MTL - Traveling Through Ancient Times To Be a Shopkeeper-Chapter 90

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Yin Chengfeng felt that Wei Hu was punished because he made a wrong joke.

"Chengzi, why did Wei Hu kneel down?"

Wei Lei was also dumbfounded.

Zhou Yuan and Ren Nianluo looked at each other in dismay. Qi Yihan put the teacup in his hand to his mouth, a slight smile appeared on the corner of his lips, with his exquisite temperament, he was the most transparent.

The nerves of the servants who were waiting on the side were tense, thinking that the master was angry. Their master is very easy-going, but it is also terrifying to get angry.

The little glutinous rice **** flickered with long eyelashes, and he just ate a pastry. Why is Uncle Wei Hu kneeling?

And the two milk dolls are sitting on a walker, you bump into me and I bump into you, playing and laughing, they are not affected at all.

"嘿嘿~咔吱~" It's fun!

"Yiya~huhu~" Tired!

"What are you doing with serious expressions? I didn't say anything, and I didn't make him kneel."

Wei Cheng smiled innocently, and he smiled casually, but he didn't have the slightest intention to wake Wei Hu up. "Let's continue drinking tea and chatting."

Yin Chengfeng rolled his eyes at Wei Cheng unabashedly, "How can we continue talking if you don't get people up!"

Can the atmosphere continue to chat?

Wei Cheng really wanted to be lazy to respond to Yin Chengfeng's words, but his daughter-in-law also looked over anxiously to know what was going on, so Wei Cheng had no choice but to wake up Wei Hu.

"Okay, get up!"

Wei Hu was still obsessed with kneeling and unable to get up.

It was Wei Cheng's turn to roll his eyes, his subordinate was a deadhead, "If you kneel down again, your master will come to intercede, and your master, I will be the one to make you kneel, and..." Xian Xian The tone changed, and he said in a serious tone: "This is an order!"

In fact, Wei Cheng really wanted to make people kneel in the garden to change his upright mind.

However, if he really ordered it like this, his daughter-in-law would fight the injustice for him.

"Yes! Master!"

Wei Hu didn't dare to continue kneeling, the master's order came second, if the master complained to the master because of his affairs, then it's his turn to cry!

Wei Hu sat back in his original position.

Then, the atmosphere was still very strange—

Everyone was curious about what Wei Hu's kneeling meant?

Everyone drank tea without speaking, and kept glancing at Wei Cheng and Wei Hu, especially Yin Chengfeng, who stared directly at Wei Cheng, with questions and wonders hanging on his forehead openly.

Wei Cheng: "......." Don't look at him, the person involved doesn't talk about it, he doesn't like to reveal other people's privacy.

Zhou Yuan was curious, but he was not in a hurry because he knew that his husband would talk to him.

He looked at Qi Yihan with a slight smile, and the smile in his eyes seemed to understand something. Zhou Yuan knew that Qi Yihan was a very smart and knowledgeable brother, and as he thought to himself, he asked, "Yi Han, do you know what happened?" thing?"

With a swipe, all the eyes present looked over.

"Yi Yi, do you know? If you know, tell me!" My husband is very smart and wise, he must know, Yin Chengfeng looked at Qi Yihan with gossip in his eyes.

There was helplessness in Qi Yihan's eyes, and he replied gently: "This is Wei Hu's matter, how can you say it casually."

Oh, still can't tell!

Everyone had no choice but to look away, no more gossip!

Drink tea, drink tea, chat and chat, and stop the topic—right?

Then, Yin Chengfeng blurted out: "It's okay, I can't talk about it now, Yi Yi will tell me privately when he goes back."

Everyone slid down a row of black lines: "..."

If you go back and ask in private, then answer back, why are you still yelling in person!

Yan Yi was used to his young master being silly occasionally, so he couldn't help but twitch.

In fact, as soon as Yin Chengfeng found out, he must have known it not long after, and he couldn't control gossip about gossip.

In the end, Wei Hu still said it, but it was Qi Yihan who said it. Wei Hu agreed to say it, and Yin Chengfeng couldn't wait for his husband to explain it, so Qi Yihan said it.

Roughly explained: "I can understand the general meaning, well, Wei Hu would kneel down to thank Wei Dong's family, Wei Hu is loyal and upright, Wei Dong's words made him think about a very important thing, so he knelt down excitedly Yes. His direct kneeling is a pure act of gratitude from a subordinate to his master, in our eyes, it is inevitable to think too much."

Having said this, the words stopped.

After all, it still didn't make it clear that Wei Hu didn't care about Lin Xiyu.

However, a discerning eye could tell that Wei Hu cared about Lin Xiyu. If he didn't, Wei Hu wouldn't be grateful for his master's words.

Wei Cheng's words clearly give him a choice, no matter what he chooses, he will be the backstage, he can do whatever he wants, his identity will not be an obstacle, the obstacle has always been his own heart.

After the hostess returned, Wei Cheng explained to his daughter-in-law:

"Wei Hu likes Lin Xiyu. Because of their different identities, he wants to break his delusion and hide from people. He once said that he will always be a subordinate of Wei's mansion, and he will not leave Wei's mansion just because he likes people. Wei Hu is a loyal man. A loyal man, commitment and loyalty are very important in his heart, so he would rather give up."

"He understands very well that as a servant, it is impossible for Mr. Lin to marry his own brother to a servant unless he changes his household registration. But Wei Hu will not do this outright. Doing so is a free body. If you marry Without Lin Xiyu, even if he is still working as a guard by my side, it is inevitable that Master Lin will have other ideas in the future, asking him to take care of the Lin family and Lin Xiyu and let him give up being a guard, and he will be in a dilemma from then on."

"My words let him know that if he really wants to, I, the master, will find a way for him. As long as he is sure of his heart, there is nothing he can't solve. Wei Hu's kneeling showed his loyalty and gratitude, and also showed that His status will not change."

Wei Cheng put his arms around his daughter-in-law, feeling in his heart, in this era, where status and status are so clearly defined, a subordinate is the loyalty of one life, and it is a lifetime of devotion.

Zhou Yuan raised his head and asked, "Husband, how can you help Wei Hu and Lin Xiyu?"

Wei Chengdao: "I have already inquired about the affairs of the Lin family. I know both Master Lin and Mrs. Lin's behaviors. Both of them are generous, kind and open-minded people. They always hope that their brother's happiness can be given to him. My brother is looking for someone who can be entrusted to. Money and wealth are things outside of them in their eyes. They don't care about Wei Hu's status as a small guard. It's just..."

"Wei Hu is a servant and a slave. No matter how open-minded they are, they will never marry their brother to a servant and make his brother a slave. To solve this matter, we have to start another way."

"How do you get it?" Zhou Yuan was really curious. People who marry slaves from ordinary people must be slaves. Wei Hu is unwilling to change his citizenship. This will not change. One household registration per person?

Wei Cheng smiled mysteriously, and then whispered in his daughter-in-law's ear for a while.

Zhou Yuan's eyes sparkled with admiration after hearing this, why didn't he expect it to be like this.

Wei Cheng saw that his daughter-in-law was all focused on him, her eyes were shining and clear, Wei Cheng picked up his daughter-in-law and carried her back to the room, then bent down and pressed the man in his arms onto the bed.


The moon is so full tonight!

Wei Cheng agreed to the Lin family's appointment, and Wei Hu went to the appointment, which also showed his affection for Lin Xiyu. Before Master Lin was happy, Wei Hu's words made Master Lin stunned for a long time.

After Wei Hu left, he went directly to Lin Xiyu. As a man, he should have the courage to admit that he loves her, instead of making the brother he likes sad.

Lin Xiyu has always been straightforward and carefree in front of Wei Hu, but every time Wei Hu refuses him to go back, she feels very sad.

Wei Hu still couldn't help but secretly went to see people.

Lin Xiyu was taken aback by Wei Hu's confession. He couldn't help worrying whether Wei Hu had hit his head stupidly, and the person who had been violently rejecting him would confess to him, but he couldn't help being both joyful and sour.

Wei Hu hugged the man directly in his arms.

Ever since he saved someone for the first time, the eyes of the person in his arms were full of terror and dependence, and when he hid in his arms to seek comfort, the touch when his palm touched his brother's fair skin and the tears in the eyes of the person relied on him wholeheartedly, Wei Hu's heart couldn't stop beating.

For a long time, he wanted to hug him again and feel the trembling heartbeat...

This time I finally couldn't bear it anymore, and finally hugged him into my arms again.

Wei Hu still shared his words with Lin Xiyu.

Lin Xiyu understood Wei Hu, so he didn't care and said, "At worst, I'll marry you and become a slave. In the future, our child will leave the nationality and join the Lin family, and my family will have a descendant. My parents love me very much, and I will persuade them to agree. And The Wei Dong family is a sensible person, I will follow you into the Wei family as a slave, and the Wei Dong family will not really let me be a real person."

If Lin Xiyu hadn't been devoted to Wei Hu, he wouldn't have said this.

Wei Hu could only hold his elder brother tightly in his arms, thinking in his heart that he hoped his master could find a way to get the best of both worlds.

He will not wrong such a beautiful brother in his arms.

Lin Xiyu hugged her back, feeling that the generous arms made him feel at ease, and all the previous sadness was swept away.

Master Lin went to Wei Cheng the next day.

As soon as he met Master Lin, he sighed straight away, and it took him a long time to say in a helpless tone: "Parents never let go of their worries about their brother's happiness. I mean, Boss Wei should understand, right?"

understand what?

Knowing that his little glutinous rice **** will marry—

Wei Cheng immediately turned black.

Master Lin thought he felt the same way, so he said: "I agree with Wei Hu's character, and no matter how much I agree with him, I will not allow my elder brother to become a slave. But no matter what, I will never agree with my brother to marry Wei Hu. Alas, it’s just that my brother insists on marrying. If you are determined, follow me.” He smiled proudly, and then said: “This time I hope that the Wei Dong family will give my Lin family a face, if the Wei Dong family agrees, half of my Lin family's property will be given away with both hands."

Such a big fight? !

Wei Cheng raised his eyebrows: "What does Master Lin mean?"

Master Lin immediately demanded: "Wei Hu refuses to leave the Wei Mansion. I beg Wei Dong's family to drive him out of the Wei Mansion. Although this request is somewhat immoral, I will explain it to Wei Hu afterwards. This is the last solution I can think of."

Wei Cheng: "......"

Make me a bad guy, and you'll have a good idea.

It's a pity that Wei Hu is straightforward and honest, but he is not really stupid, otherwise he could have tricked Wei Hu into getting half of the Lin family's property, and he would have saved a few years of struggle.

Although the Lin family is not a well-known noble family in Fucheng, as a wealthy businessman in Fucheng, and willing to do good, they still have a certain status in Fucheng.

The Lin family has only one son, and many people in Fucheng are eyeing the Lin family's property. The threshold for the Lin family's brothers to become adults has been broken. Master Lin is very displeased with people who come to ask for marriage. brothers.

Not only these people make up their minds, but all the members of the Lin clan want to make decisions about the property of the Lin family, and they also want to adopt a child in the clan to the Lin family. Mr. Lin doesn't look good towards the clan, so how can he agree? This is the relationship between Mr. Lin and the members of the Lin clan when he was young. Discord between.

Lin Xiyu was almost humiliated that time because someone from the Lin clan did it in private. After being found out by Master Lin, Master Lin sent her directly to the government to be imprisoned.

No matter how pleading and intimidating the members of the Lin clan, Master Lin did not waver.

When you threatened, Master Lin threatened to cut off the subsidy to the Lin clan members directly, at worst he would leave the clan directly, and then the Lin clan didn't dare to say a word.

Can't bear to give up generous subsidies!

It is easy to find out about the Lin family.

"Mr. Lin, forgive me for not agreeing to your request."

Wei Cheng said: "You don't understand Wei Hu's temperament. If you do that, after Wei Hu knows, he will kneel and beg to come back, and he will not give up until he achieves his goal." Wei Cheng glanced at Mr. Lin, his deep eyes said seriously: " You know, I won't allow him to return to the Wei Mansion, Wei Hu would even kneel and die at the gate of the Wei Mansion to show his loyalty, he is stubborn and loyal!"

Mr. Lin frowned, fell silent, and said for a long time: "In Boss Wei's opinion, is there another way? If there is a way, if it can solve my son's need to marry Wei Hu and not be enslaved, I will The promise just now still bears fruit.”

Mr. Lin compromised like this, he really loves his brother. He has always been very accurate in judging people. If Wei Hu can make his brother and son happy, just as he loves his wife and children for life, Wei Hu will also protect his brother and son for life.

After he and his wife got old, there were people who doted on his elder brother.

The important thing is that his brother's heart has already sunk, like him, he won't look back if he is sure.

For the future of their brother and son, Mr. Lin and Mrs. Lin have worked hard. This is the love of parents.

Wei Cheng was speechless: "...." If you continue to lure me with half a fortune, I will take it seriously.

"I have a solution." Wei Cheng said, "Actually, the solution is very simple. Wei Hu gets rid of his slave status, and then signs a new contract with me in private. One will be a lifelong guard contract for the Wei Mansion. This contract is not a slave status."

Mr. Lin froze: "..." He, he has been a businessman for most of his life, and he has worked hard to save his fortune, but he didn't even think of such a simple solution.

"...Here, Wei Dong's family is resourceful and resourceful. It is worthy of being able to stand in the official business position at a young age. Admire! Admire!"

Wei Cheng: "......"

This is actually a concept that limits people's thinking. You don't have to admire it too much, I can't afford it!

In the end, Wei Hu left his citizenship, and he was still the guard of Wei Mansion, following him all his life.

Wei Hu didn't have a surname, so his surname was still Wei. Later, he married a brother of the Lin family as his husband, and lived in another mansion next to Wei's mansion. The two houses opened a door to facilitate communication.

After Wei Hu and Lin Xiyu were born, their children followed Lin's surname.

Oh, it's worth mentioning that Master Lin really wants to give half of the Lin family's property with both hands.

How could Wei Cheng really want it.

Apart from evading, Wei Cheng was praised by Master Lin, a man of great wisdom, foresight, and kindness! From now on, our two families will be in-laws, please cooperate more! A lot of cooperation! "

Wei Cheng: "......"

Mr. Lin, you are so familiar!

He wants to, but not so thick-skinned that someone is half-worth.

Not so generous!


Master Lin persisted, holding onto one matter in Weicheng. He wanted to give away thousands of acres of land near the workshop, fields and other courtyards.

Suburban workshops Wei Cheng and Yin Chengfeng intend to expand and need to use a large amount of nearby land.

Also, Wei Cheng wanted to buy a hundred acres of land in the suburbs to grow rice and crops, but most of the fields and land in the suburbs were in the hands of some powerful families, so it was very difficult to buy them.

Before I had time to find out who the owner of the land near the workshop was, I rushed to deliver it to my door.

If you are really sleepy, someone will give you a pillow!

The other courtyard is also very important. With the other courtyard, there is a comfortable place to stay when you go to the workshop to do business.

The scenery in that other courtyard is good, and there are different scenery in four seasons.

The other courtyard is built on the hillside, with a gurgling stream, which is very suitable for vacation!

Buy it for "one or two".

Mr. Lin cut it first and played it later, asked him if he wanted it, and then threw the land deed to him.

Really cheap can not be cheaper!

Wei Hu's father-in-law is really rich and powerful!

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