards.

Whether it was Xia or Scroo, or the Kerry Empire, some of this matter was recorded more or less.

According to the records, the gods are fighting a powerful living body, causing the entire galaxy and even the universe to fall into chaos.

Until then, the powerful living body was eventually killed by the gods, but the soul did not disappear, and was sealed in the planet of a certain constellation.

Relying on these records, Ron finally found the location of the galaxy, but after searching for January, there was no result.

He even wondered whether the planet that seals the soul of the symbiote was like the star father Igo, and flew away as a life planet.

"Pitro, I'm in a bad mood, go out and stroll around, you fly the spacecraft and look for it."

Ron called the driver of the Great Sword, Quicksilver, and after an explanation, he disappeared directly into the battleship and came into outer space.

"Is this just wandering around?" Kuaiyin was very depressed, watching Ron appear in the outer space instantly, faster than his supersonic speed.

After leaving the battleship, Ron did not just wander around as he said, but directly showed numerous space tunnels, shuttled back and forth in each place of this constellation, looking for the sealed Kunta, the **** of the symbiote. The planet's location.

I don't know why, Ron always felt that something serious happened when he left, and he had to return to earth as soon as possible to help solve it.

This is not unfounded worries, but Ron's ability to time has warned him that the future will be gloomy ...

His time is not much!

"Why exactly?"

Some rigid conditions make this guy who had easy to see everything easy to become a little irritable.

It turned out that more space appeared next to him, expanding the constellation, as if a balloon was filled with gas it could no longer bear, and it was about to explode.

And Ron himself was not really good!

The number of times he releases abilities is not unlimited. Although he has a universe, the universe is too small, and the energy contained in it may not even be comparable to both solar systems.

What's more, he is in the space tunnel that can now cross half a constellation.

This is not the small magic of Gu Yi and her disciples, which can directly reach the space gate of the African continent from the highest peak of the earth, but a law similar to space, the energy consumed is not an order of magnitude of.

It's just that the more tunnels there are in space, the more Ron thinks he may be getting fake news.

This constellation is so strange that there is no place where life is hidden, all places are barren and nothing.

Full of silence!

"Maybe, I was thinking wrong? Kuntal is not actually a planet, but this galaxy?"

Ron was skeptical, and even came up with an idea that shocked him.

After all, if the **** of the symbiote was so powerful, how could a planet be sealed by him, or at least a constellation!

The more I think about it, the more I think that this idea should be right. I remember that the **** of the symbiote once said that his original title was called the Lord of the Abyss. This title was more imposing than the **** of the symbiote!

If this constellation is really the place where the Lord of the Seal of the Abyss is sealed, then Ron will think carefully about how to break this constellation.

After all, before he realized that so many space tunnels did not open up the constellation, it is probably useless no matter how much, we must think of other methods.

‘Yes, I directly absorbed this galaxy, do n’t know if I can? ’

Ron came up with a bold idea.

This method is to directly open the interface of his own universe in this galaxy, and then use the method of spatial fusion to directly absorb this constellation that doesn't know anything into his universe, and use the power of the universe to make this constellation complete!

You should know that in his universe, Ron does not know how many times he is outside, and then borrowing the universe itself, it should not be difficult to break down a constellation.

The hard part is how he should absorb the horoscope into his universe.

Until now, in addition to his creation, the only thing that entered Ron's universe was when he first solved it for Professor X, and he actively pulled it in.

That's it. He spent all the energy he didn't know.

Although his universe is not as good as before, this constellation is not Professor X!

A place that may be much larger than the solar system, how can it be as simple as that?

Ron began to think again.

He didn't think long because someone interrupted him halfway.

"We found a strange place, maybe related to the nest of the Symbiote God!"

Pitro appeared in front of Ron in the Great Sword, and said to him in surprise.

"Immediately take me over!" Ron asked Kuaiyin to point out the unknown without saying a word, and then immediately passed through a space tunnel.

There was a touch of joy on Ron's face when he arrived at Quicksilver.

What Kuaiyin said was both right and wrong. This place should not have much to do with the old nest of the symbiote, but it has a lot to do with what he just thought about.

Because this place is the center of this constellation!

No matter what has a center, the human heart, the sun of the solar system, etc ...

The center is usually the most important place for this object, and it may also be the most vulnerable place.

As long as you master the center, you can grasp the life and death of this object!

The constellation also has a center. Although it may not look like it, it may be fake, but this is actually true.

Ron is very sure, after all, his universe has a center, and it is not surprising that a constellation has it!

Find the center and everything might be easier.

The center of this constellation looks somewhat like a big tree full of tentacles, without leaves and fruits, and at least various strange shapes formed by the tentacles are intertwined, and it will be a little disgusting to look closely.

But Ron couldn't control that much. He was going to try to absorb this center point directly with his universe, and then devour the whole constellation.

For safety, Ron directly received the Great Sword in his own universe, and then immediately started to operate.

He first communicated the connection between his universe and this place, and let the two be on the same 'frequency' before he could open the channel.

While doing all this, Ron was actually a little nervous.

You know, the collision between two inexplicable galaxies is the mutual killing in the dark forest, not to mention he is ready to combine his universe with this constellation?

He was afraid that if he did this himself, he would attract some existence to **** his universe, but what should he do?

He didn't want to go through the symbiotic thing again.

"Everything has a beginning, for better or worse!"

Ron encouraged himself. There is a saying that if you don't do it, you will never succeed.

Although this sentence is somewhat inconsistent with his current situation, the truth is almost the same.

Strange things started happening. The originally quiet place became abnormal. The stones and soil seemed to start to become distorted like water.

Ron's universe began to combine with this unknown constellation.

Judging from the steady progress, the combination seems to be pretty good.

Time passed gradually until this unknown constellation had become part of the Ron universe, and this strange fusion ended.

Everything went smoothly, and Ron's universe had a large solar system.

And his universe was only a few such places.

Feeling the newly added unknown galaxy, Ron smiled happily.

No wonder those pioneers of history are saying that plunder is the fastest way to build a force. This method simply does not know how many times faster than he himself to develop his own universe and slowly grow up!

For a moment, Ron even came up with the idea of ​​directly plundering the galaxy world to strengthen his universe.

But soon, this idea was rejected by himself.

The reason is simple, not because it looks like a big villain, but because when it was just merged, Ron can clearly feel that he is like a **** beauty who has been stripped off. At any time, it may be a strong big man xxoo Countless times.

The risk is too great to be worth it!

When the limit is not reached, it is better not to try this method.

After absorbing this constellation, Ron naturally understood a lot more.

He was looking in the right direction. This constellation is indeed the place that seals the soul of the Symbiote, and the planet Kuntal is also in it.

He didn't find it before just because everything was hidden.

This constellation was not originally a constellation, it was just a simple place. It was only because the gods of the heavens sealed the soul of the symbiote here. This formed this constellation, a perfect ornament, His eyes have always been on his appearance.

If this constellation is likened to a balloon, then Kuntal is the invisible little “gas” in the balloon!

Although Ron looked around, he didn't care about the "gas" in it, he only cared about the "skin" of the balloon.

The real Kuntal was blocked by this constellation. Where Ron went, Kuntal went to another location, so he could not find it from beginning to end.

Feeling the planet that is full of restraints, and the spirit body inside him, which is even a little scary now, he knows that he has found the Lord.

Without hesitation, Ron appeared directly next to the soul body, ready to use his own life force and the power of the Phoenix to decompose this soul body directly, without saying a little nonsense!

But the Symbiosis God suddenly said a word, allowing Ron to temporarily put aside the idea of ​​directly killing the other party.

"Master of the power of the Phoenix and a universe, don't you want to know why I suddenly appeared on your planet to meet you and fight?"

"Why?" I have to say that Ron's interest in the symbiote's **** has aroused great interest.

Before Gu Yi's words, Ron didn't forget that there was a very powerful existence that affected their timeline and wanted to modify everything.

Does the symbiosis of God have something to do with this?

"You may have guessed that there is something that we have no idea at all is affecting you, and I seem to be extraordinary, but it is just one of his chess pieces that can be discarded at will ..."

The symbiote **** smiled calmly, and then became silent for a long time.

I don't know why, Ron can feel that the Symbiotic God is actually the same as himself, and he has some kind of unforgettable mind that can't be completed, as if in a prison, he can't break free.

Seeing the sympathy of the gods of silence, Ron did not urge, and was not impatient, he just waited silently, waiting for the symbiote to speak.

For a long time ~ ~ The **** of the symbiote is no longer silent, but instead said calmly: "I know that I will die today without doubt ... but I hope that you can fulfill my last wish ..."

"Tell me first, who is that existence?" Ron asked directly.

Although it feels that the **** of the symbiote is actually the same kind of person, Ron can never act by feeling. The **** of the symbiote is right, he will die today and he will never be resurrected!

"That's what you and I don't understand yet ..." said the God of Symbiosis: "He is almost omnipotent, omniscient, has unlimited rights, and he is on duty to judge everything ..."

"The court of life?" Ron frowned, guessing in advance who the Symbiotic God said was.

The name of the court of life sounds like an organization, but in fact this is one of the most powerful people in the Marvel universe other than the creator. Exterminator, Tenjin, the five creator gods, etc. Life courts are on par!

Ron didn't doubt the words of the Symbiotic God, he was just thinking, if this matter is really involved in the life court, then he wants to modify everything should be simple. Why does everything seem to change little?

The symbiote **** seemed to guess what he was thinking and said with a smile: "Someone stopped him!"

"Who?" Ron asked.

"I don't know!" The Symbiotic God replied, "But in fact ... you, me, are one of them!"

Ron didn't speak, just staring at the symbiote god.

A long time later, the combination of vitality and the power of the Phoenix killed this **** who had resisted countless gods, completely making him disappear into this world!

But Ron's mood is not very good ...

The future ... becomes more complicated!

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