MTL - Traveling Through Ancient Times To Be a Shopkeeper-Chapter 76 (one)

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Qinghe Village.

The villagers waited eagerly for the news.

Today is the day when Chunwei releases the list.

The head of Qinghe Village and the elders of the village all gathered at Zhou Lanlan's house. Zhou Lanlan knew that her eldest brother was releasing the rankings today, so she also ran back to her mother's house to wait for the news.

Uncle Zhou’s business made a lot of money before. He didn’t go out to run a business this time, and he lacked capital. The family that Zhou Lanlan married to refused to lend money to the Zhou family, and kept evading it, just waiting for Zhou Junyu to be admitted as a scholar , If the other party is admitted to the scholar, they will borrow again, and it will be a different matter if they fail the exam.

The Zhou family's second uncle and second aunt did not leave Qinghe Village to go back to Ningping Town, Quyang County. They were also waiting, and if their nephew was admitted as a scholar, they could take advantage of the opportunity.

After waiting for the morning with great anticipation, the announcer with gongs and drums at the yamen came.

"Master Zhou Junyu of Qinghe Village was admitted as a scholar—"

The villagers of Qinghe Village are boiling, Zhou Junyu is really admitted to be a scholar, and Qinghe Village has a master of scholar!

When Uncle Zhou and the others received the news, the people in the house who were waiting for the news all ran out one after another.

The official messenger who announced the good news came to Uncle Zhou's house, and the official sent congratulations to Zhou's family, and the official sent only left after receiving the reward.


"Congratulations, Master Xiucai—"

"The Zhou family is doing well now—"

Zhou Junyu became a scholar, and responded politely, unable to hide his arrogance.

The eldest aunt of the Zhou family would raise her eyebrows, raise her chin and smile openly, and said airily: "Our family is now the home of Master Xiucai, and I will be the mother of Master Xiucai from now on."

Zhou Lanlan was nervous all morning, and now she is even more arrogant. She originally married a merchant, but her mother-in-law was very dissatisfied with her in private. How could you agree.

She doesn't dislike her plump husband-in-law, who is just a merchant. Now that her elder brother is admitted as a scholar, will the family dare to look down on her in the future, and have to rely on her natal family.

Zhou Lanlan smiled triumphantly.

Zhou Junyu was admitted as a scholar, many people came to congratulate him, Zhou's family was still throwing a big banquet three days later, and Zhou Lanlan's husband's family rushed to personally send the money for the banquet when they knew that Zhou Junyu was admitted as a scholar.

Flattery, flattery, rushing forward to please, Uncle Zhou's house was in the limelight in Qinghe Village for a while.

"Brother, they said that my cousin has been admitted to be a scholar, and my aunt also handed over the invitation card, let us go back to the village for a banquet the day after tomorrow." Zhou Yuan took the invitation card and handed it to Wei Cheng, the invitation card was handed to him by his elder brother this morning , "Husband, do we want to go?"

Wei Cheng opened the post, put it away after reading it, and said: "The northern cargo ship will arrive in Nanshan County in these two days, and the big workshop has just started work, and the workshop over there is stepping up to supply goods to the north, and they are all busy. They keep on going, probably because we don’t have time to go, we just need to back up the congratulatory gifts.”

He wasn't in a hurry to curry favor, so he definitely wouldn't go.

"Hey! The northern goods are finally arriving?" If the goods arrive, some people will be busy.

Wei Chengdao: "Not only the north, Zhang Shao's side will send the second batch of seafood. The first batch of seafood sent in the spring is a small amount, and there are also a large number of shells and seafood sent this time. It should be related to the spring flood. The fishermen catch The amount of seashells that arrived was larger, so I asked him to rent a big boat and ship them all after the big workshop was built, that is, in the past few days.”

Zhou Yuan asked: "Aren't you very busy? Do you need my help?"

"The next one or two months will be busy." Wei Cheng pulled him to his side, "This time I invited my third uncle. He has been the shopkeeper for so many years. He has a lot of people who can do things on hand. I will let him go. Get a group of people here. Other things include me and Wei Lei, as well as Uncle San and Uncle Mao, Yuan Yuan, you are still helping to take care of this matter at the grocery store."

Zhou Yuan nodded and said, "Since we won't go to the banquet, Eldest Brother and Xiao Qiu will take an hour off to return to the village the day after tomorrow. We will give the congratulatory gift to Elder Brother and ask him to help bring it to Uncle's house. There are a lot of New Year's Eve receipts in the warehouse at home. A set of ceramic tea sets and inkstones is very suitable for my cousin, and some things from the workshop at home should be added to make a good congratulatory gift."

"Okay, it's up to you to decide."

"Then I'll go prepare a congratulatory gift for my cousin."

Zhou Yuan ran out to prepare the gift.

the other side.

Wei family.

The eldest sister-in-law Wei Wu's cousin was invited to the Wei family.

"What! Cousin, you said that you introduced me to marry in the county, so that I could be a concubine, and it's not true that I'm from the county or from the suburbs."

Wu Lirou's delicate face was very dissatisfied.

"I will not be a concubine!"

Wei Wushi didn't take her cousin's dissatisfaction seriously. She had plenty of ways to make her compromise. Her cousin and her aunt's family only wanted to find a rich family, and she was vain. If she knew that Wei Cheng had many stores in the county To make money, she wouldn't say that.

She disagreed, and she would definitely agree later.

Wei Wushi took Wu Lirou to visit Baizhen Building. The high-end products and prices of Baizhen Building made Wu Lirou's eyes wide open. Looking at the things in Baizhen Building, she wanted them all, no matter what price she could afford.

Wei Wu smiled: "Yes, Baizhen Building is the property of my second brother's family. The products I come to Baizhen Building to buy are from wealthy and wealthy families in the inner city of the county. Sometimes I may not be able to buy them."

Wu Lirou was excited, her eyes were shining brightly, she said softly: "Then, cousin, I want that piece of flower-scented handmade soap, can you lend me a few taels of silver."

"Lirou, when we become a family, I'm afraid we won't be able to buy things here."

Wei Wu then took Wu Lirou to Xianmanju. Wu Lirou didn't buy handmade soap, but ordered a lot of Xianmanju's signature dishes. When she came to Xianmanju, she got a discount.

Wu Lirou looked at the food that she had never eaten before, she swallowed her throat, and wanted to use her chopsticks to eat it, but when she was waiting to eat, she acted politely and chewed slowly, pretending to be a lady.

In Wu Lirou's mind, she wanted to become another hostess of Xianmanju. She would live a prosperous life in the future, wear gold and silver, and must behave properly.

All this is in Wei Wu's eyes.

"Lirou, it was said that she married and became a concubine. My second younger brother married a brother to be his husband. If you gave birth to a son before him, the position of the second wife is not yours. If you feel wronged and become a concubine, you will be lucky." It's all behind."

Wu Lirou was shy: "Thank you cousin, Lirou knows that cousin has good intentions, Lirou understands."

Wei Wushi: "So you agree?"

"Cousin." Wu Lirou annoyed, her pretty face was full of shyness.

That is agreed!

Wei Wu smiled with satisfaction.

Then it will be easy.

The next day, Mrs. Wei and Wu went to the grocery store to find Zhou Yuan and invited him to have lunch together.

Zhou Yuan originally wanted to refuse, but Wei Wushi forced him to go, "I have already made appointments, and I said you would go, don't tell me you don't want to give my sister-in-law any face."

Reluctantly, Zhou Yuan had no choice but to go. When Zhou Yuan went out, Xiao Liu would definitely be by his side. Wei Wu looked at it and secretly curled his lips.

Zhou Yuan saw that the place he was going to was Xianmanju, so he didn't ask much.

When he got to the private room, he was stunned when he saw Wei's mother and a pair of strange mother and daughter sitting in the private room.

After seeing the ceremony, I realized that it was a relative of my sister-in-law.

After Zhou Yuan sat down, he was very puzzled. Why did the sister-in-law's aunt and cousin call him to come over to accompany him? Only then did Zhou Yuan understand what Wei's mother said next.

"Brother Yuan, you have been married to our Wei family for a while. My son's property is getting bigger and bigger now, and he has no descendants. You are an older brother who married into my Wei family. It is difficult to make things happen for my son." Ye. The cousin of your sister-in-law's family, who looks like a young girl, is knowledgeable and considerate, and is considerate and caring. Marrying her as a concubine to her second child will not hinder your status, and she can also spread leaves and branches for the family."

"You are the husband of the second child, and Lirou is the concubine room I arranged for the second child. I have mentioned this matter to you today, so you can just nod, so that I can find a matchmaker to go to Wu's house to offer a concubine room ceremony."

Zhou Yuan's face turned slightly pale, and he said calmly: "Mother, forgive me for not agreeing to this matter. My husband doesn't even know about taking concubines. I can't make decisions for my husband. Only when my husband agrees can I dare to accept it."

Wei's mother said angrily: "Why can't I agree? I'm Wei Cheng's mother, and it's only natural to arrange a concubine for him. The second child is not young, and I don't have a child yet. As a mother, I worry all day long. You brother who can't get pregnant. Maybe you think about it in a few years, if you haven't conceived in a few years, it will be too late. As the husband of the second child, you shouldn't think about your husband-in-law. "

Wei's mother wanted to force Zhou Yuan to agree, so she had an excuse to go to the Wu family to give a concubine ceremony. The concubine ceremony was settled. Even if Wei Cheng objected, Zhou Yuan, the lord, agreed. If he objected, the Wu family would definitely make trouble. Concubine Wei Cheng will accept it if she does not accept it.

Wu Lirou was beautiful and gentle, she was as gentle as water, and she was afraid that Wei Cheng would not be tempted when she married her as a concubine.

"Oh, why is a brother so ignorant?" Wu Lirou's mother helped to scold her, "A brother who can't conceive is still jealous of not taking a concubine for his husband, really ignorant. Fortunately, this is not my daughter-in-law. I will definitely let my son sleep."

Zhou Yuan bit his lip, his face was ugly.

Wu Lirou stood up, saluted gracefully, and said softly: "My lord, Lirou just wants to help spread the branches and leaves of the Wei family, and I won't steal your position. I will help the lord to take care of my husband together. If you give birth to a child, the child will be fine." If you give it to the master, there will never be any extra thoughts, and I hope the master will complete it."

Zhou Yuan's face was pale.

Xiao Liu became angry. She didn't care if Wei's mother was the master's mother or not, so she scolded: "Damn, I, Xiao Liu, have seen such a shameless girl rushing to the door to be a concubine. Exit Just call me Husband, don’t be ashamed, if a Yunying unmarried girl comes to your door to humiliate yourself, don’t dirty the eyes of my master.”

"Old lady, Xiao Liu respects you as the master's mother, but you can't be my master's master, so you come to persecute my master, and if my master doesn't agree, you won't agree."

Wei Wushi cursed: "You are a maid, you don't have the right to speak, if you don't get out of here, be careful, I will let my second brother sell you."

Xiao Liu is really not afraid of this Wei Wu family: "It is my master who decides to sell the master. You are bullying the master here. If the master knows, it depends on how you explain."

When it comes to Weicheng, Wei's mother and Wei Wu's still feel guilty for a while.

The two were unwilling to let go of this opportunity, and wanted to continue to force Zhou Yuan to agree.

Zhou Yuan regained his composure, and didn't care that Wei's mother would have any objections, so he stood up directly, leaned forward and said, "I won't agree, if your husband wants to take a concubine, then you should ask me. I'll come out for a while, There are still many things to be busy at the grocery store, please feel free, mother and sister-in-law."

Zhou Yuan turned around and left after speaking.

Wei's mother was even more angry: "My mother-in-law is still here, and you have no rules to leave, you stop for me!"

Wei's mother couldn't force it, so she had to act like a mother-in-law, and she wanted to force others to agree.

Zhou Yuan stopped in his tracks, but he didn't look back, "Don't worry, mother, this time I'm treating guests, if mother and sister-in-law want to eat anything else, just tell the waiter, and the bill will be under my name."

Mother Wei was even more angry now.

This time Mother Wei couldn't stop her, so Zhou Yuan took Xiaoliu out of Xianmanju.

Everyone left, Wei and Wu asked worriedly: "Mother, what should I do now, my second brother will definitely know when my sister-in-law goes back."

Wei's mother scolded: "So what if the second child knows, my mother will arrange a concubine room for him, because his husband can't give birth to me, I am his mother, so I can arrange a concubine room for him, and he will not recognize me."

"Then my cousin..."

Wei's mother said: "This method won't work. As a mother, I bring people to the door every day. Lirou is so beautiful and sensible. After getting along with her many times, I don't believe that the second child will not be tempted."

Wu Lirou's mother and daughter are satisfied, but Wei Wu still thinks Wei's mother's trick is good.

It's a pity that Wei's mother didn't have the opportunity to show her mother's score at the door.

Zhou Yuan returned to the grocery store, Wei Cheng knew his daughter-in-law had gone out after he was busy, and saw that the man came back with a bad complexion, Wei Cheng stepped forward to care: "Yuan, what's wrong?"

Zhou Yuan walked over and hugged Wei Cheng's waist, leaning against his chest without speaking. Wei Cheng hugged his daughter-in-law back, and asked Xiao Liu who was following behind him.

Xiaoliu bowed and saluted, and then angrily told all about Wei's mother Wei Wushilian and outsiders forcing the lord to agree to accept that girl into the house as a concubine.

Wei Cheng's black eyes sank, and he waved Xiao Liu down.

He hugged his daughter-in-law tightly in his arms, who was looking for stability, "Yuanyuan, your husband doesn't know how to take concubines, don't you believe in your husband?"

Zhou Yuan didn't speak, Wei Cheng waited patiently, Zhou Yuan's muffled voice came out for a long time: "Husband, what should I do if I can't conceive?"

Wei's mother said every word that his older brother could not conceive a child, and those words pierced into his heart like needles.

It is difficult for a brother to conceive, especially for an older brother like him. If he is really unable to conceive, will the husband really know how to take concubines? Although the husband said that he would not take concubines, he cannot give birth.

Wei Cheng hugged the man onto his lap and made his wife look at him. Wei Cheng said seriously: "Yuan Yuan, you have to know that in my heart, no child can compare to you. The child was born by you, and I will I love him very much. If the child was not born by you, I would rather not have a child, let alone take a concubine because I don’t have a child. It is enough for my husband to have you.”

Zhou Yuan stared wide-eyed: "Husband, you said you don't want children, but this..."

No one wants to have children.

Wei Cheng said softly: "Yuan Yuan, don't think too much, if you like children, we can adopt one in the future."


Zhou Yuan was anxious to say something, but Wei Cheng interrupted him: "Could it be that Yuan Yuan wants me to take a concubine?"

"No!" Zhou Yuan replied quickly and anxiously.

Wei Cheng smiled, his daughter-in-law's answer made him very happy, Wei Cheng bowed his head and kissed him, fortunately the daughter-in-law was not completely poisoned by ancient concepts, and knew that she was unwilling to share her husband-in-law with others.

Zhou Yuan looked at Wei Cheng seriously: "Isn't your husband afraid of not having children?"

Zhou Yuan felt that he was very selfish, and he was very happy when her husband said that he could not have children.

"If Yuan Yuan is worried, my husband will write you a letter of guarantee." Wei Cheng said.

"No. I'm not worried." Zhou Yuan's heart sank, he was selfish as long as he was selfish, and he was unwilling to share his husband with anyone.

Zhou Yuan thought for a while, then asked in a low voice: "I haven't been pregnant for so long, is it true that I can't get pregnant?"

He still hopes to be pregnant in his heart, and he wants to give birth to a baby shared by both of them.

Wei Cheng hugged him tightly: "How could it be? We've only been married for less than a year, and Dr. Ge, who took your pulse, said that your body has recuperated and there is no problem with your body. Pregnancy will happen sooner or later."

Zhou Yuanxi asked, "Really?"

"Of course it's true. When did my husband lie to you?" Wei Cheng pretended to be serious, "Maybe it's my problem that I can't get pregnant."

"How could it be?" Zhou Yuan said angrily, "Don't talk nonsense."

"I'm not talking nonsense." Wei Cheng joked, "You still can't conceive, it must be because your husband hasn't worked hard enough in that regard."

Zhou Yuan: "......"

He was talking seriously, but the more he talked, the more unserious he became!

Wei Cheng smiled ambiguously: "Why don't you, Husband stay up tonight, work harder, and I will definitely make your daughter-in-law pregnant earlier."

Zhou Yuan: "......"

Zhou Yuan blushed and pushed Wei Cheng away. If he continued to listen, her husband would definitely continue to tease him.

He is not as thick-skinned as his husband.

Wei Cheng watched his daughter-in-law run away with a smile.

As for Mother Wei.

Wei Cheng's black eyes are like blades, he finds Wei Hu, asks him to go to the market to find his elder brother, and tells his elder brother that Wei Ji grocery store will not give the Wei family any supplies!

Wei Hu took the order to inform!

Wei Liang was dumbfounded when he received the notification, what happened? !

Thinking of someone coming from the Wu family, Wei Liang hurried home to find Wei's mother.

the next day.

Wei Liang came to look for Wei Cheng.

"This is what my mother did. I don't know. My mother said that I won't do it next time. Besides, my mother's intention of doing this is for your own good. Let's let the matter of the second brother go like this."

Wei Cheng snorted coldly: "Is it for my own good? Eldest brother knows it well. I made it clear that if it wasn't for the sake of my family, I wouldn't provide any supply to elder brother. Now, I just have an excuse to take back the source of goods that I gave to elder brother. "

Wei Liang was stunned, and Wei Cheng's words made him angry: "Second brother, what kind of nonsense are you talking about? We are all one family. Don't you want to deny your parents and me as an elder brother? I told my mother when I went back. , she will definitely not arrange for you to take a concubine again, is she still holding on to the matter?"

"Brother, I don't believe you and your parents. Once once, there will be a second time. You will use your identity as my family to add trouble to me. Only when the source of goods is removed, you will understand that I won't do it just because it is a family. You continue to tolerate it." Wei Cheng would rather give the Wei family a lesson once and for all, so that they will stop their greed.

Wei Liang didn't expect that his second brother would be so unsympathetic, and wanted to argue a few words: "Second brother, I promise you, you..."

"Brother thinks I'm heartless!" Wei Cheng interrupted him, "My heartlessness is not as good as when my family put me aside like I was a beggar who was afraid of getting bad luck. If I hadn't become rich, my parents should have You won’t remember that I’m still there, right? The source of goods I provide to my family is based on blood relationship, but I don’t have the slightest family affection. Brothers, you have to recognize this. And my things are not that you can calculate, I can give The supply of goods at home is considered to be kind to you."

"I remember that my elder brother wanted to open a branch in the county and applied for the source of goods for the branch. My family should have made a lot of money from the supply of goods provided by the workshop. Don't be too greedy. If you are greedy, you will have nothing. Elder brother will go back and discuss with his parents, what is the source of goods? No, I’ll reply when I think about it. I’m being merciful the first time. Next time, don’t blame me for ruining the store at home. Anyway, the pension money I gave to my parents is enough for the two elders. As for the eldest brother, sister-in-law and nephew Livelihood is not my business."

Wei Liang was startled, he knew that what the second brother said was serious, but he didn't expect that taking a concubine for the second brother would touch his rebellious scales.

Wei Liang smiled wryly. He thought that the family was suppressed by his parents, and the second brother would not be too disobedient to his parents' ideas. It seems that they all took it for granted. The second brother was clearly waiting for them to calculate, so that he could The last bit of love in the family was consumed, and the family became strangers in his eyes.

Wei Liang went back and told Wei Cheng's words to Wei's father and Wei's mother, but Wei's mother cursed him, but Wei's father knew very well that his second son was completely divorced from his family members. The supply of goods will be gone.

Relying on the supply of goods from Wei Ji's workshop, the family shop is the only one in the suburbs, and they make a lot of money. If we open another one in the county, it will be purely profitable, and we can earn more in the future.

Compared with Wei Cheng's current family property, although it is a cloud and mud, it is better than nothing.

In this case, let's be more peaceful.

Wei's mother was not reconciled, but with Wei's father suppressing her, no matter how unwilling she was, she would not dare to have other thoughts.

Wei Cheng finally suppressed the calculations of the Wei family this time, and they didn't dare to make a move.

The northern merchant ship has docked, and Weicheng is about to get busy.

Wei Lei and Ren Nianluo were together, this time Wei Lei was busy, so he didn't have time to go to Baizhen Building, Ren Nianluo knew that Wei Lei was busy, so he waited at home for people to finish their work before seeing each other.

The supply from the north is still the first batch. The supply includes all kinds of wild mushrooms, wild wild fruits, red dates, and many nuts... There are a few roots of wild ginseng, which is a gift from Fan He.

This batch of goods was delivered to the big workshop in a unified manner. Wei Lei and Uncle Wei Cheng were in charge of arranging to make the mountain goods into dry goods and finished products. With this batch of goods and Nanfang Boss Gu and other partners sending goods, the North and South Commercial Firm had sufficient supplies.

Zhang Shao sent the seafood, and it was delivered after two days. A large boat was full of shellfish. Wei Cheng saw that half of the boat was full of sea mussels, which reminded him of the hundreds of sea mussels he sent last time. Half of the pearls came out, and the pearls were of different sizes. The sea mussels were relatively small last time, but this time the sea mussels were quite large. I don’t know if the pearls in the sea mussels will be better.

Wei Cheng asked, "Why are there so many sea mussels? This time the sea mussels are bigger than the ones delivered a year ago."

Zhang Shao explained: "This batch of sea mussels was purchased years ago and years later. I kept all the sea mussels I bought years ago on the seaside where we raised sea cucumbers and sea fish, and some were kept in mud ponds dug out, all of which are seawater. If you feed them, they will grow a lot after a few months of feeding."

Wei Cheng didn't know what to say, or because the sea water in the local fishing village was suitable for raising mussels, Zhang Shao learned how to raise mussels by mistake.

"......In the future, if there are any sea mussels, we will raise them for a while before sending them over."

Zhang Shao said with a smile: "I think so too, the bigger you raise, the more you can sell."

Wei Cheng: "......"

As expected, he was so real that he even felt that he was a profiteer.

Wei Cheng still didn't tell Zhang Shaohai that there were pearls in the oyster, so as not to cause unnecessary trouble, if Zhang Shao found out by himself, then forget it.

As for the pearls in sea oysters, what is the price of the pearls? Just keep 10% of the profits and give him dividends at the end of the year.

This cheapness can't be taken too much.

As for the price of pearls, he has known about the finished products, and the price of finished pearls is very expensive, because the quantity is small, it seems that more pearls are in the hands of those powerful and aristocratic families.

It seems that those aristocratic families have never disclosed to outsiders the secrets that they extracted from sea oysters in order to grasp the pearls.

There are clams in Zhang Shao's fishing village, and there are pearls in the clams, which will attract the attention of those rich and powerful families sooner or later.

If he wants to keep the sea mussels from being robbed, he still needs to contact Yin Chengfeng. The fishing village of sea mussels is in his hands, and he can still get a share of the profit.

If it is taken away by other dignitaries, there will be nothing.

Wei Cheng asked people to transport all the sea mussels back to the workshop of the grocery store instead of the big workshop, and the other seafood was transported to the big workshop.

The big workshop started to operate, and the workshop at the grocery store was vacant, and the only people who came in and out were the servants of the family. This batch of sea mussels was transported there for processing, and no one would know when the pearls were opened.

To open sea clams, Wei Cheng arranged for the servants and guards of the family.

At the beginning, they didn't know why they were asked to open the sea goods. They didn't know the seriousness of the matter until the pearls were opened.

Wei Lei knew that sea clams had pearls. He knew that sea clams were being delivered, so he didn't go to the big workshop.

After all the clams were opened, half a box of pearls was opened, and there was also a small box of thumb-sized pearls. Pearls are pink, some are round, some are flawed to deformed...

Wei Lei: "It's a pity, these pearls are flat, and deformed ones are useless."

Otherwise, you can sell a lot of silver taels.

Wei Cheng said: "No, these deformities can be ground into powder to make pearl paste, which can be sold for a lot of money."

Wei Lei pointed out that it will not be wasted if it is made into pearl paste and sold, "What about the others? Sell it to Cuixuan Pavilion?"

Cuixuan Pavilion is the largest gold, silver and jewelry pavilion.

"No, we still lack jadeite pearls in Baizhenlou, and there is no source of jadeite. Pearls will be one of the shops in Baizhenlou from now on." Wei Cheng said: "Pearls are made into pearl hairpin jewelry and sold in Baizhenlou. Baizhenlou has an absolute reputation. Can go to the next level.”

Wei Lei frowned: "I'm afraid it's hard to find a skilled craftsman who can make pearl jewelry?"

"It's not hard to find a craftsman, the hard part is whether the style is exquisite enough." Wei Cheng pondered for a moment, "Go find someone first, go to Taifulou to find shopkeeper Fu, he should have such capable people. As for the design, I'll do it There are a lot of pink pearls, and I can finally make a bracelet for my daughter-in-law."

Wei Lei watched Wei Cheng leave his back.


What's the meaning?

After Wei Cheng drew the blueprints, Wei Lei understood what design is.

Steward Quan returned to Nanshan County from the imperial city, and went to look for Wei Cheng as soon as he came back.

Steward Quan brought something back from the imperial city, and he presented a box.

"Official business token!"

Wei Cheng opened the box, and there was a token the size of a palm on it, with seals engraved with officials and merchants on the token.

The official business token in Wei Cheng's hand is silver. There are three levels of official merchants, copper tokens, silver tokens, and gold tokens, and imperial merchants are also gold tokens.

Wei Cheng was surprised, it turned out to be an official merchant of Yinling, this official merchant can be easily accessed in the Fucheng Chamber of Commerce, let alone in the county town.

"Yes, Boss Wei, this is your official business token."

Having finally obtained the title of official and businessman, Wei Cheng said, "I'm in charge, I'm sorry for your inconvenience."

"No trouble, this is what I should do. If you have an official or business title, you have to go to the local yamen to register for use locally." Steward Quan took out a red invitation card and handed it to Wei Cheng, saying: "This time when you come back, only To prepare a batch of goods to the imperial city, the most important thing is to send the official business token to you. In addition, my young master will get married next month, and originally invited you to the imperial city to attend the wedding banquet. Considering that sugar is already sold in the whole country, Many forces are inquiring, and the current situation in the imperial city is more complicated, my young master thinks that you should not go to the imperial city, so as not to cause unnecessary trouble. My young master said, wait until he comes to Nanshan County to buy you a drink."

"Yin Chengfeng is getting married." Wei Cheng flipped through the invitation in his hand and said with a smile, "Since he is going to get married, the gift will definitely arrive if he doesn't get married. Will Steward Quan still go to the imperial city when he comes back this time?"

The steward Quan replied: "I'm under the care of the young master now, and the young master is married. As his housekeeper, I must return to the imperial city. I will return to the imperial city together with the merchant ship in ten days."

"That's it." Wei Cheng smiled, "In a few days, you can bring me a congratulatory gift for Yin Chengfeng. He should appreciate this congratulatory gift."

"Boss Wei said so, and his subordinates are all curious." It is definitely a good thing to get something from the other party, and the whole manager was aroused curiosity, "Can you reveal what it is in advance?"

"You'll see it a few days later. It's for your young master, so it's okay to reveal it to you." Wei Cheng said with a smile: "I got a batch of pearls a few days ago, and it's suitable to make these pearls into his jewelry." My brother, just send it to your young master."

Steward Quan asked in surprise, "Pearls? Where did Boss Wei get the pearls? Pearls are not easy to get. How many are there?"

"I will write a letter to Yin Chengfeng about the origin of the pearls. I can't disclose this for the time being." Wei Cheng said, "There is a box of pearls, which are used to make pearl hairpin jewelry. The inferior quality is used to make pearl cream. The effect of pearl cream is comparable to the most expensive. Rouge gouache, the effect may be better."

He can't do it badly.

After sending off Steward Quan, Wei Cheng went home to find his wife.

Zhou Yuan took the token of official business and took a closer look. It was very rare to see it, and he looked at Wei Cheng with sparkling eyes: "Husband, this is the token of government business, so our family is government business."

Wei Cheng laughed and said, "Are you so happy? Isn't it just an official businessman?"

"Of course I'm happy." Zhou Yuan said, "If you become an official and businessman, you will become a nobleman. You can become a nobleman without taking the exam for a scholar. After being a scholar, his status has been improved, and he is a person of status in ten miles, eight villages and even county towns."

Wei Cheng smiled and said, "Then why don't you arrange a banquet at home to celebrate?"

"No." Zhou Yuan denied, "I'm happy, and I won't show it off."

The banquet is a headache, and it is too troublesome to deal with people who come to congratulate.

The eldest brother and the others all said that my cousin is a scholar, and there are many people who come to visit every day, and there are also many matchmakers who come to the door to be matchmakers.

"Yuan Yuan, my husband has something for you, you will definitely be happier after seeing it." Wei Cheng took out a box, Zhou Yuan looked at the box in Wei Cheng's hand and moved towards it. The box was not opened, so he couldn't see what was in the box , curiously asked: "Husband, what's in it?"

"Open it and take a look." Wei Cheng signaled him to open it, "This is designed by my husband, and I even made it by myself." He doesn't know the craftsmanship, it's all made by craftsmen.

As soon as Zhou Yuan heard that his husband made it, he was already very happy. He took the box and opened it, "This, is this a pearl? A pink pearl?"

There is a pink pearl bracelet in the box, with gold as the base, and the top of the gold bracelet is embedded with tight pink pearls, each pearl is round and shiny.

Wei Cheng took it and helped him put it on. Zhou Yuan put it on his hand. Wearing the pearl bracelet on his fair and delicate hands would not only not look feminine, but also had a bit of nobility and tranquility.

"Husband, this is so beautiful!"

Wei Cheng asked in a low voice, "Do you like it?"

"Well, I like it!" More than just like it, this pearl bracelet was made by my husband himself, Zhou Yuan likes it even more.

Wei Cheng looked at the happy smile of the person in front of him, he was happier than when he just got the official business token, Wei Cheng felt soft in his heart and was also very happy.

Compared with anything else, his daughter-in-law really liked the things he gave her the most.

Although, with his current money, he can give more precious jewelry to his wife, for some reason, he still likes to give him some special things.

For example, he personally participated in the production of pearl bracelets.

Material things, he felt, were not as precious as his thoughts.

Zhou Yuan smiled: "I will always wear it."

This was made by his husband himself, and the hairpin that his husband gave him for the first time is the most precious!

Steward Quan went to the imperial city ten days later. In addition to the congratulatory gift from Wei Cheng, he also snatched some new pearl jewelry from him.

He felt that this jewelry was very suitable for the wives of the main family.

Jewelry made of pearls, each one is very special, it looks very luxurious, and it should be even more luxurious when worn.

There is also the pearl cream, which has a faint fragrance, and it looks smoother when applied. These good things, as the young master's housekeeper, will definitely be brought to the imperial city.

Of course, those nuts are very delicious. Compared with candy, he likes nuts very much. Well, the young master must have a unique portion of nuts to entertain guests at the wedding banquet.

Steward Quan and the merchant ship returned to the imperial city with a lot of merchant goods.

The north-south line of the wharf is officially opened. They are all wholesale, not sold separately. Each product is divided into grades. The middle and lower grade products can be wholesaled according to the wholesale volume. High-grade products must be merchants who cooperate with the north-south line. able to have authority.

This is not only to attract business, but also to find more sources of goods for the North and South.

In addition to wholesale, Nanbeihang will also purchase commercial goods from individual merchants on the wharf. As long as it is suitable, it will purchase and then become Nanbeihang’s commercial goods.

Those retail merchants are not afraid that the goods in their hands will not be sold, and they will be purchased by Nanbeihang. They can even take the source of goods from Nanbeihang and sell them elsewhere.

After coming and going, those scattered merchants bought goods from other places and sold them to Nanbeihang, and Nanbeihang even gathered the resources of these scattered merchants.

Regardless of the lack of goods from the scattered merchants, when they gathered together later, these scattered merchants became one of the largest sources of goods in the North-South line. When other merchants saw business opportunities, they missed them early.

At the same time, there are new products on the shelves of Bailou.

Earrings, bracelets, hairpins, and pearl necklaces made of various nuts, delicacies, and pearls range from a few hundred to several thousand taels. The price of a small bottle of pearl ointment starts at 50 taels. Once it was put on the shelves, the news spread, and it was sold out within two days.

Wei Cheng knows how to do business, so it must be sold in limited quantities.

People who can't buy it, and those who have business contacts, come directly to ask for pearl jewelry.

And over there in the imperial city.

After reading Wei Cheng's personal letter, Yin Chengfeng immediately arranged for people to buy the sea area of ​​the fishing village and establish a pearl purchasing site in the fishing village.

What Wei Cheng originally purchased still belonged to Wei Cheng.

Yin Chengfeng asked his servants to give the pearl jewelry and pearl ointment to the elders in each room, but Qi Yihan gave a pink pearl bracelet.

All the wives of the Yin family wore pearl jewelry on Yin Chengfeng's wedding day, and each woman's complexion looked smoother and more radiant.

The most conspicuous thing is that Qi Yihan is wearing a pink bracelet, which is a rare good thing.

In fact, among that batch of pearls, there were more than a dozen lavender pearls the size of a thumb. Wei Cheng asked Steward Quan to take them to the imperial city for Yin Chengfeng to deal with. Yin Chengfeng was amazed and threw them directly to his elder brother. Can't handle it.

In the end, more than a dozen pearls were enshrined in the palace by Young Master Yin, and he received many rewards.

For the Yin family's handwriting, those powerful families are guessing whether the pearls were exchanged from overseas. After all, the Yin family made a batch of white and fine sugar, and whether they would use the sugar to trade with overseas merchants.

A guess is a guess, and I will inquire in private.

Fortunately, the Yin family had a tight mouth and deliberately guided them behind their backs. No matter how much they inquired, they couldn't find Wei Cheng's leader.

The author has something to say:

I tried to revise the chapters, but none of them should be less than 9,000 words. I will fill in the 4,000-word repetitions that will be repeated later. If you see repetitions, please ignore them. I will cover the repetitions tomorrow, and you will read them later. 【terribly sorry】

Thanks on 2022-06-2

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