MTL - Traveling Through Ancient Times To Be a Shopkeeper-Chapter 7 busy

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What the **** is going on in the room?

Zhou Yuan's three sisters-in-law looked into the room from time to time, wanting to know what was going on in the room, and also afraid that Zhou's mother would take all the good things on the table back to the room without giving them to them.

"We should have a share of everything on the table, right?" Zhou Yuan's second sister-in-law, Zhou Yang, was excited when she thought of the pastries, candies and dried fruits on the table.

"Should be, mother-in-law's temperament, she will give us some." This is Zhou Yuan's third sister-in-law Zhou Wang.

The three sister-in-laws of Zhou Yuan, the elder sister-in-law Zhou Li loves small profits and small favors, and is quick at work; Grasp the measure; the third sister-in-law is virtuous on the surface and doesn't talk much, but she thinks the most.

Aunt Zhou Yuan was scratching her head, wishing that all the things on the table belonged to her, when she suddenly thought of something, "Tell me, where did the things on the table come from?"

Zhou Yuan's sister-in-law's words instantly aroused their curiosity, gossip and gossip, they all guessed, is someone coming to the house to propose marriage?

Before he could say a few words, Zhou Yong came out of the house and called people in. Once he was able to go in, Zhou Yuan's three sister-in-laws stopped chatting and hurried into the house, fearing that if he missed a step, he would take less.

When I went in, I was very happy when I heard that I was going to cook meat today.

I haven't eaten meat for more than a month, so I can't be happy.

Zhou's mother gave them some candies and dried fruits for each room, and divided the two boxes of pastries equally, and took the two boxes to the big house as a tribute. She left two boxes of pastries and a bag of candy to her brother.

"The things on the table are brought back by Yuan Yuan, and should be kept by Yuan Yuan."

Zhou Yuan's three sisters-in-law could only murmur dissatisfiedly in their hearts, they are all a family, shouldn't Zhou Yuan get back equally, why should he divide more. However, they didn't dare to speak out. If they had any objections, Zhou's mother would definitely take back their share.

They are all daughter-in-laws, so they don't know these tricks yet.

Two catties of meat are cooked, adults and children are happy.

The Zhou family eats at two tables, one for the men and one for the women, and prepares pickled vegetables and stewed meat. A large plate is divided into two plates, one for each table, and the portions are almost the same.

Zhou's family style, there is no distinction between men and women, everything is eaten together by the family, and when the farm work is busy, the men who are the labor force of the family work hard, and they will share more.

"Yuanyuan, you need to eat more of the stewed meat today, and make up for it. I've lost weight recently." Zhou's mother put a piece of meat for the youngest son into his bowl.

"Mother, I'll do it myself." Zhou Yuan said softly.

"Come on, you're all focused on eating vegetables, but you didn't pick up the stew."

Zhou's mother added a few dollars to the youngest son. Her actions made Zhou Yuan's three sister-in-laws murmur in their hearts. They were very dissatisfied and did not dare to say anything.

Zhou Yuan's clear eyes moved slightly, and he quietly glanced at his sisters-in-law, looking at Zhou's mother helplessly.

His mother protected him from the bottom of her heart, and he felt warm in his heart, but he didn't want to have differences at home because of his affairs.

He will be nineteen in a few months. At his age, he has not yet married. There are many people in his family, and he is also nervous about eating. It is common for his sister-in-law to feel dissatisfied.

At least the sister-in-laws at home didn't talk about him face to face.

Zhou's mother understands her brother's thoughts, she is soft-tempered and doesn't want to care about it. But her elder brother did a lot of needlework to supplement the family income, and also went to the fields to help the family with work. Apart from housework, her three daughter-in-laws dared to be dissatisfied with her elder brother when they returned home with a penny of subsidy.

Zhou's mother decided today that she should give her a good beating.

"You little ones are not happy to eat meat. The meat and today's pastries and snacks were all brought back by your uncle. Remember to thank you uncle!"

"Understood, grandma, thank you, uncle!" Several children said in unison.

The eldest son of the Zhou family gave birth to a boy, the second son gave birth to a boy and a brother, and the third son gave birth to a daughter not long after they were married. They have grandchildren and grandchildren, and the whole family is complete.

There is meat to eat today, and the two sister-in-laws of the Zhou family still want to favor their son with more meat for him. Zhou's mother is not partial.

Zhou's mother knew that they had a lot of thoughts, so she divided the meat and vegetables before eating, and the grandchildren and grandchildren were almost the same.

Like the Zhou family, it is a rare family that does not treat girls and brothers badly. Even if there are some families that do not treat girls and brothers badly, they will definitely favor boys.

Daughters and brothers are not valued by their mothers. Their mothers secretly leave all the delicious food to their sons. Fortunately, they are protected by their grandma and grandpa, and they can grow up happily.

Mother Zhou's words were meant to speak to the children on the surface, and Zhou Yuan's three sisters-in-law knew in their hearts that it was Mother Zhou beating them, so they immediately restrained their thoughts a lot.

They are not ill-intentioned people either. Zhou has a large family and is nervous about eating, and seeing his unmarried elder brother who is almost past the age of marriage at home, they will also give him a share of food and drink. If he gets married, he will be less The family will also be better, and with the gift money received, the food at home may be improved.

In the evening, after returning to their rooms, Zhou Yuan's three sister-in-laws all inquired about what happened today, and Zhou Yuan's three elder brothers still did not hide it under the attack of their daughter-in-laws.

Besides, their mothers didn't say that they couldn't tell their daughter-in-law.

This led to rumors behind.

Zhou Qiu brought back a box of pastries, and her parents were equally surprised. Zhou Qiu didn't hide it from her mother. Her mother and Zhou's mother were like sisters, and they were fair and strict in their actions. As for Zhou Qiu's father, he liked to drink a few sips of wine. The middle-aged country man has a relatively quiet temper and always ignores women's gossip.

Zhou Qiu's family has a simple population, with her parents and an older brother who works part-time in the county. He will not be at home this time, so she and her parents are the only ones at home.

Zhou Qiu told his parents what happened in the county and the source of the box of pastries.

Zhou Qiu's mother pulled her daughter and asked, "Did the man in the county look at Brother Zhou?"

Zhou Qiu thought for a while, then shook his head, "I don't know either." She was somewhat sure that Wei Cheng was definitely interested in Yuan Yuan, but she couldn't be sure if no one came to propose marriage, "Mother, you can't tell about this matter. , this is not good for Yuan Yuan."

Zhou Qiu's mother: "I don't know how important it is that you are your mother. This matter has not been implemented for a day, so how can I talk about it?"

"Brother Yuan's marriage has been full of twists and turns, this year is eighteen, let alone life will be more difficult in the future."

Gossip hurts people the most. She grew up with her own children. She also watched Zhou Yuan grow up. When she was a child, she was white, tender and well-behaved, and she was sweet when she grew up. She thought that she would be a sweet brother when she grew up. It's also a breeze.

When he grew up, he was tall and slender, without his brother, he was petite and cute, and he still worked in the fields, and he didn't dress up, and he dressed more like a man. Everyone in the village is talking behind their backs that Brother Zhou will not look good when he grows up, and it will be difficult to find a husband's family when he gets married in the future.

I don't know who spread the word, saying that Brother Zhou doesn't look like a brother, he looks like half a man. As time goes by, everyone's mouth is full of money, which leads to the matchmaking several times, and they all refuse for this reason. It also attracted men with unhealthy styles, who took the opportunity to make bad excuses and marry them by force.

Fortunately, no matter Zhou's father, Zhou's mother, or the three sons of Zhou's family, they sincerely protect and love Zhou Yuan. They are just brothers, how can they let others bully them. The three elder brothers, who are always hardworking and energetic, came to the door directly with a **** to vent their anger on their younger brother, and those families with bad intentions backed down.

In fact, Brother Zhou has handsome features, is kind-hearted, hard-working, and is good at doing farm work, not to mention embroidery and needlework. Zhou Qiu's mother wanted Brother Zhou to be her daughter-in-law, but her son has a heart It's because she doesn't want to marry the girl.

"Yuan Yuan is so good, he will definitely find a good man to marry."

In Zhou Qiu's heart, Yuan Yuan is a kind-hearted person with a gentle personality. He knows how to sew and cook. Those guys really have no vision.

Zhou Qiu's mother thought that her daughter is not young anymore, and marriage should also be considered, "Qiu'er, you are sixteen, should you talk about your partner, do you have a guy you like, and don't have a mother to pay attention to you."

Zhou Qiu rolled her eyes in her heart. She wants to get married, and she still wants to say it next year, "Mother, you are not bothering about the elder brother's marriage. My marriage will not be too late next year. You are afraid that your daughter will not be able to get married." She also has a man Whether the pursuit is good or not, she still wants to investigate and investigate, and she doesn't want to marry casually.

Zhou Qiuniang glared at her daughter, who was stubborn, and said that next year she would definitely find various excuses to entrust her to next year, and she was not worried about her daughter's marriage. She had inquired secretly, but was shunned by her.

The son's matter is troublesome.

Zhou Qiuniang sighed, and sighed again at the thought of her eldest son's marriage.

"Your elder brother is admitting death and not turning around. The other party's family doesn't even look down on your elder brother's poverty. The lion asked for twelve taels of dowry before agreeing to the marriage. Otherwise, why did your elder brother work so hard to go to the county town to do odd jobs before dawn? Come back late at night."

One or two are not reassuring.

Zhou Qiu was silent.

The girl her elder brother likes is also from the same village, from Shangtou Village, and her surname is not Zhou. Her elder brother and his future sister-in-law grew up together as childhood sweethearts.

The eldest brother has a generous personality, grows up well, and is capable. There are many girls in the eight villages in the village who like his elder brother's character, but the eldest brother is planted on a tree and will not move his nest. She is also with this future sister-in-law. The elder brother is also considered a friend, and they used to have a good relationship. Later, because of her elder brother's marriage, her family was disliked for being poor, so she alienated her future sister-in-law.

She doesn't like this future sister-in-law's family, but she has no problem with the future sister-in-law. The future sister-in-law is also a gentle girl, and this is her family's request for ten taels, and she can't help herself.

The eldest brother is working hard outside to get enough money to marry her, hoping that she will not disappoint the eldest brother.

Zhou Muzi went home. His family was on the edge of the village, leaning against a dilapidated mud house at the foot of the mountain. Zhou Muzi’s family was very poor and had no land. The source of income was to grow vegetables on the side of the house, or go to the mountains to find some Wild vegetables and fruits, lucky enough to meet pheasants and ducks, take the wild fruits and vegetables down the mountain and sell them for money to live on.

There are his father, mother and father in the family, and a six-year-old younger brother. The younger brother was not raised well at birth. He has always been thin and malnourished.

Although Zhou Muzi is also thin and small, he often works and climbs with his family, and his body is stronger. He is a brother, but fortunately, he has a childhood sweetheart who treats him well, and his sweetheart can help with the family situation, so life is not so bad Hardship, he is already engaged and will get married next month.

Zhou Muzi took back a box of pastries, making his honest parents dare not take such a valuable thing, and asked him to return it.

He said good or bad, his younger brother was thin and malnourished, and he had never eaten pastry, so he looked at the pastry with a timid look, so Zhou Muzi's parents left the pastry.

There are six cakes in a box, and the family eats them separately. After eating the sweet cakes, their faces are yellow and dry, and they all smile happily.

Zhou Muzi was eating sweet pastries, and he was very happy that his friend Zhou Geer's affairs had been settled.

Brother Zhou never disliked him for being poor, and even made friends with him, and later introduced Zhou Qiu to be his friend, that's great!

Although he didn't know the person Wei Cheng believed in at first, after all, he was single all his life, and it was his first time trying to like someone.

Seeing Zhou Yuan being bullied and being pointed at and scolded, he felt a fire in his heart. He felt distressed and wanted to teach those who bullied Zhou Yuan a lesson.

It doesn't matter if the other party is a girl or anyone else!

It turned out that he cared about a person, and when he saw his figure, he suddenly wanted to get closer.

Couldn't help being nice to him, he didn't hesitate to buy him a bunch of snacks.

It takes a moment to know.

Thinking back now, he fell in love with a man after knowing it, even if the other party is a brother, he is also a man in his concept.

I also realized that liking someone is a joy from the heart.

According to today's abrupt behavior, it seems that parents are going to come to propose marriage.

In this ancient etiquette, reputation is very important.

Although he heard a little bit, he also knew that the last blind date caused Zhou Yuan some troubles. Today, when he delivered something to Zhou Yuan in the street, he still treated it in front of his fellow villagers, so as not to spread it back to Qinghe Village and make people misunderstand that Zhou Yuan was a casual person. The brother who takes the man's things.

I also considered that Brother Zhou can go on a blind date with him, and he can also go on a blind date with others, if someone else gets ahead...

That's not okay, we'd better come to the door to propose a marriage and make a decision.


Seeing that there is nothing in the house, a few broken tables, old wooden beds, the house is ventilated, and a large piece of the yard wall is broken... I don’t have much money in my hands, I haven’t paid for the cart, and I have business materials I also want to buy, and today I was impulsive and spent a few hundred cash, and after calculating it, there is not much left in ten taels of silver, so how can I have money to get married.


However, he can propose a marriage first, earn money and then marry the person away.

Thinking about it this way, making money is imminent.

Wei Cheng then started to get busy, preparing all the things that needed to be prepared, not only to buy, but also to prepare the seasoning, this is the key.

You also need to buy a ceramic jar for seasoning, and you also need to buy a few small ceramic jars for business.

I have to customize the stove, tools, and miscellaneous things, which cost more than three taels. In addition to the expenses of the past few days, the remaining money is not enough.

It took a few days to get everything ready.

Customized carts, a few days have passed, the carpenter should finish the cart, bring the silver, and Wei Cheng will go out to the carpenter's house.

If you have a trolley, you can start working and make money.

The carpenter was waiting for him at home, and when he saw Wei Cheng coming, he was very enthusiastic.

Wei Cheng was very puzzled, and he didn't know the reason for his enthusiasm until the carpenter said he wanted to buy the blueprint of his cart.

"Your style of trolley, I made it and tried it. It is more convenient than the previous trolleys. It saves effort when people push it. It can be pushed on flat roads, and it can be pushed on muddy roads. Especially this wheel can be used in all directions. Turn. You must sell the blueprint to me." The carpenter said very excitedly, holding the blueprint in his hand, he wished that the blueprint belonged to him.

The blueprint drawn by Wei Cheng is for pushing and pulling goods. He also improved it. The cart originally had two rear wheels. It is convenient to use on uneven roads, the front wheels are easy to pad, and it is also convenient to push on flat roads.

Wei Cheng was short of money, he didn't need the blueprints for the cart, so he might as well sell it to a carpenter.

"The blueprints can be sold to Uncle Zhao, Uncle Zhao, you can pay the fee for the blueprints." Wei Cheng didn't care how much the paper could sell, and he didn't know the market, so he asked Uncle Chen, the carpenter, to make an offer. Also intersect with multiple individuals.

The carpenter's surname is Zhao, and everyone who knows him calls him Carpenter Zhao.

Carpenter Zhao was taken aback by Wei Cheng's truthful words, so if he asked him to ask for a price, he made it clear that he would take advantage of it, and he was not afraid that he would say the price was low.

Of course, he, Carpenter Zhao, is also a real person. He never cut corners in his workmanship, and he never yelled at random prices. Since all the tall and young men in front of him are so honest, and they deliberately sell him some favors, it is even more impossible for him, Carpenter Zhao, to lower the price too low.

Carpenter Zhao patted Wei Cheng on the shoulder, laughed and said, "You are a nice young man. Uncle Zhao has made this friend, and you still don't know your name?"

"Boy Wei Cheng, hello Uncle Zhao!" Wei Cheng shouted.

"Wei Cheng, that's right. Uncle Zhao will give you a sincere price for this blueprint, ten taels of silver."


Carpenter Zhao laughed again, "You're a straightforward boy, and I'm not afraid that you, Uncle Zhao, will lower the price."

"Since everyone said to ask Uncle Zhao to set the price, Wei Cheng can trust it." Wei Cheng said calmly.

In fact, Wei Cheng had already thought about it in his mind. The cart is a new model, and the number of people who can buy it is limited. A cart counts materials, labor and handwork. Even if one earns one or two and a half taels, it will sell for more than a dozen. You can earn back your capital only if you are on the stage, and you may not be able to sell it.

Ten taels of silver is also a conservative price.

"Okay, Uncle Zhao, I will accept your favor, and I won't charge you for pushing the cart this time."

"Thank you Uncle Zhao!"

With a heavy tael of silver in his arms, Wei Cheng pushed the cart back home.

The stroller doesn't cost a single penny, and it's an extra tael.

You don't need to be tied up, you can add a few more pots and pans to your home, and you can also replace broken tables and chairs.

There is no need to add new tables and chairs, go to a second-hand store to buy a set, and then replace it with a new one when he earns enough money. Now, in addition to keeping the business capital, he has to repair the leaky places in the house. If the air leaks are not repaired, it will rain someday No dripping.

The outer wall of the yard also needs to be repaired, and he started to do business. If other people peek through the broken wall, he will be unable to guard against it.

In life, when Wei Cheng had no money, he would always plan carefully.

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