MTL - Traveling Through Ancient Times To Be a Shopkeeper-Chapter 63

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An autumn rain, pattering down, the damp cold wind makes people shiver.

Both Wei Cheng and his wife stayed at home.

In this kind of weather, slanting wind and rain, the whole body is wet and cold when going out.

Nanshan County is extremely cold in autumn and winter, and there is a lot of rain in autumn. In winter, the rain is mixed with ice and snow. The chill is from head to toe without any warmth.

The business of the stalls has declined in the past few days. The stalls are all open. No one wants to eat in the cold wind.

The business of Xianmanju is very stable, but the salesman in the county town sells a lot more goods. Even if they have to sell in the cold wind and rain, the coir raincoats are easy to get wet, and the goods carried by the salesman are also easy to get wet.

Wei Cheng was thinking.

Zhou Yuan walked along the eaves from the kitchen back to the living room in the backyard, followed by Xiao Liu, who was holding a stew pot in his hand. The fish maw red date soup in the stew pot was one of the tonics that Wei Cheng specially ordered the kitchen to stew for his wife every day.

Zhou Yuan was watching people doing things, and his husband didn't allow him to bother looking at the account books, so he walked along the porch of the house, and after walking back to the backyard, Xiao Liu followed behind him with a stew pot.

Looking at his daughter-in-law entering the house against the light, Wei Cheng got up, took off the cloak for him, held the man's hand, and found that it was quite cold, Wei Cheng said: "It's raining outside, your body is just right, you are fine , if I didn't pay attention, you ran out to blow the cold wind."

Zhou Yuan felt guilty and obediently let the number drop.

Wei Cheng pulled people to sit down, and asked them to drink the tonic to warm up their bodies. After Zhou Yuan finished drinking, he said: "I'll go out and walk for a while, so as not to cause laziness from sitting for a long time."

Wei Cheng touched his daughter-in-law's hand, and found that his daughter-in-law's hand was still cold, and frowned: "You can walk around the house, look at your hands, it's still cold, is it too cold?" He covered his daughter-in-law's hand.

"You're thinking about something. I'm not afraid of disturbing you by walking around." Zhou Yuan said, "I'm not cold. I have cold hands. Every year in cold weather, I get a little cold. It's not because of the cold."

His physique is like this, he is used to it.

Wei Cheng said: "Let the doctor show you some other day, and see how to rectify it."

Zhou Yuan had a bitter face. He had just finished drinking the medicine for a few days, so he had to take the medicine again.

Zhou Yuan wanted to bargain, but seeing his husband's concerned expression, he didn't say anything, just drink it.

If you don't go out, you will nest next to it.

Zhou Yuanwo was reading the storybook beside Wei Cheng. The storybook was full of anecdotes, literati customs, and some were all kinds of intrigues in the back houses of the rich. The storybook was found by his husband for him to read. He wondered why Let him watch these, and his husband said that he would see more, and he would know how to deal with all kinds of white lotus tricks.

At first he didn’t know what a white lotus was. Although the story was about concubines being favored, any means to compete for favor, he saw it as three wives and four concubines competing for favor. His husband told him that the means of these three wives and four concubines was white lotus He seems to understand the means.

He looked at it for a while, and then leaned over to see the people around him writing with a pen, scribbling in a mess, and asked in doubt, "My husband, what are you writing? Why can't I understand it?"

Wei Cheng stopped writing: "The business at the stalls has declined, and it's cold in autumn and winter. You can't sell cold salads and food. The food at the stalls needs to be changed, and the layout of the stalls needs to be changed. I wrote it quickly, and it's normal if you can't understand it if it's scribbled."

Zhou Yuan: "Should we also remove the cold dishes from Xianmanju?"

Wei Cheng: "Yes, cold salad is not suitable for sale in autumn and winter."

Zhou Yuan thought for a while and said, "In this case, will the supply of cold vegetables to Chen Guanshi in the inner city be stopped, and will Chen Guanshi have any objections? The purchase of vegetables in the village will also stop, and the helpers Aunt Yang and the others will lose their jobs. , then should all these be dealt with?"

"I will tell Guanshi Chen in advance that there are other new foods for him to choose. If he continues to sell cold vegetables, I can supply them to him. It depends on his choice." Wei Cheng said, "Vegetables in the village still need to be purchased. There will be less purchases, so Aunt Yang and the others don’t have to worry, there are plenty of jobs in the workshop for them to do, and they won’t shut down people.”

He wants to recruit workers, and Aunt Yang is a skilled worker, so how could she stop their work.

I was relieved to know that my husband had arranged things properly, and then asked curiously: "What new food are we going to do?"

Wei Cheng: "Hot pot and hot pot for cooking."

"Hot pot?" Never heard of it, anyway, he has never heard of his husband's new food.

Wei Cheng said with a smile: "After two days, prepare the tools and ingredients, try them at home, and you will know."

It's not raining anymore, and the sky is still heavy.

Yun Chengfeng, who had been hanging out for a few days, came to the door in a carriage. He came to Wei Cheng's house. Wei Cheng's house was preparing hot pot food. He happened to meet him when he was eating hot pot today.

When Wei Cheng saw Yun Chengfeng, he finally remembered that he hurried back that day, they hadn't finished talking, and the man came to the door with great momentum, it seemed that he came to settle accounts with him.

"Young master Yun's house is really radiant. Come, Xiaoliu, serve young master Yun some tea." It was the first time that Wei Cheng, who was guilty of conscience, greeted someone so enthusiastically.

Yun Chengfeng watched Wei Cheng and his husband drinking tea leisurely, and compared with him who was busy every day, his heart became unbalanced, "You are really promising, just drink tea with your husband at home every day, and you don't make any money. gone?"

Wei Cheng said coolly: "You can't make enough money, you have to rest when you should rest."

"You stay at home for six days, isn't that enough?" Yun Chengfeng said, "Be careful that your husband thinks you're lazy."

Wei Cheng glanced over: "Are you here to argue with me?" How could his husband despise him, his husband likes him the most.

"I'm here to ask you for the goods." Yun Chengfeng said, "Give me as much glass craft goods, candle handmade soap fish gel goods as you have."

If his brother hadn't written to ask for something, he was too busy to remember to come to find someone.

He really didn't expect those isinglass, glass craft candles and handmade soaps to be sold here, and the imperial city became popular. The elders in the family were so annoyed that the women of the aristocratic families came to help buy, the elders in the family asked his brother Well, his brother ordered him to send back a batch of merchants and goods, and the tone was so distasteful to those aristocratic women.

If the goods are not delivered to the imperial city, his brother will come in person.

His brother came in person, it was so terrifying, once he came, he had to face his brother's Hades face.

"You want all of it?" Wei Cheng asked, "Are you going to open a shop to sell it?"

Yun Chengfeng: "Whatever shop you open, they are all transported to the imperial city. Last time during the Mid-Autumn Festival, everything sent there became a rarity in the imperial city. My brother gave me an order to deliver a batch to him, otherwise he would have to come to Nanshan in person. County. My glass workshop hasn't started yet, otherwise I wouldn't ask you for all the goods."

You think that if you move out of your brother, you will give up all the goods, give them all, and sell them with what.

Wei Cheng thought about how much inventory he had, and how much goods he could distribute, "I'll give you half of the goods, and half of the goods are a lot, and the price is based on the shipping price. As for how much you sell in the imperial city, I have nothing to do with it."

"Deal!" As long as the goods are transported back to the imperial city.

So straightforward! Wei Cheng raised his eyebrows: "I think you have premeditated."

"I really didn't premeditate." Yun Chengfeng took a sip of tea, thought of something, and said with a smile: "By the way, Xianmanju egg yolk cakes and osmanthus cakes are also needed, one hundred boxes of each. My family likes to eat them, so I will deliver them along the way go back."

Wei Cheng squinted: "It's for your fiancée, I know you want to pamper her!" With such a happy smile, it seems that the emotional matter has been resolved.

Yun Chengfeng admitted: "Giving Yiyi to my family is the most important thing. Others, by the way, allow you to spoil your husband, so why don't you allow me to spoil your husband?"

Wei Cheng looked at his daughter-in-law and nodded seriously: "That's true." He really had nothing to refute, they are all those who dote on their daughter-in-law.

Zhou Yuan's face turned red.

When you talk about things, you should talk about things seriously. If you talk about something else, Zhou Yuan still finds an excuse to slip away.

Zhou Yuan left, and the two of them were talking about the things they hadn't finished talking about last time, and the conversation was about the same, Wei Cheng said: "The white sugar is in stock, you leave me a few thousand catties."

Yun Chengfeng asked: "What do you want so much white sugar for? Do you want to eat it yourself?"

Wei Cheng despises, "Who eats so much sugar," and doesn't have diabetes, "I use it to make handmade food."

The despised Yun Chengfeng: "..." Just say it directly, and let him guess.

When it was time for dinner, Yun Chengfeng naturally stayed to eat.

Seeing the table full of raw food, Yun Chengfeng stared: "You let me eat raw food—"

This is so dissatisfied with him.

Zhou Yuan looked at his husband in surprise: "You said the new food is raw food?"

How to eat this thing? Will someone buy it and eat it?

There are two pots of soup on the table, one is spicy and the other is not, what is it?

Not only Zhou Yuan and Yun Chengfeng were staring, but Wei Lei, Wei Hu, and Wei Cheng's servants saw that they were eating raw food, and their first reaction was to be dumbfounded.

Wei Yuan's family is also there. If you say that the stall introduces new food, try it today, you will be equally dumbfounded.

Seeing Zhou Yuan's reaction, Yun Chengfeng said that Wei Cheng treated Fu Lang the same way, so it seemed that he was not dissatisfied with him.

"This is a hot pot. I saw that there is no boiling hot soup in the middle pot. It is ready to be boiled for you to eat."

Wei Cheng didn’t expect people to understand, so he demonstrated first, put the mutton slices into the hot pot with his chopsticks, and brushed. His wife doesn’t eat spicy food, so he put a clear soup pot, brushed it and dipped it in the sauce, and put it in the wife’s bowl Li, "This dipping sauce is not spicy, you eat it first and see if you like it."

Zhou Yuan put the mutton slices into his mouth, and he didn't even notice the mutton smell of the mutton slices in his mouth. The mutton slices dipped in sauce had a unique taste. Although it was his first time eating them, they were delicious.

Looking at the reaction of people eating, Wei Cheng knew that his daughter-in-law liked it, so he gave him some mutton slices, "Is it delicious?"

"Delicious." Zhou Yuan nodded, "This mutton slice is delicious when dipped in sauce."

This hot pot is really special, and the taste is even more special.

"I'll make some seafood meatballs for you." Wei Cheng poured several kinds of meatballs on the table into the hot pot before saying to the others: "Aren't you just looking at it and not eating it?"

Everyone just started to move their chopsticks. They saw how Wei Cheng brushed the food, and they followed suit. Every table has a spicy pot and a clear soup pot. If you like spicy food and non-spicy food, you can put them separately. Chopsticks are convenient for them to brush and eat.

Everyone likes to eat hot pot at the first bite.

There was still no food on the table, Yun Chengfeng ate the shellfish **** and asked: "Wei Cheng, what is this made of, it tastes like seafood, it's delicious!"

"This is a meatball made of seafood, this is a shrimp ball, this is a fish ball, this is a cuttlefish ball, that is a pork ball, that is fried bean curd, that is mushroom, that is fish fillet, and that is sea prawn and conch. Sea cucumbers can be eaten..." Wei Cheng came directly to popular science, explained everything about food, and taught them how to brush.

This hot pot meal, everyone likes to eat hot pot. There is a cold wind blowing outside, and eating hot pot in the house feels much warmer. If it is eaten in winter, it will definitely be warm.

Yun Chengfeng put down his chopsticks when he was full: "This hot pot is very suitable for Taifulou."

Wei Cheng glanced at him: "This is Xianmanju's new food, so why is it suitable for your family's food?"

"Why is it inappropriate." Yun Chengfeng retorted, "Your Xianmanju is located in the outer city, and my family's Taifu Building is in the inner city. It does not hinder your Xianmanju's business."

Every winter, the business of Taifulou will drop. With the hot pot, there is still no business. The important thing is that if he wants to eat, he doesn't have to go all the way to Xianmanju to eat in the cold wind, which kills two birds with one stone.

"I'll give you the recipe for the hot pot base. The sauce workshop makes the base. You can make any hot pot you want in Taifulou." He prepared the hot pot base sauce and hot vegetable base. For hot pot and hot dishes, hot dishes are sold at the stalls.

Hot pot hot dish is a renamed version of spicy hot dish.

Yun Chengfeng: "No, you want to sell such a delicious hot pot base. Doesn't that mean that everyone can eat hot pot, what business do you still do for Xianmanlou?"

"The hot pot base can be used to make hot pot. If you want to sell it yourself, you must cook the soup base yourself. The base material is definitely not as good as cooking it yourself." Wei Cheng gave Yun Chengfeng a look that he is not stupid .

"..." Yun Chengfeng said, "I want the Xianmanju hot pot recipe, not the hot pot base recipe."

Wei Cheng said coolly: "You study it by yourself. The base material is ground into powder. You can study the formula that has not been ground into powder."

Yun Chengfeng: "......." He is so busy and asked him to find someone to study, can he still cooperate happily.

Zhou Yuan looked at Yun Chengfeng's disheveled face, and said with a smile: "My husband is just joking, young master, you really take it seriously."

Wei Cheng: "Yuanyuan, why did you remind him, don't let him be depressed for two days, he will know that he will come to ask for the formula."

"..." Yun Chengfeng felt guilty, "The sauce workshop will give you 30% of the price, so you won't say I'm taking advantage of it for nothing."

Wei Cheng was satisfied.

Taking the formula is equivalent to contributing the formula, and not giving any benefits does not mean giving it for nothing.

Xianmanju is suitable for making hot pot. It costs a lot to eat hot pot. The lobby of Xianmanju provides cheap food. Many customers will come to Xianmanju alone to eat. The price of hot pot for one person must be high. Thinking that hot dishes are not suitable in Xianmanju, I bought a small shop next door to decorate and make hot dishes, which is convenient for ordinary customers.

Hot pot and hot pot hot dishes are launched on the same day.

Loyal customers have always been enthusiastic about Xianmanju's food, and it tastes delicious anyway.

There is a new food, what is this hot pot called, and this idea is upheld, and even discounted, you have to try it once.

Looking at the menu, I ordered one according to my preference, and I also ordered the recommendation of the waiter in the shop. I ordered one if I hadn’t eaten it. This one is not expensive after the discount.

As soon as the shop waiter served the food, the guests were dumbfounded. The portion is really small, and how to eat this raw food. Could it be that there was something wrong with Xianmanju's eating this time? !

It will be really delicious after eating according to the instructions of the shop assistant.

The aroma overflows from the tumbling in the hot pot, brush and eat, then dip in the sauce, it tastes warm and delicious.

"This hot pot is really delicious, if you eat it in winter, you will enjoy it."

"I want to come to eat every day, but this meal is still 40% off. If I come to eat every day, I can't afford it."

"What are these fish **** made of? I don't know where they are sold. I have to buy some and cook them at home."

"The taste is really delicious. The mutton slices are not fishy, ​​so I don't know how to make them."

"It seems that there is a stewed mutton pot. The price is not cheap. It has just passed through the stew window cabinet, and it smells old."

"I can't afford hot pot, I eat hot dishes. I passed by the next door. There is a big pot in the side cabinet at the door. There are hot dishes in it. It smells delicious. The price of meat and vegetables is not expensive. There are no seafood and mutton for hot dishes. There are fish balls, and I see someone ordering one, and they are all hot and delicious."

"They're all delicious and cheap. Why do you eat expensive hot pot instead of hot dishes?"

"The hot pot must be more delicious, it's not a question."

"Try it for dinner. If hot dishes are delicious, you can eat hot dishes every day without a hot pot."


next door.

The guests who eat hot dishes will sweat when they order spicy food, and they are not afraid of eating spicy food.

"Delicious, really enjoyable."

"I'll order another one. This hot dish is really delicious."

"I just smelled the aroma, and looked at the big pot of hot vegetables outside, and my mouth watered. I still dislike the expensive vegetarian dishes and want to eat them. I feel delicious and affordable."

"I want to come every day after eating this meal."

"You guys want to eat hot dishes, I see some people at the next table ordered the dry pot dishes, and they also ordered small wines, which taste better."

"What's that? It looks delicious."

"I asked. It's hot in a dry pot. It takes hundreds of words to cook."

"If the sauce in the dry pot is served with a bowl of rice, it would be delicious."

Talking about how many people ate together at the table, seeing how delicious the food was, they immediately wanted to eat, and they were just full again.

"I'm so envious!"


Not only these few people ate delicious food, but the people who passed by the door were attracted by the aroma of hot vegetables. Some people disliked the price of a bunch and didn’t want to buy it, but turned around and ran back to order a small one to eat.

The guests inside enjoyed the food, and the guests at the door came one after another, all attracted by the aroma, and they lined up if they wanted to eat.

There was a queue for hot dishes, and the guests of Xianmanju didn't get to touch the hot pot. The customers were stable.

Later, it was reported that there was a new food, and the aroma of the new food hot pot was endless, and it was delicious and warm to eat. Everyone who heard it wanted to try it, and after trying it, they ran back to continue eating. Xianmanju welcomed the opening of customers again, and there was a queue at the door.

Since the sale of mooncakes, Xianmanju has become famous in the inner city, and people from the inner city have come to Xianmanju to patronize, and the number of customers is even greater than before.

The hot pot in Tai Fu Lou was not on sale yet, and the people in the inner city went to Xian Man Ju to eat it.

Soon, the hot pot swept through Nanshan County.

Wei Cheng strikes while the iron is hot and sells hot pot bottom ingredients.

The hot pot bottom material was launched. If you think it is expensive, you can cook it at home. The taste will definitely be bad, which is better than nothing. If you want to eat hot pot, and your family almost cooks hot dishes, you have to buy a bottom material.

Those eager restaurant owners rushed to deliver them to the door, and found the grocery store to order base ingredients for hot pot and hot dishes, and also ordered hot pot meals such as meatballs and mutton slices.

Homemade hot pot and hot dishes are not as good as Xianmanju, but they also rely on hot pot bottom materials to attract many customers.

The owners of these restaurants all knew that they would always get meat if they followed Xianman.

The business of the stall has recovered, and the popularity of the business has risen. In order to protect the customers from the cold wind, Wei Cheng made a transparent wind-proof tent, which attracted more customers.

Even the peddlers selling in the grocery store have transparent weatherproof covers and loads of goods. This has become a strange scenery in Nanshan County. There are many curious people and many inquiries.

The shopkeepers in the grocery store are envious. If they want to buy it, the price is one or two, and they can only grit their teeth and buy it.

Chen Guanshi, who originally thought that selling hot pot ingredients were not as good as cold dishes, accepted selling hot pot ingredients. Others still thought about where to buy delicious meatballs, fried tofu and other ingredients, there are places to buy them.

Some ingredients are in the exclusive market, and Weicheng supplies them in limited quantities to Chen Guanshi.

The shopkeepers in the outer city sell ingredients, and if they order in bulk, they have to go to the grocery store to order, otherwise they will be out of stock.

If you can’t buy it, you often have something to do. It depends on who buys it quickly. Otherwise, if you want to eat, you can only go to the restaurant. The food in the restaurant is the most abundant, especially Xianmanju, so Xianmanju is not afraid of no customers.

Yun Chengfeng: "..." There is this tactic in doing monopoly business, you will not be afraid of being caught in a sack.

Wei Cheng is really not afraid, business people, come and go, there are profits to be made, if you hold it in your hands, the sovereignty is in your hands.

The people in Nanshan County are basically eating hot dishes in hot pots in every household, passing through late autumn and entering the cold winter.

The author has something to say:

My head is stuck, I have an outline, and the plot outside the outline is very brain-intensive

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2022-06-07 17:50:08~2022-06-0904:11:34~

Thanks to the little angels who threw mines: Lingling, Anzhi Tinglan 1;

Thanks to the little angel of irrigation nutrient solution: 339467704 bottles;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

Read The Duke's Passion