MTL - Traveling Through Ancient Times To Be a Shopkeeper-Chapter 81

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Zhou Yuan has been lethargic recently.

At first, Wei Cheng thought that he dozed off because he was tired from being busy with the big workshop. The big workshop was stable, and he dozed off from time to time after resting for several days, Wei Cheng felt something was wrong.

But he couldn't think of anything wrong.

On weekdays, she was seldom at the grocery store at home, and Xiao Liu, who served people, was inexperienced, and she didn't even notice it.

At this time, after eating breakfast, the person began to doze off again before finishing breakfast, as if he hadn't woken up.

Wei Cheng looked at the dazed person leaning against his arms, frowning tightly.

Wei Cheng asked Xiao Liu who was waiting by the side: "Is your lord too busy looking at the account books at the grocery store these days and didn't take a good rest?"

He doesn't necessarily stay in the grocery store all the time, he will go to the north-south line and the big workshop to inspect. If he doesn't pay attention, he thinks his wife is secretly busy behind his back.

The little Liu next to him immediately replied: "Back to the master, the master hasn't read the account book these days. Every time the master has lunch with the master, the master will take a nap after you leave the shop."

Xiao Liu thought that her master was not as energetic as usual in the morning these days, and even slept after lunch for half an hour longer than usual, so she realized that it was inappropriate to report Zhou Yuan's situation these days: "Master I will take a rest occasionally in the morning, and the nap time is longer than usual, and the servant thinks that the master was busy with the grocery store and was tired." As he spoke, Xiao Liu realized that he had neglected his duty, and immediately knelt down, "It was the servant who was negligent and didn't notice the master. If it's different, please punish me, master."

Xiao Liu felt very guilty.

Wei Cheng was still frowning tightly, worried that his daughter-in-law was not in good health, but he didn't blame Xiaoliu, he didn't notice the change in his daughter-in-law, he was the one who was negligent, "Get up, go call the doctor. "

"Yes, master!" Xiao Liu hurried to invite the doctor.

Zhou Yuan only felt tired and drowsy. He leaned against Wei Cheng and fell asleep for a while, and then woke up after recovering a bit. Xiao Xiao yawned and looked at the table where the breakfast was not cleared. He asked suspiciously, "Eat breakfast?" Why? Why did I fall asleep again, I'm so hungry."

As soon as Zhou Yuan moved, Wei Cheng noticed that the person in his arms woke up, looked at his sleepy-eyed daughter-in-law, and when he heard his cry of hunger, he refilled a bowl of rice porridge. It was mid-to-late April, and the rice porridge was still a little warm. It didn't get cold, "You just woke up, eat a bowl of porridge first."

"it is good."

Zhou Yuan didn't doubt that he was there, he ate Wei Chengsheng's rice porridge, Wei Cheng put side dishes and shrimp dumplings on his small plate, Zhou Yuan felt very hungry and just ate it, Wei Cheng kept adding vegetables to him.

Zhou Yuan had a good appetite, so he didn't notice that he ate more than usual.

The daughter-in-law ate well, and her appetite increased. Wei Cheng looked at her rosy face, except for lethargy, everything else was normal.

Could it be that he thought too much, the daughter-in-law didn't have any physical problems, but she was tired and didn't recover for a while.

It's better to ask the doctor to take a look, so he can rest assured.

After he was full, he just slept for a while. Zhou Yuan was full of energy. He looked at the breakfast on the table and remembered that he seemed to have eaten it. Then he fell asleep halfway through. Not sure, he looked at Wei Cheng and asked: "Strange, did I fall asleep after eating breakfast? How could I fall asleep after eating breakfast?"

He was so tired that he fell asleep before finishing breakfast!

Zhou Yuan didn't realize anything, he just felt embarrassed.

Seeing that he didn't think much about it, Wei Cheng didn't remind his wife of her abnormality. Seeing her blushing expression, he chuckled and said, "Yuanyuan, are you secretly looking at the account books behind my back to make you so tired?"

Zhou Yuan was stunned and his eyes widened. How did your husband guess it? He watched his husband go out early and return late every day, so he wanted to share his worries.

Moreover, there was only one time when he found that he lost energy by reading more books, so he didn't do that.

He even sent Xiao Liu to help at the grocery store at that time, Xiao Liu didn't know, how could my husband know.

Zhou Yuan suddenly felt guilty.

How could Wei Cheng fail to see his daughter-in-law's expression, so he breathed a sigh of relief, it seemed that he was really busy and tired behind his back, and now that he hasn't recovered, it may have something to do with his daughter-in-law's physique.

Wei Cheng threatened deliberately: "Yuan Yuan, you have to take good care of your body, and now you are so tired that you have no energy. I will ask Xiao Liu to ask a doctor, and he must drink medicine to replenish his body."

"No, no need!"

Zhou Yuan was tongue-tied. He didn't think he was in poor health. Before he was married and did farm work, he was in good health. How could he live a good life, but his health was poor and he needed to drink medicine from time to time?

Zhou Yuan's face was sullen, and he looked at Wei Cheng with a soft expression. He didn't want to take medicine.

It's not that he was coddled and afraid of taking bitter medicine, he didn't feel much after taking a few meals, and he was afraid of drinking it for nearly a month.

Wei Cheng kept it from him and didn't tell him that Dr. Ge said his pulse was cold at the base of his body. The reason why he didn't notice the cold base was because he had been working in the farm all year round and his bones were good, otherwise it would show up in winter.

The medicine I drank before is also to regulate the cold body.

Wei Cheng knew that his daughter-in-law was worried that he would not be able to conceive, Wei Cheng didn't care about these, his daughter-in-law cared, Wei Cheng would definitely take care of it, not to mention his daughter-in-law's physical problems.

He still inquired carefully about the influence of Dr. Ge's cold background.

Dr. Ge told Wei Cheng that the cold bottom has an impact on the pregnancy, that is, it is difficult to conceive, and it will not be impossible to conceive, but there are hidden dangers. The brother's body is worse than that of the woman. If the cold bottom is pregnant, it will be very difficult, and even easy to miscarry .

Wei Cheng was frightened at the time. He didn't want his wife to suffer. Fortunately, Dr. Ge said that Zhou Yuan's physique is good, and he just needs to take care of his cold foundation.

Wei Cheng looked at his daughter-in-law's coquettish eyes, Wei Cheng would pamper people for anything, and he would not soften his heart when it was related to his physical problems, he said seriously: "Whether you want to drink medicine, you will know when the doctor comes, and if the doctor says you want to drink, then Just drink."

Zhou Yuan: "......"

Xiao Liu led the doctor in. Before Xiao Liu went to invite the doctor, Aunt Mao inquired carefully about Xiao Liu's master's situation.

The doctor took Zhou Yuan's pulse.

Wei Cheng stared closely at the doctor's expression.

Aunt Mao stared at the doctor expectantly.

Xiao Liu worriedly looked at the doctor all the time.

Zhou Yuan was made nervous by the three of them: "..." He was thinking that a bitter medicine would be inevitable in the coming days.

As for the doctor, under the gaze of three sharp eyes, he couldn't help shaking his hands, which made him think that something happened to Fu Lang's body in front of him.

The doctor felt the pulse for a long time, Wei Cheng and the others stared at the doctor even tighter, the doctor was even nervous, but fortunately they found out the pulse, and the doctor breathed a sigh of relief as soon as it came out.

It's not a big deal, it's a good thing.

Seeing the doctor take the pulse, Wei Cheng immediately asked: "Doctor, how is my husband? He has been lethargic recently, is he tired recently?"

The doctor pretended to be hesitant and didn't answer right away. Just now he was frightened and his hands trembled, so he asked these people to worry more.

Zhou Yuan didn't feel that there was a serious problem with his health, so he was worried that he would have to take the bitter medicine for a while, so he asked the doctor, "Doctor, do you want to take the bitter medicine?"

The doctor pretended to be serious and said: "The medicine must be taken, and it must be taken intermittently."

Zhou Yuan immediately put on a bitter face.

Wei Cheng and the others were worried about Zhou Yuan's health after hearing what the doctor said.

Wei Cheng was in a hurry: "Doctor, is my husband's health important? Why don't you tell me?" The doctor that Xiao Liu hired couldn't speak.

Aunt Mao frowned and asked, "Doctor, how is my master? Why do you still need to take medicine, isn't it..." Did she guess wrong?

Xiao Liu became anxious because she was deeply afraid that something might happen to the lord's health. She has been serving the lord. If something happened to the lord's body, she would have to bear the blame. "Doctor, what's wrong with my lord?"

Seeing that one was more nervous than the other, the doctor dared not to say anything, and immediately said: "The noble husband of the family is in good health, I am happy!"

When the doctor said this, Wei Cheng and the others were all stunned, and Zhou Yuan was even more dumbfounded.

The doctor smiled and said: "Congratulations to your family, your husband has a happy pulse and is pregnant for more than a month."

The doctor said congratulations, Zhou Yuan came back to his senses first, couldn't stop his joy in his heart, and gently stroked his stomach with his palm in disbelief.

He, he is really pregnant, pregnant with his and her husband's child!

Both Aunt Mao and Xiao Liu came back to their senses, and couldn't help being happy.

Xiao Liu shouted happily: "Aunt Mao, the master is happy, we have a young master!"

Aunt Mao was overjoyed: "The lord is really pregnant, and the old slave said, Xiao Liu told me that the lord has been lethargic recently, and it looks like she is pregnant."

Both Aunt Mao and Xiao Liu came back to their senses, Wei Cheng was still stunned aside, his mind went blank when he heard that his wife was pregnant.

Zhou Yuan moved his hands away from his stomach, tilted his head slightly, and was very puzzled, why didn't his husband respond, shouldn't he be happy?


With Zhou Yuan's soft sound, Wei Cheng's tall body trembled, and he regained consciousness instantly.

Then he stared at his daughter-in-law's stomach with wide eyes, conceived, pregnant—

Really pregnant! !

Still a man is pregnant! !

This, this, he has no experience!

Wei Cheng's head is blurred, although he does as the Romans do, but he is shocked and at a loss when he encounters a man who is pregnant!

"Husband, are you unhappy?" Zhou Yuan was not at all happy when he saw the shocked look of the man who had recovered, and his tone was a little low.

Could it be that the husband has not cared much about the offspring because he doesn't like children?

Pregnant people will inevitably be cranky.


Wei Cheng didn't even think about rebutting loudly, and Zhou Yuan, who was eager to rebut, smiled softly, feeling relieved.

Wei Cheng saw his daughter-in-law smiling at him softly and peacefully, and his heart was touched. He walked up to his daughter-in-law and squatted down. He held his daughter-in-law's small white hand with a wide hand and pressed it gently against the place that was pregnant with a small life. He said softly: "I am very happy." Happy." The voice was hoarse, and the emotion in the deep eyes could not be concealed.

The wide palms attached to the stomach seem to be able to feel the beating of small lives, which is the testimony of his love with his lover.

Wei Cheng felt a very strange feeling in his heart, he couldn't describe that feeling, it was joy, it was moving, it was unspeakable choking and excitement.

Wei Cheng's dark eyes looked at Zhou Yuan's bright and moist eyes with intense focus, and he said in a low and hoarse voice, "Yuan Yuan, my husband is very happy."

Zhou Yuan smiled softly again, and replied with a more gentle voice: "Well, I am also very happy."

With Zhou Yuan's smile, Wei Cheng couldn't take his eyes off his originally handsome features, which were so soft and bright!

Aunt Mao had watched her master squat in front of the lord early and invited the doctor to drink tea in the front hall. Seeing this, Xiao Liu covered her mouth with a smile and left with Aunt Mao.

When the couple went to the front hall to ask the doctor what to pay attention to, the doctor waited in the front hall and drank three cups of tea.

Wei Cheng returned to normal, so he was worried about his wife's health.

After seeing the doctor, he carefully helped his daughter-in-law to sit up, and then he asked the doctor.

"Doctor, how is my husband?"

"What should I pay attention to when my brother is pregnant?"

"Will my husband's lethargy these days affect his body?"

"What foods you can't eat during pregnancy, doctor, tell me everything you can't eat."



Wei Cheng dragged the doctor and asked for almost half an hour. He even asked clearly about what to prepare for the day of childbirth and whether it would be dangerous before letting the doctor go.

He is concerned about the backwardness of medical care in this era, so how can he not worry about being nervous.

Zhou Yuan looked at her husband so nervous about him, he sat on the main seat and smiled happily.

Aunt Mao is someone who has been there. She knows that a brother and a woman should pay attention to things when they are pregnant. When she saw the master kept asking the doctor, she smiled and told her master that she understood everything. She couldn't help feeling that the master was very affectionate.

Xiao Liu smiled, feeling that the master and the master are really affectionate.

The doctor's face twitched, he was asked and answered several times, he wanted to let go, but he still endured the responsibility of a doctor, he had never met a man who loved his husband so much.

However, when the doctor left, he was happy from ear to ear, with a huge bounty in his arms, and the dissatisfaction in his heart dissipated without a trace.

When the daughter-in-law was pregnant, Wei Cheng became nervous, and would say a word of concern from time to time, and he would carefully support her when she took a step.

In order to be able to accompany his wife, he spent a day dealing with urgent matters, and after sorting out the important matters, he threw the matter to Wei Lei and his third uncle, and said: "Don't come to me if it's not a big deal."

Wei Lei knew that his friend had a child, so he was very happy for him. Uncle Wei Cheng also passed on a lot of experience to him, and he was also happy for his nephew.

Cousin Wei Yexuan also congratulated his cousin.

Since Wei Yexuan was cheated last time, his father beat him severely and lay at home recuperating for ten days and half a month. After recovering, he was forced by his father to travel north and south as slaves. Wei Cheng agreed.

Wei Yexuan realized that he was wrong, accepted the punishment obediently, and decided to obediently follow behind his father to help. He used to look down on Wei Cheng as his cousin, but now he obediently calls him cousin when he sees Wei Cheng.

Wei Yexuan followed his father to help his cousin's jaw drop in shock when he saw his cousin's property, and then he admired Wei Cheng very much, and he would occasionally talk back to his father's words, and Wei Yexuan was very obedient to Wei Cheng's words.

Wei Yexuan is surprisingly similar to Wei Hu. Although his temperament is quite calm, his nature is still so jumpy, and he is still so stupid.

Wei Hu is straightforward and honest, the two are both forthright and loyal, and also like to drink and eat. Wei Yexuan is very envious of Wei Hu's skills, and he also trains his subordinates to learn from Wei Hu.

The third uncle of the Wei family was happy to see it come to fruition. It was better for his son and Wei Hu to get together than to go out and make trouble with those cronies.

He was very grateful to Wei Cheng, his nephew. His son was born, and the life of the family improved.

When the third uncle of the Wei family heard that his nephew's husband was pregnant, he thought that his nephew's family had no elders, and no elders could prepare the clothes for the child's birth. He planned to go back and let the third aunt Wei Cheng make them himself.

Wei Lei asked: "Chengzi, is the trip to Fucheng delayed?"

I originally decided to wait for the big workshop to stabilize and go to Fucheng to implement the store, but I really can't go now.

Wei Cheng pondered for a moment and said, "Let's talk about it in a few months. Anyway, the shop has already been bought by Tai Fu Lou in Fucheng. There are a few places. In the past, it was determined which shop sells what. Now I can only put it aside."

He also thought about taking his wife to Fucheng. Now that his daughter-in-law is pregnant, he couldn't leave for the first three months.

After Wei Cheng arranged things well, he stayed by Zhou Yuan's side and basically never left him for a moment, and moved home to do his daily work.

Knowing that Zhou Yuan was pregnant, Ren Nianluo ran from the county town to the suburbs to see Zhou Yuan, and was amazed at Zhou Yuan's undisturbed belly.

"Yuanyuan, what's it like to be pregnant?" Ren Nianluo was very curious.

Zhou Yuan smiled and joked: "We'll know when you and Wei Lei become pregnant after marriage."

Ren Nianluo's round face suddenly turned red.

Zhou Muzi, who got married, was greedy. He was happy for his friend and hoped that he would get pregnant sooner.

Zhou Qiu talked happily beside him, and still didn't forget to joke: "Yuan Yuan, look how nervous Wei Cheng is, you seem to fall down when you touch it, and he insists on supporting you."

Friends joked, Zhou Yuan said calmly: "Xiaoqiu, the three of us are getting married, and those who are about to get married are about to get married soon. When will you have good news?"


Zhou Qiu was questioned, but before he could cover it up, his eyes flickered a little, Zhou Yuan and Zhou Muzi looked at each other, there was a problem.

Zhou Yuan and Zhou Muzi stared at Zhou Qiu at the same time, Zhou Qiu was stared at and laughed, and now she couldn't hide it, she blushed and hesitated: "There is... from another village, he I'm chasing me... I, I don't know if I like it, I'm thinking about it..."

The friend's face was red, Zhou Yuan and Zhou Muzi looked at each other, how could they not like this, they clearly cared, and asked in unison: "Who is it?! How did you know each other?!"

Zhou Qiu: "..."

I have to explain that I met that person at the banquet when Zhou Yuan’s cousin was admitted to the school, and his family hosted a banquet for the whole village. Mr. County Accountant.

When that scholar saw Zhou Qiu, she was attracted by her generous and straightforward personality, and even looked for opportunities to get close to Zhou Qiu. Zhou Qiu didn't know that the person who approached her was a scholar. The two sat together and chatted. The scholar was moved.

Only then has the pursuit behind.

That scholar was caring and caring, and would listen to Zhou Qiu patiently. Zhou Qiu was taken care of, but she wasn't sure, and she was very straightforward and shy, so she didn't say anything.

Now that his friends found out, Zhou Qiu told the story.

Zhou Yuan and Zhou Muzi were also very happy that their friend finally had a partner.

The author has something to say:

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2022-07-08 02:49:15~2022-07-09 11:48:19~

Thanks to the little angel of irrigation nutrient solution: 535461027 bottles; 339467702 bottles;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

Read The Duke's Passion