MTL - Traveling Through Ancient Times To Be a Shopkeeper-Chapter 54

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Boss Gu sent a consignment ship to transport a batch of mountain products purchased from the countryside to the grocery store, mushrooms, fungus, sour fruits, mountain fruits......

There are too many mountain products, too messy, after being transported, they are not as fresh as when they were just picked, and all the mountain products are transported to the cellar. Mountain goods should be dealt with as soon as possible. With this batch of mountain goods, permanent workers must be hired, and temporary workers cannot be hired like seafood.

Wei Cheng waved his hand, recruiting!

Yun Chengfeng looked at the running accounts of the sauce workshop for more than a month, and the whole manager reported the goods ordered by the merchants and the rich and powerful. Write a letter and ask for manpower!

In fact, there are quite a few members of the Yun family in the county, and they were transferred to make sugar for him.

There are not enough people.

"Master, how do you sell the first sugar made by the sugar workshop?"

Thinking of the soft white sugar, the steward Quan looked happy.

If this batch of white sugar is sold, it will definitely cause a sensation.

Yun Chengfeng pondered and said: "Find a suitable gift box, and send it to all the big families, including Fucheng."

This kind of publicity is still selling sauces before learning.

After all, it is not easy to sell directly to the market, and it will backfire all of a sudden. It is better to go deep into the interior first, and the price can be increased for sale, and we will wait for the big brother to officially sell it.

Steward Quan also agreed with his young master's arrangement.

His young master has been in the county for a few months, and he has grown a lot.

Yan Yi got an order from his young master to find Wei Cheng at Wei Ji's grocery store. The sauce workshop is going to expand and arrange to recruit people!

Wei Cheng: "......"

It has nothing to do with him, the contract clearly stipulates that he only pays dividends and is not responsible for the work of the sauce workshop.

Wei Cheng looked at the pile of work in his hands, manpower was a problem, and he had a headache.

Yan Yi suppressed a smile: "My young master said that if there is no one in hand, the supply of low-grade sauces will be temporarily suspended, and the volume of high-grade sauces ordered in the inner city is too large, so the young master must supply them to the inner city first. Master Wei wants sauces You have to hire someone."


The sales of sauces on his side are gradually increasing, and he has also negotiated to supply several restaurants, so how can they run out of stock.

Wei Cheng sent Yan Yi away.

Zhou Yuan, who was watching from the side, said: "Husband, didn't you keep a list of qualified people when recruiting workers last time? Wouldn't it be good to arrange the people on the list into the sauce workshop?"

Why does my husband frown? There are not enough manpower, so there is no ready-made.

Wei Cheng smiled at his daughter-in-law: "At first, I thought about letting the people on the roster come to our workshop. I don't need to recruit people myself. The young owner can't do this when he comes to ask for people. The people on the roster can only be transferred to the sauce workshop. We need our own people. Re-recruitment, re-recruitment will take a few days."

Posting announcements, waiting for people to apply for the job, screening...

Zhou Yuan knew that his workshop was looking for staff because Boss Gu sent the batch of mountain goods, and said: "It doesn't take a few days, just go to the village to recruit people, and it will be very easy to recruit people."

After being reminded by his daughter-in-law, Wei Cheng realized what he had overlooked.

In the past, recruiting was to post news and wait for people to come to see the job.

He forgot that the most important thing in the countryside is manpower. When recruiting in the countryside, go directly to the village head. The village head knows who is good and who is not. He is not afraid of recruiting lazy people.

Let Wei Lei take a trip to Wei Village, so as not to delay the start of work tomorrow, Wei Cheng said: "We still need to post a notice to recruit girls and brothers, and post the notice directly to several nearby villages."

"Recruiting women and brothers?!" Zhou Yuan's eyes widened, and then he asked pleasantly: "Husband, are you really recruiting women and brothers?"

"Are you so happy?" Wei Cheng smiled and said, "Recruit girls and brothers, Yuan Yuan will be handed over to you."

Zhou Yuan happily accepted the task.

The situation between the woman and the brother, as the brother can best understand the difficulty.

If they could all have a copy, would it be...

It was easy for Wei Lei to recruit workers. When he returned to the village, he went directly to the village head. When the village head heard that Wei Lei wanted to recruit people from the village, how could he disagree? I was so happy that I hurried to call someone. The lucky man who was called was very excited. They have a living, and they can make money if they have a living.

After Wei Lei left, the village chief waved happily: "Leizi, next time Chengzi needs any manpower, he must recruit the villagers first."

the other side.

The Weiji workshop recruits workers, men and women, at thirty cents a day.

As soon as the news came out, it caused a sensation both in the countryside and in the suburbs.

"Brothers and girls go to work in workshops, not with men, what does it look like!" The old stubborn thought.

"Recruiting men is no better than a brother's and a girl's. What can a brother and a girl do." The man who has no work and cannot find a job yells at the recruitment notice.

"It's a good thing that the brothers and sisters in the family can make money."

Recruiting brothers and girls requires skillful work and neat work. People who have brothers and girls are happy. Thirty cents a day is comparable to a man's day of hard work. Hurry home and let the brothers and daughters at home go to see the work.

"It can't be a lie." The dubious villager said.

Standing far away, the whole body is patched, the hair is like a dry branch, and the thin woman stands there for a long time, trembling with emaciation.

Poor areas outside the county seat.

A woman, holding a vegetable basket, hurried into the collapsed unoccupied house.

The woman was panting and said to the ragged woman: "Weiji Grocery Store in the suburbs recruits women and brothers into the workshop, 30 yuan a day, and recruits workers tomorrow afternoon. I came back specially to tell you that you must try it tomorrow. "


"Ma'am, is this... is it true..." The woman trembled with excitement, but seeing herself in tattered clothes again, her eyes were dim, "Ma'am... I am like this... .. who will recruit..."

The aunt smiled and said: "The aunt has old clothes at home, and I will borrow you to see the job tomorrow."

"Thank you aunt, thank you aunt—"

They are all poor people with children.

After the aunt notified the woman, she hurried home and told her daughter-in-law that she should go to work tomorrow.


Those who went to the countryside to inform them returned with thousands of duck eggs.

"It's strange that you recruited brothers and girls into the workshop, and you even brought back several baskets of duck eggs."

Yun Chengfeng, who had nothing to do, ran to the grocery store again, because he knew the news and came to join in the fun.

"What's so special about this duck egg? Fried duck eggs? Boiled duck eggs? Duck egg feast?"

Wei Cheng glanced at him: "You're really free."

Zhou Yuan asked Xiao Liu to bring tea in, and Xiao Liu went back after pouring the tea.

Sitting next to Wei Cheng, Zhou Yuan saw that his husband didn't want to answer Yun Chengfeng, with a smile in his eyes: "Duck eggs are made into salted eggs, and salted eggs are used to make moon cakes for sale." Although he didn't know what salted eggs were.

"Moon cakes..." Yun Chengfeng lacked interest. He eats moon cakes every year, but he is really not interested. "The moon cakes are still fresh and delicious." Serve with tea.

Afternoon tea, or get to know Xian Man Lou.

Xianmanlou pastry tastes better than the century-old pastry shop in the county. There are many people who order pastries from Xianmanlou every day, and the servant Qiaoxi is in charge.

Wei Cheng said: "You don't have to eat it." As long as people don't regret it.

"I just..." Yun Chengfeng narrowed his eyes. Wei Cheng's pastries are delicious, and the mooncakes shouldn't be much different. "Mooncakes are the occasional cakes for the Mid-Autumn Festival. How can I not eat them. I'll try them if I make them." Delicious, this year hundreds of boxes of Mid-Autumn festival gifts will be ordered from your Xianmanlou."

"You have to order hundreds of boxes, and I may not necessarily take your order." Wei Cheng said.

"Shouldn't you be happy?" Yun Chengfeng said dissatisfied, "I'm giving you money, and you're pushing the business outside."

"I don't have enough ingredients, where will I ship them to you?" Wei Cheng saw that his daughter-in-law's teacup was out of tea, and Zhou Yuan was about to pour it, so Wei Cheng poured it for his daughter-in-law first, and then refilled Yun Chengyun's tea. Zhou Yuan smiled sweetly.

Yun Chengfeng: "..."

This couple was really enough, every time he came to Wei Cheng, it would be fine if Wei Cheng was alone, and the two of them could still chat about things. If Wei Cheng and his husband were around, he would have to be left to dry out from time to time when he came to discuss things with Wei Cheng.

"After you finish talking, it's just a small moon cake, and there are still ingredients missing?"

After Wei Cheng poured himself some tea, he said, "Duck eggs."

Duck eggs? !

Yun Chengfeng was stunned for a few seconds, and said, "The duck eggs you bought are for making mooncakes!"


"There are more than 1,000 duck eggs collected, I expect 5,000, and the quantity is not enough. Several nearby villages have collected duck eggs. If you go to remote places to collect duck eggs, it will be troublesome to transport them on the road. There are more than 1,000 duck eggs, and hundreds of them are used as gifts. , and other publicity." Wei Cheng paused, and continued: "Mooncakes without salted eggs will taste almost bad, and they can also be sold in batches."

Salted eggs for mooncakes? Not as bad as salted egg? Yun Chengfeng is not optimistic.

"Then don't use duck eggs. I'll order two hundred boxes." He still has confidence in Xianmanlou pastries.

Wei Cheng glanced at him, "If you have eaten mooncakes made of salted eggs, you wouldn't say that." At least in the absence of ingredients, egg yolk mooncakes taste the best among all mooncakes.

Yun Chengfeng said: "It's not just a duck egg, I will send you an approval from Fucheng by water in two days."

Wei Cheng had a smile in his eyes.

Zhou Yuan felt that his husband's eyes looked like a fox. Wei Cheng winked at his wife.

"The duck egg problem is settled." Yun Chengfeng asked: "Your workshop recruits men and women to work? What kind of business do you want to recruit men and women?"

Wei Cheng just smiled and said nothing, Zhou Yuan beckoned Xiao Liu to come in, and told her to make the finished product that her husband made this morning, and he also brought over the handmade goods he saw just now to show Yun Chengfeng.

Yun Chengfeng looked suspiciously at this couple who didn't know what they were trying to do.

After a while, Xiao Liu carried a tray with a few things on it, followed by Wei Shi, also holding a few things.

The two came in and bowed their knees before putting the tray on the table.

When Yun Chengfeng saw the things on the table, his eyes widened. Zhou Yuan's master and servant thought that they saw the same expression.

"This, this is the glazed cup—!!"

Lantern style transparent lamp.

Other things were ignored by Yun Chengfeng.

"No." Glazed lamps are not made of glass or crystal. If he knew how to make glass, he would have given the craftsmanship to Yun Chengfeng. Glass has so many uses. "It's Plexiglas."


Wei Cheng signaled Yun Chengfeng to lift the lamp, and Yun Chengyun lifted it up, huh? so light!

Wei Cheng explained, "Resin glass can be used to make resin plastic products, just listen to the name. This is a temporary name I gave up, so I can't explain it. Anyway, things made of resin are transparent." Pointing to the cylindrical shape of the desktop and The square-shaped thing said, "This is a candle, this is handmade soap, and it is an improved saponin. They are all new products from my workshop."

"It takes patience and dexterity to make candles and soap." Wei Cheng said, "If you don't find a brother and a woman to work, how can you find a man with thick hands and thick feet?"

After Wei Cheng finished speaking, he looked at Yun Chengfeng who was still staring at the things on the table, he drove the person away, and Yun Chengfeng left without hesitation. Wei Cheng gave him things, and asked him to go back and light lamps and candles at night, and handmade soap to go back and try to wash his clothes, wash his hands and take a bath, and then come to him after trying.

These things cannot be explained, and the trial effect is the most direct explanation.

"Yuan Yuan, let's go home for dinner."

Zhou Yuan stood still: "Husband, are you going to drive away the young master's house like this, without leaving anyone for dinner?"

"He won't mind."

No matter who you keep, you will definitely not want to eat if you keep it.

Wei Cheng took his wife's hand and wanted to go home, Zhou Yuan immediately said: "Husband, I didn't take the soap and lamp." He turned and went back to the grocery store.

Wei Cheng held his hand tightly: "Xiao Liu and Wei Hu will take it home, let's go back first."

Yun Chengfeng returned to the mansion.

Returning to the east courtyard in a hurry, Steward Quan followed behind and looked at his young master in a hurry, thinking that something big had happened, and asked Yan Yi who was walking behind holding a box, Yan Yi didn't know what to say.

When Yun Chengfeng came back, he asked his servants to cover the doors and windows of the house with a black cloth, put the things on the table, and carefully took them out.

Steward Quan was very surprised when he saw the lamp. He had seen glass ornaments, and his young master had a few of them in his house, but he was just surprised by the shape of the lamp.

The windows were blocked with black cloth, and the room was dark, but the lamps and candles were lit, and the room was bright in an instant.

The three eyes widened.

Ordinary oil lamps and candles are lit with yellow flames, and the room needs to be so bright that every corner of the room is lit with oil lamps to light up, but there is only yellow light.

The lamp in front of me is transparent, the flame of the candle is bright, the candle has a faint fragrance, not the smell of candle wax, the room is no longer dim yellow light, but a bright flame that is several times brighter than yellow light.

"This, this thing is really strange! Is it a new gadget from overseas?" Steward Quan stared at it curiously.

Yun Chengfeng asked Yan Yi to call his servants to remove the black cloth from the house.

The servants removed the black cloth.

Yun Chengfeng said: "This is a new product made by Wei Cheng's family."

Steward Quan's eyeballs widened.

"This Wei Cheng's skills are really extraordinary." Yun Chengfeng pondered, his eyes sharp, "Where do you think he got his skills?"


Yan Yi and Steward Quan respectfully remained silent.

The atmosphere is rigorous.

After a long time, Yun Chengfeng restrained his sharp expression, and said lightly: "A person should have an adventure before he can be capable. Wei Cheng should be this kind of person. No wonder he was anxious to cooperate with Taifulou at the beginning. Without a strong backing, the ability cannot survive.”

"The young master is right."

The two responded respectfully.

"Wei Cheng doesn't say anything, our investigation is limited. We are partners, and now we are friends, so we won't be rivals." Yun Chengfeng figured it out, "I will talk to Wei Cheng tomorrow, and now your young master is hungry. .”

"Then order the servants to serve the food."

No matter how much Yun Chengfeng guessed, he would never guess that Weicheng was not the original Weicheng. He would think that Weicheng has strange things, which are recorded in the books of anecdotes and anecdotes in the Great Jing Kingdom, and mentioned in the wild stories in the countryside.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to figure out the changes in Weicheng.

This is what Yun Chengfeng can think of.

If Yun Chengfeng wanted to run to ask, Wei Cheng would say the same.

The Wei family house in the suburbs is brighter than usual.

There are new candles in the house.

The servants of the Wei family were amazed.

The master bedroom was brightly lit.

Zhou Yuan was wearing his underwear, sitting on the couch, staring intently at the lamp on the coffee table next to the couch, looking in surprise and without taking his eyes off it.

The bedroom is connected to the bathroom, and Wei Cheng came out covered in moisture. When he saw his daughter-in-law who was still staring at the lamp without moving her eyes, Wei Cheng walked up to him and sat down. On the neck of the daughter-in-law, smelling the good smell of the daughter-in-law, said softly: "I'm still watching, it's time to rest" moving the hand to light the fire.

Zhou Yuan stared at the lamp with bright eyes, and replied: "Husband, this thing is really beautiful and bright." He didn't notice Wei Cheng's movements.

Thinking of something, Zhou Yuan asked: "Husband, what are you laughing at today? You are smiling like a fox."

like a fox? ! Wei Cheng raised his eyebrows.

"It's not difficult to buy duck eggs. I deliberately said that I can't buy them. If the young owner wants to order mooncakes, he will definitely help buy duck eggs. With his help, he will save money, people and effort." Save trouble. "He asked me to help recruit people, and it was reasonable for him to provide duck eggs."


"Okay, it's time to go to bed!"

Zhou Yuan let out an exclamation as his strong arms wrapped around his waist to pick him up, and his slender arms automatically wrapped around Wei Cheng's neck.

Wei Cheng put him lightly on the bed, propped his arms on his side, and burst into a chuckle, that smile with a scorching breath, deep and sexy.

Zhou Yuan Dingqing took a look, met Shang Weicheng's scorching gaze, and his fair face became hot.

No one knows what's going to happen next.

The small expression is still struggling, "Ming, tomorrow will be busy..."

"Yuanyuan, we only recruit workers in the afternoon, and my husband guarantees that you will get up before lunch."

If he dares to call his husband a fox, he must train him well.

"No, um...."

Harmony is next!

The author has something to say:

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2022-05-3020:42:05~2022-05-3123:08:05~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the grenade: 1 Aqiu;

Thanks to the little angels who threw mines: 2 Aqiu;

Thanks to the little angels of the irrigation nutrient solution: 30 bottles of Aqiu; 5 bottles of Meirenyu; 2 bottles of Consistent;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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