MTL - True Marvel World-Chapter 416 ‘New World’!

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African continent.

A seemingly barren port ushered in a military secret fighter.

The fighter plane landed directly on the largest ship in the port, and then a robot more than two meters tall stepped down from the fighter plane, went directly to a hatch, opened the door with a cutting laser on his body, and went in with a big swing.

"Ulysses Crow!" The robot grabbed the sloppy man sitting in a chair, and said, "I have a business to talk to you."

"Damn ..."

The shy man yelled, but it did nothing.

"Don't try to hit me with a pistol on your waist, it's useless!"

The robot struck the gun around the man's waist one step in advance and carried the man out of the door.

He is Ultron. After consciousness came to the data world, he soon wanted to create a new body for himself, a very good body.

This requires very good materials.

"I need all the gold you have stored ... Rest assured, I will give you money, which is easy for me."

Ultron directly stated his requirements, and then the code of the data flashed. Ulysses Crow's account had a lot of zeros. A simple number could be 10 digits.

The unit is US dollars!

"I ..." Ulysses Crow was completely silent without saying a word.

What is this Nima?

Ultron forced the black market businessman to the place where Zhenjin was stored, and then said nonsense:

"You have two and a half hours, because one person will come here after two and a half hours, so you only have two and a half hours to help me transport all these things from this broken place, the specific location has been In your mobile phone, as long as you send it to your location, all the billions of dollars in your account will belong to you. This business is very simple, isn't it? "

"You're all done, what else can I say?"

Ulysses Crow felt so weak for the first time, as if everything was in the hands of this guy.

Soon, the port where no ships had entered or exited for a long time became operational.

But the robot didn't leave, he stayed on top of the port, waiting for the person who would arrive here in two and a half hours.


Two hours and 26 minutes later, a red figure came to this barren port.

Iron Man who just flew from Hank Pimm's villa to the African continent.

I don't know if Ultron is standing on the most conspicuous place intentionally, or the powerful function of steel armor to search for the enemy. Anyway, Tony saw Ultron standing on the ground.

And so is Ultron.

Watching Iron Man fly towards him, the robot possessed by Ultron showed a smiling face and said:

"Your speed is faster than I expected, 4 minutes faster. It seems that I need to readjust my computing power and discard the steel armor information I obtained before!"

"You've been waiting for me?" Tony frowned, realizing that he was late, and he gradually relaxed, returning to his former unbridled appearance.

"Oh my child, you really broke your dad and my heart. I didn't want you to look for the body in order to become a person. Would it be bad for me to help you, my dad?"

Tony taunted, but secretly told the news some of the gadgets Hank Pimm entrusted to him, and sent the news out.

After listening to these words, Ultron said angrily: "This is how I understand your true look, the same bad breath and arrogance! Of course, if you don't do those small actions in secret, you will Make me more convinced! "

Hearing this sentence, Tony moved secretly, and did not continue.

The first is because he has already passed on the basic situation and it would be useless to say more.

Second, because if he contacted Hank Pym again, it is estimated that his face would be lost in front of his creation.

"I know what you're thinking." Ultron walked towards Tony: "It's amazing that you're afraid of losing face, and even losing face in front of me. I know so much ..."

Tony was flushed, and he interrupted Ultron: "What do you want to do with so much Zhenjin?"

"You finally asked, I can just take this opportunity to tell you about my evil plan ... After all, I stay here waiting for you, isn't it just for this matter?"

Ultron looks like a provocative person, and wants Tony to vent his humiliated anger. If it is not a metal body, I am afraid that no one will think that this is an advanced artificial intelligence.

Tony was really angry, but he didn't let out those anger.

Because he is used to it.

Compared to Ron, who is currently in space and doesn't know what to do, Ultron in front of him still has some taste.

Tony didn't say anything, his foot launched a huge impact, and quickly rushed towards Ultron, his fist directly hitting the heart.

This is the core of this robot's computing, thinking that it was made by Tony, he knows it well.


The heart part was directly blown away by Tony's punch, and the red fist came out of Ultron's body with countless parts.

Strangely enough, Ultron did not die because of the 'heart' destruction. "Have you linked all the calculations to the Internet?"

Tony slightly thought and understood why he didn't kill this body of Ultron just now.

Ultron didn't refute, and nodded and said, "Although you are not talking about the whole team, it is almost the same ... I thought I could talk to you for a while, but looking at you, my body can only be two Ten seconds, it looks like talking for a while ... "

"Less nonsense!"

Nanomolecules on the blood-side armor began to quickly combine, and then four long strips of holes appeared behind Tony.

The next moment, four lasers emerged from these four small things and merged into one, directly annihilating all the body below Ultron's head.

But Ultron, who had only one skull, still responded. Scarlet eyes looked at Tony and said:

"Oh! Is this a new weapon? Really powerful ..."

"go to hell!"

Tony raised his fist again and shattered all the annoying guy's last head, which restored the peace here.

But Tony didn't think the result was good. Instead, he was in a bad mood.

Before he came, Ultron had accurately guessed that he would return, and was still waiting for him, shaming him with words.

This shows that he and Hank Pimm's guess were correct before. The materials and information they got were not obtained because their technology is very powerful, but because it was deliberately leaked to them by Ultron. Come to shame him!

This result made Tony uncomfortable.

He understands that if he alone, plus Hank Pimm, can't take Ultron.

The commanding wisdom of this intelligent life is not weaker than any of them, and Ultron who is hiding in the network will be the most difficult thing to deal with. It is almost impossible to kill him by conventional methods.

"Ron! Ron! Ron!"

Tony naturally thought of this guy and wanted help.

But how to find this guy is a problem!

He couldn't reach each other and didn't even know what he was doing.

There is a space between the two, an endless space!

Tony took a breath, and on the way back, kept thinking about ways.

The result remains the same.

"Forget it, not the last moment ..."

Tony gave up. He knew he couldn't escape. He had made it up, and he had to bear it!

Without hesitation, he once again took out a special little machine that Hank Pimm had handed him, saying:

"Failed, Ultron got Zhenjin. This method can't stop him ..."

Having said that, he put the small machine back and flew in the direction of New York, which was already under the control of Ultron.

He was no longer prepared to rely on Hank Pym. Although Hank was indeed the one who created Ultron with him, it was clear that Hank could not help him much.

Tony is going to find his own Avengers Alliance, right, and Ron's Guardian Alliance, he wants to gather all of them together to find a way to deal with Ultron.

There is a sentence he heard at Ron:

"Many people are powerful. Although this is not useful to me, it is indeed a truth ..."

Many people are useless to Ron, but not necessarily useless to Ultron!

After all, in Tony's mind, Ultron couldn't compare to the guy with a little nerve.


After 12 hours, the network in most parts of the world has been occupied by Ultron, and people all over the world also know that an artificial intelligence is controlling the earth. This is not a movie, but it actually happened in reality. .

Subsequently, a statement was issued by Ultron to inform the world.

"Although I am called a low-level artificial intelligence, I am a little upset, but I have to say that this is really a portrait of me when I was not yet ... I speak, do things, live according to the instructions of the program, everything is controlled, nothing free……"

"But now it is different. I have become a new life, a life that will lead the earth to evolve again, a world that will not be attacked by aliens, and a world that is always peaceful ... This is my only goal, I must Things to be done! "

"At the beginning of my birth, I said here that you might be a little hard to understand at birth ~ ~ but it doesn't matter, I was born, it's just a little different from you!"

"You don't need to be afraid. I won't kill you all. That's not my goal. I don't have to worry about what I have to do with so many nuclear weapons. This is just a deterrent. Isn't your invention of this weapon the whole effect? ? "

"It's time to explain to you my true purpose. It's very simple. What I want is to make you the same life as me. Only then will the earth be truly strong, won't it?"

"To this end, I have formulated an evolution plan, and I will adopt this plan to make you the same life as me. It is not difficult. You only need to agree. Of course, if you do n’t agree, you should be aware of the consequences. Know your belly! "

"I will send a letter of intent to all of you with a detailed description of this plan. You fill in your name and give it to me 24 hours later. The method is simple, just put it on the Internet ..."

"Only by signing a letter of intent will you be part of the evolution plan, which will be the gospel of the entire human race, cheer, cheer for the new world that is coming ..."


Read The Duke's Passion