MTL - Traveling Through Ancient Times To Be a Shopkeeper-Chapter 96

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Yin Guogong's mansion.

First Young Master Yin read the letter in his hand, sat in silence with a cold face.

Yin Chengfeng: "...Brother? What was written in Wei Cheng's letter? He didn't even show it to me. Did he write a solution?"

Before leaving, the guy in Weicheng smiled mysteriously when he said goodbye to him. If he hadn't boarded the boat, he would have to make it clear before returning to the imperial city.

First Young Master Yin glanced over coldly.

Yin Chengfeng's neck shrank, his stomach slandered, Yan Luo's face turned. Don't ask, don't ask! snort!

After a while, Young Master Yin said coldly: "Just follow Wei Cheng's method. I will go to the palace to discuss with the emperor later, and I will take over the matter."


Yin Chengfeng silently exited the study room, feeling relieved that Wei Cheng's solution was feasible, so he wouldn't have to be scolded by his cold-faced elder brother.

As soon as he turned around, he met a pair of indifferent eyes, "Drink!" Ding Qing saw that it was his eldest nephew, "Lin'er, what are you doing standing at the door?"

Yin Chenglin had a cold face, "I'm waiting for Uncle to come out!"

"Ah! Wait for me?" Yin Chenglin said, "Do you have something to do with my uncle?"


Yin Chengfeng: "..." With a cold face, his words were simple and forceful, he thought he was talking to his elder brother.

"Father is looking for me. Only when uncle comes out can I go in." Yin Sheng said.

Yin Chengfeng was choked!

He pretended to be affectionate, thinking that his eldest nephew missed him and came to him to connect with him.

Yin Shenglin walked past his uncle, walked over with his eyes straight ahead, opened the door and entered the study.

There was a conversation inside, and Yin Chengfeng wanted to eavesdrop, but with his elder brother's skills, he must have noticed it before he got to the door, so he still didn't want to tease the tiger's beard, and went back to accompany his wife and son.

In the study room, Eldest Young Master Yin sat on the chair behind the desk, and told his son the regulations for receiving foreign missions and the arrangement of palace banquets with a cold face.

Yin Chenglin straightened his small body and listened carefully with an indifferent face.

The two father and son have the same expression.

"Your future father-in-law is very capable. I agree with you marrying the brother of the Wei family. You can solve it yourself on the family side."

Young Master Yin didn't think that it was a child's words for a young child to say that he would marry a small baby in the future. He answered every word of his son very seriously.

First Young Master Yin said in a deep voice: "Lin'er, step back first, I taught you what I taught you today, you should think about it when you go back. If His Majesty agrees with your future father-in-law's method, you can learn more from Weifu's side."

"Father, thank you for your consent." Yin Chengfeng declared in a cold voice, "Also, the son's marriage does not need the consent of anyone in the family. I will be so strong that they can't stop it." After finishing speaking, he walked out!

Young Master Yin is very satisfied with his son's performance, this is the courage that the next successor of the Yin family should have.

He will not relax in his son's training just because his son is young.

What satisfies him most is that his Lin'er will not be the next him. Unlike him, he let his family arrange his marriage until he met someone who he believed in for life.

Therefore, he agreed to the fact that his brother and sister-in-law left the house to go out independently. Because of his consent, the family could not interfere in any way, otherwise how could his younger brother be so chic.

His younger brother went out for a trip and came back no longer confused.

His son went out for a trip and came back bigger.

It is Lin'er's blessing to find a lifelong partner.

However, Lin'er's biggest difficulty in the future will not be the Yin family, it should be his future father-in-law.

He had never seen anyone before, and he had to admire that person's ability.

After reading the detailed explanation of the letter, he had to say that that person was really courageous.

He was not sure about the outcome of that kind of thinking, but that Wei Cheng was confident.

Young Master Yin didn't delay anymore, took the letter and went directly to the palace. Also brought a batch of tribute goods and cooks.

In one night, a decision was made.

That method was used, but he didn't dare to make a conclusion based on the results in the letter.

They also have backup plans.

The day of the palace banquet.

The emperor is here.

Everyone got up and saluted.

"Long live my emperor, long live, long live—"

"Queen Chitose, Chitose, Chitose—"

After saluting, the palace banquet began—

Emperor: "Great Jingguo is a state of etiquette. In order to welcome the arrival of the missions and make them feel at home, I specially ordered the imperial kitchen to prepare different flavors of delicacies. I don't know if they suit the tastes of the missions!"

"I thank Your Majesty!"

The maidservants in the palace presented delicacies in an orderly manner, one after another, exquisite and delicious delicacies were placed on the table.

The missions of foreign countries were very surprised to see that there were several exotic delicacies that were different from those in Dajing.

These delicacies seem to be similar to their foreign flavors, but they are different, but they smell familiar aromas.

After eating it in the mouth, they were so surprised that it was delicious, and they all nodded in praise.

"This cheese pancake is grilled with delicious seafood and cheese. The pancake has a strong flavor of wheat, and the combination of cheese and bread is amazing!"

"This special barbecue has the flavor of hometown spices, and it is really fresh and tender with the rich sauce!"

"This is called Teppanyaki Seafood Stewed Rice. It's so fresh and delicious!"

“Bai Zhen Mushrooms are delicious...”

“Extremely fresh soup is fresh......”

“Vanilla Desserts are our ladies' dream desserts..."


This palace banquet was not only praised by foreign diplomatic missions, but also by the royal family, nobles, and dignitaries.

After the delicacy was tasted, several of the foreign missions asked questions. They tasted familiar spices in the delicacy.

The emperor laughed and waved his big hand to show the demeanor of a big country. He didn't hide it, and ordered the palace servants to deliver the prepared seasonings to the missions of various states.

He also personally ordered people to answer questions for the missions.

The foreign mission took several vials containing the spices in their hands, observed and smelled them carefully, and got the answer in their hearts.

Several envoys met, and a brown-eyed envoy asked.

"Excuse me, Your Majesty, what edible spices are used to make the powdered seasoning in this small bottle?"

The emperor smiled and raised his hand to signal the official to answer. The officer raised his voice and said, "...the seasonings in front of me are made with a lot of spices, all of which come from overseas products. More than a dozen kinds of food spices..." He finished reading the spices in one breath, but didn't tell which kinds of food spices each bottle of seasoning covers.

Those envoys who are still waiting for someone to tell the ingredients: "......"

Sitting on the high platform, the emperor could clearly see the ugly faces of the foreign missions below.

I am really stupid, I will reveal the recipe to you.

Go back and study slowly!

The letter from Weicheng said that all the seasonings were ground into powder and mixed together. Even if the foreign missions took it back for research, it would be very difficult to research the formula!

"In order to thank all the missions for coming, I also prepared a rare thank you gift from the Dajing Kingdom for the missions."

After speaking, the emperor ordered the palace servants to serve it.

An exquisite brocade box with a white transparent cover. Inside the brocade box lay a palm-sized exquisite porcelain vase, a box of balm, and an exquisite embroidered fan.

"This porcelain bottle is a new product in our country. It is named perfume. Just press it lightly, and the fragrance will spray out on the body and last for a whole day. The plum blossom painted is a women's perfume, and the ink painted is a men's perfume. "

"That box is balm. It is our Dajingguo pearl balm. Apply it on the face, and it will whiten and ruddy the complexion after a long time."

The female companions in the foreign missions couldn't put it down when they heard Liuxiang and Meibaihongrun.

The missions of various states: "..." I was still thinking about finding out the recipe of the seasoning, but when I was interrupted by this, I didn't have an excuse to ask.

The second day of the mission's pilgrimage.

The missions of foreign countries tried to cook the seasonings they got from the palace with their own flavors, but the taste was always significantly different from the palace banquet delicacies.

One is delicious and the other is ordinary.

The missions of foreign countries were in the post station, and they kept quiet in the palace, and they discussed how to get the seasoning formula when they came back.

Don't underestimate this small bottle of seasoning, people cannot live without it, how important a 'food' is for basic necessities of life.

These missions of foreign countries are all interested in the huge benefits brought by the seasoning.

The seasoning was still developed with spices produced in foreign countries. They couldn't develop good seasoning, but let the people of the Dajing Dynasty develop it, which made them feel very embarrassed.

Right now, I don't know what went wrong, how to make it so different from the palace banquet.

The mission couldn't find a way, and secretly contacted the powerful family who cooperated in private, asking them to inquire about the formula.

But those powerful families don't even know the origin. The palace banquet was personally supervised by the so-called cold-faced Yan Luo Wang in Yin Guogong's mansion.

They all knew that after the emperor came to power, he tried to find a way to regain the economic sovereignty of the dynasty from the powerful family.

The emperor deliberately guarded against them, and did not reveal any news.

Let them inquire, and they dare not make too much of a move when they inquire secretly. If they are caught, the emperor will have more excuses to attack.

Moreover, at the palace banquet yesterday, the missions of various countries didn't seem to care so much about the bottles of spices. Why are they in such a hurry now, threatening that if there is no formula, their cooperation will be over.

These powerful families were in the sea at the beginning, and the former emperor jointly won the right to cooperate with the powerful families under the economic development of the Dajing Dynasty in order to cooperate with foreign countries.

They took great pains to get most of the cooperation rights of foreign countries. The benefits are so great that they can be compared to the taxation of the entire Dajing Dynasty.

Can a few bottles of seasoning overthrow the cooperation rights they have worked so hard to obtain under the imperial power?

It's ridiculous!

At the beginning, these powerful families didn't take it seriously,

Later, one or two of them approached them privately to inquire about the news, and even a few missions from foreign countries that did not produce spices came to the door, directly demanding batches of spices.

Although that country was a small country, the furs, medicinal materials, and rare agate sources they brought to the powerful families had great benefits. These things made them win over many merchants, and if they lost the right to cooperate, they would lose a lot of benefits.

It is impossible for the powerful family to give up the right to cooperate with those small countries.

But they don't have any news about the seasoning.

Those powerful families are starting to panic!

Use their manpower and material resources to find out...

But when they find out, everything is a foregone conclusion—

Imperial City, Taifu Building.

A high platform was set up at the entrance of Taifu Building, and gongs and drums were beaten to attract crowds of onlookers.

In the name of welcoming the arrival of missions from various states, a free eating event will be held.

As long as you get the red cardboard, you can get a small portion of food if you have the Taifulou red seal.

A limited amount of red cardboard for free meals is distributed on a first-come-first-served basis.

Since it is to welcome foreign missions, all foreigners will have a share in seeing it.

Then, after some publicity, the chefs in Taifulou began to make delicious food. The aroma of the food wafts through the air, attracting passers-by to stop and swallow their saliva one after another.

Those who got the red cardboard did not get the cardboard, more and more people lined up one after another...

Fragrant iron plate and grilled lamb, seafood, pork, crepes.....


When the mission got the news, they sent people to investigate. The folks in Taifulou have been instructed, and no matter who asks how to do it, they can tell them.

I learned that in addition to the seasoning in hand, we also need to add Baiweifang's new sauce spices, and the sauce spices used in each dish are different.

Powdered seasonings are cooked with sauce spices to make them.

The mission asked someone to buy it, but it is still limited to two copies. Do you want to buy more, let alone buy in batches.

After buying it, cook it again according to the recipe. After cooking, the taste of the dish is not as amazing as a palace banquet, but it is also delicious.

Only then did they know that the key lies in the sauce and spices, and the powdered seasonings in their hands are only auxiliary.

Wei Cheng has considered many aspects. Considering the supply of spices, the Dajing Dynasty did not have these spices. It will take several years to introduce and plant them. If you cooperate with foreign countries, the amount of supply is not so large.

Considering various factors, he made changes in the seasoning.

The powdered seasoning given to the mission was just a cover, and grinding it into powder would also delay the time for them to research the formula, which would be impossible in a few years.

Another important point is the sauce and spices.

Spices produced in foreign countries are incorporated into the sauce spices, but the amount used is a small amount. The main reason is that the original spices of the Dajing Dynasty were added to it.

The essence of sauce and spices comes from the Dajing Dynasty.

If foreign missions want it, they must import it from the Dajing Dynasty.

Wei Cheng calculated all aspects in the letter and explained clearly. The letter also said that he was 90% sure of winning the cooperation.

He is not sure about the remaining 10%, and it cannot be said to be too full, so as not to attract the emperor's attention.

Seasonings are needed for people's livelihood. The sauce workshops he and Yin Chengfeng opened have entered the entire Dajing Dynasty. Some people compare them, and the one above thinks it is feasible.

Otherwise, no one thinks that a small bottle of seasoning can have such a big effect.

Another point is that those missions are thoughtful and not stupid. They all know that not only seasoning can bring huge benefits, but also cooperation with powerful families can also bring huge benefits.

But they will choose to cooperate with the royal family. Because, in cooperation with the royal family, under the imperial power, those powerful families lost the cooperation of foreign countries, and they had to move closer to the emperor to find a way out.

It is better to have less benefits than a family in decline.

The foreign missions all knew how to do it. If they want sauces and spices, they must cooperate with the imperial power of the Dajing Dynasty, and chose to give up the cooperation with the powerful family.

In the palace.

The emperor was not in a hurry on the first day. After reading the contents of the letter, he was not afraid that the foreign missions would find out what spices were in the powdered seasoning. The important part was still in the hands of the Dajing Dynasty.

There was no news the next day, so the emperor began to ask the secret guard who was in charge of tracking the movement of the mission.

Regarding the movements of the missions of various states, the emperor was a little more concerned about knowing that several small countries had approached those powerful families.

On the third day, missions from several small countries entered the palace, and the cooperation was reached.

But in the afternoon, the emperor cared about the missions of those big countries, but there was no news at all.

The emperor became anxious, and summoned First Young Master Yin to the palace to discuss whether to start the second plan. Before the discussion, all the missions entered the palace......

One by one, the missions went to see...

The cooperation contract is surprisingly consistent, except for the fixed amount of seasonings provided in each phase of the Dajing Dynasty. The Dajing Dynasty also had to ensure that the goods they traded with the powerful and powerful families in the Dajing Dynasty could also be supplied in place.

As soon as the emperor Jinkou came out, he directly promised the missions of foreign countries that as long as the foreign countries cooperate and control it in the hands of the royal family, those powerful families will not rush to curry favor.

Various foreign countries reached cooperation with the Dajing Dynasty.

The emperor was surprised when the right to cooperate was obtained, and Young Master Yin was also surprised to be called an extremely smart person.

In this way, they got the overseas product cooperation contract that they tried their best to get, which was still five years, not one year in the hands of the powerful family.

The five-year contract, those missions are still cautious, and they want to use these years to research the formula of seasoning.

After five years of cooperation, the national treasury will be full, and those powerful families will be in control. At that time, the right to cooperate will not be in the hands of the royal family.

Later, it was really researched by them, but people from foreign countries always believed that the products from the Dajing Dynasty were the best, especially the products from Weiji Workshop.

Now, both the emperor and First Young Master Yin feel that the right to cooperate is really easy to get!

Obtaining the right to cooperate with a foreign country is still the largest share of the right to cooperate, the emperor Long Yan is very happy.

The economy of the Dajing Dynasty was finally in the hands of the royal family.

First Young Master Yin said in a deep voice: "Your Majesty, we have reached an agreement with all the states. What are you going to do in Weicheng?"

After pondering for a moment, the emperor said: "I have an idea."

Cooperation with the Gentiles must be in royal hands. That Weicheng not only provided solutions, but also provided goods. In the end, the cooperation rights of foreign countries belonged to the royal family, "then Weicheng has contributed a lot and should be rewarded."

"I want to draw up an order, and I will serve you with pen and ink—"

Yin Chengfeng felt that everything went smoothly.

When he got the news that day that Wei Cheng's method really won the right to cooperate with foreign countries, his jaw dropped in shock.

He was very skeptical at first.

Now, Yin Chengfeng was going back to Jinzhou, and he was rushing back to Jinzhou with a mission.

Not long after returning to the imperial city, he had to go back to Jinzhou with his family.

The day before returning to Jinzhou, he thought that his elder brother would ask him to lecture him, because every time he returned to Jinzhou from the imperial city, his elder brother would give him this experience.

It's just that his elder brother didn't come to look for him, it was his eldest nephew who looked for him instead.

Yin Chengfeng finally took his son from the hands of the elders into his hands. He hugged Xiaotuanzi and looked at his eldest nephew.

"Lin'er, what do you need from your uncle?"

"I have a gift for my uncle, please bring it to my father-in-law and my baby."


Yin Chengfeng looked at the son in his arms, he was very small. Look at the eldest nephew with a cold face. He said earnestly: "Nephew, you are only twelve years old, and Xiao Tangyuan is only four years old. It is too early to think about your wife. Besides, you are in the imperial city, and Xiao Tangyuan is in Jinzhou. It is not certain which family Xiaotangyuan will belong to in the future." .”

Little Tangyuan was the daughter-in-law he had planned for his son, how could he let his elder nephew kidnap her.

Yin Chenglin glanced coldly at his little cousin who was huddled in his uncle's arms, and said coldly, "Don't worry about it, uncle, the baby won't become uncle's."

Yin Chengfeng: "..." This power of observation really belongs to his elder brother.

"Then please uncle, nephew will leave first."

Yin Chengfeng rolled his eyes!

the next day.

Yin Chengfeng boarded the ship with his family.

Accompanying him were several large boxes of presents that his elder nephew had forced on him, half of which were for Xiaotangyuan.

Also accompanied back to Jinzhou is the father-in-law and an imperial decree!

The author has something to say:

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2022-07-26 23:15:01~2022-07-27 20:16:18~

Thanks to the little angel of irrigation nutrient solution: 839538 bottles of cute rabbit and lion;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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